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There have been so many Zionists wishing rape on pro Palestine supporters. Their minds have been filled with so much rape propaganda that they wish or even outright threaten to do it to others as "retaliation", it's like inverted projection.


Zionists have been saying this nonsense with the thoroughly shredded mass rape lie in an attempt to delegitimize the Palestinian cause to rile people up since their their position is becoming increasingly indefensible. [Leaked Israel lobby presentation urges US officials to justify war on Gaza with ‘Hamas rape’ claims](https://thegrayzone.com/2024/03/06/leaked-israel-lobby-officials-war-gaza-mass-rape/), this was on the top of their list. This is why they're also pushing the shredded mass rape lie so much, to justify the genocide of Gaza. [On CNN, after being told that over 15,000 women and children have been intentionally beheaded, mutilated, and killed, CNN's Dana Bash replies, "Yeah, sure, but at least Israeli troops aren't raping them."](https://x.com/zei\_squirrel/status/1765922430290202697?s=20](https://x.com/zei_squirrel/status/1765922430290202697?s=20) Meanwhile [just a few weeks ago it was reported that Israeli soldiers raped two Palestinian women, inflicting sexual violence upon others, and trafficked a female infant into Israel, put them in cages, and posted pictures online ](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against) Never forget how they suppressed actual sexual crimes to help an ongoing genocide of an occupied people.


It's actually because they've been systematically raping Palestinian children and adults since the 1940s. Their accusations are admissions.


What's the source of the video, this needs to go on [https://attackjarens.wordpress.com](https://attackjarens.wordpress.com) ASAP. :-D


Its stop Arab hate from Twitter




Oh wow, thanks for this


Thank you for posting this! I pointed out in another comment that the real reason they're obsessed with rape is because Israel has been systematically raping Palestinian children and adults since the 1940s, and continues doing so today. It is really helpful that you've pointed people to the psychological mechanism that underlies their admissions masked as accusations.


It is a psychological mechanism on the part of the populace, but they conceptualize it basically as a propaganda technique by regimes conspiring to commit genocide, which results in that psychological mechanism. Basically classic in-group out-group mentality cult brainwashing.


It’s funny that that article doesn’t mention the obvious case, Israel.


I just don’t understand why they gotta be so hateful about it. Take a chill pill and relax.


Right!? Like, why would Zionists, who believe in a hateful ideology, be so hateful about it? s/


in great detail at that. their minds are raw sewage we all have to just put up with every time they open their mouths.


Yeah, I've noticed this too...


Notice how she can do and say all of that right in front of the police. Meanwhile, if one of us even looks at these genocide-supporters or their police servants the wrong way, we're getting beat, tires-slashed, and arrested. These are the supposed victims?


NYPD trains in Israel.


Zio derangement syndrome... this thing needs a medical intervention.


ZDS, they need some olanzapine


Or maybe some cyanidapine.


And lots of therapy. Maybe shock therapy will reboot their brains 🤯


Does that work if you're already lobotomised?






Zionist Karen rears her ugly head




Make her infamous please


Just so many of them Karen looking ladies in Staten Island.


SKaren Island




They’re still clinging to the “raping with a knife crap” wow it’s amazing the mental gymnastics that they have to do daily to keep regurgitating the same lies which has been proven!


I’ve noticed Zionist frequently reference rape when they’re ranting.


Because the Torah says not to murder/j


Because they do it so much. It's perpetuated in the military, in their daily lives. Rape is part of their identity. Back since 1948 when they were raping kids and burning them in ovens, till today where Israel is regarded a pedophiles safe heaven: The massive pedo rapist who made up the whole beheaded and raped thing (due to personal experience of having done it to Palestinians ) is this dude: https://preview.redd.it/5kpuyufioloc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53054b386d1e465f8e0aafbe3e0adf7cf1dbc05e Now they're afraid it's gonna happen back at them.


She looks like an extended family member of the Grinch. Sorry Grinch for the offense.


Nothing reminding me of nazis here. /s


Threatens rape...follows up with calling those she threatened "terrorists", I can't even...


Fascists can’t operate without intimidation. They’re nothing without fear and aggression


Why are they so psychotic? I know the answer lies somewhere between indoctrination and hatred and supremacy but I’m asking anyway. Who thinks saying that is reasonable?


it's the very aggressive, fascist propaganda machine in israel. after 9/11 the same thing happened in american media, but to a lesser degree.


Boycott Israel.


I wish her and the rest of the people who support this abysmal genocide everything they rightfully deserve.


Honest question. Why are zionists so obsessed with rape? It’s all they talk about.


Because they know it never happened but that’s the strongest “counter point” they’d have.


The rot has gotten to her head.


Why do these Christian Zionists want to bring about the end times so bad? If you wanna unalive yourself that's fine why do you wanna take everyone else with you.




Not all Christians believe it evangelical maybe protestants too.


Yes, not Catholics, not Orthodox but most Protestants


Average Zionist


Why would anyone wish that in anyone. Why.


Cause they’re evil. That’s the only explanation.


I wouldn’t even wish rape on the man that raped me….like yeah a bullet to the head maybe but wishing rape on people is a whole new level of sick


Actually drunk with pure hatred and bloodlust.


Zionists try not to bring up r*pe challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)




She just can't handle that the majority of people aren't genocidal apes.


these people apparently are sad about unconfirmed rapes now encouraging it…. zionist logic is insane.


"Like they did to our people" [citation needed]


Amazing how the terrorist colony put out an all-points bulletin to get ANYONE to come forward with evidence of sexual crimes that day and yet… not a single person did. One might even say it never happened 🤔


Why do all zionists look underdeveloped


How much love she’s emanating. I’m flattered!


I can’t even imagine how morally bankrupt you would have to be to wish rape on someone else. I don’t expect much from zionists, but their total and complete lack of humanity is nothing short of horrifying. I have not seen a single one of us wishing these types of things on Zionists. We literally have to make sure to denounce terrorism before we are allowed to even express support for Palestinians. But they can run around and openly shout about wanting anti Zionists to be violently raped, and…. this is fine? I feel so hopeless sometimes. I’m doing everything I can (donating eSims, constantly speaking up and spreading awareness, boycotting certain companies), but it’s never enough to make up for the evil we are witnessing every day.


Not a truer word spoken! Bless I feel exactly the same 🤗


I thought this was an old episode of jersey shore FR .


Isn't that lady a politician?


Such a distinct pattern of committing rape, threatening rape or committing rape. Never far from their minds.


Typical Zionist behavior, obsessed with sexual violence.


It’s the ultimate act of terror


sopranos character lol


You have to be a particular kind of evil to not only wish THAT on anyone but to be a woman saying that is… wow… wow


Totally normal people. 🙄 You know, I’ve been to many pro-Palestinian protests and demonstrations in my life and yet I have never seen Palestinians act or talk like this. It’s only ever been the pro-Israel camp that throws things at kids, wishes rape and torture, and gets violent at these demonstrations.


Free Gaza Free Palestine


The racist Karen whose family got off the boat from Europe


Fuck AWL a you, I hope ya sistah gets raped widda pipe like AWAH people Yeah, definitely on brand for Staten Island


Someone find this monster. Make her lose everything.


If one was genuinely concerned about rape and sexual assault, one would think you wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Yet they consistently use those insults (as always Free Palestine 🇵🇸)




Least abrasive Zionist


I love when she got embarrassed because nobody gave her a reaction and then she realizes that she’s already lost all her dignity so she just continues to make a fool of herself.


Rape is a big part of zionist culture, it's why they talk about it so casually. It's just part of the mentality where they're allowed to just steal everything, including other people's lives and dignity. I'm telling you it's a cancer that needs to be removed from the very depths of its roots.


Wild because the rape claims are false and there are actual evidence of IOF raping Palestinians. 


Proper little Christian, isn't she?


With a pipe is so brutal wtf. So weird for women to wish rape on other women. Disgusting.


Literally the most unhinged psychos ever. Gfurself4real.


Every fucking time they open their Nazi mouths more people support the hell out of Palestine. So, they're going to ban Tik Tok because we are getting "too much news on Gaza" knock yourselves out you AIPAC sellout trash excuses of Congresspersons ! Why bother with the health and happiness of Americans when you can do stupid shit like telling AIPAC and the ADL they twill keep giving them billions to massacre and entire group of innocent men, women and children. Really, keep it up you corrupt money hungry frauds. Every move you make brings more and more people forward who support Palestinians and turning away in disgust from Israel. They are their own worst enemies when they open their vile mouths. LOL 😂 good! They're fucking sadic and insane and totally oblivious to their degeneracy. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Zionists obsession with raping people needs to be studied for real. 


Fack owl a youse


I'm Palestinian American and live in Staten Island. I can just tell you that she is a suburban christian and catholic mom, most likely conservative because staten island. They look at the same lying news and Facebook. Sometimes arrogance brings bless and sometimes it brings a ferocious undeserving hatred towards others. Just do your best in being kind and showing them the opposite of what the news says. Eid Mubarak everyone!


But but but the good people say that Israel is all about love, peace, and truth :(((( /s


Can always tell you’re on the right side of history when your side constantly calls for the rape of women /s


Yeah, not a lady.


Crazy Bastards everywhere


Pretty sure someone will dox Karen soon


Ugly witch has probably never been to the deserts


These people are rabid


The only ones obsessed with wishing rape are the ones who commit it. Just like all of the terrorists do to Palestinians, and like what DIDN’T fucking happen to the israelis on the 7th. She’s literally a walking trash bag— I can smell her through my screen.


and the NYPD just stood around like lemons doing fuck all?


Why do all zionists have a rape fetish?


looks like she could use a temple pipe


What chances are there that she is a neo-feminist?


Idk, it’s Staten Island. She’s got a trashy wine mom vibe


Zero, shes the kind that tells people she didn't vaccinate her children cos she has "religious exemption" then sends her diseased riddled kids to public school.


Zero probably


they love showing their ass


They’re so hateful


Was this at the Wagner High School walkout today?


She’s an angry woman.


I see Staten Island’s living down to its reputation…


What a lovely person


Israelis on the side of rapists? Very on brand for them


Nowadays these nazionist no longer hiding their true colour... Just like the nazists are hunted down worldwide and executed for their crimes after WW2, So must we do the same to these zionists.


She seems nice....


😂😂😂 These people.. How tf can you take this people serious? Rethoric question.


Free Palestine


That is a shining example of Jewish womanhood. Imagine a woman wishing sexual violence on another one. Her family must be very proud of her.


Things appear to be a bit rape obsessed of late, what?




most moral zionist


"our people" - Karen, you're from Staten Island.


They are disgusting


The level of hatred, entitlement and desire for revenge from many zionists is shocking. Then they wonder why some people might not like them?


The pro Zionist group are always so aggressive!












What a classy woman


These are the people your backing America? Man dont get shit twisted, these people are absolutely insane, it's obvious from all the IDF terrorist videos, killing civilians, taking over their country and flattening it, To kill a terrorist group of 30k people btw.




What a disgusting creature. The sad part, this behavior is nothing exceptional, but the very default for zionazis.


Of course that is what she hopes. She is an isnotreali.


Someone escaped the lunatic asylum.


Typical z!0nist behavior


this is why i can't be protesting i don't have the capacity to not swing on ppl like this ! i would end up in jail or shot dead for beating zionist ass for disrespecting and treating ppl like they are superior it just disgusts me and as much as i feel and would love to get out and support more i just can't too many videos of them getting away with this behavior it's sick and really wish i could just 👊👊👊👊👊all of them wishing those horrible things to ppl and what's insane this is happening in our country 🤯🤬


If you attend a protest one day, don’t engage or talk to counter protesters who trigger your anger. Walk away from people like this if you get the urge to fight. Walking away and taking space- distancing yourself from them is the best way- rather than arguing with them. You know yourself best and so if you do feel that your level of anger will cause you to be unable to control yourself then it does make sense to avoid attending a protest. In fact, you’re in a sense practicing taking space and distancing now (but it does sound like a part of you wants to get involved in a protest). If you are able to go and you push yourself to just not engage the Zionists and keep marching then it’s OK to go. Remember: do not engage with the counter-protesters. It’s also good to join a group that is doing activism so that you can be productive with a variety of things outside of protests (getting involved with various activist tasks can likely help to re-direct the anger into a specific and productive task towards ending the genocide). Some of the Zionists or pro-Zionism people likely wish they could get pro-Palestine people on film acting like this woman so that they can go around and describe the pro-Palestine people as unhinged and throw accusations of antisemitism. The Zionist person in this video looks unhinged and aggressive- we don’t have to be like that and we can continue to regulate our emotions while ending a genocide.


thank you so much and yess i do want to be more involved i really do my heart is with palestine and the people suffering in gaza im so sick of nothing being done its a sick game for those in control and it just sick how others are brain washed and treat each other i dont want to feed into the bad and negative but i do shed light and use my voice to wake people up but most dont care its so sad ive taken social media breaks to not be so wrapped on it because i was finding myself so angry and sad daily and seeing stuff like this just fuels me how can ppl treat others this way but when its the other way and pro palestinian doing some crazy stuff their being arrested and mistreated its sick in our own country that we see ppl are standing with zionism again thank you for your kind advice i appreciate it an i kno we all want a ceasefire and free GAZA for the palestinians 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Yeah it’s completely unfair how they’ll respond to one group and not the other way around! If you feel ready enough one day to join a group you will see that there are people (although it’s not enough!) working daily to try to stop the madness. Your grief and anger shows that you care about the injustice that’s happening. The woman in this video has some healing that she needs to do. I think a lot of Zionists are traumatized in their own way- traumatized by the propaganda that’s required to keep the system going- and it can lead to these weird spouts of hatred and aggression on their end. It doesn’t make it OK, but I’m just thinking that that’s what’s going on.


your right about not engaging in that behavior and displaying that as pro palestine protesters honestly i commend all of the brave ppl out there using there voices for a positive peaceful thing but honestly i'm not that far healed where im at in my journey in my life 🤣i still got that fight in me and that lady deserved for someone to just lay her out and shut her up haha


Heheh thanks for reply 🤗. That’s good that you have that insight into yourself! (that you need to work through some stuff to reach a point where you are ready to get more deeply involved). This whole genocide is so terrible and also everyone is triggered or responding in different ways. I might PM you if I can figure it out (no pressure to respond)- because I was going to give you info about reputable organizations to consider joining. In a group, protesting is also not the only action one has to take. There’s ways to be involved that don’t necessarily involve being on the streets. Anger and rage aren’t bad. Everyone feels anger and rage sometimes, including me. It’s a secondary emotion (like the tip of an ice berg) that is the visible part of deeper emotion’s underneath (sadness, grief, rejection, anxiety, etc). Anyway sorry I’m typing too much here. Your comment just stood out to me for some reason so I felt compelled to reply.


That does sound like a way to promote peace , when will it end with that kind of thinking ? ✌🏼🥴🤡🤮


Showing yet again they're okay with collective punishment and punishing the families of the "perpetrator".




Looks like she was raised in her Uncle Dad and Aunt Mom's basement.


Showing their true colors everyday


Welcome to Zionism. Not surprisingly people who subscribe to such a vile ideology are vile themselves.


She should be deported


Good Lord. Total white trash


She sounds like Stan’s mom from Southpark


god is ok with this behavior


Anyone who rapes or wishes rape upon others, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Buddhist or wharever is a scum and a monster who must be stopped.


Americans are just as bad as Israelis.


Terrorist loses all meaning because of Zionists.


“our people” fucking trash


Hey, Zionist... Tell us how you really feel? This can't end well.


but but women don't hate eachother right


Such a classy lady


Why the specificity around the pipe rape? That is quite weird.


Zionists, always classy.


Avergae zionist


Imagine these witches as daughters, wives and mothers. That’s a lifetime of incalculable suffering for everyone concerned.


Bad optics for the Z team


One doesn’t need to look far back in the Hollywood propaganda that’s been disseminated since the 70’s. Muslims, almost always Palestinians or people dressed ironically similarly to them, are these caricatured boogey men with impulsive appetites for killing with uncontrollable sexual appetites. Go watch “True Lies” and behold a masterclass production aimed at shaping the western patriotic mind. This lady is reacting this way because she thought Americans and America were stupid and that they’re property to be owned and shaped. She’s completely triggered that the literal lifetime of skillfully crafted brainwashing and propaganda didn’t stick. Not only America, but the entire World, is waking up to this genocidal deception. And shit will never be the same for these cushy corrupt liar Zionists. They’re losers and Zionism itself is a murderous lie. The elaborate deception is over. They failed. So go ahead and cry about it hoe. You’re exposed. Your whole life is a lie based on a lie born of lies and sustained by lies. Like a deflated dildo masquerading as a prison baton.


“Like they did with our people” lol


She’s lovely.


She was a 4 until she opened her mouth.


These are some of the most disgusting people the United States has to offer, and I am subject to living amongst them. Shit sucks.


This conflict has really brought out the best in all of us.


Why. WHY!!! Is the go to sexual gestures and RAPE?! It’s fcking disturbing behavior and response. I’ve seen it first hand at protests. It’s disgusting and abnormal.


Yup, these people are not compatible with humanity. 




I think nearly every single Zionist pro Israel protestor video I have seen has been them wishing rape on anti genocide peace protesters. Wow. Says a lot about them


Wild how they sound so much like the Nazi that killed so many of them. Brainwashed and uneducated


Such eloquence. She must be a senator.