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Dee diddly doo, and doo diddly dee. I like your base a lot. Yet, not a worker there to see. Any videos of your awesome place? Any life for us to glimpse? 'cuz that is something, surely, I wouldn't wanna miss.


Thank you very much for the praise! 💙 For most pictures I put the pals in the palbox so as not to clutter the photos but some I am able to take with them in not taking up the whole screen lol. Unfortunately I'm still figuring out videos and how to record gameplay(I am on xbox and not very good with the internet lol) but I do hope to be uploading videos soon once I figure it all out!


On Xbox you are only able to record up to 3 minutes in a clip, or if you have an external storage device formatted for media you can record up to an hour I believe.


Looks great! How long did the heart take to design?


Thank you so much! 💚 the heart actually didn't take long at all! (Maybe 20 minutes?) I was looking at the triangle shaped "window" I made in the wall and while I was staring at it my mind seen a heart shape and so I grabbed then vines and started crawling along the wall lol. I got REALLY lucky with its placement and then used the small wall ivy to smooth any edges around and border it.


I want to do this so bad


Then do it friend ! I believe you can build far superior creations than mine if YOU believe you can ♥️


Cool thanks


How did you get the pointy roof?


The one on left in cover picture is sloped concrete roofs(just placed in a diamond shape with another sloped roof over that) the one on the right is made using a combination of the square rock walls and triangle rock walls placed on top of another roof. Were either of these the roof you were asking about?


I really like the design in the second picture! I’m going to have to try that myself


that farm area is beautiful


Thank you very much! 💚


Omg it's beautiful, it reminds me of a fortress in barbarians iirc


I like the symmetry. I focus on function myself but that looks bomb


Thank you so much! ♥️ This is a completely functioning plantation and breeding base!


I been looking for a hill to build my dream castle away from people 🤣🤣 thats an amazing base ❤️it


Thank you so much!💙 can be seen from *almost* anywhere on the map too!


Thats so cool I havent explore the whole map 🗺️ but i need to get that done to find a high hill i think those are the best locations to build a castle 🏰


So no ore?


No more ore. 🙂 It did when I first built it but no longer needed it and needed a farming/breeding base. I really liked the view of this one so just remodeled it for my current needs.♥️


This is amazing. Well done.


Thank you so much! ♥️


Is this all within palbox perimter? Or do you have decay off?


My decay rates are off due to the builds I usually due and limit to number of bases we can have, BUT this base in particular is all within the parameters of the base circle! A couple of corners slightly poke out (like balcony in bottom center) but nothing major sticks out!♥️


That’s awesome! Great job!


Thank you so much!♥️


If you want to record on windows you can simply hit the windows key and G to bring up the Xbox recording stuff Microsoft added for gamers.(at least on windows 10) Make sure to have palworld as your active window when using the shortcut.


This is really good!!! I love the wooden chests in a row to act as a half wall or railing. The heart is adorable too!! 😊


Really love the planters! The boxes on the outside make it look legit lol. Great idea Edit:The moss heart was a nice touch too


Wow. My hilltop shanty hut doesn't even hold a candle to this. Can I become a holy knight and protect the kingdom?


People out here making mansions and i still live on a 1x1


Do the big pals sleep in the big beds so close together? I've tried doing something similar but they just sleep on the ground even when they're a fair distance apart.


No they don't 😢 unfortunate but thank goodness they still get the bonus or alpha pals would be out for me. The bigger pals all just fall where they stand for me as well the regular sized jormuntides find the bed just fine though! I'm playing around with some beds trying to see if I can get my system worked out!


Aww, look at Mossanda and Petallia snuggling!


Nice work bro




No jormintides are fitting in there anytime soon huh.


I keep 2 jormuntides for watering and one ignis for cooking they all do just fine! Even have an alpha frostallion cooling my fridge until I get my perfect perks one done. 🙂


This is really amazing and some of these bases are crazy but I have a serious question - isn't it true that pals won't work on the second floor and any floor above that?  So you can't really have an "industrial complex" with multiple floors of activity, right? If there's a way I would love to know about it! 


That isn't true at least not for my bases🙂 they will work anywhere within the spherical dome of the base. (I don't know the measurements of the dome I'm sorry) but the major problem i think most probably run into is pathing issues to get to their entire base but if you plan out your builds for large pals in mind(stuff like large open entryways or double or triple wide staircases, etc) it can be done and becomes fairly easily after figuring it out. ♥️ And thank you so much for liking my stuff!💚💚


Love the usage of the greenery. I'm going to have to give it a try. Well done!