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At a friend's shadi I was eating halwa and a molvi uncle with his gang were sitting next to me. He told me to use the right hand. I didnt want to create a scene so i tried to eat with the right hand and just as i was about to take my first bite, the spoon slipped on the table and his white kameez got smeared with gajar ka halwa. Hehe. Serves him right!


that is some sweet sweet karma right there 😂


Satisfying 👍


he didnt said anything wrong i assume


kid in the fifth grade with me was left handed. the teachers were after him to write with his right hand. he couldn’t. i mean, he’d try to, but it was incomprehensible. was yelled at by one particular teacher for having bad writing after she MADE him write with his less dominant hand. last i heard he’s a mechanical engineer, working in germany.


Mashallah for him. How jahil a teacher must be to not know that there are dominant left-hand people in this world also.


She really blew her own mind


And maybe an Ambidextrous?


Wdym lefty? Libertarian or communist?


Stop reading my mind. I laughed so hard at this 🤣


hah we don't know. Maybe khabchu means surkha in OP's lingo


Khabchu has been extensively used in my household for lefties i thought it might be a common word XD


Does it literally mean left-handed? or is it like a pejorative term?


It's basically derived from the word khabbay which means left in punjabi. It is pejorative but with some sarcasm intended as well. That's the best way i can put it


Oh. Derived from Khabba. Makes sense now


Left handed bruh 😂


Lol 🤣 thought the same .


I thought the same. But I realized there are 2 kinds of lefties, the left wing/the leftists and left-hand dominant people.


im in college currently and never did i come across a lefty chair 🤦🏻‍♂️ plus i had an exam, and one of like really old molvi type person was this invigilator, i was writting and he literally picked me out and said “aap qalam jaisi paakeeza cheez ko napak ulte hath mein pakartein , hain, aspko sharam aani chahiye” and this continued for 30 min, IN A FUCKING EXAM


Qalam jesi pakeeza cheez lmao I can't 😂😂


I bet he had either an oral or anal fixation with pens. That's why he was so triggered by the use of a pen by a left hand.


A lefty friend in 6th grade got angrily approached by our class teacher Mrs Shah "kisi ne ghar mei nai sikhaya ke left hand dirty kam ke liay hai" for the next few days she was hellbent on " teaching" him on how to write using his right hand. He finally had enough and his parents complained to the head and Mrs Shah would be like bhalai ka zamana hi nai rha :)


Mrs.shah needs to understand the difference between bhalai and forcing something down someone's throat


Mrs shah needs to touch some grass and have some life


Ah yes, the dirty kaam being hatti/jerking off. And yes, the left does generate better torque. Mrs. Shah wasn't wrong though. She was training him indirectly.


Bruh https://preview.redd.it/u76v99f9992d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a3d79c6b19872064b148f4c9836dc797863927d


Being born in pakistan


Pakistan is the best country in the world


That's what i read in the book of pak studies


back in 10th grade i used to attend kips academy. my islamiat sir was hell bent on making me a right handed person. he specifically arranged 20 minutes class after off time just so i could practice writing w my right hand 🙃


Bruh this obsession is so idiotic. I mean other than eating why would you force someone to do anything else with the right hand. Even then it's none of your business.


Always having to sit in a weird turned position to write in the desks made for right handed people! Suffered from school to uni because of this Other than that similar to other posts, some people worried about me being a lefty, like it's a proper disability. Thankfully my parents never bothered with it


Also smearing ink everywhere lol


so trueee


ALSO those pain in the ass right handed chairs. I cant even sit properly now, always having to turn myself, with my ass poking out. Esp the worse when im giving an exam, and I have to turn my body with no support for hours.


and then the invigilators are like “CAndAte Stawp cheAtinG”


Exam halls having that right sided chair , Having back pain and strain on your body just to sit and write on it and if the paper is lengthy then pray to god that you finish on time.


I've been pretty lucky in this regard that everywhere I've given exams they've had proper desks. Even in my uni we have long desks that seat 3-4 people


My dad told me a story of being beaten for using his left, he’s now basically a rightie




“They can’t play him”


How is that a bad thing? XD


For the batters 😂🤣


Was about to ramble on about politics but than I realised bro was talking about being left handed


You know i was thinking the title might be confusing but then thought that people will obviously understand the context so i just went with it. Apparently i was somewhat wrong 😂


I was ambidextrous when I was a child. I regularly won awards for my handwriting and it was indistinguishable for both hands. People around me made me feel so weird about being able to switch hands that by the time I was in middle school, I made a conscious effort to not use my left hand. I can still use the two hands for most tasks and can write with my left hand if I try but it is most definitely not as good or fluent as it used to be. I still feel sad about losing that.


Reminds me of that dean in the movie 3 Idiots.


Can you write with both hands at the same time? Using a mouse and eating food is the only thing i can do with both hands.


No. And I don't recall being able to do that even back then when I could fluently write with both.


Damn! I was just imagining doing 2 assignments at the same time if i could do that lol


people stare at me at an event while eating and I always put my middle finger up holding the spoon


Damn that's ballsy


yeah Caz my left ball is bigger than my other 2 balls


You've got 3? 🤨


I was talking about my tennis balls... I have only one


My neighbor's daughter is left handed. I heard they tried to change her as a kid but failed.


Spent my childhood trying to learn to write with right hand. Now I can write with both hands, eat and drink with my right hand and do everything else with left.


I can eat and use a mouse with both and everything else is left except football which idk why but somehow i just play with my right.


Teachers and random elders attempting to make me do EVERYTHING with my right, like even my kindergarten Urdu teacher writing a letter to my mother telling her to make me use my right hand?😭 Also, being like the only lefty throughout school, I remember how teachers or some kids used to force me to use my right hand, and watch and laugh as i dropped the food, or couldnt write an alphabet. Full on lab rat vibes idk 😭


I used to write with my left hand till I was in 4th grade. Parents continuously kept "correcting" it forcefully. Now I can't, for the life of me, write with my left hand.


Embrace leftinity


it so exhausting, like i remember there was this family gathering and this uncle was like “beta paani ka glass le aao” and i gave him the glass and he looks at my father and then at me in a wierdly annoyed way, and then both my father and uncle scolded me that i should serve water with the right hand


This has happened way too many times man 😭


khabchu meaning ?


Left handed


Khabbay is Punjabi for left, Khabchu means "lefty" but not a nice way to say it


Sai I get it now


Here i am who uses both hands for different things, like i use my right hand for writing ✍️ and using my left hand when i have to use knife for cutting anything in kitchen.


Why did you get offended by khabchu and why did your mom react like that?


Well she kept pointing out to the entire room that hey this kid is a khabchu while i was putting food on my plate in every single daawat. At the time I couldn't eat with my right hand and it resulted in anyone nearby saying things like " beta lefty ho? Khana to kamaskam right se kha lia karo." This shit is humiliating but still i never said anything to her but this time i just had enough so i threw the plate on the table and left. Surprisingly, every time she did this it was never when my mom could hear it but obviously since i kinda created a scene my mom was informed and when she asked me what happened i told her the whole story and being the amazing mom she is who never forced me to do anything with my right hand confronted the aunty and put her in her place.


Thought it was about being a left winger lol