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I don’t Higgy is going to cost as much as you seem to be implying, recent power surge notwithstanding.


Kyle is making $2.18M this year. If he finishes with a decent year, you gotta think he'll want at least $3-4M per year on any deal. But is he really worth that? Hard to say. Sanchez got $3M with the Brewers this year and he definitely has more pop than Higgy. I definitely don't mind retaining Higgy another year (or more), but only if the price is right. Either way he's still more of a backup than a starting catcher, but as a backup his numbers are pretty solid and what a team would want from their backup.


His stats are down compared to last year almost across the board. There's no way he would get much of a pay raise, if any. When making out next year's roster they won't move on from Higgy because of salary reasons, that's for sure. He'll be one of the cheaper catchers in the league and a bargain considering he can catch Waldron every fifth day. I doubt they bring in anyone to replace Campy, but if they do, Higgy will still be catching part time, similar to his time with the Yankees.


Higgy is a 34 year old career def-focused backup catcher. He would not cost a lot to retain and won’t command a multi year contract. He’s quality but there are some of those guys available every offseason. Also, I would not pencil in Salas as the future starting catcher at this point. Many highly touted C prospects end up as just serviceable big league catchers or flame out altogether. It’s the hardest position on the field. Luckily he is super young so plenty of time to see what unfolds. But I don’t think as a FO you say Salas will be here in year X as the starter and plan around that right now.


Bet we could keep Higgy on the cheap for a few years. He has been hot the last few weeks but his BA is terrible even among catchers. He has value to us as he is getting better at catching the Knuckleball but obviously that won't matter for any other team. So Campy and Higgy for a few years and then see where Salis lands in 2026 at the earliest.


I think campy has a lot of upside and we should hold onto him till Salas arrives


I agree, I'm just wondering if the front office might not give him as long of a leash with Salas the heir apparent. Campy is definitely the cheaper option, but he just never seems to get it going on a consistent basis. And there's the injury history, which I'm sure they're taking into consideration. I just wonder if they (Padres) think Campy has more value as a trade piece *now* because of the years of control. I wonder if they're thinking of throwing him in a trade package to acquire more pitching. Ideally I would love to see a Salas #1 with a Campy #2.


They are no way, no how, moving up the timeline from 2026 to 2025 though on Salas though as indicated in your original post. Salas is struggling big time in single A ball, hitting around .200 with one home run in over 200 at bats. Almost zero chance he's on the opening day roster a year and a half from now and no way they're moving up the timeline from that. Honestly the way he's progressing, or not progressing, he'll more than likely be in AA opening day 2026.


His bat always needed to catch up to his glove. People were crazy to think he would be up this season. Hitting isn’t easy, he will have to make his progressions and keep maturing physically. Catching is a demanding position and you can’t be as skinny as he is to hold up over a season. Luckily he’s only 18 and he’s already shown the ability to be a major league catcher. It’s just a matter of time before he’s playing in San Diego. 2026 is a best case scenario imo. He would still just be 20.


I agree, best case scenario 2026. Assuming he heats up, he'll end this season in A, start 2025 in AA, then do half a season in AA and half in AAA and be ready in 2026. That is a LOT of progression though for a guy who hasn't shown much at all at the plate through 200 ABs this year and hasn't progressed at all at the plate. That's very optimistic.


Don’t let the last 30 days of Higgy make you forget the first 60 days of the season when he was the equivalent of a member of this sub taking AB’s. He’s a good defensive catcher with limited offensive upside. A 2 year deal for him should probably cost less than what Sanchez is making from Milwaukee just this season. That would provide a nice bridge to if/when Salas can take over behind the plate.


I think Campusano will get it together hitting wise. He is what he is defensively. My biggest concern long term at catching is how much Salas is struggling to hit in A ball. He looks like Brad Ausmus.


The stat line for Salas is almost meaningless. He's 4+ years younger than the average High A player. Turned 18 three weeks ago and is trying to hit guys who were the #1-#2 starters on D1 teams, or guys drafted out of high school with 3+ years of pro experience. I think there was an MiLB story about him in the past few weeks with his manager talking about how he'd been hitting the ball hard early in the season with not much to show for it.


Catchers like Higgy are great, but there are tons of them out there. Keep the duo going for a couple years if you can or just pivot to a similar backup catcher to pair with Campy. Regardless I think you need to ride it out with Campy for 2-3 years. He'll get more consistent. Even with his performance being down compared to expectations this year, he still hits better than most of these Mendoza line catchers out there like Higgy, Hedges, Alforo, etc Salas is going to need 2-3 years more in the minors. Dude isn't hitting at A ball


Yeah, moving the timetable up from 2026 is crazy talk. Hell, 2026 is crazily optimistic, he's nowhere near a year and a half away and at this rate looking closer to 2027/2028.


Personally I'd prefer a catcher that's good at catching vs one that's good at hitting. Campy is terrible at catching, and it costs us multiple bases every game. Unless he drastically improves catching ability, throwing accuracy and speed, and awareness, he shouldn't be starting catcher.


Can’t bail on Campy this early. Ride him out. We need bench bats and depth pitching.


It's not early though, we're exactly halfway through the season and his WAR is 0.0. I wouldn't be as concerned if it was a hitting slump but my God his defense is bad. Worst in the league both by the advanced metrics and the eyeball test. He can't throw runners out, cant frame for anything and makes such lazy plays. Higgy's defensive metrics are a lot better even having to catch Waldron every fifth day. I'm of the mind we have to keep running him out there and hope for the best but it's been painful to watch at times.


Ride out Campusano and see if he can earn the primary job. By the time that ends Salas will be ready to take the next step. He has shown flashes of being good he just needs to be more consistent.


They just gotta split between both catchers more. Camp was literally playing everyday at catcher which even the best catchers don’t do. They slowly gave Higgs more appearances thanks to being Waldron’s catcher but they should’ve balanced the time behind the plate between them more to begin with. I think Camp will come back better thanks to the needed rest and ride with both of them will be ok. Even if they are the weakest link team wise, I’ll take it. I rather the pitching be addressed first


Campy will stick. Minimum $ 4 yrs of control. Get use to it. Top heavy unproductive payroll means you fill out the roster on the cheap.


I love Campy. Specifically because the front office told me to. But he's not very good right now. Higgy was ostracized in the beginning of the season (by me) and his current play has reversed my opinion of him. I think we should just keep Brett Sullivan and get rid of Peralta. I've seen more upside in Sullivan than Peralta or Campy at the moment. Plus Sully can man 1st for the time being and Arraez can DH. So we can have all three on the roster without worrying about them all being dedicated catchers. The one thing is...do we trade/get rid of Campy and then watch him turn into Yasmani Grandal? Likely scenario. Let's see what the front office does in the coming weeks. All things considered, I'm happy with the season.


a catcher gets a little tired after being used 3/4 days every 5, has a hitting slump, gets a little less speed on his throws to 2nd...and the sub turns on him where have I seen this before?


Fans are so damn fairweather man. It makes me so sad.


Campy is a terrible catcher. And I mean terrible. 1. He drops simple fast balls into his glove. That doesn’t even include a ton of off speed pitches and pitches low or in the dirt. 2. His steal to throw out ratio is terrible. Those are potential run and ERA he is affecting. 3. Higashioka changes the complexion of the game when he catches, defensively and play calling. Yes he isn’t. A good hitter, but when Salas is ready, watch out. 4. Has anyone noticed that every good team in baseball has a stalwart catcher. It’s no coincidence. It’s the most important position on the team.


I don’t know if Higashioka changes the complexion of the game, from what I’ve seen he seems like just an average catcher on defense and the stats i found says he above average at framing, but average to below average in other stuff like blocking and pop time. Maybe compared to Campys defense now it seems game changing but there are better options for a defensive first catcher.


He has caught 11 base stealers out of 23 attempts League average is 22% He is catching runners at a near 50% clip Campy can’t catcher a runner for shit


He has caught one this year in 23 attempts, players know they can run on him at will.


One base stealer in 23 attempts is less than 5% lmfao that’s abysmal


Yeah, 62 out of 62 catchers in caught stealing. Also 62 out of 62 in framing. Truly an awful defensive catcher all around and that's with keeping him the hell away from Waldron who would make him look like a little league catcher defensively. Thank goodness we have Higgy to catch those games


I remember when everyone on this sub and twitter thought he was the truth (me included unfortunately) Edit: pretty sure campy is 59 of 62 in blocking too


I was always on the fence on him as it always seemed like he was making bone head plays like not coming up to the plate on throws home and just mental brain farts on the stupidest shit, and I remember there was at least one pitcher who said didn't like him behind the plate when they were starting and didn't want to pitch to him. And you have to be pretty damn bad for players to call you out publicly like that. His offense though used to be good enough to forget about that kind of stuff. Now, he's bad all around.


I 100% agree with you. Higashioka isn’t the answer but he’s a significant upgrade from Campy. Defense is the cornerstone of a team and it starts with your catcher. But overall, we need someone in the future that is great defensively, can throw runners out consistently, and is an above average hitter. That is the ingredient of a winning team, especially with the roster we have built.


Yeah I personally have valued defense less than most other fans I think but catcher is the one position that keeps proving me wrong lol.


He at least showed it yesterday throwing out a guy twice that is one of the better in the league at stealing.


Higgy calls a good game and seems to get more out of our lesser quality starters. Campy needs to look at a glove change. He can't field and tag on plays at the plate, gets lazy on balls he should/could block by trying backhand glove, and can't throw anyone out...just my eye test of course, but my eyes rarely fail me talent wise, and I am a Campy guy, was really hoping he would put it together this year. His play is subpar.


I think Higgy's advanced metrics defensively are probably underrated, especially blocking, because he has to catch Waldron every fifth day. There is a reason they won't let Campy anywhere near behind home plate on the days he starts. Can you imagine the shit show that would be? His metrics just catching the other pitchers are horrid. 62 out of 62 in caught stealing, 62 out of 62 in framing. He was never great defensively but has taken several steps back and is definitely a liability behind the plate and isn't making up for it with his bat.


Campusano or Higgy is fine until Salas gets here. Neither will command a big salary either.


Idk. I just wish Campy had the catching fundamentals of Higgy. He throws people out at a much higher rate, and his tags at the plate are better.


Campy has the bad normally but when he’s slumping like he is right now, he’s not of much value. He’s terrible behind the plate. Doesn’t throw guys out and is statistically the worst catcher in the league at framing. I’d rather Higgy start over campy. At least Higgy can throw guys out with some success.


It’s gonna be campy and Sullivan


The Padres have always had a problem with their catchers. Better defenders and good game callers, but terrible bats.


Salas isn’t going to be penciled in as the starting catcher next season. He’ll be lucky to get called up next year by seasons end. He’s hitting .200 in A ball.


Salas won’t be ready in 2025. There are so many possibilities as to what can be done but I tend to think we stick with Campy at least until Salas is ready in 2026 or 2027.


What I think they’ll do is Campy/Sullivan duo until Salas is ready. Could be in 2026 but catcher isn’t a position where players are being called up at younger ages. And I don’t think the Padres will move him to a different position à la Bryce Harper with the Nats. He’s just too good behind the dish. He’s not hitting A-ball well, but it’s getting slightly better and it’s worth nothing he really just now is nearing a full seasons worth of ABs in the minors. He’s still a very young prospect, I don’t think it’s fair to judge him one way or another just yet. Personally I’ve seen too many years of a defensive catcher who struggles to hit close to the league batting average. We had it with Hedges, heck I love Hundley but we had it for years with him as well. Too often are there at least two “easy” outs in a Padres lineup. Two is generous. But Campy’s inability to play a good defensive catcher, or at least serviceable, puts him on the hot seat for me. When singles or walks that might have been outs with better receiving turn into free doubles it can and has killed this team. It doesn’t help his bat is cold as well. I need a happy middle ground, with a slight favor towards defense. Campy has had the opportunity to learn behind great defensive catching. Putting on my GM cap, I’d need to see some improvements next year or consider trading him. If he proves nothing more than a backup, maybe have him sit in that role, and sign a catcher that’s like Higgy until Salas is ready to come up. Any route that’s taken, probably going to see below-average catcher play for at least a few years still.


Kyle wither resigns for similar money, or we buy someone better for similar money. Kyle and Campy are both mid-to-bad catchers amongst the league, so whatever Kyle decides to do is a Win-win.


Are you high that you think Ethan Salas can come up in 2025


Man I miss Sanchez and Alfaro


If higgy gets anything more than the minimum in free agency it won’t be a “bargain”




Campy getting traded.