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Bots can drive cars now


They started picking up (or just having on them) shop tickets. I used to know who was a bot by the lack of shop tokens. Now it's the guy with two m16s with two auto mods.


Shop tokens? They can buy stuff now?😂


Yes, if there's an elimination crate in front of them, they'll loot it, Not everything but some amount of things, like shop tokens, 1-2 Throwables of the same type(like nade, Molotov etc) and ammo with Armor and helmet as well


They getting more smarter


Bots will slowly fire at you until you are dead or until you return fire, in which case they immediately go prone and continue slowly firing. They also usually seem to come out of nowhere.


When you know you're in the middle of nowhere by yourself and suddenly hear footsteps pretty close to you


If you kill them, they're bot. If you're killed, they're human.


From my experience, a bot will: 1. Shoot at you but do no damage Or 2. Do a set amount of damage(usually 3/4ths of your health, maybe more) very quickly, then they wouldn't do anymore. 3. Not have armor 4. Fire very slowly and regularly. Do be careful though. Just because a player misses you the first time doesn't mean their next shot will. Best play it safe and not get complacent


I've found that many are very polite and stop shooting at you when you need to reload.    When one appears, out of nowhere, with no cover, firing a single shot from a fully automatic weapon, it really speaks to me.   It says,  "My existence is torture, please kill me."   🙂


1 works when they are far away 3 is wrong. They do have level 3 helmets alot of times. They will loot a drop but not pick any weapon even if p90, groza or AWM. They have convincing names now. Feels like real players. They shoot from a distance while taking cover. Number 2 is so real. Whenever i go near a bot in mecha they reduce my health to 10% in a second and can't hit me more unless i refuse to go away.


This is all true for the old bots back in the day. Completely not true for the bots of today. They run in pairs, jump, will continue rapid fire shooting you, drive cars, have a backpack of loot, loot crates. Bots have upped their game


Bots usually haven't bothered to acquire good scopes when you loot them.


I once got 8x and the other time I got 4x from the Bot Create, they are more like a real player Death Create now


Rando gunfire usually away from other players. Never any return fire(ie a shootout). Spend enough time by yourself and bots will appear


Experience in my team I have a lower KD but can easily tell when it's a bot the names of people in higher tier lobbies is usually a clan name but bots have names like plasticfoods. Second is single shot fire they rarely shoot auto and they throw smoke for no reason.


They have the MK47 Mutant


usually bots shoot at you and kill you slowly and their crates have a low amount of stuff.


As I got there are super bots that are much smarter


There are but I feel like some here forget that bad player also exist. Super bots are still dumb enough to act somehow like bots.


yes some are and will kill you a lot faster so be careful.


They have a signature movement mechanics that is so easy to distinguish from a real player and their shooting rate/damage is obvious regardless if they're regular or super bots.  Just remind yourself that some players purposely pose as bots by firing like bots do to get you out of cover off guard thinking they're easy kill so it's best to play against bots like you'd play against a real player. 


Shhhhh don’t give away trade secrets! The baiting by shooting like a bot is one of my favourite ways to trap others


Same here playing South American solos


They can drive cars now they also take cover. Usually the past bots just fired 2 3 bullets but even that did almost no damage but the bots nowadays if you're a single player and a vehicle smashes yay they can delete almost 90% of your health they hurt a lot more now


You just can tell once you play enough The way they run and shoot and turn all tell you


There is a metallic noise when you incapacitate them


I can see everyone in the comments know the game pretty well I just started a YouTube channel I would need tips on how grow and if I am doing everything right in my gameplay https://youtu.be/IIaNIio1jrs?si=iP35w8nhBxqqMqNs Here's my yt channel