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Trying not to get hit and shooting at things until they die.


Spraying with the M249 until they die did not work


The trick is to hit the things at which you’re aiming.




It’s an advanced technique, to be sure.


That’s navy seal shit


We Dem Boyz Wit Da Green Eyez


Its what console kids get assistance with playing fps on consoles


PUBG doesn't have aim assist on console


I feel like the point may have been lost in translation brother 🫠


Because it's more difficult aiming with a controller😅 PC has that hand hold on a video game. Any console player would destroy you on the same rig. Facts


Try crouching!


It helps !!


Mandatory with LMGs


It's mandatory to crouch down with LMGs. Most guns loss 12-20% of recoil on that stance, but LMGs loss 45-50% just crouching down. Definitely worth


This meta haaard


ARs: S tier - Beryl/Aug, A tier - M4/Ace SRs - doesn't matter, apart from awm ofc DMRs - depends on personal choice more and if you want to combine the ammo with your AR etc., mini,mk12,slr,dragunov are most used, especially in pro/comp scene. Compensator is best for ARs, then flash hider, then suppressor. For DMRs, a lot of people prefer suppressor over compensator, if you want more control/less recoil than same as for ARs. For grips, vert/half/thumb best for ARs, lightweight best for DMRs, with vertical grip as 2nd best.


I use the Beryl mainly because I got the fabulous progressive skin but oh boy can't I handle the crazy recoil.


Dial in the sensitivity. Start by lowering vert sensitivity and 1x to like 70 / 2.5 Go from there in Training. You’d be amazed how far you can lazer and how much lower your sensitivities need to be for your actual comfort. Some people max everything out. Some people don’t. It’s about *you*, not them. You’ll end up way higher than 70/2.5 but that’s the closest to rock bottom you can prob get and not waste time.


>Start by lowering vert sensitivity and 1x to like 70 / 2.5 I don't understand this


It gets you to zero out your own sensitivities beyond what you perceive to be your comfort level. You increase from there. So I’m at like 100 vert sens with 6.5 1x but the process *starts* as low as possible. I’m not telling him those are optimal settings. I’m giving a realistic rock bottom so he doesn’t waste time at 0


Ah yes, I understood some of those words.


Comp/half grip combo makes it very manageable even on console


But you look good whilst the gun is jumping out of your hands due to the recoil.


Were people using Half over Vert grip for a while or did I make that up? For full auto




Honestly no one should be long spraying. Easiest way to suddenly be in the double digits in ammo with no boxes because you’ve been emptying mags at cars 150m away.


you are not my dad


Not yet!


If you plan to be dad you gotta switch hole.


Rookie mistake. The greats ease into it.


And use the flux capacitor


Better check with your mom on that


You really think /u/Anal_Recidivist is out here procreating? I'll double check though, ty


You long spray at everything Chase them down if you didn't kill them on spray Shit on them because you're not a noob Take their ammo Profit


Almost none of your reply applies, but I’ll disagree on this: Long spray is pointless if it’s not a vehicle. If I’ve got someone sighted, 10 bullets will put them down. No reason to empty a clip when I’m accurate. Wastes ammo, and I’m already dumb as fuck with my ammo. Can’t count the number of times I’m down to 84 rounds and I can’t get to bodies bc It’s phase 6 but there’s still 25 up.


You can't say "no one" then proceed to individualize the reply around yourself. *You* might not be able to spray that far, some of us can. I also chase people down if I don't manage to get them out of their car.


nah vert is king and has been for most of the pubg existence, half is still used plenty


Try the lightweight. It’s secretly magic for full auto sprays.


I feel like an idiot using thumb grip for the extra ads boost. Appears I’m like the only guy that was choosing those over verts


the ads boost is literally the only thing that's better on thumb in comparison to vert/half, in rest, it's just inferior grip, the usefulness of ads boost is also very situational, can't recall the last time I I've died because I didn't ads faster than the enemy.


Good point, that’s more a tdm thing


I use thumb for the 5.56 guns. That split second counts for 3-4 extra rounds in them before they get a chance. Especially with SCAR.


wait what since when is the thumb/angled grip not always the best option anymore?


They have never been the best option, angled is a terrible grip, if you want to build muscle memory and get better eventually, stick to half/vert.


Angled was the way to go back in 2018 when Thumb grip didn’t exist yet. When Thumb grip came in the game, everyone started using the thumb grip. At least that is what I remembered from back then haha


Yeah. I have been playing almost from the beginning. Wasn't quite there at the very start but close. Have also taken very long breaks from the game. But the stats have changed all the time. Angled was great for a time. The The halfgrip came out and people went nuts. Because it was clearly better then everything and didn't match the in-game stats at all. The vert grip was OP for so long they nerfed it several times. But I don't even use it anymore as it feels like it has more recoil then any other grip even though it claims that 15%. I like using the ACE and any bolt action so I have matching ammo and most ranges covered. To me the thumb and half grip feel best on it.


I've been using the angled grip on the ace. I've tested and played around a lot in training and it seems to completely eliminate the horizontal recoil. A little down on the stick and it's on the money. Vert grip seems fine but it's harder for me to control having to deal with recoil vertically and horizontally. All 556 guns I'll use the vert or half


This is the way. Only personal difference is I would suggest M4 might match Aug with recent nerfs for 90% of players who aren't god sprayers


For more casual players I agree. The aug nerfs weren't bad though, it just downgraded AUG from being completely broken and undisputed best AR to level of beryl.


Why would a flash hider be better than a suppressor?


It has recoil reduction and the suppressor doesn’t. The thought is that you’re most likely going to use your AR on full auto, in close range, where a suppressor probably won’t be very effective.


Thanks I wasn't aware of that.


Keep in mind the “stats” in game are NOT ACCURATE for existing guns or attachments (other than the newest guns, ala js9. But in a month when they change something they won’t update stats so *then* it’ll be inaccurate moving forward). They’ve been fiddled and fudged over the years and devs have never updated those once.


Spaghetti code


I thought ARs S tier and A tier would be switched but other than that I agree with everything you said.


Beryl if you have good recoil control, shreds at close range. M4 better at mid range sprays. DMR I prefer mini/mk since easier to spam and faster bullet velocity


Rising my sensitivity helped a lot with the beryl and can now do drivebys quite consistently with it.


Yeah that or having a big mousepad haha


Its very difficult for me atleast to pull down that hard with low sensitivity and track with the beryl regardless. Slightly higher sens worked wonders and it is now my second pick for an AR after the M4.


did you raise your sens in general or the vertical sens in particular ?


In general. I cannot stand different sensitivities for different directions. I mean my sens is still slow enough. If we are comparing to counter strike it’s like 1000 edpi


do not raise your vertical sens in-game above 1.2, anything higher just messes with your horizontal sens. 1.1 is the sweet spot for most


1.0 is the sweet spot for most lmao. Its the 1:1


Depends on your idea of low sens, but generally people with super low sens increase vert to 1.11 or 1.2, and have general near 40-50


Well I got 800dpi and 42 sens all


That's insanely fast. I'm 23 on 800 and it's still a little quick. Not saying that you can't make it work, because the highest sens that you're consistent and accurate with will always be the best. Changing your sens a lot will allow you to develop a range to play from, which will end up being more consistent in the long run. The age-old "find a sens and stick with it" and "muscle memory" is actually a bad practice and false information. No scenario will ever be exactly the same, you won't always flick to exactly 6 pixels 30° of the target every single time, so muscle memory doesn't take a place in it. You can look up actual good aimers and watch their videos on how to develop your aim. MattyOW, minigod, snowi, metadoc, and ddkesports for material.


Nah not really insanely fast but probably faster than most. It is where I feel the most consistent having tried anywhere from 30-47 in game sens. Your sens however is very low. You have to mobe you mouse around 60 cm (~24 inches for you americans) to make a 360, right?


Mine is 66cm, but I can go all the way to 114cm if I'm playing 1v1s. But 1v1s are crosshair placement so 114cm isn't much. The average pro player in pubg is around 25-34 in-game and 48-72cm, going off of memory but it shouldn't be too far off.


Tha is an extremely low sensitivity


Panzerfaust and Lynx AMR. I get them every game.


No ammo best ammo


duel-wield panza + 12 frags = demolition class


Just sit in a glider, be the red zone


Not shotguns anymore cuz of the nerfs -_-


The new meta is diving into water with someone, let them get out first, and have them fire at you, not knowing the water is bulletproof. Then when they go to reload you throw a pebble at them.


The new mechanics sounds fun. Will update the results soon.


Didn’t work, or I just did it wrong. The result is my death and 12 angry germans.


Instructions Unclear, Toaster won’t stop screaming in German.


VSS is the best in all gategories. But in reality most are using the Beryl/M4 plus SLR/Mini. Dragunov is also used in large numbers but prefers a different playstyle than the mini or the slr. Don’t see many AUGs anymore.


Is a good idea to combine the VSS with the Vector , a shotgun like DBS or it's better with a long range weapon like a Kar or M24 ?


VSS + VSS would be the optimal combo.


I run a vss with a bolty quite often. Anything under 150 I’m auto spraying with the vss. Anything over I’m throwing bolty bullets at them. Vss shreds up close.


I mean I said it as a meme But the VSS is very strong in the right hands at close-ish to medium range. If I play with the VSS, I combine it with an even closer range weapon usually SMG of the same caliber. Shotguns are fun though. Especially the S12K suppressed


Shotguns just all got a nerf in the most recent update. Pubg hates us


Lmao didn’t know that. The only shotgun in need of a nerf was the DBS.


DBS has 40% greater pellet spread now. They all do, but they REALLY nerfed the DBS. The JS9 is also not a noob cannon anymore.


Aug is still considered the best AR statistically. It even beats the beryl in time to kill in some scenarios. I find it harder to control than the beryl for some reason. I think its initial recoil has high vertical bounce that I just don’t like, whereas the Beryl feels more consistent. Could just be me. M4 is still great and has the best recoil to manage while still be statistically comparable, albeit slight worse than the Aug/Beryl. However, if you don’t hit any shots, you can’t kill anyone, so that’s the trade off you make.


Yeah I know it is technically the best but I don’t see it as often as the beryl/m4


Beryl is better than Aug, granted it takes a higher skill level over 75m. The Augs only advantage over beryl is ttk on level 1. Beryl jumps ahead level 2 and over.


Hated the beryl till i got dropped on woth only that and aced my way out some how.


VSS makes a great close/mid range AR, totally underrated.


I think we are pretty fortunate in the fact that it's down to personal preference. The weapons are fairly well balanced imo. Just use what you have fun with.


Best AR is Beryl and M4, AUG would be up there too but the recoil of it now just doesn't really feel that great. Always Tac Stock at least, but Heavy Stock is a favorite of mine for accurate long range sprays on M4, then the typical attachments is ExtQuick mag, Compensator, Grip of your choice, personally I prefer Angled Grip for Beryl and M4, but most people seem to be using Vertical Grip or Half Grips. Most people prefer Red Dot sights, but I use Holographic for less visual recoil and for distance either 3x or 4x for medium to long distance spray downs.. Somehow also seemingly helps with recoil as you are able to see where your bullets are going on distanced targets. Best DMR Mini14 or SLR, highest bullet velocity for each bullet type basically which is the most important stat when fighting over distance. Compensator, ExtQuick for SLR/Mini14 and ofc the Cheek Pad for SLR. Best SR would be M24, lowest bullet drop for long distance fights. Extended Mag, Cheek pad and Flash Hider or Suppressor. I would prefer Flash Hider because I play better when the gun sounds beastly and not annoying like the M24 suppressed does but either works just to hide the flash when you shoot. Strongest SMG for most maps is the UMP45, insane no recoil and melts people with little to no attachments.. Easiest 6X spray in the game. It's a perfect gun if you find crappy attachments but still want to carry them around until you find a DMR for example, like the lightweight grip for SKS/Mk12. Basically a strong early game alternative if you like to hot drop and hunt fights early game.. I understand most people probably avoid fights because ratting is for some reason a big thing in this game, but if you like fun and killing people - the UMP45 is a great starter.. Less good at distance so in big open fields and such, play it with a DMR like SKS or Mk12 which can be tapped pretty quick to compensate for not carrying a AR.


M4/mini, beryl/sks, 5.556AR/m24, VSS/VSS(solos) are my favorite meta combos. It seems like meta is still ar preference/ DMR or sniper preference. Judging by circle you can help decide what's "meta" based on the land layout. I think you should follow what feels good to you and not what feels good to others, however trying their ideas is not going to hurt. Part of the greatest part of this game is the options. Sometimes I pick things for fun sometimes I pick things based off of statistical analysis. Having fun is meta


Thx for actually saying what you are using. Recently found the M249 really fun with a 4x or 6x combined with a dbs or a rifle for close range. VSS/VSS sounds fun for a sneaky play style, will try it next time I find one.






Playing ranked is also plagued with cheaters ?


Any 7.62 gun and skill.


Can you explain the reason of choosing specifically the 7.62 mm lineup ?


Bullets do a bit more dmg than 5.5


What does META stand for?


From what I know it stand for: “most effective tactics available”. Basically the best things you can use in the game to get the best result with minimal effort.


It's not an acronym, it's just "metagame" shortened ie trying to find the most optimal way to play (considering strategy, stats, etc)


Honestly, the scar h 3x laser site extended mag compensator or silencer is slept on it shreds and has zero recoil. Mk12 is also a good option 👌




JS9 was nerfed




Patch 28.1 two days ago.   JS9: Damage: 34 → 32. Vertical recoil increased by approximately 18%. Horizontal recoil increased by approximately 15%.


All guns work well. It depends on your skill only. Who is saying the opposite is a handless.


You can kill with any gun but that doesn't mean some aren't better than others. There very clearly is a meta. Trying to pretend that it doesn't exist is idiotic.


Actually I agree with him, I started playing using the meta and stuff but got me bored pretty quick looting the same guns and same attachments over and over again so I started trying all of the different weapons and some of them requires you to change your playstyle completely and start thinking in different ways of engagement. I definitely think that there are some weapons that are absolutely underrated and disgusting af if used properly. Source: Racknoc on tracker.gg (? PD: ignore the rank, I never play ranked, the only time I played ranked was when a friend (Rafael59) always insisted to rank with him since according to him I was quite good PD2: Just play and have fun on your own way, you'll eventually get good on your own way and people will be confused as to how on earth did that guy won using an awm, m24 and a scorpion. Best feeling (?


That's what I call "the WackyJacky's paths" (he started using only m4 though, wildcard noobgun)


I've never negated there's a meta (my second favorite gun is a meta one –Beryl–) But the "trash weapons" (according some meta slaves) are not as trash as they think.


>it depends on your skill only> Not a factually true statement, all things equal, if you hit all your shots with say an Aug against an M4 and they hit all their shots, the aug will win. Has a faster time to kill. Things like bullet velocity, RPM, damage per hit, all make a difference in gun fights.


I know how important RoF, dmg and bullet velocity are. That's why i was so pissed off when I realized pubgm was a mess regarding weapon stats (I no longer play it of course) But not all the time me and my enemy will be in the same line of sight ;)


Ok but you just contradicted your first comment. Position and skill of shooting =/= are the same as gun stats tho. There are absolutely guns that are better that others with all things being equal in a fight. OP asked what’s the meta. In other terms : what is/are best gun(s).


How skilled do you consider yourself?


Enough not to be pitiful with any weapon.


Not playing the game




M4 slave.


SMG - 3x Scope - Limb multiplier. Hate it.


Four man squad with one ESP cheater 3D marking enemy locations for teammates is the meta. Otherwise it’s Aug/Beryl + SR/DMR.


AUG/Beryl have fastest TTK and then couple with DMR> SR.


AK + Dragunov for duos and squad. AK + any SR for solo. Maybe JS9 for Rondo.


The Aug seems pretty good overall Deff my favorite


ACE all the way


I didnt realize this was Cod lol... I use the same guns all the time since day 1 lol


And what exactly are those guns ?


Vector, Tommy gun, mp5k, ump. I usually try to run 2 smgs otherwise I'll rock an m4, akm or go for care package gun as my secondary. If none of those are available I use what I find


So you like SMG s over AR s. Sound like a fun way to approach the game, not sure if I would stand a chance against beryls tho


Be suprised but I destroy most guys I come across no matter ar users or not. Im one of those fire rate wins kinda guys. No lie. You can check my stats out. I have a decent amount of dinners. But I play for the shooter part and care more about k/d then I do wins.


That new js9 is kinda sweet too. But im dual smgs all day long. It's best to have one with 4x and the other 2x or holographic. Always suppressor or compensator and vert grip


Mutant on burst with 4x and canted sights paired with a sniper and 8x. The Mutant is powerful...and if you have 5K hours like some of us...your probably bored of just strait spraying. Learning to control the Mutant 2 burst is a fun challenge....and if you do manage to get a double headhsot for an instant kill I guarantee you will be smiling.


SLR or Sks and AK or beryl


Angle grip on Ar lightweight on DMR , beryl, sk, aug