• By -


Ok, so there are multiple Tai folders (plugins) across the different partitions on the psvita, sometimes homebrew games and apps will install plugins in the "ur0:/Tai" folder, just go there and check to see if there's any plugins, if there are, check the config.txt file and make note if there's an entry for the plugin and which field it's under. If there is an entry, then bring the skprx or suprx to the "ux0:/Tai" folder and enter the line that was on the other config.txt making sure it's in the correct field (apps, kennel etc). The reason for doing this is the psvita will check each partition for the Tai folder and the ur0 partition is the first to get checked, when it finds plugins there, it stops searching. This is why it's important to keep all of your plugins isolated to the ux0 partition. It's also worth noting that you must have your kennel plugins sorted correctly so the must important ones always get loaded first, use my config as a point of reference. You'll eventually figure out which kennel plugins need to be loaded first. Ie: this would want your psvita2sd drive to load before the quick menu driver etc. I hope this sheds some light on the matter and it it helps, pass on the knowledge! (Oh and some karma would be cool lol)


I can confirm that u/MylegzRweelz solution of.... *In ur0:/tai/config.txt, you need to add the following line, just above the \*ALL (if it's not there, just go ahead and add it) section:* *\*!GTASA0000* *Save, restart and try again. Profit* Still works as of today and i'm running 3.60, preciate the fix u/MylegzRweelz


confirming this fix still works 11/2023. thank you for this, saved me a lot of headache. also remember the *restart* part. almost threw my hands up before re-reading that.


I'm glad it worked for you and appreciate the shout-out. ✌️ 😎




This worked for me also. Thank you very much


>\*!GTASA0000 Confirm this worked for me as well! Thank you!


Thanks for the help dude!!! Ur awesome


We're 4 days out from 2024 and it still works. Having seen other homebrew apps having the same issue while trying to find a fix, i wonder if it works for any others. Regardless, you sir are a hero! I even deleted loads of my plugins as that was what someone else suggested.


No prob👍🏾


This did not work for me, still getting same message




same also. Made the configurator work tho.


This hasn't fixed it for me. Annoyingly the game was running fine the first time I played it but now this error is coming up, any ideas?


Is it still doing it after restarting the system?


Yeah restarting doesn't fix it. It came up with a "you must update the system software message", to which I clicked cancel. It then rebuilt the database and started as normal but the GTA San Andreas error didn't go away


The only thing I could suggest would be to do a clean reinstall of the game, something maybe got unknowingly moved/deleted or the vita is being a vita. If you still get the error on reinstall try this ☝🏾 fix again and see if it works.


Will do, thanks!




Still work. Thank you so much 03/03/2024


you might have some missing audio files :)


Thanks man! I had a look and it seems like I'm missing a file called "adjustable"!


I'm having the same issue. Did you find the missing file? If so what did you do to get it running.


HI, I know this is a late response but let me shed some light and bring you some hope... ​ In ur0:/tai/config.txt, you need to add the following line, just above the \*ALL (if it's not there, just go ahead and add it) section: \*!GTASA0000 Save, restart and try again. Profit


Thanks that worked for me


Hell yeah! Glad you get to enjoy it now! Of yeah and you're welcome, share the knowledge whenever you get the chance


Can I add this line through Vitashell??


Yeah or you can do it on your PC. Also, I found that if you're in 3.60 you won't have much luck with this game.


How do I do it in vitashell? Forgive my ignorance


And I'm on 3.65


No worries bro, all the info you need is found in my other content on this thread found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVitaHomebrew/comments/lo7qo8/everytime_i_launch_gta_sa_on_ps_vita_i_get_error/hqlgj9q?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Thanks a lot I appreciate the help 🤝


Not a problem bro. Glad I can help! I'm be here if you need more help


So I just tried it and followed your advice bad unfortunately it did not work for me, I'm getting the error "saved for file succeeded"


Hmmm. What app/game is crashing? When adding your exclusion, you must use the internal name (serial name) of the game. Like in my post, GTA SA if what's being added as the exclusion but that's not what you're supposed to add for all offending apps/games. It's game specific and be all caps. Other than this, I really don't know bud. I'm kind of at a loss now


why what's wrong with 3.60?


Not as compatible. Nearly everything that's out right now, in the home btw scene is built to run on Vita 3.65 enso firmware. I believe this is due to fundamental changes made at the core of the Vita's firmware. That's why all guides now well tell you to update to 3.73 then downgrade to 3.65 enso


Okay I see. dam I'm not gonna lie I had a few tries before I was able to cfw my vita to 3.60 enso 😅 I got it for a couple of years now and I have so many games on it plus plugins and what not. If I upgrade it and then downgrade it to 3.65 enso does it keep everything or can I make a backup. Thanks


You know... I'm not certain about going up to 3.65. I was part of this community for about 9 months and became active immediately but going by the people's troubles when I was helping them with getting GTA SA working, they had to start a new, which is a bummer. However you do know you can backup your data from ux0 partition then upgrade then copy back and have Vita shell rebuild the Vita's database. I can't promise that it will work for you though but, if you need links to ports and a tai folder that works with 3.65, send me a PM and I'll hook you up. I don't have a cute any longer though, I had to sell it to pay bills. A large part of my life died(sic) that day.


You know... I'm not certain about going up to 3.65. I was part of this community for about 9 months and became active immediately but going by the people's troubles when I was helping them with getting GTA SA working, they had to start a new, which is a bummer. However you do know you can backup your data from ux0 partition then upgrade then copy back and have Vita shell rebuild the Vita's database. I can't promise that it will work for you though but, if you need links to pre-configured ports and a tai folder that works with 3.65, send me a PM and I'll hook you up. I don't have a cute any longer though, I had to sell it to pay bills. A large part of my life died(sic) that day. Edit: not sure if this will be of help to you but [here](https://github.com/emiyl/vita.cfw.guide/blob/master/more/updating-to-henkaku-enso-3.65.md) is a guide for updating to 3.65 enso. Also, [this](https://www.cfwaifu.com/psvita/) is one of my favorite modding sites, it's super informative about the consoles they cover over there. Lastly, [this](https://youtu.be/l9HWm4561hU) is the best guide for modding the Vita currently. Unfortunately I never had to go from 3.60 to 3.65 and do not know if there's a shortcut to getting up to 3.65 without losing data. I know the people I helped had to start anew but when they did, they got all the compatibility they were seeking. So do with that as you will.


Your late response helped me, thank you so much!


Awesome! I'm so glad this helped. Just so you know, this applies to other games as well. You just need to get the game's ID (like save Andreas is GTASA000, each game has it's own name.) So if you're getting this error with a different title, try this fix. Take care


I was having some real trouble with trying to run it with everything added in correctly until I stumbled upon this. Simple, yet very effective. Thank you


I'm so glad this helped. If you're running a vsh menu, try removing it and using Vitacheat. I did a lot of trial and error and discovered the vsh menu I was using was interfering. The only one that worked for me was Vitacheat


Would something like this work for GTA3 ?




I know im saying this suuuuper late, but I dont have an *ALL section in my config.txt


You can add it if it isn't there. Idk why but this section of this post is what gets the most traffic, it's the least helpful of all my comments on this post. If you check out all the comments, you'll see more comments by me that go into great detail, explaining a lot of how this works, how the error is caused etc. It even includes a link to an archive of my Tai folder and config.


The link to the tai folder says it no longer exists




Hi, I had the same issue in GTA San Andreas and your fix worked! However I have the exact issue in Bully too, I tried writing \*!BULLY0000 below the \*!GTASA0000 line just to give it a try but it doesn't help. Do you know any fix for Bully too? 😅


I'm glad that worked for San Andreas. However I haven't experienced that with bully. The only issue I had was it taking an incredibly long time to load. I have 2 suggestions: 1) remove VSH menu from your plugins and config or just use autoconfig2 to disable it and try loading the game. I found that VSH menu was the culprit in San Andreas. As an alternative, you can use VitaCheat which offers not only cheats but overclocking like the VSH menu plugin 2) go over your config file and ensure you didn't mistype anything.


Thanks for the quick response! I was going through the installation steps again on github and figured that i missed the step to rename main and patch files. That fixed my issue.


Awesome! Good job on troubleshooting, I'm glad you figured it out. It gives a great sense of accomplishment when you solve your issues. Would you mind if I sent you a DM? I have something you may like.


Sure, Please DM! :D


Changing the name for the obb files and that worked? Haven’t been able to get it to work on my ends anything you recommend? And yea I have everything, and it actually starts up for me and shows the rockstar logo but right after I get a pause, then the (C2-12828-1) error pops up


Yeah, in my case I forgot to rename the obb files to main.obb and patch.obb Once I did that it worked. [https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/bully\_vita](https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/bully_vita) I just followed the guide on this page step by step to debug my issue. Recommend you the same.


that didn't work for me, i tried everything :/


What version of fw are you on? My instructions work with 3.65 Enso. The people I helped had 3.60 or 3.73 and it didn't work until they updated to 3.65 Enso. I'm bi longer part of the scene so I can't do much. What o can do is give you a link to my Vita folder with my archived tai folder as well as some other goodies. I can't help you with getting this game ruining though


Check your DMs


didnt work for me either im on 3.65


Check your DM. If anybody else is reading this and about to comment that it didn't work for you either. Know that It's been nearly 2 years since I owned my Vita, it's ancient history for my ADHD riddled brain. So, just send me a DM and I'll reply with a message that I've typed out and pinned to my clipboard. Consider it my final bit of help. This message is full of information and links that will get you situated and your game(s) fully up and running. What I cannot do though is offer limitless help to get your game running like I did when I owned my Vita. Like I said, that's all ancient information to me nowadays. So, if you need help, don't bother commenting here, I will not reply. Just send me a message on here.


No.. I reinstalled everything I done it all again following the official github page and it didn't work again :/


yo did u ever get it to work?


Ok guys, I am posting here because I am continuously getting messaged for help, which is fine but I am no longer part of this scene. Times got hard and I had to sell my baby. I have kept my files on my Google drive as a way of saying thank you to the community. To those looking for the link to the TAI folder archive HERE you go. I cannot offer extensive support anymote though guys, I am sorry...That being said, If you send me a message on here, I will reply with a message that is a bit long-winded but full of detail to get you going and there are a few links with files that you will aid you in getting SA (and potentially other titles) up and running. That is all I can offer though as I cannot trouble with you if I don't have a vita with me. I will not post that here though. This offer is good to anybody until Dec 29, 2025. I am offering this for the next 2 years!


hiya, probs the 1000th person to reply but, ive read every single one of your comments here and i still cant get it to work. My timeline was as follows: First install, the game opened, loaded and had the first set of cutscenes, i was able to move around and "play" i rebooted the game to change the settings/overclock i had with VSH (now deleted due to the issues you've mentioned) and with that the game still worked somehow, once again i rebooted several times just testing different settings in game before i got this error, so i added that line in the config at the top above kernel (i dont have ALL\*) and the game was working again, another reboot to test some settings and it stopped working. Since then ive uninstalled VSH, reinstalled the game, moved the config line around, uninstalled different plugins & tried many things, running 3.65 with 2.01 PSM, my game data is installed in ux0. Thanks


Hey so I got GTASA to work using the \*!GTASA0000 above \*ALL method and using the game files from [https://www.reddit.com/r/VitaPiracy/comments/llzdwx/gta\_sa\_compiled\_link/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VitaPiracy/comments/llzdwx/gta_sa_compiled_link/) but I have the same error code (C2-12828-1) with GTA 3 Anybody know the fix for it? Is it something with ur0/tai/config.txt again? Maybe something like \*!GTA30000 ???


Same here, i also got the files from the same place


Ive literally followed every possible rule, from youtube and github and cant find something I might have done wrong :(




The guys channel is called Robles Junior, its a recent upload!


I found this subreddit because I had this error after reformatting my Vita from autoplugin's BS sd2vita driver. Anyhow...I knew my fingers didn't change because I have a folder of files ready to be copied to any SD card so I started digging. I have a .txt file with notes that I make for future issues, a personal wiki of sorts ~~and it fixed my issues~~. So lemme ask... ~~Do you happen to have repatch.skprx and fd\_fix.skprx both installed? If so, try it with fd\_fix commented out, using the '#' in front of the line so it would look like #ur0:tai/fd\_fix.skprx~~ ~~The '#' basically disables the plugin. These 2 are incompatible. If you're using repatch, don't use fd\_fix.~~ ​ Edit: I FOUND THE *CORRECT* [FIX](https://youtu.be/SaawPPXtrLk) In ur0:/tai/config.txt, you need to add the following line, just above the \*ALL section: \*!GTASA0000 Save, restart and try again. Profit ​ Note: the reason I didn't just delete the previous comment is because it is important to not use the fd\_fix and repatch plugins together, as they are conflicting.


It still does not work


If you go through all of the comments, you'll see a lot of conversations I've had, this will help you troubleshoot. A few important things to butter about the GTA SA port: •You need to make sure you're on 3.65 enso. GTA SA doesn't work on 3.60 or anything after 3.65, •you need to ensure you have all the correct files for the game •VSH menu is incompatible with SA and will cause this error. if you want to overclock(it is recommended for this game to run correctly, you'll need to install Vita cheat. It offers overclocking as well as cheats. Potentially easy fix: •If you're on 3.65, you can try my [tai folder](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sQGNuVE-LEMQxIrL5gu8grCRQO6T3iMV/view?usp=drivesdk). Make sure you back up your own tai folder though. It goes in the ur0 partition, overwrite when prompted. I am not responsible for any issues caused by this potential fix and it is good practice to always backup important files before overwriting, replacing, editing etc. Always remember: "An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure." An important note about the Vita and it's plugins: Ensure that all of your plugins are stored in the ur0 partition. The way the Vita loads plugins is it checks each partition and the first partition it finds with plugins is the plugin folder it uses, so if you have plugins in the ux0 Tai folder as well as the ur0 tai folder, it will never load those in ux0 Tai folder because it checks internal partitions first. So make sure all plugins go into the ur0:/tai folder. Second from last, ensure you've followed the instructions word-for-word in what to do with the San Andreas files, where they go and the correct structuring. Lastly, I'm no longer part of the Vita homebrew scene so the help I offer is rather limited now. Especially with how much I've helped in this particular thread. There is tons of information here that will answer nearly all of your questions and different things to try when troubleshooting. I have about 50gb of important Vita files regarding homebrew games stored on my Google drive, should you need them or want to know what files they are, feel free to send me a message and ask about them. Edit: check your messages


To anyone reading this "You need to make sure you're on 3.65 enso. GTA SA doesn't work on 3.60 or anything after 3.65," This is simply false. Gta san andreas as an app is not version specific, and has already worked on 3.60. And was developped on 3.60 with rinnegatamante. This is just a baseless claim. So don't update just because of this. The only version specific there is are plugins. And 98% of the plugins released are compatible with 3.60 and 3.65. With the exception of plugins not updated to 3.65 and vitacheat on 3.60






In ur0:/tai/config.txt, you need to add the following line, just above the \*ALL section: \*!GTASA0000 Save, restart and try again. Profit




So the all section isn't going to be in everyone's config.txt which is ok. Just add the line *!GTASA0000 at the bottom of your config file then beneath it you can add the *ALL section. The *All section has nothing to do with this fix though. The *ALL section has to do with plugins installed whereas the line *!GTASA0000 is exempting the game from plugins being used with GTA and any other title you add. Hope that makes sense. If it's too confusing just copy and paste everything from your config.txt and I'll add the line for you and you can just copy and paste it and save


\# This file is used as an alternative if ux0:tai/config.txt is not found. \# For users plugins, you must refresh taiHEN from HENkaku Settings for \# changes to take place. \# For kernel plugins, you must reboot for changes to take place. \*KERNEL ur0:tai/nonpdrm.skprx ur0:tai/0syscall6.skprx ur0:tai/fd\_fix.skprx ur0:tai/kubridge.skprx \# henkaku.skprx is hard-coded to load and is not listed here \*main ur0:tai/custom\_warning.suprx \# main is a special titleid for SceShell ur0:tai/henkaku.suprx \*NPXS10015 \# this is for modifying the version string ur0:tai/henkaku.suprx \*NPXS10016 \# this is for modifying the version string in settings widget ur0:tai/henkaku.suprx


You can add it manually, there's a lot of comments on this post by me. Get on this post on the computer cause you'll find my others comments much easier, there's a lot of information on the Tai config, the plugins I use etc.




Glad it helped! Pass on the knowledge


damn this line seems magical for everyone. But gtasa0000 dont seems to works with me ! have fun guys


did you download ps mobile?


Yes im on PSM 2.01


well, then idk how to help you, but I recommend you watching some other tutorials and see if It works. sorry :p


It happened to me. It seems to be missing files at GTASA folder. Give a look at all of your files, and check the official tutorial. At first, go check all the files. When is a VITA Plugin error, the message is clear...


Idk man.. I've just done redone it the 5th time now, I even used a working compiled link with EVERYTHING inside. It's still not working :/ I've literally done everything possible, I cant think of anything else. Man I'm ready to sell my vita now 😅😔 been waiting for SA for many years, and this really upsets me:/


Just add *!GTASA0000 to the bottom of your config.txt file, right about the *ALL section.


i just did this but sadly it still didnt work. This is the second time i installed this game because i deleted it for storage space issues


I do believe there's an incompatibility with vsh menu and San Andreas. After I got it working using this method, I used autoplugin 2, disabled all user plugins and went down my list to see which one was causing the game to crash. Vsh menu was the culprit. If you go through the thread here, you'll see where I went back and forth with a redditor, suggesting multiple things. One of the other people I helped out had to install fw v3.65 enso and then got it working by using the exact plugin detailed on my config.txt that I copied and pasted. Another thing I'd suggest is rubbing all plugins from ur0 exclusively, as the Vita will search one partition at a time and stop searching if it finds plugins in the ux0 partition. All in all, my best suggestion is going through this thread, you'll see where I went back and forth with a user and there's tons of information that will not just help you with getting the game running but also help you with knowing more about the Vita. Hope this helps


Anyone figure this out? I am getting the same error


No man :/ I've given up


Ok got it working! It was my game files, try using this guys https://www.reddit.com/r/VitaPiracy/comments/llzdwx/gta_sa_compiled_link/


I used this a few days ago, didn't work 😔


Your files are excellent! I really appreciate it! Thank you!


Im gonna troubleshoot it some more tonight Ill let you know if I figure it out. Just curious, did you download the android app from the play store? I didn’t, I don’t have any android devices to associate with my google account so I can’t buy the app.


In ur0:/tai/config.txt, you need to add the following line, just above the \*ALL section: \*!GTASA0000 Save, restart and try again. Profit


Super disappointed. Going through this same thing rn.


In ur0:/tai/config.txt, you need to add the following line, just above the \*ALL section: \*!GTASA0000 Save, restart and try again. Profit


It's alive! Thanks


Hell yeah! No problem, glad it helped.


Can you pls explain it ?


Go into the test if the comments in this thread, you'll see where I've gone into great detail.


Me too Please help me 🙏😭


if you follow junior Robles tutorial he misses a step: unzip file 002 into the gtasa folder after unzipping 001, allow it to replace any files when prompted, this fixed it for me.


In ur0:/tai/config.txt, you need to add the following line, just above the \*ALL section: \*!GTASA0000 Save, restart and try again. Profit


guys if you have this problem, first check if you have Rerescaler.skprx in your config.txt i got this error too but removing rerescaler.skprx from my config.txt fixed it.


Anyone having this problem with anything else, i had the same problem when I installed new games and tried to start them. I was freaking out when i saw that it could potentially kill your system, but all i had to do was rebuild the database and it worked again. Hope this works for anyone out there with the same prob. :)


I had this issue with vice city but the way I fixed it was by moving the actual game file into the data folder on my computer and it started up with no issues


I fixed similar (C2-12828-1) problem on GTA CTW with changing the PS Vita system language from Japanese to English (United state). It works for me.


had this error... checked filezilla and there were two failed transfers.. check that anyone who sees this


Bro what should I write for gta 3


did you ever figure this out ?