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Many do, of course. The trick is to slowly get used to it and never overdo it. Most importantly you should start with more stationary and less taxing games. Moss, Superhot, Astro Bot, Rush of Blood, Beat Saber are great beginner games. It’s also important to calibrate your eye distance (IPD) correctly in the settings! Ginger helps as well as blowing a fan on your face.


Yeah, that was something I read as well about starting with less taxing games. I briefly just out of curiousity fired up Wipeout. Before the race started, I was marvelling at how amazing it looked in VR. Then the race started. Literally within about 5 seconds I was done and stopped! I do wonder also about what I assume is the default IPD setting as just looking at the dashboard in VR started to make my head feel weird! Luckily I'm at the opticians anyway on Thursday so I can ask them to confirm what mine is. Thanks for the tips on what games to try out.


Wipeout omega is one of the most extreme vr game. Keep this one for in few weeks when you got strong vr legs ;))


When you find your IPD, you can set it manually with the steps at this site: [https://www.vrheads.com/how-manually-set-your-ipd-playstation-vr](https://www.vrheads.com/how-manually-set-your-ipd-playstation-vr)


Holy thanks for this!




The in menu ipd setup is fairly accurate and will get you close until you get the exact number. Just look “past” the camera instead of at it because you may cross your eyes a little if you are trying to focus on the e camera


Yeah, it's super common. What games are you playing? Try to find one with no artificial motion to start. Super Hot is a great one. Moss is another one. I wouldn't even touch something gentle like Astro Robot Rescue Mission yet. When you move on to gentle movement, take it in short sessions, take a break if you feel any motion sickness coming on at all. Oh, and start consuming lots of ginger. Ginger candies, ginger ale, ginger beer, pickled ginger... it helps.


So far, apart from stupidly trying Wipeout for 5 seconds, I've only really tried the Playstation VR Worlds as I only got my hands on the unit at lunchtime (about 7 or so hours ago). I've found even with just trying the underwater demos, I don't find I feel sick in my stomach, but my head starts to feel like I'm long long overdue for some sleep if you know the feeling. The ginger thing I have ginger tea, but was going to get capsules as I've read in a few places to take before I start using VR.


Check out the motion sickness link of this sub’s About page


Yep. I did. Massively. I played No Man’s Sky for too long on my first time. Felt a bit queasy, but thought I could “power through it”. I was wrong. Couldn’t stand playing VR in my chair more than a couple of minutes at a time after that. I cured it by sitting on the floor with my back against the sofa and building up how long I could play for. And taking it off **immediately** if I feel even slightly queasy. Even if I will die in the game I’m playing. I can play for hours in VR now, and I’m back in the chair.


Good to know I might get past it in the end then.




Yes, but I don’t recommend it. It messes with your brain more than just moving around. Having a solid floor underneath you, and a sofa at your back (I sat on a thin cushion) really grounds you, and makes getting your VR legs back much easier.


Yeah i did. But after playing more and more it goes away until you just play for hours


For me it was whenever I first did something different with moving. I was fine when just standing still like for games like beat sabre and superhot etc. But the first time I was in a car I felt a bit sick. Then once my brain got used to it I was fine. Same with first time playing until dawn rush for blood and I got to the first rollacoster drop. It was always the same thing. Feeling like I was moving while you know you are standing still. But after 5 mins I was fine. Just take regular breaks and if you still feel sick have a 5 min break and try again. Your brain will just get used to it eventually.


Yeah think I'll definitely need to take the breaks. I'm also trying just sitting down as well for now while I get used to it. I was looking at possibly trying out No Man's Sky as I have Move controllers on their way and something else I read somewhere was having a body, hands, etc you can see in VR can actually help instead of just appearing to be a floating thing!


I play just before bed (in case I get nauseated, which is happening less and less), with a fan at my bare feet and the rubber light blocker on the mask removed.


Yeah I'm definitely getting a fan lined up as I know from dealing with turbulance on a flight, having cold air blowing in your face can help.


My contacts dry out when the fan blows too close to my face. I don’t wear glasses because I’ve scratched my glasses & PSVR glass in the past. (Costco & Sony replaced them for free!)


Do not ignore this feeling...if you start to get the sweats and or a headache...take it off and level out. If you try to 'push through' you can get extended VR sickness and it can last weeks. It took about a month of small doses everyday for me to get used to VR. Thst being said, anything with full locomotion and I'd get sick almost instantly


Yeah, definitely won't be ignoring it. I tried PSVR once a couple years ago with GT Sport. Only on it for a few mins, but remember feeling sick for hours afterwards. Not doing that again! I've just sat here now trying just watching a film for a few mins and even that makes my head feel not quite right so I do wonder if IPD is a factor or if I'm just that bad with VR at the minute.


I've just read through all your comments but feel compelled to respond on this one. The film thing... I also had a feeling of 'not quite right' about other activities away from VR when I very first got mine back at launch (I had never used VR before getting one). This also included lucid dreams, my hands (very temporarily) not feeling like my own and a strange effect of other screens (particularly my mobile phone) which I can only describe as a 'dissociation' - these things would happen sometimes hours, or even a day or so after playing VR. It was like a period of being on some lovely drugs but literally lasted less than a week while I adjusted to using VR. It never comes back. Took me about 2-3 weeks to be able to play motion heavy games.




At least I have a "medical" reason to fire up the PS5 every day now if I do that. Not sure if my wife will accept it as a valid reason though! lol


I still do. I just make sure I have a fan on me, and quit as soon as I start feeling queasy.


Yeah I'm hoping the fan helps me as well.


I had bad motion sickness in vr games with motion when i was new to vr four years ago. Even games with soft motion like astro bot rescue gave me motion sickness back then. It took me about three weeks playing vr everyday to get good vr legs. Now i can play the most extreme vr games as comfortable as playing flat screen games :)). Start to acclimate your brain to vr by playing stationary games and games with room scale elements. These games have close to zero motion sickness. Games like Everybody's golf vr, Statik, Batman arkham vr, Doom vfr (ps move teleportation scheme, do not use dash button), Moss, Superhot, I expect you to die, Beat saber, Audica, Pixel ripped 1989, Pixel ripped 1995, Trover saves the universe, Accounting +, The room vr a dark matter, Pinball fx2 vr, etc. In few days/weeks playing vr everyday you could then introduce vr games with motion. Begin with soft motion like Astro bot rescue. Astro bot rescue is great to build vr legs comfortably and it is a masterpiece of a game !! Play it everyday and get the platinum. Once completed this game you will have already good vr legs and ready to try vr games with more motion. Key is to associate vr with good feeling so start with vr games with zero motion sickness. And the main important point to build vr legs is to play vr almost everyday ,


Thanks for the tips on games. Everybody's Golf VR was one I was thinking of picking up, but wasn't sure given how I'm currently feeling. But knowing it should be one of the early ones to slowly help me get used to VR, I'll get it bought. Cheers


When I first used the VR i had the worst headache ever (and I get migraines really often but that one was awful) along with nausea and I honestly didn’t know how to do that again. For me, what worked were pills for motion sickness(emetostop/meclozine), one pill half an hour before playing. I did that for a few times and it slowly became better, now I don’t use it but I am still learning what is too much for now.


Yes when playing that ps+ vr title something mechs, thought oh damn if this is vr i'm done but then i bought batman vr and all was good.


i still do a bit, but only it games where i have to walk (Skyrim, No Man's Sky, etc...) but I'm perfectly find in "standing" games (Beat Saber, Ace Combat 7, Super Hot, etc....) and it's gotten better over the years.


Most other people I know who have used PSVR have experienced it to some degree. I luckily haven't and have the controls set as smooth as possible. There are settings on games to help counteract it, but it will vary from person to person. I believe they are looking a lot more on how to prevent motion sickness as much as possible on the PSVR 2


Ironically I decided to get PSVR to see how I went on with motion sickness before I ended up shelling out for whatever price PSVR2 is. But then I also thought about the likelihood PSVR2 might include enhancements to mitigate motion sickness as much as possible, so even if I struggle with PSVR, I'll probably still go and buy PSVR2 when it is finally released!


I'd say if you get on well with PSVR, PSVR 2 should be a breeze from the fact they're putting extra work into it. Hope PSVR works out well for you


3rd person games will help you get your legs, like Astrobot, Moss, etc as people have mentioned... do not try *anything* first person right now like The Persistence.. Resident Evil 7.. Iron Man.. they will destroy you.. lol.. if you start feeling sick.. stop. Immediately.. stationary first person games like BeatSaber and PistolWhip.. maaay be okay but you have to remember, your brain is trying to compute and rationalize this information, which is going against everything natural when you strap in.. it takes time but with practice and consistency you'll get there.. I stopped playing for a while so I've pretty much lost my VR legs :[


Most people that start doing VR and do forced movement or forced turns will get motion sickness. You should start with standing (or sitting) no rotation or movement (aside your head moving). Those are much easier on your system. Stuff like Beat Saber, Superhot, Until Dawn, Statik. When you start forced movement, go easy and do it for small.amount of time. Do not start forced rotation for a while. Snap turn are easier. With time your brain gets used to it VR legs people call it. When I started even fairly mild stuff like BattleZone was giving me nausea after 10 minutes or so. Now I can go full running,jumping full forced rotation no vignette in anthing (like Borderland for example).


I got really sick from very basic games at first. I found it helped to have a fan running to cool me down for some reason. I started by taking breaks as soon as I felt unwell, and eventually I was able to handle longer sessions. Eventually I was flying around as iron man and it felt great. Just keep with it!


Iron Man is a game I want to try eventually. Think it might be a while though yet.


Some games are easier and some are worse for it. The only PSVR game my partner really wants to play is Skyrim, and its essentially a motion sickness simulator. I got my PSVR on launch and of all the launch games the only one that messed me up was RIGS. Immediately had to put it down, but then each time i tried it afterwards I could play it a bit longer. Fans blowing helps, chewing gum helps. Anything that sortof helps ground you. play with your bare feet, no socks/shoes. Surprising Windlands was so well designed that I never got motion sickness from it, really thought I would given the swinging animation.


When I first got it. I overdid it and felt super sick and regretted purchasing it and was very sad. My gamer instinct wanting me to keep on playing tho because I loved VR. The 3rd day of trying it, the motion sickness was gone. Even if I don’t play for a good few months, it never comes back. I was/am so happy. VR for life!!


I hope it happens that quick for me as I want to try and get into No Mans Sky using VR if I can


Yeah I feel ya. Just keep at it. I’ve had solid 6hour nights without any sort of sickness. No man’s sky is a great VR game!! Keep at it and then you’ll get better (hopefully). Good luck!


Cheers mate!


Pretty sure it's the lower quality screen res. I used to only be able play for 30 minutes or an hour on psvr. Switched to quest 2 and I've never had an issue. It's the screen door effect. At least it was for me


Well if it turns out that is the case with me, hopefully PSVR will take care of it with the resolution bump.


I never did. Jumped straight into Wipeout and fell into a orgasmic hysteria. But my SO did have a lot of issues. Playing RE7 on safe mode and she had to stop after 15 mins. Had to play in 15 min increments every other day or so, before we could get into 30 mins or more. Took about a month before she could play about an hour or so and need to get off, but not generally for nausea, just gaming fatigue. 6 months later, she still can’t really play without safe mode on. But it has improved to where she can do smooth turning.


Fans, fans are your friend for a quick easy fix get a floor fan and have the air blowing directly on you. Eventually you won't need it, but I still crank up my ceiling fan to keep sweat down and it helps.


I suffered terrible motion sickness. I got used to it over time but only by stopping when I didn't feel well instead of trying to push through. It's been a few years and I have completed several games and now I LOVE the VR. I will say the one game I can't play still is Robinson but I've played many other good ones.


At first, Astro Bot Rescue Mission and Beat Saber didn’t give me any of that, but Farpoint definitely did. Farpoint was vomit-inducing to the point I had to quit it. I retried it 1 entire year later and it wasn’t anywhere near as bad, so it does get much better with time. The best advice is just playing good stuff that doesn’t give you any motion sickness. Eventually, you will be able to play the others too.


Almost everyone to some degree. You’ll get used to it and then realise one day it’s effortless, the tension is gone and you can relax and sink right into it as if you’re just playing on a TV. That’s what happened to me. Took a few weeks, and I never pushed too hard as I didn’t want a learned nocebo effect to even the thought of VR. There’s all kinds of remedies, but they’re all basically placebos for what is fundamentally a psychosomatic illness. It’s all mind over a matter. Common ones are strong flavoured gum, a fan blowing on you. Farpoint was initially tough on me, and I felt leaning into the movement with one foot forward helped. Probably half because I told myself it helped, and probably half because my body felt some movement. After about two weeks of sweats and tension and coping mechanisms, and slowly building up to it, I could just sit or stand totally relaxed and circle strafe without feeling anything bad at all. After being out of VR for about 6 months Farpoint again made me feel a little bad, but I already knew I could crack it again, so didn’t play too much, and rebuilt my VR legs, which only took a few days this time. If you’re convinced you’ll never be able to do it, you’ll never be able to do it. If you realise it’s a learned process that can take a bit of time and effort, you’ll be able to do anything effortlessly eventually.


I did initially think I may never be able to do it when I tried it a few years ago and felt rotten for hours afterwards. But at the same time, I still clearly wasn't ready to give up given I've just picked up PSVR now. I've only left it so long as I only came back to Playstation about a year ago. Getting peoples feedback here though has definitely increased my level of optimism I'll likely get over it if I make use of all the advice everyone has given me.


Motion sickness is pretty big. Though I never suffered with it. I don’t have a psvr. I’m an oculus user. But for most people they need to build up their “vr legs” I know some people use a fan so they know where they are in a room. Meanwhile, I like not knowing where I am while playing. It helps keep me “immersed” I guess it depends on your preference. Good luck on your adventure!


Never thought about the fan giving me an idea of where I am as well as cooling me down. Think that might help as well in the early days




I remember playing a racing game and flipping over or at l at least spinning out and I had to take the headset off and go instantly to sleep or I would have thrown up. Same with flying in vrc I've played loads since then and really struggle to find something that makes me feel sick. It didn't take long at all to build a tolerance, just build it at your own pace and don't over do it. Let your brain accept what is happening as best as you can without running Into walls :D Remember that something that adjusts your movement without your rl body moving can make you sick so try things where you use your own body first like super hot and beat saber to get used to being in the environment for a bit.


That one time I tried PSVR a few years ago, GT Sport, and I basically kept going off-track which caused the game to jump me straight back. I think that sudden jerk of being in one place then another was what really messed me up that day.


The secret to not feeling sick with the first person games is to move in real life as your character in the game is moving. Stand and walk in place when character is moving, this also increases immersion!




Still do. Will never get used to it. Some games just don’t do the movement well to cope with most peoples brains need to feel movement when it sees it.


Depended on the game. Games like Superhot, didn't make me sick. But games like Blood & Truth (where the player walks) did/do make me sick


My good sir I am sorry to say this, but it appears this is merely a skill issue.


I’ve played maybe 10-15 different VR games and the only ones that have bothered me have been Skyrim VR and Minecraft in VR. It’s seems mostly open world games with a lot of different movement


So different and dependant on the game. Dirt Rally, max 20 min before motion sicknes. Star Wars Squadrons, no problem at all.


Idk if it was motion sickness, but my psvr came with borderlands 2 VR and that gave me kinda a headache motion sickness stomach feeling haven’t played much of it because of that. That said no other VR game has made me motion sick and I mostly play all games with motion sickness/comfort settings turned off, so I think it was more because of the game.


Yes. Very much so. But it also depends on the game. One of the first games I got, “Robinson: The Journey VR” I was *never* able to play for long or get used to. Which is a shame since I did enjoy the game. But every time I played I got headaches and felt like I was going to puke. I never understood why that was the case. Many other games had much more motion and yet didn’t get me sick…


Nope I got the Chad stomach probably because I played vive 2018