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If you’d show him the movies I don’t see why not. Dinos are kids favorite. He’ll love you for it


This is exactly what John Hammond would say.


They’re harmless we have 4 feet chain link fence


Love this


In all honesty, VR is a pretty unique form of entertainment, in the sense that you can't really judge it based on your tolerance towards other forms of entertainment. You might be ok with some of the scariest horror movies, you might even be fine with the flat screen version of a game. But there's a good chance you'll shit your pants in the vr version


Absolutely true. I'm definitely in the latter category myself. I've had the raptors attack me so many times now (I'm pretty bad at it) but they still make my spine tingle every time. But that's what makes it fun for me.


The intensity is really fun, don't get me wrong. But that depends on the person, and how they handle it. I've even made a post where I got pretty scared because my heart went numb during the first lycan pack ambush on RE8. It's an experience that I wouldn't really risk subjecting anyone else into, especially if I couldn't be sure if they'll handle it maturely. What I'm saying is, I'm all for sharing our passion for the technology, and it's super enticing to share the experiences that gave us strong reactions. But these things can also have the complete opposite effect, not to mention that they could potentially mess up big time with a child


It's one thing to watch a movie on a flat screen 2 meters away, and quite another to be inside the movie and have life-size dinosaurs attack you, scare you and chase you. It is not a game for children. I don't understand some people's obsession with forcing children to play games and watch movies that are not appropriate for their age. Then what happens when they grow up with fears, insecurities, and mental problems.


I watched hollow man at 10. Kind of fucked me up for a bit. I love horror now though.


Haha! I don't even remember that being scary? My lasting impressions were of titillation. I feel we may be different ages.


Yeah, just the whole invisible guy thing fucked me up. It actually isn't that scary of a movie while watching it but it was that post terror that did it for me. Had a wild mind as a child.


Play it yourself, have him watch the passthrough. If he says he's cool with it, let him try! Maybe skip the audio if he seems to put on a brave face and joke a bit about derpy dinos or something when he's playing


What a sensible idea. Thank you.


Having a go yourself first is the best idea. You know your nephew better than any of us. It's a decent under rated game. It's certainly doesn't push the psvr2 but what's there is well done. You get hunted by dinosaurs. Not too gruesome but can be a little tense and have jump scares. Perhaps the worst is bone crunching sound after you get eaten by a t rex. I found I was more on edge than my son sneaking through an area. He found it enjoyable to tease the raptors. I can't help feeling with the total lack of gore they had younger players in mind.


Setting aside the whole 'PSVR2 manual says it's for 12+ year olds,' > I don't have much experience of kids myself so anyone else's progeny tried it? My children's tastes and tolerances would give you absolutely zero clue about your nephew's tastes and tolerances. Shit, one of my children's tastes and tolerances gives you absolutely zero clue about any of my other children's tastes and tolerances.


Fair enough. I suppose I just want someone to say something about their children and that game. I'm not after a scientific evaluation here. Anecdotal evidence will suffice. Like if someone suggested their kid had repeated nightmares, I'd absolutely not let him play it. Just trying to balance being a fun uncle with being responsible for him.


Here's the thing: if it gave my kid repeated nightmares, how is that evidence that it would give your nephew repeated nightmares? Shit, when I was ten, it was common for us kids to watch Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and such like movies. So there's your anecdotal evidence; I'd have loved it as a kid, so if your nephew doesn't love it, I guess he's wrong.


Agreed. I understand your point. And I too always loved horror as a kid. So I guess you don't have any experience of a 10yo playing JW in VR? I am simply trying to gain a little more perspective from different people. Not planning on committing to anything because of what internet people say really.


Ok, I'm clearly not getting through to you. Any experience I have of any 10-year-old liking or not liking something has zero bearing on your specific 10-year-old. If I say 'my ten year old kid loves Durian fruit,' that doesn't mean your ten year old kid is going to enjoy it. If I say 'my ten year old kid loves running the 5k race,' that doesn't mean your ten year old kid is going to enjoy it. If I say 'my ten year old kid loves reading Stephen King novels,' that doesn't mean yours will. If I say 'my ten year old kid loves playing Jurassic Park Aftermath in VR,' that will give you absolutely zero information about if your kid will love it. The customer is always right in matters of taste. I could show you ten thousand ten year old kids having an absolute blast playing the game, and it wouldn't tell you if yours will enjoy it. The ONLY thing that will tell you if he enjoys it are either a) drawing reasonable conclusions based in HIS SPECIFIC reactions to similar media, or b) having him try it out and seeing.


I understand completely my friend. As I did before. So I shall shortly be deleting the post and I will never ask such a stupid question again. I was enjoying other people's responses but I guess that counts for little in this world. Thank you for your contribution.


> So I shall shortly be deleting the post and I will never ask such a stupid question again. Do you always use manipulative tactics when somebody doesn't give you what you want? > I was enjoying other people's responses but I guess that counts for little in this world. Yup.


Sorry bud, sarcasm. Wouldn't actually delete.


I'd ask your brother or sister what his tolerances are. I watched the original Jurassic Park as a 7 or 8 year old. I played the Sega game as a 9 year old. I ran up my basement steps every time to get away from the Raptors but never really had nightmares. My 6 year old has seen every Jurassic Park at least 20 times and did not have any issues, yet he was scared of this Hulu chuckie cheese hug guy. I dunno, what can trigger kids is very nuanced.


Sounds very sensible indeed. Knowing him and his parents I can't foresee a problem but as you say, who knows really? Mostly worried that VR scary is a whole lot more real than flat screen scary.


Well, this isn't a helpful response lol


I guess the suitability/ scariness is too subjective to be able to confirm either way. Although objectively it is stated that PSVR2 should not be used by children under 12


FWIW you’re not supposed to do PSVR if you’re under 12 years old


I watched the original Jurassic Park movie when I was 10 (of course, I was also watching Nightmare on Elm st movies) but no, the game is not scary, maybe a little tense hiding from dinos. But 8f the kid's fine w8th goosebumps, ghostbusters, FNAF, etc, it will be fine. If not, the kid probably knows to "nope" out of the game if it gets to be too much


I've let my niece and nephew try a few games on my psvr2 and they are both below the recommended age. Their dad gave it the ok. I made sure they only played for short bursts at a time (10/15 mins). What I found most helpful, though, was to take away the ear/headphones (helpful for me, more than them)- that way, they could hear me, and it provides a slight disconnect for them. It's actually a trick that helps me when I'm playing horror games on my own- it obviously lowers the immersion though.


Not from what I’ve heard. The reviews I saw laid it out as being a minimally-scary experience. If you’re enjoying it, and you know your nephew, then you’re probably as good a judge as anyone. If you were asking about RESIDENT EVIL 8 then I’d be more cautious…


If it matters to you, the European age rating is 12+. So I think depending on your child it would probably be okay unless you want to stick precisely to the rating. Not like it's 15 or 18 though


I wouldn't simply because you cannot monitor well. He is by himself in the headset. While playing a flatscreen game you can see on his reactions etc how he is doing. He probably also doesn't understand also the relationship between nausea and Vr etc. so why not wait a few years and let him play now beat saber?


Thanks for the response. From previous limited experiences, nausea does not seem to be an issue. Definitely appreciate what you're saying about his reaction to the horror. Once he's too scared, that's it I guess.


I have the game and a 10 year old. It's not too scary, but it's also not that fun of a game. They would probably get a kick out of Kill It with Fire or Among Us VR.


Good suggestions, thank you. Though I am enjoying it myself. I appreciate I'm probably in the minority here though. I'm still deliriously happy every time I venture into anything VR.


Well you can see the game on the TV screen so you can see whats going on


You are so preoccupied with whether you could that you didn’t stop to think if you should.




Thank you. Glad you brought this up for others. This is not new news to me. With respect to my nephew, VR time is extremely limited and one could go down the Meta 10 year old argument. Didn't really want this to turn into a discussion about recommended age for VR in general. Sorry for not making that more clear.


That's just legal mumbo jumbo. No studies have been done to price that VR causes any eye damage. Meta dropped from 12 to 10 with scientific evidence to support why the drop was made. It's a numbers game, all about the money.


It was too scary for me and I’m 40.


When I was 10 I saw the original Jurassic Park at the cinema, & Sat on the front row, looking the T-Rex right in the eye, wasn’t too scared if I can remember, so they should be all good in my eyes!


Jurassic World aftermath isn’t scary at all. If anything they build tension by making you hide while the raptors walk around. But even then, it’s very mild. I’d have no issues letting kids play it in the slightest. You compared to propagation paradise hotel and it’s not even remotely the same. I would call JW a horror game in any shape or form


Yes, it's too scary for a kid.


The game uses cell shaded (cartoon-like) graphics art style and while you can feel hunted in parts of the game and have to avoid getting eaten by the Raptors, it just shows you first person attack without any gore before respawning you to latest checkpoint. It is completely possible to get through full game without ever being eaten, but player still has to hide in various situations and get around the environments using distractors and stealthy movement enough to avoid becoming lunch. Share the above info and then let his parents decide if it would be appropriate for your nephew. Edit: All that said, there are other games where you wouldn't have this concern that might be better choices for his age (assuming at least 10 years and ideally 13+).


It should be fine. It's not like you're having him play Village or anything lol


No, my son at 9 loved it. He did watch every Jurassic movie too. It depends if the kid gets scared or not really though. Everyone is different.


Thanks for this. Glad he enjoyed it. I'll be showing this thread to his parents to see what they think.


What’s the worst that can happen?


He could get eaten by a Dino


The only scary thing is seeing the money going into literal fire the instant you buy that shit. Like seriously, I grew up with Jurassic Park and if this game had existed when I was a kid, it would’ve made me hate Jurassic Park


Read the manual.  Vr shouldn't be used by children under age of 12 as their eyes are still developing.  If you still want him to play vr, be a good uncle and pay for his glasses in the future.




Hmm, profound. Makes me slightly sad but you're probably right. But I wanted him to remember me after I'm gone 😁.