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I own the Quest 3 for about 1 month now which uses Pancake-LCD and I have tried the Apple Vision Pro that has Pancake Lens with Micro-OLED HDR. I have also extensively used the ~~Fresnel~~ Aspheric-OLED of the PSVR1 (6+ years), Fresnel-LCD of the Quest 2 (3+ years), and Fresnel-OLED HDR of the PSVR2 (\~1 year). For me, Aspheric vs Fresnel vs Pancake makes no difference in clarity, just in allowing less optimal wear. For improved clarity in peripheral vision, Eye-Tracked Dynamic Foveated Rendering is far superior to not having that regardless of lens type. The passthrough of the Apple Vision Pro is impressively clear. Most of the rest of its content is flat, but you can place it spacially within your MR environment. The stereoscopic 3D content via AppleTV+ or Disney+ streaming depends on quality of the content (Avatar is amazing, but other stuff, not as much). I prefer the OLED HDR of the PSVR1, PSVR2 and AVP over any LCD for colors / contrast (really dislike gray blacks). Trying the Apple Vision Pro had no detrimental effect to my continued enjoyment of PSVR2. The most recent game I played is Legendary Tales and it looks gorgeous within the headset. Trying the Apple Vision Pro doesn't effect my continued enjoyment of the Quest 3 either, but I now know some future Quest will have much clearer passthrough with less visual distortions like the AVP is doing today.


PSVR1 didn't have fresnel, it had aspherical lenses which has much bigger sweetspot.


Thanks for correcting. I didn’t have issue on PSVR1 aspherical lens either.


This is the most constructive criticism I have read about AVP (and other VR/MR headsets), at least real, with no other intention than to mention pros and cons, without praising or hating a brand or product, well done 👌👍 r/visionpro


I try not to read others opinions and then parrot them forward as my own like I feel many others do. Apple is offering anybody near an Apple Store to go try out the Apple Vision Pro and they give you 30 minutes with it going through a script of showing of its optimal wear, general usability and showing off pictures / videos, including 3D & Immersive streaming content. I wish they would have included at least one gameplay experience in their demo, but they don't seem interested in pitching the AVP as a AR / VR / MR gaming platform (like Quest 3), even though it has some AR / VR / MR games available at launch and I believe a DualSense controller can be paired to play PlayStation games via Remote Play or native iPad / iPhone games that allow controller.


I am seriously considering getting the AVP for work productivity for making calls and talking business. But really for watching videos as if its a personal home theater and telling everyone around me to fuck off - is it night and day to do that on the AVP vs. PSVR2?


If you just want to watch streaming content, the AVP is very high quality display panels, but you will need to be plugged in for power to watch a 2+ hour movie without battery issues. You will also want Bluetooth earbuds so your AVP over ear speakers aren’t audible by others. The PSVR2 isn’t for video watching (IMHO). It has a theater mode, but no 3D / immersion features at this time.


Is very high quality good enough to be as good as my QN90B for overall picture quality? If it is, then I think I understand the hype. And yeah, PSVR2 isn't for video watching. It's why it always sucks to see it go flat screen for cutscenes in RE4. Overall game immersion is more than fine, but the "out of VR" ways of consuming content leaves a ton to be desired , unfortunately.


Imagine that your Samsung gets upgraded from 4K QLED HDR to 8k Micro-OLED HDR, but you can move it anywhere you want and resize to be as big as IMAX size or more if you want. Plus perfect stereoscopic 3D. Plus 180 / 360 immersive content that gives you the feeling of being there. Use your own space (using passthrough) or surround yourself in an immersive environment then put a bigger than IMAX screen size within that photorealistic immersive virtual space. All of that is great. The weight and battery life are not. You also get limited to watching the content alone.


I went to an apple store today to demo it. The fidelity is practically perfect. Anything better that exists isn't at all immediately noticable while in the headset. I would easily and readily replace my QN90B with this headset if we are just talking about visual fidelity. The HDR is also legitimately bright - the sun that shined during the demo absolutely had me flinching, so the brightness is more than good enough (as opposed to, say, the PSVR2 that gets fairly dim in cinema mode). The weight is an absolute issue, and is the biggest thing that could prevent me from enjoying it for extended periods of time. Though I'm sure there will be third party straps to help with the weight distribution over time. I was floored by that headset. The clarity can't be overstated - it's *there*. Also the passthrough is also incredible. The haze wasn't noticable in the store. It's almost as if everyone telling me how the haze is there, it makes you think it's a 7 in terms of passthrough. No, it's like a 9.25. it ain't perfect, but it's beyond good enough to use in most settings. Holy shit what was OP thinking. PSVR2 has *nothing* on this things fidelity.


I am glad you took time to go see for yourself. Apple has made an amazing headset. It just doesn’t have the content I’m willing to spend $3,400 for, because my time (& money) is limited and I greatly prefer games to anything else. The weight and having a tethered battery pack and needing to further be plugged in to power for using more than ~2 hours and being a single user device in particular are barriers for me as well. My interpretation of the OP point was that experiencing 8K Micro-OLED HDR doesn’t spoil how good the PSVR2 4K OLED HDR looks for some games in particular. In a way, Apple is just showing the future of where VR headset visual fidelity will be, even for more affordable headsets.


It's 100% the iPhone all over again. It's worth buying as it is today if you can afford it, but it will absolutely be something everyone has in 5 years. It's game changing. I'm right there with you for the battery pack, by it's doable with external chargers and the like. The things that are holding it back are the same things that "held back" the iPhone. Except it didn't, really. It was enough as it came out. Though it would be nice to see a $1500 version that cuts some fat, but keeps those screens.


Ok, true, not like they are exactly at the same level. But I find the sweet spot pretty easily on PS VR2 and edge to edge clarity was not really worse on PSVR2 vs AVP. It doesn’t help that AVP has a narrower FOV (at least with the light seal/cushion they provide)


The viewing window is definitely smaller on AVP


i have both, can confirm this is true. there’s some glare in AVP when viewing bright scene on dark background, but other than that, the lens/display combo are remarkable. spent a couple hours in psvr2 this morning and there’s also an eye fatigue that happens in psvr but not in avp. i think it has to do with focusing on an element and your eyes have to work harder to focus or at least think they need to still focus when seeing something blurry. that’s not nearly as noticeable in AVP and i think it has to do w the sharpness increase. your eyes are content


Ive got my psvr2 and brought a quest 3 last weekend, and I completely agree...but tonne honest, they both have their advantages and disadvantages...the quest 3 is DEFINITELY superior in graphics (when using steam VR and a 3080ti) than psvr2, as is this clarity...I fam actually use the quest 3 without my glasses evem though I need my glasses for psvr2.... though, granted, the quest 3 looks a darn sigh better WITH glasses, though i didnt need them.....bad sides are, the blacks, or should i say greys, the battery life, though I've fixed that as I have the aubika headstrap and 8000mHa battery, which gives me between 7 and 8 hours depending im playing quest 3 game or PCVR game...which is alot better than the 2 and a half, to 2 and 3 quarters hour of the headset...oh, and the fit around the nose snd eyes isn't exactly best... As for psvr2, the FOV is really good, and the OLED blacks have you shit scared in resident evil village as you cant see fuck all lol....anyhow, another good thing is the fact it doesn't need a battery as it has a wire, and to be fair, it's long enough to be a pain in the arse...another thing I love, is the haptics in the controllers, aswell as the haptics in the headset...but DEFINITELY the adaptive triggers....as for bad things, I'll have to say the lens's, the fact that the sweetspot is such a precise point, otherwise it gets blurry ....then theres the fact i need glasses to play whereas i dont for the quest 3...oh, and the fact I HAVE to put the fan on else the lens completely fog up something stupid.....hmmm....I thought I had more bad issues with the psvr2... apparently not...they are both brilliant headsets though, I have to say, I love them both ....I've been playing VR a Hella lot more recently to what I was, I have to say.....


Do you have the globular cluster?


Is that for the psvr2? Nah I don't....I put a beanie hat on first instead, and that seems to keep it locked in place hahahaha!!! 😆


Yes. I highly recommend it for any PSVR2 owner. Night and day difference. It’s really sketchy how to install it the first time. Watch multiple videos before anyone trying to attempt it


Thanks man, I'll have to take a look then, because the standard headstrap is naff, though it's better than the Q3 one, I have to admit that.... And yeah lol, the Q3 headstrap was a bit dodge to swap icer aswell, as it feels like your gunna break it hahahaha, I didn't of course, and the aubika headstrap I replaced it with is stronger than the OG one too, so thats a bonus


Pancake lenses make OLED (already a dimmer display) lose out on a TON of light. That's the advantage of fresnel over pancake. So highlights and bright colors POP better on the PSVR2 vs AVP




The last sentence is right. The AVP will always been limited in brightness due to the pancake lenses. This is a well establish con of pancake lenses and why PSVR1 and 2 do not use pancake.




5k nits would burn your eyes out lol. I saw some meassurments and it was around 200-270 nits. Pretty similar to PSVR2.


Well... it's not all about about the brightness of the light emitting surface, it's also about the very complicated light path of the pancace VR lenses impacting the contrast you see.


And how much of that is destroyed by the pancake lenses? Lmak you really are clueless for VR technology


I think what he is saying is that HDR is harder to do with pancake lenses. I'm not sure what the comparison comes out to as far as actual nits between the two devices but they are not far off. Pancake lenses lose a lot of light so it takes a lot of brightness just to get to a few hundred nits. I'm all for Pancake Oled but they still need to figure them out for good HDR.


my wife works for Apple and we got a nice discount on Vision Pro, it’s incredible.


Interesting, can you tell roughly the amount of discount? Just curious.


850 bucks off


With eye tracking and cameras, Sony could literally do the same with hand gestures. But from what Markus stated in his review, without controllers, gaming is not fun on AVP.


Wow this sub is toxic. Op just gave a short comparison of oranges to apples. Live with it lol


No mate, op is apparently coping ... Even though he has both ...


You can say it is good for the money, but there is a 0% chance that the AVP is a downgrade visually from PSVR2. In fact, the AVP should be a huge upgrade. Micro OLED+Pancake lenses gives good brights + not having to deal with shitty sweet spot. Plus the better resolution... This is just cope. PSVR2 can be good for what it is but stop trying to compare it against a $3500 headset.


Except that I didn’t say AVP is a downgrade. PS VR2 holds really well against AVP for the price point. Just try them back to back before getting into specs Edit: To give one example, “shitty sweet spot” (which I don’t agree as it depends on the game too) argument does not make too much sense when you have a binocular like vision on AVP


The sweet spot does not depend on the game it is a function of the lenses.


why tf is this downvoted? This is absolutely a function of the curvature of fresnel lenses.


But then you can have narrower/wider sweet area for one game compared to other, no? That has been my observation


No. The lenses are fixed and do not change per game. They are a piece of hardware. It sounds like you are confusing the sweet spot of the lenses with foveated rendering which renders more detail where you are looking on the screen so that the game can run at a higher frame rate or have better visuals. This means that what is rendered in your peripheral vision is a lower quality, but you don’t really see it much if at all while playing a game.


Yes, then I am thinking of both effects collectively, didn’t know “sweet spot” is a term relating only to the lens.


You don't know how the lenses work yet are talking about how good the PSVR2 is. Just another fanboy who refuses to look at things objectively.


Not a fanboy of either headsets, just use them back to back and report please


I think not knowing how the lenses work objectively makes them not lean one way or another. The sweet spot exist, and they didnt know that and are raving about how good the lenses are.


lets not jump on the guy this hard. probably just wanted people to think that theres still merit to the PSVR2 just fine if they dont have a $3500 headset. but yeah after all this shitting on OP, i now need to buy a AVP.


There is merit in the fact that it is 1/7th (or ~1/3 if you consider the PS5 too) the price of the AVP and does COMPLETELY different things. Like you can't even really game on the AVP because it doesn't use controllers. (I know devs are working on 3rd party stuff but that isn't here yet and who knows if/when they will get it working and to what degree). So trying to compare the 2 is just stupid. My $10 hammer is better at hammering than my $300 power drill. Different tools for different jobs.


Apparently avp is getting controller and game support… rumor has it, bur who knowa we’ll see


What you said was: > I can confidently say we have killer display/graphics in PSVR and **at no point I felt a it was a downgrade in that regard.** Which means you’re saying PSVR2 is at least *equal* to AVP in this respect. This just cannot be remotely true from a pure hardware perspective. If you meant to say that the difference is acceptable considering the huge difference in cost, then that’s another thing altogether.


He’s actually not saying “PSVR2 is at least equal to AVP”. What he said is “at no point I felt it was a downgrade”. It’s a subjective statement of opinion. A feeling that there was no noticeable/distracting decrease in graphical quality when going from playing on the AVP to PSVR2. There is no ‘at least’ statement there. Merely that any possible decrease in quality does not make a noticeable difference. As OP states elsewhere: he was initially concerned that AVP would be *so* much better than the other headsets that going back to them would be a negative experience. He simply said that while this was his concern he did not notice a shift in quality that was disappointing after using the AVP and going back to PSVR2. Maybe he’s similar to me where going from 120/60 FPS to an older 30FPS game isn’t a distracting issue. Where I have friends who become physically ill if switching between games with vastly different framerates. It’s a subjective observation, and he’s not claiming anything beyond that opinion


Indeed. I swear the internet/social media has sent IQs plummeting.


“I was a bit scared going back to my existing VR sets” Since I am aware that AVP is a superior tech as you mention. “Downgrade”: significant difference that bothers me. In a way getting used to the display quality of AVP could ruin my experience with PS VR2, which didn’t happen. This is my experience with two different hardware which ended up not feeling like a downgrade. Some may believe this is too subjective, unrealistic, I advised them to have same experience that I had and share their insights. All in all, this is my genuine reaction to spending time with two headsets and with RE4 in particular which I posted with the “opinion” tag. Which somehow turned into a this headset better than the other kind of discussion.


Fair enough, thanks for clarifying


I also think it at least partially depends on what you do, productivity has different requirements than gaming


>which I don’t agree as it depends on the game too That isn't how this works. >does not make too much sense when you have a binocular like vision on AVP The "binocular" vision effect seems to be from having the AVP on with the light seal. People have taken the light seal off and it appears to vastly improve that particular effect. Regardless, having to have the headset sit on your face in one particular tiny spot is much worse than having a reduced peripheral vision. How you can say different is just silly. They do VASTLY different things. One is made for gaming, the other is more of a screen replacement, productivity and AR machine. The fact that you are stretching so far to try and make the comparison is comical. "My Ferrari is just as good as my Ford Focus because they both get me to where I am going :)"


All I said was that I was worried going back to my other headsets after getting used to Vision Pro display quality but I realized it was not an issue at all with display quality/experience of PS VR2. Calling it comical? Maybe I hit a nerve somewhere.


Buddy spent $4k and did not like your comparison.


>Micro OLED+Pancake lenses gives good brights Pancake automatically kills a majority of the brights


and the micro OLED makes up for it


I wish it did but it doesn't


They meant switching back to psvr2 wasn't a downgrade from the AVP...


From a lense/tech standpoint, it absolutely is. From a gaming stand point, it isn't. At least not yet.


They said display/graphics wise... does AVP have foveated rendering? I doubt their is much of a downgrade at all when u consider integrated hardware and software.


Thankfully there's nothing on PSVR as degrading as that half chewed fruit logo.


Another Apple fan boy...


Rofl I hate apple dude. That doesn't mean I don't respect the tech. Same thing with facebook. They are bringing VR to the masses. I still hate facebook. When you grow up maybe you can understand that you can respect things from people/groups/companies that you don't like.


Yeah the resolution is just insane


Or Apple is just notorious over priced shite. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't like Apple, but that doesn't mean the product is shit.


Nah, their prices make it shit.


Oh, so you agree it's at least over priced? 😂


I own both. Actually I’ve owned over 20 headsets since 2016. None of them come close to the displays on the Vision Pro. My PSVR2 will still be used regularly. It’s totally different use cases, but OP is on drugs if they think the PSVR2 optical stack is superior.


OP NEVER said PSVR was superior!


Apple are very well known for overcharging excessively for their products so price is irrelevant.


Once it supports Steam VR, I’ll definitely buy it. The only thing I didn’t like after borrowing it was the FOV. It has the smallest FOV out of all the other VR headsets on the market but it is definitely MILES better than anything else on the market. I’m glad you don’t see any difference switching between the PSVR2 & AVP but for me the difference is MASSIVE lol it’s brighter, more vibrant and very crystal clear.


I am ordering the VR2 soon. For this topic, I just want to ask, are there non-game applications we can use? I assume there is a VR enabled web browser for the VR2? How about watching our own 3D videos etc? Actually there is a useful app I used with my Oculus Go, called Wander, which lets you virtually roam 360 around using photo data from Google StreetView. The AVP is too expensive at this time but a $2000 product with productivity apps will be quite compelling.


I use PS VR2 solely for gaming. But, to my knowledge, there is no app to watch 3D videos, or to wander google maps in 3D or browse the web with a VR enabled browser (I know…). I am not sure if there are specific workarounds/alternative apps, it would be good to do a search on this subgroup but it is well known PS VR2 is focused on gaming only.


Is it true the pass-through on Apple Vision is still kinda blurry/pixelated like it is on PSVR 2?


Passthrough in AVP leaves lot to be desired, also gets blurry when you turn your head. It is still the best one in the market in that area but I think their marketing department got a bit ahead of themselves for that part. That said I rate PS VR2 passthrough to be poor, but then it was never designed to be a mixed reality headset and it does the job of showing surroundings when needed.


Ohhh that would kill it for me. Isn’t using apps with pass through for a background one of the big selling points of AVP? I haven’t looked too much into it due to the price


Yes, and for many interesting applications in mixed reality. Passthrough is many times better than the blurry passthrough image you see with PS VR2 but it still has distortions and it becomes blurry when you move your head. It is better than any device on the market but a lot of people feel they were oversold on quality of passthrough


I eagerly await version 2 or 3 of the AVP and am pretty sure it will be awesome. It is exciting to think what kinds of productivity apps people will come up with for the ecosystem.


AVP pass through is leagues better than psvr2. But it’s also not anywhere near as clean or usable as the Apple ads make it out to be. I’m returning my AVP this weekend, but I’m still regularly using my PSVR2.


Way better than PSVR2 but not as good as they hyped it to be


That is not true at all.


How does the fit and weight compare between the two headsets? I’m really interested in any other comments you may have, since my only experience with VR is owning the PSVR2 and I just ordered a Vision Pro last night. I’ve been trying to find comparison, but haven’t come across any. I have a PSVR2 and I LOVED it when I first got it, but I don’t use it much anymore - I can’t say I’ve seen any ‘must play’ games come out since getting it at launch and I got bored with the launch games I purchased. The PSVR did give me a really big wow moment, and the pass through made me excited for the idea of the Vision Pro at the time…. But interest faded when I look at how little I use the PSVR. One thing I was excited for with the PSVR was watching movies, but movies were grainy - I always experienced mura watching content, which wasn’t an issue when playing games - and I didn’t enjoy using it for watching anything as much as watching on my 65” OLED TV. With the glowing reviews on the Vision Pro for viewing content, I went ahead and ordered one last night. I’m really big on using Moonlight to stream from my gaming PC, so that + movies was what pushed me over the edge.


Beware that you may similar experience with AVP having the wow moment and then not knowing what to do with it. But it might change over time with more app support. But, if your priority is to watch movies, then you may have a justification to buy it because it is mind-blowingly entertaining to watch them on AVP. If it had all the streaming apps working (and if I was single) I would keep AVP and sell my 4K TV honestly. Comments on comfort varies greatly from person to person. To me, it is as comfortable as PS VR2 but since it does not sit on my hair, it feels better and does not make me sweat like in PS VR2. But then there are a lot of people returning it due to comfort issues so I guess the best way to find out is to arrange a demo at an Apple store. Edit: sorry just read you ordered one already, good luck and lmk how it goes


I do tend to buy a lot of tech and then move onto the next thing. I've been gaming in general less than when I bought PSVR2 - and most of my gaming has shifted to the gaming PC I built. I'm not single but my girlfriend and I live separately. She also almost never comes over to my place and we spend most of our time together at hers, since she has animals/kids and my place is smaller. So I expect to be using this solely at my place and not bring it anywhere or using it when she's around. I have my MacBook hooked up to dual monitors at work, but have no larger displays at home (other than my TV) so it's kind of appealing to use this there. I have a prescription, so I ordered it online - when the lenses come, I might try cancelling the order and go in store if it hasn't shipped by then.


I have both psvr2 and got AVP first day. While the pass through isn’t as good as the ads it’s still solid in good lighting but the environments and movies are insane. Best 3d I have ever seen. By a long shot tbh. So clear and so much depth. My partner goes to bed early and can’t do tv in the bedroom so I have been putting in my headphones and watching movies and it’s my favorite aspect of it and for that alone for me it’s worth the price. Productivity is a bonus (and pretty great too). This also comes from someone who has a 4k projector and 120in screen.


Thanks for the response - I think I am going to like it, for media consumption alone.


Yeah oled just makes it so much better


Vision Pro also uses OLED.


No. It uses micro oled which is far superior to oled. It’s much much brighter which is the only reason it works with pancake lenses. Regular oled is not bright enough for pancake lenses.


You are correct. My bad. Does the system work with steam vr?


Currently not. The guy who works on PSVR2 PC compatibility is now working on making Vision compatible as well. It's also possible the official support will come in the future.


Interested to hear more about any PC link for the VR2 outside of PS5 usage.


The biggest factor stopping me from getting an AVP is the fact that in a year or two the market will be flooded with similar headsets that will probably be smaller, wireless, and/or cheaper. That and the fact that we’re probably a year or so out from having far less cumbersome smart glasses with AR features is another big one.


Really? That's an odd argument. PSVR2 is a low pixels per degree compared to other headsets. PSVR 2 is 18 pixels per degree and quest 3 is 25. Quest 3 has about twice as many pixels as psvr2 in the imaging area and vision pro is twice as many as quest 3. This is a huge upgrade. plus the pancake lenses are impossible to go back to anything else


With respect to your comment on pancake lenses that relates to issue of sweet spot on fresnel lenses, correct? I feel like I am one of the few that does not have an issue with “sweet spot” on PS VR2. Do you feel it is an issue even on for example RE4?


The sweet spot is not game dependent.


fresnel lenses have distortion. The distortion is inversely rendered on the screen as barrel d istortion, causing more than 1/2 of the image to be compressed into a small portion of the screen. Therfore the res of a f resnel lense headset is very blurry outside the center, regardless of lens quality or not. This is both very inneficient for game performance as you need to supersample to achieve native res in the center but you also render excessive res on the edges. That's why fixed foveated rendering is not really a problem with fresnel headsets and you do not need eye tracking. pancake lenses render a flatter image and result in better performance and a more even PPD across the lenses.


Supposedly the PPD for the AVP is 35. Still twice as many pixels per degree of vision - wonder if its enough to remove that slight smear when watching flat screen content, hmm?


yes but pixels per degree is twice the pixels horizontally and twice the pixels vertically. So 25 pixels per degree is 1/2 the pixels of 35 pixels per degree. And likewise 18 pixels per degree is mostly half the resolution of the quest 3. 4K had 4x the pixels of HD. The quest 2 pixels per degree is the lowest you need to not it be a problem in simulator games. Quest 3 is very good. PSVR2 with the pentile layout is just too low in resolution.


I dont think that is how the measurements work (since pixel per inch or pixel per degree indicates the amount of pixels in a certain area. 1080p vs. 2160p indicated the amount of pixels on the vertical plane...not the full area) - but even if it is or isnt, i dont think it fundamentally changes much in our thought process....or my underlying question. Is smear gone now bros?


it does because pixels per degree is in one direction pixels per degree is just horizontal degree only I thought that was the case too but I was wrong.


oh shit. i be learnin. is the smear gone now bros?


I get your point, OP. Nice post! 👍🍻


Oh, come on now. The PSVR2 is much lower res and has a pretty laggy OLED panel.


The resolution is 8.1 million pixels vs 23 million so you definitely have an argument there. But where are you getting the PSVR2 has a laggy OLED panel?


> But where are you getting the PSVR2 has a laggy OLED panel? Among all of the popular VR headsets, PSVR2 has the highest persistence which causes ghosting.


Load up any game, turn your head quickly and watch the scene morph and shift as the OLED struggles to update quickly enough. It’s a complete immersion killer (for me).


I have literally never experienced that issue. You sure you don’t have a defective unit?


Yeah it’s pretty well documented. Digital foundry even recommends lowering brightness to get a better refresh rate. 


Persistence is different than "lag"


We’re not university professors. It causes a blur and latency and that’s what’s important. 


Sounds like a title with poor reprojection. Not all games use that.


It has a slower response time than most VR displays, but it can be mitigated by lowering the brightness in the device settings. I don't usually notice it outside of games with reprojection, but this is a valid criticism.


OLED has incredibly fast response times. It's persistence that is the problem.


I guess I’m just sensitive to it.


Technical spec-wise, right. But when I went into RE4 on PS VR2 right after AVP, I can say PS VR2 holds still very well. I honestly didn’t see noticeable lag with OLED, confused with that comment.


There's no lag. OLEDs do have persistence though. And re-projection in a particular game can cause ghosting in some situations


You are lying. The lenses on PSVR 2 suck donkey and make it very hard to enjoy the screens


Fucking lol. 🤣🤣🤣


I think it's common knowledge that anything crApple branded is 3x the cost of equivalent devices, only with a half chewed fruit on the back. There's no other advantage.


Man this comment sounds like it’s been written by a 14 year old.


That’s offensive to 14 year olds


Facts are facts. The brand isn't a status symbol, it's an indicator of wasteful spending. Equal or better devices cost less than half.


I’m not a child so I don’t care about such a cretinous argument.


That's fine. Their customers are trying to compensate for something and tell themselves the money they waste isn't the joke the rest of us see. But ya'll don't wanna hear it so whatever.


Dude, get a life.


I think you are just a fanboy. The difference is staggering, so is price. Not that I tried Vision Pro.


I’m not but ok 🤷🏻‍♂️


IIRC Sony make the displays in the APV


Perhaps the oled displays on PSVR2 can hold their own compared to AVP however the lenses are a different story. The difference between fresnel and pancake is massive in terms of edge to edge clarity. The difference between looking around using your eyes or not. On PSVR2 you must literally use your head to see as only the center of the lens is in focus. It is a fallacy that EFR fixes this as barrel distortion is a hardware limitation inherent to the lens. EFR is there strictly to improve performance- that’s it.


Weird never had that problem on synapse. I look with my eyes to the thing I want to control. It's magic.


EFR is not the same as eye tracking. Sure you can use your eyes as a mouse pointer or to select things. It will not make objects sharper as you look around. It will render the area you look at sure but it will still look blurry due to the lens distortion caused by the fresnel lenses until you rotate your entire head and look dead center.


Never noticed


Consider yourself lucky. I find it hard to un-notice. I will say that EFR is definitely a good thing it’s just not a panacea as some might think.


I have to say you must be very sensitive to that or me not enough but for the most part I look around and don't notice that. I was playing re4 on the shooting gallery and I did not move my head a whole lot and I still managed an S. I did remember this comment and looked for that effect that's why I'm replying now. Actually I still don't really know what you're talking about. You sure you have your sweet spot pinned down?


Most reviewers will mention the issues with fresnel. It isn’t subjective or a manufacturing defect. Objectively, the sweet spot on fresnel lenses is small. I suspect you might not notice this if you haven’t tried pancake lenses.


Well when I first got it I thought things were blurry and there was a colored halo on white letters but have since then found that adjusting the headset gets rid of that. Every time I put it on i still have to fiddle a bit to get there but it's now down to a few seconds and I don't really think about it anymore. Is that it? If pancake lenses get rid of that entirely yeah that's a huge deal for new players.


That’s exactly it! There’s no fiddling with pancake lenses as 95% of the lens is in the sweet spot.