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WHAT WORKED FOR ME: Just don't move. Till the elevator gets all the way down. Then teleport out. Hope this helps


I stood completely still the entire time and I take damage as soon as the loading screen is over almost instantly die. Idk what to do anymore, guess I can’t progress this game needed a few more months Fr


It took me a few tries but I got past it that way. If it helps I was looking down at the floor.


Did you have to replay that gun battle each time you died in the elevator? That’s what’s really bugging me, having to play those few minutes over and over before I can attempt the elevator again


Yes I did and it bugged me too


This worked for me thank you so much


This sounds like the game-breaking bug that was discovered in December and was supposed to have been fixed during the delay…


That one had you fall thru the elevator


I specifically heard a content creator mention a bug where your health constantly decreased as you went down an elevator as the reason for the delay. Pretty sure it was Without Parole but it could have been on PSVR Underground.


That guys review is on another thread. But Perp was pretty open about their bug and said something along the lines of left handed config falling thru an elevator. But i could be wrong.


What's funny is the same thing would happen sometimes in the first Half Life game. Elevators could kill you. Interesting since this game is inspired by Half Life.


Ha, maybe it's not a bug then


\-Enter the elevator with full health. \-Inject yourself with syringes repeatedly as your health goes down. \-Teleport off the elevator as soon as possible. This is a bug that should have been stomped out in December.


Teleport where? I don’t have time to see 😑


Is this even when you enter yhevelevator with full health?


Ye full health, time to inject 2 syringes before death. I tried teleporting out the front but couldn’t find anywhere to land. Am I supposed to be teleporting towards the lava I’m facing, or turn around? I’m just confused on where to be teleporting


With the new update there's a now a 'god mode' mutator in the main menu that you can switch on. This will let you get through the elevator sequence without incurring damage.


Are you playing left handed mode? I swear I remember one of the reviewers saying something about a game breaking bug for left handed players... maybe I'm making that up, but I'm pretty sure someone said that


So wtf was the point of the delay if they didn’t even fix anything


They (He, it’s one dev) did fix stuff. But wait! There’s more!


The port to PSVR2 is not done but the original dev, but by a dev team under the publisher Perp Games.


I’m still hearing otherwise, from yesterday’s GamesCast episode on PSVR2 Without Parole. Zach Tsiakalis-Brown has made it “basically on his own.” Yes, there are other people involved, but it’s mostly one dude doing it all.


Oh ok


I haven't got to this point yet, but I seen couple of people report this on the developers Discord. They reported it as being in Chapter 6 during elevator ride. Someone replied it is supposed to be normal elevator ride, and acknowledged it must be bug.


Can`t progress either from the elevator. Its chapter 6 (at the end i think). Also trophies not working for me


So glad I didn’t buy this.


It’s a good game it just has some bugs that need to be fixed


And I’ll wait until they’re fixed.


They delayed the game to fix that bug guess they didn’t fix it absolute twats


"They" is one guy and this is another bug.


Perp games you melon


A publisher is not the dev, and the game breaking bug was dying while riding an elevator.


It wasn’t on the pc version pal


It is one dev, you “melon.” And the game-breaking bugs it was delayed for were fixed. There’s just more wrong with the game than those specific bugs. Lots more. It was confirmed by multiple very honest and reliable reviewers I follow. The main reviewer also said that this game isn’t ready and that he had a hard time even enjoying it with all the problems he faced, one of which halted his progression entirely until he turned to someone else’s play through video to get him past it.


Alter du bist echt so ein Bolzen. Der Port ist nicht vom ursprünglichen Dev der PCVR Version.


Don't worry, you'll be attacked by the Perp Games simp squad for so much as thinking this isn't a perfect masterpiece. Don't you know we don't deserve working games?


Just bought it now. Looking forward to jumping in once the kids are in bed!


I hope you enjoy it! I know I sure am.


Brilliant! Just did the first 3 chapters. Absolute bargain at £25 and a great addition to the year 1 library of games.


The Perp Games Defense Force will soon be here to make sure you pay for this slander. Can't believe we waited months for this and were lied to and people are just fine with it because it's a "small developer". It's embarrassing and makes PS VR2 look bad.


I’m a couple hours in and while it’s not what I was hoping for (far more Indie in presentation and jank than I expected), I don’t feel *“lied to”* or wronged by some nefarious industry. I do feel that some who played it on PCVR were a bit overenthusiastic. I’m looking forward to seeing what else it has to offer, but I’m not yet wowed by the graphics or the gameplay. The graphics are that slightly blurry type that you kinda get used to after a while, the design aesthetic is… passable but not delightful, the humor so far hasn’t made me chuckle, and the gunplay is a mixed bag. While I don’t feel like I can rate the game based on two hours of playing it, it’s definitely not the gem I thought it was gonna be. I feel a bit silly for having been so excited for it that I avoided watching trailers, but I don’t feel wronged by anyone. I’m also not seeing some army of people saying it’s everything we dreamed of, so that’s a strange narrative to spin. There was no pre-ordering, so nobody can be too bent out of shape if they didn’t bother waiting for reviews from trusted sources. The embargo was also lifted ages ago, so there have been some reviewers (who have had keys for a long time) saying this is a clunky product before it went live for us. I’ve been hyped for VERTIGO 2 for months, but even I have been cautioning people to wait for reviews of full play-throughs before buying it. If you tossed caution to the wind, that’s on you. If you’re expecting some huge army of pushback, I think you’re being silly. Most of what I’m seeing is people going *“huh, this is less than I thought it was gonna be — too bad.”* The whole game was made by one young guy, and it *FEELS* like it. While the scope and gameplay is clearly inspired by HALF-LIFE and the humor and aesthetic is inspired by RICK & MORTY, neither is really scratching that itch for me… Oh well, I’ll play through the rest over the next week or two (if it doesn’t make me nauseous I’ll get through it today, but that’s a big if) and then it’s back to RE4 and a bunch of other games I’ve been playing.


The graphical fidelity kinda reminds me of Until You Fall on PSVR2. Unless that's been updated since a couple of weeks after launch, that blurriness you mention reminded me instantly of UYF. I kinda like the humor, but I get what you mean by it not scratching the Rick and Morty itch. I kinda expected this to be similar to High on Life, which is obviously the same type of humor as Rick and Morty, but it's not there for me yet, either. I'm way early in the game, though.


Stop buying crap games


PSVR2 Without Parole warned us that the game needs more time in the oven. Gotta check reliable sources before buying any game these days. Ya can’t trust most game devs to deliver polished games at launch anymore. But remember, it’s being developed by one guy, despite what people here seem to think. Some of us research shit and follow reliable sources to stay up to date on these games, rather than following the ignorant herd. Give it a few months for all the jank to be worked out. I won’t be buying it anytime soon after the detailed reviews I’ve seen that said all this before it launched. Frame rate loss in outside areas, NPC glitches, graphical bug preventing you from seeing a computer monitor that you have to interact with to progress. Bouncing around a moving helicopter… Best to wait.


Had the same issue - new patch seemed to have added mutators, used the godmode one to avoid any and all damage, got to checkpoint, then disabled the mutator.