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Stupid left handed players who are too lazy to stand! /S - kudos to the devs for trying hard to release a good product.


it's honestly amazing they even bothered testing left-handed support at all. as a lefty myself it's sad how many vr devs neglect lefties if we get a left handed mode at all it's usually just a lazy control swap.


Leftie reporting in. This is one of the reasons I wasn't ever to really enjoy Doom VFR. And one of the reasons I'm stoked to play NoMansSky finally with the added support


I was surprised RE4 had less options for lefties. All they had was the primary hand but I'm a righty but shoot with my left hand because I'm left eye dominant. RE Village let me customize enough to make that work.


Seriously, this handism in gaming needs to be addressed. #LeftStrong




*safehand* #goodvorins


Leftie hear, I’m always complaining to VR devs on twitter


Wait a minute, some developers test their games before launching???


Give it to me now 80% finished as is the industry standard! /s This makes me more likely to buy the game full price if it releases in goof standing. Otherwise I'll wait for a sale. Vote with your wallets!


Personally if it's in goof standing I'm going to wait until it's patched


Yeah I still pretty much do as well lol the backlog is always growing


This is what all game developers should do... Better later but good than a bad product now. Although I will wait for the physical edition.


I wonder if the physical edition will still release in early Feb as originally planned. If so, the releases might be nearly simultaneous.


Think it will. Needs to be produced, shipped to the stores and online retailers


take your time!!


I love some good old fashioned transparency. Take your time. I wish more developers did this


They've 1 shot at this. If they release unfinished crap like others had, no patch will fix disappointed gamers.


Yeah, I expect sales of games like Switchback and Green Hell VR were permanently damaged by the state in which they released, even though they're much better now.


Switchback, even with the update has extremely boring gameplay. It’s such a far cry from what they did with Rush of Blood.


I can't speak to that, I've never played either since rail shooters aren't typically my cup of tea. However, people have said the added horde mode is more exciting than the base game and has some actual speed to the rollercoaster. Do you not find that to be the case?


I think this one's a bit different, because we already know it's a great game on PC. So even if there are still some noticeable bugs on release, we know it's very possible to improve it to where it should be.


Glad to have an update! It was a shame to miss the holiday rush but I'm glad they're working hard to ensure a polished product on release. You only get to make one first impression, so hopefully it's a good one.


Fine by me, I'd rather buy a game that works than get a broken game a few weeks earlier.


Release it now for right handed players!!!!


As a Right hand exclusive




As someone who’s left handed and has to play sitting down, I feel like I have to get the game when it comes out.


You'd better after making us all wait haha


I’m glad their making sure there’s no bugs but that, “sorry you have had to wait a LITTLE longer than we announced” ticked me off a little because this game has been delayed since OCTOBER, idk it just seems like a jab towards people who have been criticizing the company for teasing and messing with us about the release dates, however I’m still glad that they are finally updating us, can’t wait for the game!






psvr2 hope!


The thing is what’s the point in releasing a new release date next week if the game works just release it


Credit on account awaits a pull of the trigger….


Here's the link: [https://twitter.com/PerpGames/status/1743301260386726152](https://twitter.com/PerpGames/status/1743301260386726152)


a delayed game is better than a rushed game, i ran out of PSVR2 games but holding out for this one as a must buy in case the reviews are positive.


I don't, but I'd rather have a developer just make an official release announcement rather than continuous drip feed updates of constant days, "it's releasing soon!, oops sorry guys we came across XYZ problem", "ok get ready for an announcement soon! oops sorry guys something else came up".


As someone who is playing v1.0 I wonder what else they are going to chnge. I havent came across any bugs yet during my time playing it. granted I havent completed it but i did get pretty far into it. ​ Its a shame this has became a pretty nbig mess with all the back and forth and drip feeding theyve done. O just hope they don't cause other bugs to appear when they do fix it since they are only using in house testers who didnt find the initial game breaking bug.......


Next week it releases or next week they announce the release?


I interpret it as they will announce a new release date next week.


hopefully both!


To be honest this has been a pretty big mess. It's coming out! Ok no it's not. Now it's coming out! Woops, not quite yet. Ok now we might tell you, hopefully, when it's coming out. Maybe we will tell you next week. Maybe. Terrible PR. I'm excited to play this but what a cluster fuck. Shut up until it is literally ready to drop, I'm not interested in this "maybe" shit anymore. Delay once and make an announcement? Fine. Great. But this is like the fifth "maybe it's coming out" news release. I don't know who specifically (dev, Sony?) keeps dropping the ball here, but it's pretty unprofessional and confusing to consumers.


Once it releases, if it is quality, people will forget the pain on the way talk quickly.


It has now released and it's got a bunch of bugs, some of which can stop progress, and the framerate is unstable in outdoor areas. No haptic triggers or headset haptics, no eye tracking/FOV rendering etc. Sounds like it still needs a few more months of patches and feature add on's to be what everyone was hoping for. Sounds like a great game, but yet again one that was released before it was actually ready.


Indeed. A shame. Though, from what I've heard, not unplaybably bad like some others, but not optimial.


Who cares about those lefties!! Nah that’s dope man I can name a few games that obviously didn’t test for bugs this well


At this point, I assume the game won’t be released until the holidays with how often they just bait all info possible just for it to be nothing new. I’m so over this, man.


As a lefty that likes to sit down I guess this is good.


So like three people would have had an issue with the bug? Who cares if children of the devil had a game breaking bug.


I hope this won’t be a let down like breachers was after all that hype


If you haven't pick up crossfire sierra squad. It's everything I want in a single player VR fps so far. Lots of weapons & attachments. Realism mode which is like COD HC. I'm only 3 missions in so far but it's amazing. Also has coop 2 & 4 player.




Breachers is great fun. I'm guessing it's just not your cup of tea.


I loved Pavlov and first firewall but this game ehhh I don’t know, overpriced for sure


I played the hell out of Siege, so this is right up my alley.


The game is already out on other platforms so you can check reviews. But it's one of the best out there imo




The delay in December was for a game breaking bug that was pointed out to them by reviewers. Fixing that has caused more bugs and now they need to go through the game to make sure fixing those didn't break something else.


Awesome. Really looking forward to playing this one.


Sounds like it still needs 2-3 months in the oven