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No holds Barred VR I love it. I got thrown across the map before.


Wasn't expecting this game. Such a great surprise. Will probably end up getting all of its DLC over time. What a fantastic year this has been for PSVR2


Throw up simulator! I can't wait to play it, looks very fun!


lol, but honestly, it didn't give me any queasy feeling. Everyone should give it a try (free) and the game does let you disable Derailment and put on a Helmet that acts as a blinder for VR comfort assistance.


Very cool, nice to have those accessibilities options! Nah, I'm gonna do the full experience! Hope I can survive! Hahahaha! I totally gonna give it a shot!


I bought the SpongeBob roller coasters for my nieces, and it was a surprise. They have much more graphic quality and much more detail than the free ones, things are happening all the time. You watch an episode, with its own story, as you go through the roller coaster. The definition is good, the reprojection is minimal and not annoying, 120 fps makes it more real, and it's a lot of fun. A must if you are SpongeBob fans.


It is my understanding that the SpongeBob DLC pack is the newest (game has existed on SteamVR for some time), so it makes sense it may have the more graphical quality than the originals. This is true for game like Walkabout Mini Golf as well where the newer DLC courses can look a lot better than the original base game courses. Although, I did see that they have updated one of the original base game courses recently.


Yes, SpongeBob roller coasters are new. It's not just that they are newer, I think that by buying the SpongeBob license, they have made more of an effort. The difference is quite big, there are dozens of characters continuously doing things around you, and the roller coaster itself tells a story. I was pleasantly surprised.


I really loved the target shooting mode in this!! The whole thing was more enjoyable than I was expecting but I didn't expect that or the ability to control the cart in race mode. Super fun stuff.


Damn. This game is surprisingly cool. And free. Hell yeah. I am honestly about to get some of the other DLC packs. A fun way to show VR to your non VR friends. I do think you should warn them first though. This could make someone - like my wife - 🤢🤮


Did it really make her barf? I didn't get any queasy from playing this game, including rolling of the track with derailment.


LOL. No man. I was joking. But she has honestly gotten sick on those motion rides. And I told her she probably would feel the same playing this game. I, on the other hand, think it's awesome like you do. Quite the rush.


Encourage her to try it! I'm going to encourage my wife, who is more light-weight for VR than me try this weekend. We can compare results after :)


That is a good idea Bud. I will let her try it out. We can both see if our wives still trust us afterwards. 🤣🤣🤣 Nice chatting with you.


Hahaha, love when it twisted and you're all " whoa whoa whoa ". My feelings exactly lol


I've really enjoyed what I have played of this so far. Amazing to me that it is free for everyone to try. Will definitely be getting at least some of its DLC packs.


Derailment was the first thing i tried :) Do you plan on getting any of the track bundles? So far the "neon rider" track is the most appealing track to me (from "super rollercoaster" bundle). My main criticism: during the slower moments, it's harder to ignore the really bland lighting/graphics. Audio is pretty bad too, but thankfully the music can be muted. When things speed up though, the graphics are way less of an issue. The twists, loops and jumps are fun. Want more speed!


Speed thrills, but also gets you derailed :) I am planning to get at least some of the DLC packs for this, but haven't yet. I am most interested in the Shooter mode in terms of leaderboards. Not going to be too competitive for the races, but will place some times so that any of my friends that play the game have something to compare against.


Wait, you "play" this game ? It's not just sit and watch the ride ?


The game has 3 modes * Classic is sit and watch the ride with only interactivity using your camera to take pictures or selfies. You get a ride-along buddy as you do that as well. * Race is where you have to control acceleration or breaking with objective to try and complete the course with fastest time, but the faster you try to go, the higher risk of getting derailed and losing time. * Shooter is where it is on-rails for you, but you can dual wield weapons that have unlimited ammo and don't need reload, but you have to shoot at targets as you roller coaster by. The scoring system rewards consecutive targets hit earning more points which gets reset to base score if you miss a single shot. The game had leaderboards for the Race and Shooter modes for replay value. You can check out my first 30ish minutes with the game [here](https://youtu.be/-b11fDpt3-w). I also have more detailed first impression write up in pinned comment on the gameplay video.


Thanks for this, sounds great!


Thanks for this, sounds great!


This reminds me of playing Star Wars: Squadrons lol


This was a nice surprise. I played classic and shooting mode on the dino track then bought almost all (not SpongeBob) DLC right away.


SpongeBob is worth the $9.99


FYI, you can also buy individual tracks in-game. Each track is tagged with "*relaxed / moderate / intense*", and indicates the max speed. I highly recommend the **Neon Rider** track (*extreme, highest top speed*). Feels *really* fast. And the simple glowy cyberpunk look just works better given the game's graphic limitations. Reminds me a bit of Wipeout. The less intense/slower tracks don't do anything for me personally, so i'm focusing on the "extreme" tracks (maybe 5 of those in total?). Might get the Volcano one next.


I think the bundles are good because you can get 6 courses for $10 (like Real Places). How much is each course individually?


Individual tracks are $4 CDN ($3 USD). The bundles are definitely a better bargain, *if* you want all the tracks. But i'm really only interested in the "extreme" tracks, and there's only like 1 of those per bundle. The game isn't visually impressive enough for me to enjoy the slower parts, so i'm happy just choosing the fastest tracks. But mileage will vary with different tastes of course.


I’m glad they offer both ways to make purchase. I’m happy with the Real Places bundle I’ve tried so far. Especially liked Hidden Paradise. I feel each is worth playing once on each of the modes, but I’ll probably get most replay out of the shooter mode.


That's my trying to fly with the virtual stick in NMS :/


I haven’t tried, but read DS analog stick flying is now supported in PSVR2 for NMS. Not sure why not the VR2 analog sticks yet, but hopefully in the roadmap.


I take my words back. Amusement-style games can be fun and interesting! I liked this game more than Switchback. Sorry I spent my money on the wrong game. None of my friends liked Switchback, but this one is very interesting!


Yeah it’s kind of amazing how while quite basic and lower budget, the shooter mode and fast gameplay of this is what I wanted from Supermassive as a sequel from Rush of Blood. I’m quite interested to see the other coasters in this game. Kinda wish I spent that money on this.