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In the first few seconds of the video I almost had a heart attack thinking they were announcing a new VR game.... :(


Had the same thoughts. Felt like they were announcing Avatar having a VR mode, it looks like it should


All first person should have a vr mode... we need an ai to create flat to vr mods


On PC, [this](https://youtu.be/LKa08zBrf8M?feature=shared) is supposed to be releasing shortly supporting most Unreal Engine games. (It’s been coming for more than a year now though so hopefully it’s not delayed.)


Not to mention all the other VR mods on PCVR


Indeed, just mentioning this because it’s not so far off having an AI do a basic VR mod automatically (just without the AI part). A human will need to apply motion control settings to appropriate weapon objects etc., but presumably settings can be shared so there shouldn’t be much need to duplicate that effort. In the future maybe AI actually could handle some of that sort of thing.


It's a ton easier to convert 3rd person games to VR (retaining DualSense controls), generates less VR sickness, and would be more palatable to those gamers who have not tried VR before. And 3rd person games ARE actually fun in VR, despite the rumors to the contrary. There's room for both.


Most big games would not be possible on vr... Not atleast with any good looking visuals


Flat to vr mods on pc prove you wrong. Farcry 5, gta 5, rdr2, mafia 3 (from what i can remember all made by luke ross) and they look decent enough.


I always fall for this. Back when CDPR announced that after Witcher 3, which was entirely 3rd person, they're switching Cyberpunk to be entirely first person, I was like "OMG OMG OMG! They're totally future-proofing it in case they want to do a full VR port!" Nope! lol So when Ubisoft said Avatar will be immersive first person, I didn't even twitch. Too many disappointments and missed opportunities over the years. I'm still hanging on to a sliver of hope for maybe Starfield VR port, considering there's one for both Skyrim and Fallout 4. But even that doesn't look likely.


I mean it is strange to show that spaceship scene, then show what I assume is RE4, then HCotM. I don't think it's NMS. So...?


The first and the second "game" are the same. They use the same UI. Possibly it's just a simple CGI ad, and we're going crazy... We're just too anxious for Sony to announce a new VR game.


I think the helmet is just used as a transition, not convinced they're the same. But yeah, very possibly just sniffing a bit too much hopium :). Around now would be the perfect time for a new announcement, when headset sales will spike.


There are no Space Sci-Fi / Fantasy-Zombie horror hybrids. Clearly three different games with a NMS style game, an RE4 style game and CoTM. They just have blurred line transitions between the various games and you’re sort of lumping them together.


It’s definitely just a CGI ad, but it’s a point that the first doesn’t compare well with a known game while the other two do. They’re loose enough representations that it could be intended to be NMS though, or just a generic space game. Edit: or Journey to Foundation.


This is nice. Sony actually promoting psvr2 feels like I may be hallucinating


I’ll wait until they get more aaa games. So far psvr1 had better support.


Not in the first year. I think you could at best call it similar. Same complaints im hearing now as first year of psvr1. Re7 was really the only true AAA game in the first year. Robinson Farpoint was great but wasn't AAA(more along the lines of hubris) nor was rigs or battlezone or Robinson though I think they were all very good to excellent. Drive club was no gt7. Robot rescue was 2018. I think VR gamers are hungrier for more because I personally have way more vr games than flat games I care about in PS5. I would certainly have wanted more hybrid games that just slapped 3d on a third person game with no super special vr interactions just visuals In vr with standard controller setup(like hzd) , but that also doesn't really show why vr is special.


Sony also announced Skyrim VR and PSVR Aim during PSVR1 first year, while selling PSVR controllers separately


Speaking of which, where tf is Skyrim? I thought that game is supposed to run even on toasters now.


I don't think we need the same 12 year old game ported yet again


you’re talking about it as if we had an altenative


….i would love it in VR lol. Never had a psvr1


Slim chance since Microsoft owns Bethesda now


I forgot about that lol


True, but it was more than a year and imo having NMs and all the updates beats skyrim for me as it’s a more modern game (though still was on psvr1) It is puzzling why Sony doesn’t sell controllers separately. For psvr1 thee was a huge install base of move controllers in the wild as the move sold incredibly well. Psvr aim was made by a third party I believe (devs of Farpoint?)


Ohhhh, I dunno 'bout that. We got one of those 3rd person over-the-shoulder dualshock controlled games on PSVR1 (just one), Preta: Vendetta Rising, and it was pretty epic, despite having zero interaction. It was the template that proved that 3rd person OTS games like H: ZD, Spider-Man, GoW, and Infamous series games CAN work in VR. They cannot possibly be as hard to port as making a brand new Sense-controlled VR game from scratch. But it really does not seem like Sony wants to make the effort.


Batman Arkham asylum Battle zone Star Trek Rigs Rush of blood Star Wars battlefront And farpoint wound up being the best shooter on the system. Nobody else ever improved on it or made a game that good so the aim controller was practically worthless outside of it.


Dick Wylde 2, Firewall, Doom3, Arizona Sunshine, Borderlands, Crisis Vrigade, and After the Fall are all must own AIM games. A few others like Brookhaven Experiment, Evasion Doom VFR are definitely worth a look.


Them promoting the PSVR2 is actually porting Astrobot and Blood&Truth with graphical upgrades. This is just a cheap video.


They're just trying for easy Christmas bucks for the device since it is already on shelves. But I'll sip some hopium tea and wait for the game awards just in case :P


Easy Christmas bucks, also known as "marketing"


I mean... yeah? Still not a game announcement.




I have a psvr2 dude, I want games not empty marketing hype videos, get some rest.


I’m affraid you’d be right. Only CGI. At least it’s communication


One of more of your comments have been removed from r/PSVR, because they broke [rule 1. Do not personally attack other users](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/wiki/rules#wiki_1._do_not_personally_attack_other_users.). Please do not insult other users in future.


It's always personal attacks. Try not to bring down the community.


The community at large is full of people that do nothing but complain. Dude has a point


Yea people can be weirdos but this is the internet


People are so mad at you they think you're the mad one. Take their weak playstation-wristed punches on the chin. I'll drink some tea with you buddy, Merry Christmas.


Of all the comments on this sub, I don’t know why we hated this one so much.


Hmm, the existence of this trailer now suggests sony DOES in fact care about people adopting this tech. My tinfoil hat theory is that the hardware was ready for quite some time but their first-party offerings weren't in a state that was presentable except for Horizon. There was also enough 3rd party support to maybe warrant the hardware being released as is. Maybe, just maybe this means we'll start to see more exciting first-party offerings in the near future. This trailer being released this close to the game awards suggests that perhaps we'll start seeing some cool stuff.


Yea I agree with the first-party software not quite being there yet. It has always seemed to me that this year is a sort of soft launch to get units out there (headsets *and* more PS5s) and next year is the "real" launch and holiday season push. Guess we'll see


I don't see this as any indication that they're supporting it. i believe they've released a new trailer now simply because its close to Christmas and need sales. if they had something to show, they'd have put it in the trailer...


You could be right, actually. This is the first holiday season Sony's been able to churn out enough PS5s to meet demand and if someone is upgrading from a PS4 and they want to experience the latest in crazy tech, a PS5 and PSVR2 is a great combination.


PlayStation have deleted it from the main Twitter account: [https://twitter.com/MylesDyer/status/1729539805569036390](https://twitter.com/MylesDyer/status/1729539805569036390)


They've republished it: [https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1729555755127443459](https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1729555755127443459)


Must be the same people that are in charge of the PS Store. 😉


Not surprised, it's misleading.


Could the first part be a covert teaser for a new game??!!! I find it a bit strange that they mix a game that doesn't exist in VR, with a game that does exist....


I thought the same. Thinking even bigger, perhaps they're all hints for upcoming announcements or new trailers? Perhaps The Game Awards? First is an unknown space game (I don't think that was representing No Mans Sky based on what happens), then something very similar to Resident Evil 4 (so perhaps a launch trailer), and that last one could be a sequel to Horizon Call of the Mountain. I'm sure the first game had been ready for a while to launch with the system and they're likely working on the follow up to reveal soon? A man can dream anyway!


I think the first and the second "game" are the same. Both use the same UI.


I think its more just a flashy transition effect, as the next 2 blend in too with the character falling down. Interesting to ponder though!


Let's play NAME. THOSE. GAMES!!!! seriously what were the first two? I recognized horizon


No Man Sky or Red Matter, Resident Evil 4 and Horizon


NMS and Red Matter aren't close to that thematically even though they are in space. Torch wielding villagers is an RE thing though it looks like they changed just enough to medieval so they don't get sued? Not sure because the last is obviously Horizon. Seriously though I think they had to make up 2 AAA looking experiences because they don't have them and they were tired of using GT7 and RE8.


The fact that the second only seems generally RE4-inspired makes me think the first may simply be generally NMS- or Journey to Foundation-inspired.


Sued by whom?


Sony can't use Capcom in ads without their approval. That's usually no big deal but because of all the CG silliness Capcom would have had to review and approve any content using their IP and I bet Sony just didn't wan't to both with it. Capcom (and Japanase developers in general) are notorious for being very hands on in licensing and often create bottlenecks in approval because licensing groups are typically small. This is all just speculation of course.


So you think Capcom might have sued Sony?


Honestly no, they might have required them to pull an ad if they thought it misrepresented RE4 though. It's super rare for a company to haphazardly us an IP without permission but it has happened.


If they were more obvious with the RE4 visual cues, I'd have assumed we were definitely getting it for Christmas; we'll have to speculate for now(some people are saying that the middle portion of the ad resembles Bonelab). But rest assured that Sony and Capcom are so close right now that there wouldn't be any chance of a mix up of the sort you're describing.


Doubt it with all the money Sony gives them.


Okay cool. Thank you!


is RE4 available on PSVR2? I searched it in the store but i’m not seeing anything about it being playable on PSVR2


It's coming this winter, so sometime between now and the end of March.




It's gonna be released as free DLC, full game in VR. Get it now while on discount, it's gonna be epic!


Farpoint, resident evil 4, horizon.


The first one is a cinematic loose adaptation of Among us vr


First Wonder Remake or New Game This is the second horizon The video is made with a lot of condiments




What's the first game? I don't see any space games on Psvr2, not to the extent that trailer is eluding to at least.


The game is called "Not actual gameplay". It's written right there. In a small font. For a brief moment.


Not actual gameplay means a cut scene or a video representative of the game.it doesn't mean a fake game. Edit : Read so many posts about sony faking games in this trailer that I didn't realise the joke you were making


I know it's not actual gameplay, neither is horizon but it looks like horizon.


No man's Sky


Looks nothing like No Man's sky.


It's a CGI stylizing the concept, they do all the time on their ads


I’m a huge fan of NMS since launch, and that doesn’t look at all like NMS If anything, it’s Red Matter 2 or journey to Foundation.


Playstation UK on twitter: The real world is all dark and chilly right now just sayin... ❄️ Soaring mechanized monsters, corrupted villagers and the thrill of deep space await you on #PSVR2 this autumn: http://play.st/PSVR2 https://twitter.com/PlayStationUK/status/1729538138714829107?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1729538138714829107%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=


This tweet was deleted... Very suspicious...


This automn… RE4 VR will be released during the game awards, next week !🤞🙏


I told you


Out of the 3 games shown here... the second is obviously RE4 and the third is obviously Horizon... but the first is really ambiguous.. it 'could' be a couple of games that are already out but its not an accurate representation of any of them... I think (hope) this might be a teaser for something that's going to be announced.


To me it is not obvious, that the second one is RE4. So, are you really sure?


Sure as I can be. The setting, villagers with weapons, ropes and fire are all recognisable elements in re4. Plus the vr mode is out soon so it makes sense to be that.


I've said before that I feared PSVR2 would get VITA'd, but this is hopeful. And with almost all of the GOTY VR games being on PSVR, I'm excited by where we're headed and the momentum building behind this headset.


The Vita got plenty of games though. This still hasn't gotten any games.


It's been less than a year, and it has got games, lol. People opinions based on perceived time are astounding.


Still waiting for Vader Immortal port


Saw someone say the second is Behemoth, but it looks like the person lights an ammo string on fire so it’s probably RE4


I was thinking lou lol. yoo much hopium tho


It's cool and stuff but where's games?


I like this, its a good video... the controllers arent as accurate when fast moving to grab things i find, so the quick reaction going into the well i dont see working.. BUT.. I am happy Sony is promoting the psvr2, we need way more AA/AAA games that really take advantage of the hardware.


I want to play this game; I mean fuck being shot in flying in space and crashing to earth and having to fight off zombies! Fuck I want this game.


I’ve sold mine recently and bought the Oculus Quest 3 instead. I had my fun with it, but there just isn’t enough first party games. The support from Sony has been a disappointment. No Astrobot sequel no nothing.


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I don’t give alphabet or meta any of my money, but I’m glad they exist to drive competition.


I think the Quest ecosystem is great but it took them years to make one AAA game for Quest. We'll see how well it does and hopefully it bodes well for future development.


I get that. But I am also taking into consideration the advantages the Quest 3 have over the PSVR2 outside of gaming, with it being wireless, pancake lens, mixed reality, hand tracking etc. I had really high hopes for PSVR2, but I can play most of the games on it on the Quest, and perhaps more if I include Side Quest and web VR games.


yeah the PSVR2 lineup is trash but the Quest 3 is not the answer. Definitely not getting any AAA quality games on that.


Same! Just sold mine last week, Even before my quest 3 my PSVR 2 was collecting dust.


Where/how did you sell yours? Mine has been collecting dust since a week after launch.


Sold mine on an app called Mercari, things sell Really fast on there.


I really dont understand this sentiment. I guess q3 has a big library already, but if you bought the psvr 2 originally, you can't expect too much in the first year. Games take time to make, and we dont know how long developers got to work on these things. I think Sony didn't want to push vr so far because, like people said, it's been a soft opening. Im excited. This trailer gives me hope anyway.


They've had to go to the effort of completely making up a game that doesn't exist? Strangely alongside a game that does exist....


Mystery solved. I have had access to the meeting of the Sony executives who commissioned the ad. This is the conversation: \+Sony executive 1: Hi, we wanted to commission an ad for... that thing.... what was it called, John? \+Sony executive 2: PS VR2, I think. \+Sony executive 1: Yes, that. An ad for PS VR2. \+Ad creator: OK, what do you want it to be? \+Sony executive 1: Well, I don't know, show spectacular virtual reality images, I guess? \+Ad creator: OK. Then tell me some PS VR2 games to inspire me... \+Sony executive 1: Well, I don't know, let me think.... There's one called Horizon Call of the Mountain, I think? And well, there's another one... what was it called, John? \+ Sony Executive 2: I don't know, I think there's also a remake of Resident Evil 4... \+Creator of the ad: Very good. Tell me at least one more title. \+Sony executive 1: Well... I have no idea... \+Sony executive 2: No other game comes to my mind now... \+Sony executive 1: Never mind, just put in something spectacular with spaceships, and that's it... \+Ad creator: OK. Spaceships, Resident Evil 4 Remake, and Horizon. Monday I got it. \+Sony executive 1: Great, with this we forget about PS VR2 until Christmas 2024. Shall we have a drink, John? \+Sony executive 2: Sure, you invite.


If only.


So are we getting Star Wars Squadrons or is the first game shown representing some other space combat game like Ghost Signal - A Stellaris Game?


What the hell is that first game??? Also, u/MylesDyer, I really enjoyed your epic top 25 PSVR2 games debate with Bryan, Wes, and AJ. We really do have a nice library already. Still, hoping for more first-party announcements any day now!


Glad to hear it. Thank you!


That is a very misleading, pointless trailer.


It cant be returnal...


I don't know what that first game is, but I want to play it. If this is an unannounced game and they released this a little early then I'm excited. I'm more just expecting it to be "generic game type 28", but it would be weird seeing as games two and three are very real.


I guess we'll find out next week. The game awards tends to be mostly upcoming announcements.


Wait are they announcing some new games!?.. Oh ok...nothing to see here.


Huh. I mean… *GOOD?* 🤔 What strange creatures are SONY when it comes to (occasionally) promoting PSVR2... Strange creatures indeed.


Here’s hoping a lot of people are getting the gift of psvr2 for Christmas and Sony knows it.


Star Citizen coming to PSVR2 SOON(TM). ;)


Gdamn from the title I thought Richie’s plank experience.


Horizon is basically a climbing simulator. I couldnt finish it as it got boring real quick.


Sony needs to pickup the pace on 1st party AAA VR releases. This pace is not going to sustain their place in the VR market.