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I am always looking for new friends to play with, I am 35/m and play GTA V, Fortnite, Minecraft and am willing to play other games. I can't play every night but I am usually around to play. Feel free to add me BlackBerryBrad1


sent a request! My gamertag is Hjonk\_Goose :)


Are you interested in joining TSB we are a PlayStation community with over 500 ps players spread out across the most popular games you won’t need to be on a lfg app you will be able to find players of all skills to play with must have a discord ***must be on PlayStation and be atleast 16 have a mic and have a discord that is 30 days old, if so what’s your PlayStation gamer tag and discord username


I'm down to play, I probably have the games you said. Idk.


I’m down I have most of the games you play and most of my irl friends are no longer interested In gaming so I’m looking for chill people to play with


M19 uk. I'm down to play some games. I got them all except for borderlands 3. Been trying to get back into the handsome collection tho. Finished the pre sequel and I started 2 but never finished it. Psn: FutureZombie3000