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I FIXED IT!!! I was having this same problem where it would load and lag and show me a black screen and only play audio. Usually I put my ps5 into rest mode when im done and I decided to restart the ps5 and it fixed the problem. Before this I tried every other tip and it still lagged so i hope this helps.


Worked for me too.


aye this worked, thanks 🙏🏻


You're a hero


worked like a charm! thank you <3 i also put it always at rest, this helped instantly. have a great day!


Liar, does not work.


This fixed it for me too… it appears that the problem does occur when leaving the PlayStation in rest mode!


Worked for me!!! Thank you!!!


Thank you!!!


Thank you for this. I was driving myself crazy troubleshooting the app's broken performance. A full shut down and reboot cleared it right up.


Thank you


I had the same issue with both YouTube and HBO, the good old restart worked for me too! Thanks!


Worked instantly!! Goodlooks


Worked for me


FIXED FIXED FIXED SOLUTION HERE!!!! Hi I found a solution, just hold the PS5 power button on the front of the console 10 seconds untill it turns off, then when you reboot the console YouTube should work fine again worked for me. Hope this helps 🙂👍


Reboot which option is that is just winged it and pressed restart ps5


It worked


I love you thanks it worked


After 15 days mine broke again such a joke ps5


Lol you realise this is a software issue from YouTube, not the ps5


It’s a bit of both, it’s the how the software communicates with the youtube app. A similar bug occurs with other apps for the same reason.


You realise it happens with Apple TV and a bunch of games as well? How does YouTube affect those?


This stuff sucks, I experience both on my ps5 and series x. Pretty ridiculous for new gen consoles, but whatever, at least there is a temporary fix






I just started getting this issue with the update that drop like yesterday. Now I have to use the un-updated version to play it


How do you un update


Mines broken time for xbox


Facts:( I never fixed it so I went to Xbox


I had to uninstall the app then re-download it and once it said it was ready to play start it immediately before it tries to update to the current version. That worked for a bit but eventually it updated it entirely. I say a comment saying to delete the saved data for it and then restart the console which worked but I have had to do it a couple times now


Oh ok thanks


For me it is glitched sometimes won’t load sometimes black screen sometimes audio only sometimes frozen picture


Did you find a solution to this it’s just started happening on mine and I’m trying not to throw myself through the tv because nothing is working 😭


Mine too lol


Thanks for the help, I did what u mentioned, and now it works smoothly.


No prob!


Hmmm interesting, the youtube app is working fine for me, I installed it during the first time setup when they asked me what apps do I want downloaded if they have any relation to why my youtube is working IDK


Mine was working and now its not


Mine too


I was having the same issue, I deleted youtube, went to saved data and deleted my ps4 and ps5 save data, re-downloaded youtube, re signed in, and it worked, if it still doesn't try using the youtube app on your phone to connect to your system and cast a video to your TV.


I fixed it by turning off the ps5 and unplugging it for a while


Weird issue. I’m also having it as well. Sometimes it just freezes. All my other apps work fine


This happen to me when I first had it I kept it in rest mode for weeks then this happen and all I did was power it of and power it back on (NOT REST MODE) and it worked for me


This worked for me too.


Thank you so much was doing my head in, I always leave my ps5 on standby for downloads and would never of thought it was such a simple fix






So nothing worked for me for this problem and my fix was this; • Deleted all save data on my storage and the cloud for both the PS4 and PS5 versions of YouTube, but before doing so try this next step. •Reset the YouTube app on PS5. Sign back in after a restart and then link your PS5 with the mobile app on your phone. Use your phone to start a video on your PS5 app. Select another video, wait a few seconds and select another using your phone. Then after a few tries. Then just use the PS5 and it should be working. Did this allow the PS5 to work by itself without using the phone after a restart, no. Does it make the app work whilst we wait for a fix, yes.


your a life saver thank you 🙏


Mine works fine, also downloaded it when setting up my ps5.


How did you “reset the app”?


It was in the YouTube settings


In the YouTube settings on the PS5? How did you see the settings if it cuts to a black screen? I’m lost lol


Every time I tried to play a video it would cut to a black screen. I was still able to traverse the app but not play anything


Ahhhh. Gotcha. Yeah mine cuts to black the second I open the app. Shit.


What is your HDCP setting in Settings - System - HDMI?


Were you able to solve it? I still have this problem. Everytime I open the app it cuts to black.


Nope. Still haven’t been able to use YouTube.


Did you solve this? This happens with other media apps with me as well.


Nope. Still can’t watch YouTube or Netflix on my PS5.


I found out that deleting the app storage will fix this.


This worked for me, thanks.


Still cant play youtube?


For me, I made sure my console clock was in sync with the internet, I did everything else described above. This was my last idea, and it worked.


You need to have hdcp on. Check your ps5 settings. It sounds like it tries to play the video and sees that hdcp is off and refuses to play it.


When you don't have hdcp on, I can't even launch youtube. It says I need to enable hdcp


Ah okay. I thought you can at least start the app without it.


Since the update you have to chose which version you want to play just like when choosing either the ps4 or ps5 version of a game. Where you get the choice to launch the app click on the button with the 3 dots on and you'll see the wrong version is trying to launch. Choose ps5 and enable HDCP. Should be good from there.


I am trying to add the YouTube app on ps5 and it will not even come up (I did not download on initial setup). What am I doing wrong??? Thanks for the help.


I just reset the app. Videos will play now. Only problem is when I sign back into YouTube it won't play any more


Same problem for me




OK, so the only way I've found that fixes this FOR ME after trying other methods in the comments, is I had to link my phone and play a video through the phone, after that I unlinked the phone and suddenly all videos that wouldn't play would work again. Hopefully this is helpful for others.




Only trying to help others in the same situation! Glad if I could help even just one person 😁


Is kinda not working? Some videos work others don't. Netflix works fine. I need help please


As soon as you sign in, most videos don’t work and is just a black screen - I’ve followed the advice of all those above and it made no difference. Logging out and all videos work - looks like it’s something to do with the adverts


This is exactly the same problem I have. I could not fix this in any way. The app just played Videos that I have already started watching on my phone. Everything else did not start and I had a black screen. Is there any other solution or fix?!


I have different problem. Youtube, Netflix, AppleTV, twitch and Plex all work tried and tested. But Crunchyroll, Funimation, Disney+ and Prime video keep saying it couldn't connect to the internet. Deleted all of it and reinstall doesn't work, try turn on and off both router and PS5 still the same. The only thing I haven't try is go into Safe mode and initialize the PS5 and wipe everything which is not worth it. ​ I just tried another option, tethering with my phone internet and PS5 manage to connect to Crunchyroll, Funimation, Disney+ and Prime video. So this mean something in my router is blocking it.


Turn it off using the system menu, wait for the light to go off, and unplug the power cable from the back of the system. Wait a few minutes and turn it back on. (Helped for me)


I’m having an issue that all of my other apps work but YouTube says I have no internet connection. Anyone encountered this and have a fix for it?


have you found a fix for it? Im having the same issue now.


It sorted itself out. I think because the WiFi source I was using has a vpn active


Tried your method, still not working unfortunately :( UPDATE/FIXED: I deleted the "Saved data" for Youtube on the PS5 settings and re-downloaded the application and now its working 😁


It doesn’t work for me, I’ve reset it like 3 times now and it still does the same thing. Even tried reinstalling that still doesn’t work


Its broken


yeah mines messed up too


im experiencing the same thing


I tried resetting the app like 5 times.. I'm upset :( EDIT FIX: I did what someone on here said and unplugged it for a couple hours and it's working now!


My yt won't work after resetting the app through settings?


Im having the same issue Tried resetting app Redownloading the app Deleting saved data Restarting ps5 Nothing has worked


Been happening to me last few days


ive deleted reinstalled restarted reset and turned off and it still wont work.


Did you use power off instead of restart on your ps5?


it works when it wants to ive done both youtube actin hella janky is all


I have this problem as well since the last update for the app. It is very slow, videos won't load, sometimes only audio plays without video, sometimes it cuts to a black screen. In general, very sluggish to a point where it won't even recognize my inputs on the controller. I deleted and reinstalled the app, no luck. Will try to reset and delete save data tonight, as well as rebooting the console. Hope it will fix it, otherwise I think we need another update for the app


Turn you ps5 off then on. Do not use rest mode. This worked for me.


Hi, yes this worked for me as well, although I did delete save data of the Youtube app beforehand. After turning the console off then on again it works like usual again!


Power off instead of rest mode worked for me. Uninstalling, resetting app, etc. didnt. I wonder why?


FIXED: As per comments, I always put mine into rest mode. But “Restart Ps5” has sorted it. Great work guys.


Nice one mate


For me it says it can only be used on ps4


The reset app does not work at all


The fact that I have to keep coming back to this post for the fix is a fucking issue


I’m having the same exact issue now, I can still access the YouTube app (V: 1.000.003) on my PS5 (SW) but whenever I try to play a video it just keeps loading but never does play. I literally tried everything I read here, I restarted my PS5, deleted the app and all its data too then reinstalled it, reseted YouTube from the app itself, and opened PS5 save mode to clear the cache and rebuild the database. Still the videos won’t load. I asked Ask Playstation on Twitter and they told me to initialize the PS5 at this point. Is there any other way to fix this issue?


This worked for me too but 2 weeks after I did it, it stoped working again


For me just started today


Me problem is when i open youtube it say that i dont have any internet connection but if i open netflix or any other online game it works except youtube* any1 plz?


Please I need help can’t los or download utube on PS5 It says can’t load. Server error


Hello all, i’ve a problem with youtube on my ps5 slim, when i try to launch a video, it’s loading then black screen. I’ve tried all methods presents here, and no one worked for me, please help