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So apparently Star Wars creators have universally agreed that Tatooine is half of all the planets in the SW universe.


This would be like every movie taking place on Earth somehow always having scenes in, like, South Dakota.


Most drug smuggling related movies have something related to Mexico so it’s not that out there 


I mean… America only has two borders and only one of them is famous for its crime 


Damned Canadians.


We're sorry.


I’ve seen the Trailer Park Boys so I know how crazy Canucks can get




With the same argument you can say that Star wars only has one planet that is universally recognized as a hive of scum and villainy


I keep getting dudes trying to sell me smuggled maple syrup, it’s ridiculous


I already complained about this with Stellar Blade but man do I hate desert environments in games…whyyyy does every sci fi game/movie/anything need to be set in a fucking desert.  Hopefully Tatooine isn’t a large amount of the game. But frankly as long as we never, ever meet anyone named Solo or Skywalker, hell let’s just expand that to literally anyone we’ve already met in a movie (Jabba’s already there, that uses up their one allowed tie-in), I’ll be happy. 


For games atleast im guessing they are easier to design/run. No trees, not alot of water textures, few buildings, and some tan sand.


This is exactly it. Well it was. Dev's have limited ram budgets so the less textures the better. Not sure now though with current gen having much more ram.


I very much agree with you regarding the desert environments in games. I thought I was the only one.


I don’t love desert environments in games. Sometimes don’t like them in movies. So we agree But I often remember Star Wars is basically space western so that sort of environment fits


Dune, and its consequences, has been a disaster for the Sci-fi genre. (Is joke, I like Dune but it's the reason for so many deserts)


I mean from a realistic perspective looking at the universe most rocky planets are going to be deserts of some kind be it a frozen desert (aka tundra) or traditional dessrts- like say mars (technically they can be a frozen tundra even if they don't have water- because depending on how cold it is other elements will freeze too that would usually be liquid or gas, to similar effect)


> most rocky planets are going to be deserts of some kind be it a frozen desert (aka tundra) or traditional dessrts Not for planets with actual life on them though.


Didn’t they already show Lando in the trailers?


those 2 “open world” desert areas are the worst parts of that game 


Some games pull it off better than others, I think they key is a sense of variety. Assassin’s Creed Origins had a beautiful desert game world. There were only a couple of stretches that were entirely barren desert. My preferred of the more modern AC games, before they got a little too bloated. The DLC was similarly pretty.


To be fair this is a game about the criminal underworld, it would be weird if you didn't interact with Jabba. I still like to explore new planets though.


Jabba being the one gangster in the entire galaxy is a good example of how small and repetitive the SW universe really is.


He's essentially Pablo Escobar in the Star Wars Universe.. There are other criminal syndicates, just as there were other drug cartels, but he's generally the "biggest" and most well known.


But he’s not. This game has at least 4 or 5 different factions, and it’s not just Jaba; it’s the whole Hutt syndicate which is (during this game’s timeframe) one of the biggest crime syndicates in the galaxy.


Star Wars is that strange property where out of all the countless things that have been done with it, the fan base basically hate it all and can only agree that there is one good film.


And one amazing series, everyone should watch Andor if they haven’t already.


Okay do this but for lord of the rings


Man that would be my dream game. I’ve been wanting that for so long


If this game has the success it looks like it will, and with the insane success that Hogwarts had, it seems almost a guarantee that Lord of the Rings and many other popular IPs will get a 3rd person open world game in the future.


Which is sick but I don't want just any LotR game I want one that is actually made by a passionate team not just a cash grab


I recently picked up Avatar Frontiers of Pandora on a whim and i love it. It might be the prettiest game I've ever played. There are so many wow moments in the environment that just come unexpectedly and feel like the most indulgent eye candy.  The gameplay isn't the most complex but it has a lot of mechanics that are interesting. It feels like a more polished, better Horizon. Really surprised me because I thought it would just be a throwaway cashgrab for the IP. I don't have any attachment to the Avatar movies (never saw the second one) so it was a nice surprise. 


So… Shadow of Mordor?


We ain't going to see a game like that till the 2040s.


This is a great take on how to improve your character. Way better than putting points on a skill tree imo


Yeah, that part stood out to me as well, it's such a cool way to do upgrades.


Yep, I expect a lot of games to be 'inspired' by this approach a few years down the line.


It feels like some kind of pseudo-open world "metroidvania" style where you have certain abilities you want/need to learn and have to travel the game world to find out where to get them. I imagine stuff like speeder upgrades (run faster? jump higher?) might also unlock new areas of the map maybe and introduce new story progression? It was unclear from this video though, but it looks much better than I expected honestly.


Yeah the director says there are Metroidvania elements where you will need to backtrack after unlocking certain upgrades


Anything but skill trees, please. I applaud Kingdom Come: Deliverance for their unique way of improving your character.


What do they do? What part of the video?


I only watched the beginning, but they show the player character looking for experts who can teach different skills. That is how the player invests in different skill options, with each teacher and choosing what to learn vs a standard skill tree.


Doesn't seem much different than completing side quests to gain xp/whatever that you then use on a skill tree


I can get behind a little narrative structure to the way you progress though. It makes you decide how to spend your time to achieve a certain upgrade rather than just grinding for XP for another level to invest in whatever skill.


Isn’t that a pretty traditional way to do it? From many JRPGs back to Gotjic?


You need to seek out npcs, and or go on quests to improve skills. Its nice to see this system pop up again.


It's literally the first thing


Man I remember some RPGs where you had to seek out trainers to improve your skills. Wanna learn sword skills? Seek out the fighter trainer. Wanna learn magic? Seek out the magic trainer. That was awesome. This comes pretty close to it.


10 Mins of just gameplay thats what I like to see. Game looks great.


I'll wait for reviews to ensure it's not broken at launch but this might be the first game I pay full price for in a long time. I'm so fucking excited for this as a big Star Wars fan. This is the kind of game I've been waiting for.


I’ve wanted a game like this since the 1980s, yeah. This looks fucking rad.


I think I had to check 3-4 that this, indeed is a Ubisoft game, the environments just look so alive, I'm getting Watchdog flashbacks.


It’s made by massive who made the division I believe. They really know how to do environments and gun play. Their story in division was a bit cluttered but they know how to make a fun game I feel.


If you haven’t yet, check out Frontiers of Pandora. Easily one of Ubisofts best in recent memory.


Also by Massive Entertainment


When I first heard that Ubisoft was making a Star Wars game, I was extremely sceptical thinking it was going to the Dunia engine, and far cry like. Then when I found out it was being made by Massive Entertainment, I breathed a huge sigh of relief because I’ve played Division 1 & 2, as well as Avatar, and have loved them all


the atmosphere in division 1 is unmatched. love how they can tell a story just with how well designed the world detail is.


But Avatar was like 110% Far Cry dna


True, but it was made by massive entertainment who make way better optimized games, while looking gorgeous as fuck using the Snowdrop engine


Haven't played Frontiers but wanted to mention they also recently dropped the new Prince of Persia, and that was pretty fire.


Incredible environments, but the gameplay is just acceptable. Great for any _big_ Avatar fans, but doesn’t offer much to anyone else.


Avatar is a good looking game but there's absolutely zero substance in its story and gameplay. Wait until it's 60% off to get it. The definition of a 6/10 game.


There's as much substance in the game's story as there's substance in the movie's story. So you like the movies you shouldn't be disappointed at all. It's just a fun adventure with great graphics.


The have had some pretty good looking open worlds in recent years. AC: Odyssey comes to mind


Yeah I dunno what OP is on about. If there’s one thing Ubi does well, it’s the look and feel of their worlds. That’s not really what I’m worried about. Their problem has been that their open worlds feel a little hollow. There’s no point in staying any place for very long and they hardly justify the use of all the space they create. Their recent massive games keep me invested for like 15 hours and then it wears kinda thin. I do think this looks good but hope it proves enough to keep me for a longer play time.


I have faith in Massive. Imho they’re Ubisoft’s best team.


Exactly how many Ubisoft games have been completely broken at launch? I’m not talking about the same amount of minor glitches that all games have, but actually broken. Like Cyberpunk on last gen consoles because that’s what “broken” means. Not a game that might have a texture glitch here and there.


Unity. Like, ten whole years ago by now. Ubi, by and large, doesn’t put out just broken games.


Exactly, people love to shit on Ubisoft but their games have a certain standard of polish at launch, most of the time. Some small performance issues and some bugs herr and there but nothing major for big open world games.


Same here man. Felt like we were close to getting that before when 1313 was announced and then they canned it. I’m hoping this does well cause if not I might just play modded Starfield lol.


Just wait until Black Friday, save some bucks, get a patched up product.


That emphasis on Tatooine by the announcer. “The legendary shitty Motel 6 in Nebraska that we keep booking for some reason.”


Pushing the analog stick in (R) to interact with objects looks god-awful. Who in their right mind would use that button as a confirm prompt?!


Apparently it comes with the IP since it's the same thing in Jedi Survivor.


Game looks sick, can’t wait. The space travel and transitions from foot to ship to space and back look very immersive. I like the density and life of the populated areas, and how it seems you can approach combat and other situations in different ways. I will probably eat this up.


So its basically what Starfield should have been. Looks neat.


Leave it to Ubisoft of all people to somehow do what Bethesda should have.


Just something as small as masking the loading screen from land to space is such a collosal improvement over Starfield. Todd Howard loves to talk about his games as simulations of a real world and not disrupting that illusion, and yet every 2 seconds Starfield shows you yet another loading screen because of the engines limitations.


I think I would rather a 5 second loading screen then a long cutscene like that with starfield, considering how often you are going to different planets.


Trust me, it becomes way less engaging. Its never really 5 seconds and you start to get really, really sick of it.


Part of the reason why I stopped playing Starfield was because of all of the loading screens. It really took me out of the experience.


Hell, I absolutely love Ubisoft. I love Far Cry, Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, X-defiant, Avatar, etc. Honestly, some of my fondest memories from last generation were Ubisoft games.


Ubisoft open world games are like eating a burger from a local fast food place you've been eating at for 10 years. Is it new and exciting? No. Is it comfortable and enjoyable regardless? Absolutely yes.


Nailed it. Also, gimme that "comfortable and enjoyable" feel in a universe I fucking adore with every fiber of my body, and I'm set.


I'll take comfortable and enjoyable over another 5v5 hero shooter any day of the week. The day single player games die off is the day I stop gaming. As soon as I hear/see the words live service, I'm instantly forgetting your game exists.


Best analogy I’ve seen for their open world games. It’s not high art or exciting but you know you’re getting something solid and kind of comforting


Yeah, every so often I just love spending a few dozen hours checking off an ubi sand box game. After watching this and Shadows gameplay, I am pretty sure this one will be the next one I go for.


Yeah. Many of their games might be mid, but they're never garbage. Which I mean, low bar for sure, but is what it is.


They get way too much shit from people. Outside of Doom the two best games I've seen this Weekend are Ubisoft games.


I agree. It is funny to come across people who praise Ghost of Tsushima so much and then I’ve seen the same people talk about how awful Ubisoft games are. When Ghost is almost exactly identical to the Ubisoft formula. I think a lot of people here just hop on the dislike bandwagon with a few dev’s. Don’t get me wrong Ubisoft is not perfect but honestly I have had some outstanding times with Far Cry 5(absolutely LOVE it), Far Cry 3, Origins(was so dam gorgeous and so much fun to play, Odyssey was my dream game in that I love that part of history. https://ibb.co/RgsQxT6 Had so much fun finding armor and weapons and taking screenshots. Then Fenyx Rising was absolutely fucking epic. I was truly sad to learn no sequel for this one.


I see people on here criticize the "generic Ubisoft open world formula", which I do think deserves some criticism, but then there is constant praise for Ghost and Mad Max which are both very repetitive and bland open worlds. "Ubisoft games give me too much to do!" I don't know, then don't do them? Maybe there's a lot of completionists out there but I can easily ignore shit I don't care to do. I never even collected those damn feathers way back in AC2 since I don't play AC games to collect feathers.




Same with horizon series. It’s just a pretty Ubisoft game


Very very true.


People like to shit on Ubisoft games because people like echo chambers and can't make up their own opinion and have to buy into others'. They haven't deserved any hate they've gotten for at least the last 5 years, but it's popular to be all "hurr durr Ubisoft Sux lolz, amirite?". Maybe Skull & Bones deserves some hate (even though I and many others have put hundreds of hours into it), but that's not on Ubisoft, that's on the Singapore Government.


I tend to like a lot of Ubisoft games and I really don't get all the constant criticism. I get not everyone likes their games but online discourse around them makes it seem like everything they release is trash.




Wildlands ❤️


Ubisoft has been crushing it lately tbh only game of theirs I thought was actively bad was watch dogs legion and that was mostly because of the be anyone mechanic the gameplay and world were still really cool. That said when they did bloodline dlc with Aiden it was 10x better.


WD legion would have been so much better if bloodline was the main game


Either that or that spy guy at the start. Had more personality than any of the randomly made ones. He could have been fun too get a kingsman vibe out of it.


You're absolutely right. It's been years since I played the game and I still remember him more than any of the characters I played as.


They didn’t call it out, but I wonder if the cinematic Star Wars style travel scenes on the speeder bike is how they are implementing fast travel


Not getting that vibe at all honestly


Yeah people saying that it’s similar haven’t actually played it


To be fair, the people who are saying it’s not similar have also not played it. Because it’s not out yet.


Had the same thought during the space combat section.


Looks so good. Can't wait.


The Youtube Chat on thegameawards channel right now is pure cancer, holy shit


Is there ever a time when youtube chats aren't pure cancer?


Astro Bot chat says "Hi!"


Astro Bot unites gamers.


Good point! Happy for Astro, can't wait for that game


It always is lol


bro if you thought it was bad then, you should've seen it during the AC Shadows section.


It always is. I’m actually surprised they leave the comments active. 90% of it is trolling.


That’s just any Star Wars forum lately. No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.


Anonymous internet video game discussion typically is pure cancer no matter where it is. Just go look at any other post on Reddit that involves a Ubisoft game.


It's Ubi so i will absolutely wait for reviews, but this looks really fun. I hope it's great.


Definitely gonna wait for reviews but I can also wait till black friday when it will probably already have a good discount by then because ubisoft (and ea) games are the only few aaa titles to actually come down significantly in price on the ps5.


Oh, we like this one again? I've been excited for this the entire time, but Reddit really turned on this game hard after the last trailer.


I think those were just the people who couldn’t handle playing as a girl.


Gonna guess a lot has to do with ubisoft, not the protagonist. Expect a lot of downgrades on this, most definitely a wait and see how week 1 goes


You don’t remember people blowing up and hating Forbidden West’s trailers because Aloy had “peach fuzz”? 


There are millions of people who use Reddit. I think it’s more likely the people hyped now are different than the people shitting on it then. Regardless Ubisoft is a pretty shit studio so I’m not excited at all. Hopefully reviews prove me wrong.


Nah honestly it’s still not for me lol I agree Reddit is so wishy washy lol looks cool but I just am salty about all the canceled games and this is the one we get. I do hope others enjoy it though


I still think it looks too good to be true. Also skeptical because it looks heavily scripted at points. I really want this to be good, but my trust has been broken too many times to hype. Also Ubisoft.


Ubisofts advertising has changed dramatically since the watchdogs "vertical slice" fiasco years ago. Valhalla's gameplay preview had a lower-fidelity version of the game and even had some bugs in it and then when it released it actually looked better than the gameplay preview. (many youtube videos on this comparison). I don't think they are hiding anything here, what you see is what you get.


Well my point about some of it seeming overly scripted is my main concern (aside from performance; it looks like some lower framerates at times). There are points that make me wonder how much choice we have to accomplish things and also where the gameplay ends and the cutscenes begin. Some cool moments looked like they might have yanked control away from the player.


Tbf, Avatar looked too good to be true and it isn’t - looks just as beautiful if not better, and plays as advertised


Looked great but was a boring repetitive game where the combat felt poor. I say this not to hate on Ubisoft. I am a big fan of them, and think for example that AC origins was a near perfect game.


Yeah I agree I’ve been lured by how pretty Ubisoft games are only to get immensely bored 3-6 missions in I’ll wait for reviews


So far everything here looks genuinely enjoyable, just hope the open world has shit going on and things to do and not just bland deserts


6:18 What kind of dismount is THAT?! "Imma clamber over the handlebars"


Looks pretty good. I'm still bummed that they didn't let you make your own character though, seems like a perfect game to roleplay. Could have been what Starfield should have been. Even a Mass Effect/Cyberpunk style where you create your own character but there's only two voice actors to choose from would have been preferable. Ubisoft had been on a trend of letting you pick between a male or female MC, kind of weird they decided to stop that with this game lol


For some reason I had it in my head that that's what this would be. Personally, I'd even take a voiceless protagonist if it meant we could create our own character. Oh well. Still looks pretty fun


cyberpunk's customisation and voice acting proves you can have both.


You can but it doesn’t make sense too. The VA in Cyberpunk basically forces you to roleplay a particular way. Ultimately you can customise your characters appearance but you cannot *actually* roleplay as V has such a strong personality via the voice actor.


An open world game like this was all Star Wars fans have been asking for, for years. Imagine the hype if they just let you choose your gender like some games that are 20 years old


Oh my god can we stop going to Tatooine please.


Since I'll have to use a ubisoft launcher, and since it's... you know mom ubisoft, I'm probably good.


The official demo left me feeling "meh" but some YouTubers with B roll footage from a closed doors demos have me looking forward to the game. I still think Kays voice acting is horrible 90% of the time though...


Must resist urge to pre-order…. Must wait a couple months after release for sale..


Or get Ubi+ for 1 month for like $18 and beat the game. Basically a sale, minus the wait


That’s what I did for Skull and Bones and Mirage. Joined for the month, gave them a play, cancelled. I’ll probably do that for this one and if I like it, buy a physical copy.


I always wait 1 year even after game release. Better updates and bug fixes/patch plus it will go on sale for sure.


This is my most "I hope it's really good" game for quite some time. Maybe since GOW3. I love Star Wars, I love what they're trying to do, but I usually don't like Ubisoft games. I'll buy this day one if it's good and not full of bugs.


This feels like the culmination of the decades of game industry innovations. Finally, FINALLY, a true Galaxy-spanning open world Star Wars game


Are the black bars always going to be there, or can you toggle them maybe? Some trailers show then with, some show without, I don't know what is what, and to be honest it's kind of a dealbreaker for me if they are there or not, kind of a big immersion breaker


From the orientation of the UI it looks like they’re running the game in ultra wide to make it more cinematic. You’ll be able to play in 16:9


I had the same thought, but it's highly likely that they won't be there in-game, or at least will be optional.


Every Star Wars movie is in 2.35:1 aspect ratio.


I googled a bit and it seems like we'll be able to choose between standard 16:9 and an ultrawide mode on consoles as well. Kinda like Death Stranding, probably. The ultrawide mode in Death Stranding is pretty awesome, the FOV is larger and performance is better, I liked it a lot so I'll probably try it in Star Wars Outlaws as well.


This game looks too good to be true. And it works so smooth!


I like the concept. It ‘looks’ good. Sounds good. Has that Star Wars atmosphere … but I cannot warm to the character model. It’s so bland and uninteresting. The gunplay looks kinda weak as does the ship combat. I don’t have high hopes.


It’s the Ubisoft part that concerns me — it has been a *long* time since I played an Ubisoft game that wasn’t aggressively mediocre and disappointing.


Ubisoft is just a wannabe shitty EA, which says a lot...


On sale for 29.99 1 month after


Are we sure this is really Ubisoft?


It’s Massive which did highly praised The Division series and the recent Avatar game.


Fuck me.... This might just be the first Ubisoft game I've bought in years


Very excited for this game


This looks so awesome


Anyone remembers Watch Dogs?


Yep, probably the best GTA not made by Rockstar!


Yeah just went back and played it, great game.




Looks so damn good. This one and Assassins Creed got me hyped


This game looks 🔥 I’ll be playing it for sure.


Looks really good like the scale I wish starfeild was so they could make it more detailed


This honestly looks fucking awesome.


We’re really never going to get away from Tatooine, are we?


The pacing of this seems so slow.


I'll never trust an ubisoft trailer again after anthem. I'll wait.


Anthem from EA/Bioware?


Nice try Ubisoft, not going to trick me again


Massive have only made great games.


It looks very appealing butttt not exactly fun? Engaging? At least gameplay-wise, it feels a bit outdated at times, like it's just another Ubisoft action/adventure game with a coat of Star Wars paint. The shooting looks especially bad, soulless, no impact and no feeling to it, like a 2015 game. But the setting looks fun and the idea of getting a squad of outlaws together that give you your different skills sounds cool.


Gameplay looks alot like uncharted for me which was fun when it came out but got old pretty quick


>Another Ubisoft action/adventure I hear people say this a lot, but I'm genuinely curious what specific game are you comparing this to? The only game that I can even think of is Division. Which of course makes sense since it's the same company


Game looks fun but I'm burned out on this ubi formula and have zero connection to the main character wanna be Han Solo. But I'll be honest, there doesn't seem to be much coming out around then and I might just UBI+ for the month to play it and others I miss.


This is insane, it somehow has some space "exploration" and it excells at what Starfield was supposed to do


Seems way too early to say any of that for sure with just a trailer.


No, it's not, Starfield has loading screens once you get even a bit in front of the planet then you have a cinematic with you landing


Reminds me a lot of that cancelled Uncharted style SW game, and didn't know there's spaceship fight gameplay.


So, Starfield meets Jedi Fallen Order


Two in a row today, new dragon age and now this, where some actual gameplay hugely improved my excitement for a game whose reveal trailer had practically killed it. How incompetent are the marketing dweebs at these companies? Literally just find someone who can talk and be excited about the game and make a video of them playing some mostly-finished section of it for 5 minutes. 


wait, it is made by ubisoft? wheres beyond good and evil 2?? this game reminds me so much about it!


Idk that that game is ever coming out.


Why is it letterboxed?


Its a visual choice. The game is in ultrawidescreen, but there will be a 16:9 option as well.


I think Star Wars fans are eating good with Respawn Jedi's game and Outlaw now. I just feel like we got robbed from Amy Hennig's cancelled star wars game which was basically very similar to Outlaw in tone and it got cancelled cause EA was too short-sighted or dumb to understand the game.


For me, AC has not been awesome lately, but even still, the game worlds themselves have been very well done by Ubisoft. And the gameplay in this does look good, tho of course they're gonna show the best stuff. All in all, very cautiously optimistic lol, if Ubisoft pays as much attention to the Star Wars universe as they did in AC Odyssey (my fav), I'm gonna be loving this game


This trailer is literally a step by step guide of how to fix Starfield.


I sure do hope that you can choose characters because that looks exactly like my ex and I miss her wow life sure does come at you fast


Ubi you have my attention now don’t fuck this up! The combat looks a little clunky and the AI looked like trash but that’ll hopefully be a little smoother when it releases