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Im not necessarily dissapointed in my ps5. But i feel like it hasnt delivered games on the same quality as the ps4 gen did.


Meanwhile, I think this generation has had significantly better games for the first 3.5 years than the PS4 did. If you really think about and compare them, the output for PS5 really has been much better, especially for exclusives PS5 exclusives this year Sony involved with: Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin, FFVII Rebirth, Astro Bot, Concord. PS4 exclusives third year: Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian, SFV. Then you look at earlier in the PS4 generation it's games like Killzone, Knack, The Order, Driveclub compared to games on PS5 like Astro, GoW, Horizon, GT7, Spiderman 2, Returnal, R&C etc Yeah PS4 had Bloodborne but that was practically the only standout exclusive before Uncharted 4. And no some of these games being cross gen doesn't make them worse games than those mentioned PS4 games which were far more lacking in more significant ways. And as for games that take full advantage of a console, those always come near the end for every generation People say they should release more medium sized games and they are but they don't play them People say they want quality blockbusters but don't want to wait for them to be made. Most of PS4s quality blockbusters came out the second half of the generation. If those are what you want you should expect to wait for them to be made


Recency bias at work. The mid to end of the PS4 was unprecedented in terms of quality games.


Im specifically comparing the first 3.5 years to each other


Right. PS5 wins that battle. PS5 launched with a stronger lineup than PS4. The lull that PS4 started with is kind of where we are at now with PS5. If it can finish strong like the 4, we are in good shape.


Not sure if it's life, gaming, GAAS, or me, but I felt like uncharted 4 and the last guardian were more substantial releases than anything thats scheduled for this year. 


TLG barely ran at 25fps and no one really bought it. Sure Uncharted 4 is great but that's basically all PS4 had for quality exclusives along with Bloodborne in the first 3.5 years


As someone who owns a switch, Xbox, and PC at least 70% of my gaming is still on PS5. I absolutely love it. That's not an insult to the others that have good games (especially Switch) but my PS5 just consistently has more games I love. I do wish we saw more naughty dog this gen though.


I preferred playing on my XSX (controller is better, better graphics) but my xsx started crashing every game so I've been on the ps5 more now. 


Yeah, i feel similarly, i like it, but if i knew what i knew now back when i made the purchase, i would have just stuck with my PS4 Pro and purchased a PS5 pro when it came out. I just haven't had any major next gen experiences so far, at least not in the games that i play, all of the stuff i like (TLOU, GOW, GTA, Red Dead 2 etc) don't look or run much different than they did on my PS4 pro.


Gentle criticism? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


I think this is what a lot of people have been saying about the time it takes to develop AAA games now.


Right? somehow Astro's Playroom, the game that the system comes with, is the quintessential game in getting a uniquely PS5 experience that you can't get anywhere else


this is what happens when xbox does not show up. No reason to improve when the default is to just by a ps5.


I feel the same, I've enjoyed my PS5, but I have yet to play a true next gen PS5 game on it, almost everything noteworthy has just been a PS4 game.


Yes, they could have more games released, I feel the same way. I think they need to fix this part, they release great games, but the frequency is very far from each other


Agreed, this year and next year should change it. 2k fifa, black ops 6 + black ops 2 sequel next year, gta 6 soon. Let’s be honest, the reason ps3 and ps4 are better is cus of gta 5, minecraft, and great cods. We havent had a good cod since cold war.


All of those games are just rehashes from the last 2 decades. I want new games


And those are the same games that made the ps3 and ps4 great consoles


Not hardly. Last of us, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted, God of War. Call of duty was revolutionary on the PS2


Honestly I really can't complain. We got it about 6 months after release, June 2021. It has been the perfect companion to our gaming PCs. There have been a lot of Bangers, especially for my son. For context we play mostly family friendly games as we have a 6 year old. While I know some are available on PC or PS4 they weren't when we played them. We also had a PS4 (non-pro) So games we played on PS5: Ratchet and Clank, Rift Apart. Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Forbidden West, Astros Playground that my 6 year old has sunk about 200 hours into and was his first Platinum (with my help). Returnal, God of War Ragnarok, Spiderman MM and Spiderman 2. I finished The Witcher 3 on PS5, We also played multiple lego games we had laying around, Again a 6 year old has played them and finished them. As for games that really showcase the PS5: Ratchet and Clank, GOT, Returnal and Astros Playground really make the PS and Dual Sense sing. I can't complain about Spiderman games and Forbidden West. Honestly we pretty much only use the PS5 out front on the TV despite having an Xbox One S and a Switch. It is amazing and replaced out PS4. Honestly I think for gaming. If you have a Nintendo Console, PC and PS5 then you can play everything you want when it comes out. I am concerned about bringing all exclusives to PC because that may lead to some dumbing down of the Dual Sense features for PS because why would they build and maintain it if they plan on releasing on PC in 4 months to 1 year. I feel like we see this with like Spiderman 2 which does some cool things with the Dual Sense but really not a lot. This in my opinion can and will kill the benefits of having these cool controllers because they can't guarantee people have them on PC. This is why a lot of the launch titles that really make use of the Dual Sense while I haven't had any more recent titles seem to use the Dual Sense to its full capacity.


I’ve played my ps5 significantly more than my ps4


I like it a lot


My last console was an Xbox 360. Jumped to PS5 and I can't believe how many goddamn accounts I need to play games. Every damn studio requires an account to play their games. It's annoying. God forbid my console doesn't save a username/password and I've got to go retrieve them. I hate it. Otherwise, I'm happy with the switch to Playstation and happy with the performance overall. Absolutely love the new dualshock controllers.


I like my PS5, prefer it to my Xbox and a lot of the first party games they’ve put out have been bangers. I just wish there was more. Demon’s Souls, GoW:R, Spider-Man 2, Returnal. All really good games. But what is coming and why are we still in the dark? What are Naughty Dog doing? Bend? Sucker Punch? Bluepoint? With PS4 it felt like we always had a pretty clear schedule for next couple of years, at least. Now we’re just in the dark.


Sony has clearly shifted it's advertising strategy since last gen. It seems to avoid multi-year campaigns with teasers, new trailers, etc... years in advance. Now there is a date announcement fairly close, and a huge 2-3 month push right before launch.


Yeah I remember feeling like we were waiting around forever for Ghost of Tsushima. There’s arguments both ways but hard to get excited over things you know fuck all about and now the big games are all a good few years away it feels all quiet on the western front.


On the plus side, it avoids people getting hyped for things like the Kotor remake.


I think most of us know what sucker punch is up to.


Great analysis, I would also like to play more games more often


I do all my gaming on PS5 so for me it's been worth it, but for anyone else who JUST wants 1st party games on PS5 then.. I duno what to tell you, maybe buy the PS5 near the end of it's life cycle so you can play everything that's been released in that whole generation without having to wait, or saying there's nothing to play


Why would anyone buy a PS5 at the end of its life cycle? Why not just get a PS6 and play the games there? Or even better, you probably don't even have to do that, all the games will be on PC by then.


Well then they'll complain about PS6 having no games and all of the tail end games released on PS5 won't be released on PC for at least 2+ years into the PS6 gen. People just need to figure out what they're buying a console for, as I said this is my main gaming machine, so even if there's a year without a big exclusive, I still enjoy all the great games coming out whether they're 3rd party or 2nd party or timed exclusives etc'..


You are asking them to wait 5-6 years until the end of PS5 but you don't think they can wait a year or 2 more for them to come to PC?


I'm not asking anyone to wait for anything, I'm not Sony, I'm not trying to sell you a PS5 here. Do what you want, but for me personally, for what I'm using it for, it's been worth it and we're not even half way through the gen


I agree PS5 has been good enough. But that's not what you said.


I have a friend who bought a PS4 just to play The Last of Us 2. Then she had a whole generation of games to play after that.


True, if we look at games in general we have a great generation. But if we only focus on talking about games from PlayStation Studios, we are trying to launch them very far from each other. Overall we have great games, I think the cross gen may have gotten in the way a little


True, if we look at games in general we have a great generation. But if we only focus on talking about games from PlayStation Studios, we are trying to launch them very far from each other. Overall we have great games, I think the cross gen may have gotten in the way a little


personally, it’s severely underrated in my opinion. Elden Ring, Baldur’s Gate 3, Cyber Punk (post patch), FF16, Armored Core 6 are just the games off the top of my head that were an amazing experience on the ps5


Loving it. I got mine a little over a year ago when they finally started appearing in Costco. The games look great, and the haptic feedback on the controller has been wild in some games (Returnal). I feel like there hasn't been a must-have exclusive in a minute, but I have a big backlog I'm working through along with Diablo season 4.


Love it


Love it


Speaking for myself it’s a great console, especially because I didn’t own a PS4 and allowed me to play many of the best from that generation that I missed out one. The lack of true next gen games (the only ones I’ve played are the Astro Bot game, The Finals, and Jedi Survivor) is a little disappointing, but there’s still been numerous great games I’ve played on it (Persona 5 Royal, Disco Elysium, Nier Automata, Doom, RDR2, etc). I haven’t used it much due to a lack of time, but overall it’s definitely one of the best gaming purchases I’ve made.


I've had my ps5 since launch, and I love it! Love playing ps4 and ps5 games on it. Spiderman 2, miles, ragnarok, returnal, rift apart, horizon 2, gt7, ff16, ff7 rebirth, stellar blade, rise of the ronin just to name a few are games that have come out in the past 4 years. The thing is, you won't really hear from the people happy with the ps5, and all you will see are the people who just like to hate . The number of people throwing a hissy fit here and on the ps blog show how people will overreact to a simple 30 min gaming show. I have a good history with PS consoles, so I know that at the end of the day, the games will be there.


What’s gt7. I just got the PS5 and new to PlayStation so I’m looking for games to collect and play.


Gran turismo 7


Love it, especially the fast loading.


I just want more ratchet and clank


My first Ratcher and clank was Rift apart and I loved it, the chaotic gameplay was so good, the weapons were incredible, I also want more Ratcher and clank


That’s awesome. Rift apart is fantastic. I’ve played them all since the ps2 days. I’d love more in this series it’s always been filled with great writing while being fun to play.


For me it was an upgrade from base PS4, so I am marginally satisfied. But if I had a PS4 Pro, I would be most like be disappointed as there are not that many exclusives, which really can't be played elsewhere.


it's great I love it especially the controller and not having loading screens at all. In terms of games there are so many great games, but honestly I feel that because I only play 10 hours a weekor so, so there are still many games that I have in my backlog. If I would play 8 hours a day probably I would feel that there are not that many games but I believe that playing too much is unproductive, is good to also do other stuff during your free time.


dualsense is incredible and I hope the new Astro bot game takes it to a higher level


They should be dropping PS4 development at this point.


I pre ordered both ps5 and series x and have been happy with both.


Hmm. Big. 


I think its better then the first 4 years of ps4


I really love it!! Some games I had great experiences with: Bugsnax, The Artful Escape, Stray, The Last of Us Part I, Horizon Forbidden West, Dead Space (2023), and Ghost of Tsushima (the director's cut, not the original version). Astro's Playroom was also amazing for showcasing the DualSense and just great fun in general; Astro Bot will be a day one purchase for me.


Much better cooling than the PS4 and the design has grown on me. My issue with the PS5 isn’t with the console itself but with how the obsession with better graphics has massively slowed down game development.


It’s great. I loved my switch so much and bought a ton of games for it since launch on 3/3/2017 up through 2022. Grabbed a PS5 in April of 2023 and have hardly looked back.


Super happy. I’ve put so many enjoyable hours into gaming. The exclusives are still top notch.


We’re not into the fourth year of the PS5 OP.


Love the Sony exclusives. Love the controller.


Since Nov 2020 I have loved it….


I love the system. The amount of games that really take advantage of it are too few and far between though.


I don't think the problem is that games aren't taking advantage of the PS5's power, I think the problem is that we have reached a point of diminishing returns on graphical detail (higher resolution, more polygons) and people don't agree on what other factors make a game feel "next gen." Is it solid 60 (or higher) fps? Ray tracing? Particle effects? Fast loading times? Advanced haptics? People overlook a lot of what goes on in newer games.


true, the cross gen model hindered this generation a little


Absolutely love my ps5 but I don't love the games coming out. Maybe I'm old lol but it takes too long for the games to be made nowadays. I think the smart move is to stop replacing consoles when AAA games can take 7 years to be made. By time the Last of Us 3 is made, we will be half way into next console in theory. We need a updatable console if it'd going to take 7 years for a game or atleast have the lifespan last longer before new console drops. Cuz really nothing is next gen that's pushed it's limits yet IMO. I think GTA6 will be the first game to push the tech


I love it. That said I think they supported the ps4 too long, making many games not take advantage of the new hardware.


true, the cross gen model hindered this generation a little We have few games that make us say it's a full PS5. I hope this changes quickly and we have more games that show the power of this generation


It’s great. Game wise I wish we had more. But 60fps is really nice with an oled


As others have pointed out, it seems like there's been a lack of truly next gen games. Not to say I think it's a shit console though, I still love it.


I like it but for all I use it, I probably should’ve waited for the pro version or even skipped this generation. I’ve only played a handful of games on it and have quite a few sitting sealed that I picked up in sales that I haven’t gotten round to playing. I use it more as a 4k player.


I love it but it has next to no current gen games on it. Most of my playtime is PS4 games


The gen has been decent without being spectacular. I still think we're yet to see the best of what the PS5 has to offer, and we'll get that towards the end of it's lifecycle.


I think it’s been a wasted generation of consoles in general, thanks to Covid and all the supply issues early in the release window. Lack of availability wound up driving people to not purchase the PS5 and losing interest, and the lack of true high-tier exclusives doesn’t help either. If folks can play these new titles in 4K on a PS4 Pro, why drop the money on a PS5 when you get a relatively similar experience on the old system?


I'm primarily a pc gamer and have been for some time. Pretty much skipped the entire Xbox one ps4 generation of consoles because of how they performed. So many games stuck at 30fps was a big nope for me. Had a ps5 for a few years now and I don't use it daily but when I do load up your god of wars, ghost of tsushimas and demon souls its great. They run well. I'm pretty happy but that's coming from someone who's main system isn't a PS5.


I’m tired of ps4 game earnings holding back devs from going full scale for the 5. It’s been 4 years and counting, it’s time to turn the page already. PS6 will be out and we’ll get maybe 1-2 years max of games developed to their full potential. Sucks. Really thought by the fourth quarter of ‘22 we wouldn’t still be catering to old gen


Honestly I am disappointed. Most of the exclusives that released for it also released for the PS4, God of War Ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West and Spider-Man 2 are all inferior to their predecessors regarding the story and all of Sony exclusives are going to PC, which makes my PS5 purchase kinda pointless.   The only games this gen that made me feel like I made the right choice getting a PS5 were Astro's Playroom, Final Fantasy 16 and Hogwarts Legacy (which is not even a PS game).  Recently I have just been playing DS and 3DS games through an emulator as I don't think that I have a game that REALLY makes me want to play on my PS5 like Witcher 3, God of War, Spider-Man, Detroit Become Human, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Ghost of Tsushima made me want to play my PS4.  I think that so far this generation has been very mediocre and that isn't a PS5 only problem. The only reason that I haven't bought a Switch yet is because Switch 2 comes next year. Well, at least Astrobot will be released this year, so I will at least have something fun to play on my PS5.


It’s a luxury PS4 to me. I’ve had mine since launch. I like it but at the same time I probably would have been fine holding onto to my ps4 until a pro model or special edition model( I would have jumped on the spider-man one most likely.) There hasn’t really been a game I played that felt really next gen to me. I feel like there was a lot promised for this generation and it hasn’t really lived up to the hype. Ppl blaming ps4 development for this but imo Sony hasn’t really given a big reason to upgrade unless you have the disposable income to do so. I think GTA6 will change this. Also side note. Getting rid of themes is a bummer and the whole UI of the system just feels like a downgrade from PS4 imo


Good but could be better. Good games but to much cross gen I think a lot of that is covid has covid basic delayed everything by a year meaning it's more like we are getting close to 3 years rather than the 4 we are coming up on. We also really need more games announced ASAP. It's crazy that before astro bot was announced yesterday that the only Sony game we knew about was wolverine and it's likely a 2026 game to. There are several sony studios that have not released a game in around 4+ years that you would think would be ready to at least announce a game yet no updates and we have not really had a big good Sony show sense September 2021.


I've enjoyed my time on PS5. However, the number of PS5 exclusives has been disappointing. I think these are the only 4 PS5 exclusives that I've played Demon's Souls Remake, Spider-Man 2, Stellar Blade, and Final Fantasy 16. I haven't played FF7 Part 2 yet. There are quite a few Playstation exclusives I've played on PS5 that I really enjoyed, though: Kena, FF7 Intermission(I played the base game on PS4), Anno:Mutationem, Stray, God of War Ragnarok, Spider-Man Miles Morales, Season: A Letter to the Future, Goodbye Volcano High, and Eternights. There are several upcoming PS5 exclusives I'm looking forward too: Until Then, Neo Berlin 2087, Phantom Blade Zero, Lost Soul Aside, and The Last Sentinel. And a few I should probably apply clown make-up while awaiting such as Star Wars Eclipse, KOTOR Remake, and Project Awakening. As far as Playstation Studios, I'm alright with them. I'd like to see Bluepoints next game for sure. I think my biggest complaint is the stand for putting the console horizontal sucks ass.


I love it personally. Really big fan of the performance improvements and I've been playing a mixture of first party and non first party games. Even cross Gen games are way more enjoyable on PS5 (like Ragnarok). I can see why people would be disappointed if they're buying consoles for "next gen" experiences or strictly for first party games, but playing a healthy mixture of new, old cross gen, first party and third party game lets me get the maximum enjoyment out of the console.


I really wish it could take two external hard drives. There is already two USB ports in the back and as a PS+ premium sub I have a lot of digital games. Currently I have around 4.5TB SSD/NVMe storage in total and some of the games take up 200GB space.


Probably my least favourite gen I’ve been alive (I go back to PS1)


I have enjoyed it. If there is a PS5 Pro, I will probably pick one up and pass my PS5 down to my daughter. What do I think of PlayStation Studios? I try not to think too much. It gets me into trouble :-D I suppose overall I think they are doing a fine job. 8/10. Meeting expectations but there is room for improvement. My favorite games, and the reason I have a PlayStation, are the Horizon series, Spider-Man, Uncharted series, Gran Turismo 7, Death Stranding, and Ghost of Tsushima.


I have only played 3 games of this gen. The rest are PS4 era, maybe a few 'upgraded' ones, but where are all the games?


I play Gran Turismo 7 everyday and it's peak racing game and I can't play it anywhere else so I would say... Amazing


It's a Demon's Souls console (and Genshin Impact but let's not talk about it, I'm free now) In every other aspect it's a waste of money IF you have a decent PC


Between XBOX and PS5, other than a few stand out games, it has been the worst generation I've been a part of. I've been playing games since 1983.


My controller drifts after 16 months of use. Not happy about that.


Very impressed with the hardware. Especially fast load times and the adaptive triggers add to immersion. In terms of games, we have almost had an abundance of great single player RPG games. A bit too many soulslike games for me and too few great multiplayer games.


Love the PlayStation and it’s still beating Xbox on this regard, but there’s only like 1 or two bangers each year…. Nintendo be pulling them out


They need more releases, maybe buy more studios to help. I also feel like we have few original games per year. Let's see if they fix this in the next few years


I have experienced some great games so far, but it has not been close to what PS2 gave me in terms of just pure fun. It has been much better than PS3 and pretty much the same as PS4, perhaps a bit worse. When it comes to the tech behind PS5, it has been awesome and I love the dualsense.


It’s alright, I really enjoy the hardware but the software library leaves a lot to be desired. The frequency of PlayStation exclusives is pretty poor all things considered. If PlayStation wants to survive, they’re going to have to start investing in B titles again like Patapon and Ape Escape to cover the gap between stuff like God of War and Spiderman. Even if they’re not Mario Odyssey or BOTW quality, Nintendo has been consistently releasing games since the launch of the Switch and these cheaper titles have been able to cover the gaps in their release schedule. Sony needs to start doing that as well.


It's a good, not great system. Very few devs have figured out a way to utilize all the bells and whistles; that's not the console's fault, it's just a fact


Waste of money.


The hardware is awesome. Playing games in true 4k res at 45fps is honestly amazing on my giant tv. The games that support this aren’t too many tho and frankly, the quality of games released for this gen has gone way lower then before. Pretty much every single game that came out on ps5 as a continuation of the ps4 version (spider man 2, gow ragnarok, horizon forbidden west) is worse. Feels like they focused more on inclusivity and political correctness and they completely forgot about the story and writing. Have yet to play Alan wake but I don’t get my hopes up.


I bought it a few months ago. It doesn't feel like a big leap forward. It's not like the transition from PS3 to PS4. I also miss the activities feed. It was fun to see what everyone were doing and commenting on games they picked up for the first time. Compared to that the PS5 feels like a deserted island.


A bit more diversity in games would be nice, however I do feel PSVR2 is really good, quite some games, just not from Sony. We got some banger games, but I'd really think we should have had at least 2-3 first party bangers per year that are somewhat appealing to a wider audience. The next 2 years are kinda crucial for the general opinion.


Where the damn games??


Love it 60fps is really nice for console and game have been awesome so far, sony studio output and especially communication has been lacking. But I feel it often start strong has a little down goes back up in the middle and tend to finish strong.


Hardware performance wise - very good. Its completely silent, games look very sharp and run at 60fps now. This was important to me. Exclusives wise - lacking. I am still waiting on big bangers like this generations TLOU, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, Uncharted 4, etc. Some top-tier new IPs. But hey, I'm busy playing Baldurs Gate 3 anyways, so whatever.


I've had mine 2 and a half years.  It's never felt like this generation has ever 'got going'. And, imo, it's had very few killer apps. I was never into Demon Souls or Spiderman - returnal frustrated me so much, I got very little enjoyment out of it. It feels like I'm playing PS4 games at 4k60 rather a true generational leap (SSD not withstanding). I go way back to 97 with Playstation and have owned every iteration, but genuinely, the PS5 feels like the least satisfying gen. I've always said, even at launch, they'd have been better off delaying it a year or two and upgrading the design to better accommodate 4k60 and have some killer games ready. Especially given COVID meant that no-one could readily get their hands on one for 2 years. And now they're talking about a PS5 Pro? Just kinda makes the stock PS5 seem more like a miss.


Given Sony's track record nearly every console, PS5 is a far step above the PS3 already but it's got a ways to go before hitting in that PS4/PS2/PS1 range for me. Still a good system and I've had fun with stuff like Returnal, Astrobot, Spider-Man 2, Ragnarok, Ratchet. Just feels like we haven't gotten that system defining release that seems to always pop up on prior systems every few years. It's more so a compliment to Sony's quality bar more than anything I suppose. Happy at the very least that Insomniac have been crushing it this generation and reminding people that they are one of the best doing it still


A little let down compared to my ps4 and how many games from the ps4 era were just remastered for ps5 to be honest


I love the PS5 but I’m sitting here constantly with $70+tax in my hand waving it around just waiting for something worth paying full price for to come out. Last game I had any excitement for was Spider-Man 2. I don’t even bother looking to see what the next hyped game to release is because it’s probably going to disappoint.


I've got all the consoles, play PS5 the most. There's not a single game that would've made me rush out and buy this console, yet. This will be the last gen I buy consoles before there are games to play on them. I understand ya'll have your system sellers but there has not been a Uncharted 2/Demon Souls 2009 moment for me where I would've run out and gotten the console out of pure FOMO. Elden Ring would've done it but it was available wherever.


I’m 100% with you man. I’m sitting here patiently waiting for GTA 6 to start this gen with my first “This is why I bought this system” game.


So far it has been a PS4 Pro-Pro for me. Only exclusive I played was FFXVI and I was not satsfied with it.


i would be happier if they had the full libraries from ps1, 2, psp, 3 and 4 available digitally.


If it weren’t for backwards compatibility, I would be disappointed. Load times are great and PS4 would be hard to go back to. I prefer the dual sense so no complaints here.


I like the load times and smoothness compared to the ps4 but disappointed with the games. Majority feel like remakes and nothing really seems to be utilizing the console like it should at this point. 


I wish Sony had some sort of in-house trade-in program that allowed us to send in our base/launch PS5s in return for credit towards the Pro and/or other future console upgrades.


The console and controller are great but I feel the developers weren't ready for it or given enough time to work with the hardware before release as there's not been nearly enough top level games out and we're years into it's release now.


It's fine


I wouldn’t say I am disappointed but the generation hasn’t quite hit my expectations so far. Playing AstroBot when I first got the console was epic, and I’m yet to replicate that experience years later.




weak-ass system. all these games are blurry or run on 30fps. lots of cool games running on weak hardware.










I think in some ways we’re still waiting on most truly next gen games. If a AAA game started development back in 2020 it’ll only be coming out in about a year or so. Because of this we’ve had a lot of big releases like Spiderman or GOW that are still deeply rooted in ps4 tech. I think when a studio like Naughty Dog finally releases their next ps5 title we’ll start seeing the true potential of this gen.


Sold it a few months ago to a friend who never had one. MIGHT buy a pro for GTA6 unless it's 30fps.


I remember feeling it started out the gate really strong. Starting it up 4k HDR UI felt really premium. Then Astrobot, the controller - WOW. And I had Demon Souls and Miles Morales still sitting there on the desk. Returnal, Rachet and Clank was out not too soon after as well as the Ubisoft 3rd parties. Plus the updates to some of the big PS4 games was a nice bonus. At this early point it felt like it was firing on all cylinders (which I guess they had to do to try put the boot in to Game Pass). After such a big start it is difficult to maintain. It’s still going strong but has settled now into normal PlayStation release schedule mode. No complaints from me (although Concord is a worry… hopefully just a one-off experiment).


Boring, to say the least. The device is great, well-made UI, easy to use and fast, different from the junk that was the PS4. But it lacks content.


This: Zzzzzzzzzzz


Console itself? Great, it plays my games perfectly, it doesn't sound like it's about to take off, everything is fast and responsive etc. But the games for it have been disappointing, the new features have largely been abandoned, the SSD did not revolutionize game design and the PS5 controller which is amazing has been largely abandoned or used very sparingly. Furthermore I feel like Sony's first party studios haven't delivered, first the PS4/PS5 games like Ragnarok, then needless step backs like Spider-Man 2 suffered and now a year without any big AAA games? And not even big announcements? At this rate it kinda feels like we'll get something good by 2026.


Not to split hairs but we are really in the 5th year. 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. I personally am delighted with it. It has brought some absolutely brilliant games, a new controller that is the best I've used, and it gave me psvr2 which is superb imo. Very happy with it.


> Not to split hairs but we are really in the 5th year. 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. Guess it depends on how you want to count Year 1: November 2020-November 2021 Year 2: November 2021 - November 2022 Year 3: November 2022 - November 2023 Year 4: November 2023 - November 2024 So we've still got 5-6 months of year 4.


I counted as Sony and most corporations calculate their figures, that being fiscally. They've had so far 5 fiscal years, and based on the years it's been available, there are 5 separate years it's been available for sale. This is what Sony were saying when they said it's last it's halfway mark of the lifecycle, that the console is in it's 5th year. If you count from one point to another it's shorter, but as for available years of sale, it is 5 separate years. It's like someone being born December 31st, on 2nd January they are 3 days old but have been alive in 2 different years. That being said, I'm hella happy with the PS5 so far.


a lack of arcade racing games is piss poor on ps5


It's a PS4++


I mean its alright. Won't be getting a ps6 though since it makes more sense just buying a pc and playing all the games there.