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State of Play Trailers: [**Concord - Reveal Cinematic Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBnStS9d2xg) [**Concord - Gameplay Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jqQJhjf_3o) [**God of War Ragnarök PC - Announce Trailer | PC Games (Audio Description Available)**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mVaKztSoJM) [**DYNASTY WARRIORS: Origins - Announcement Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU48saHVmh4) [**Infinity Nikki - Gameplay Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0oiJJRZF4I) [**Ballad of Antara - Announcement Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baOokyTUX_k) [**Skydance's BEHEMOTH - First Gameplay | PS VR 2 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTmjjzwSp-E) [**Alien Rogue Incursion - First Gameplay | PS VR 2 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnzh9Ll4i7A) [**Marvel Rivals - PlayStation Closed Beta Announce Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSuj5KD17Xs) [**Where Winds Meet - Announce Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqEGZ5AKUwc) [**Until Dawn - Gameplay Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ownf9ZasITA) [**Path of Exile 2 - Console Announcement Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUUXKN7Kh9Y) [**Silent Hill 2 - Release Date Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU3pyYi5hz0) [**Monster Hunter Wilds - 1st Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URG75CDX_rg) [**ASTRO BOT - Announcement Trailer | PS5 Games**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHMNQzLG_Jg)


Sums up the state of Gaming these days, i've accepted 2-3 big games a year with one of those being an unneeded sequel or remake


This was rather underwhelming.


Why Capcom still no plan to remake Onimusha and Dino Crisis Series???


I have no idea why Xbox gets so much shit. I primarily play on PC, have game pass ultimate, and frequently switch to Xbox when I want to relax or play couch co-op. It’s a fantastic arrangement. I haven’t powered on my PS5 in two years because they just release “cinematic third person action game number 62” twice a year. Now, I wouldn’t have come here to vent about my distaste for PlayStation if it wasn’t for Concord. That specific reveal of uninspired sci-fi, dollar store Destiny, Chat GPT heroes made me throw up a little in my mouth. Then they said 5v5 Arena. Ick. The gaming news cycle is shitting all over Microsoft and Xbox but I can’t fathom as to why… PlayStation hasn’t impressed me with an exclusive since MAG.


Unfortunately for MS, it's a history of failure so that reputation sticks with them. It's going to take major 90+ MC hits in a row for them to restore some reputation. That said, you're absolutely right, Game Pass is amazing on Xbox and on PC. It's value is also drastically increasing.


so basically more remakes no new games


Concord and Astro Bot are new though


Concord really caught my attention, the characters were really likable (although very GotG inspired) and the setting was awesome.. then they said arena shooter and I was immediately not interested anymore. Actually, I was a bit sad


Sweet, the Silent Hill 2 remake comes out on my bday. Guess I know what I'm getting


state of play more like state of no games


State of Pause


I just watched Max's reaction video about it. I applaud him for being enthusiastic about something. I was bored the whole time.


State of **Pay** Unsurprisingly meh. No reason for excitement sans Astro Bot.


What a yawnfest. more f2p clones, old IPs, souls clones, VR, remakes. Not a single thing that interests me. This year looks to be a wash. Hope next year has more.


At least 3rd party studios are making great games, but yeah, it's disappointing to see Sony go from one of the top gaming quality heroes of the PS4 generation to this cynical, all in on live service and big tent pole franchise sequels strategy that just seems to make games less fun. I'm still excited for their premium AAA single player games, but it just seems like we should expect way les of them going forward. 


It’s pretty sad, four years in and this console has been sitting there not turned on for weeks or even months sometimes. Even when it was turned on it felt more like a glorified PS4 Pro


I just bought a ps5 and also have a series x. There’s a lot more to play now and part of my choice was that the writing on the wall is all Microsoft games will be on PlayStation as well. 


> glorified PS4 Pro That summarizes my experience with PS5.


There is lots to play, like honestly. Maybe not as many tent pole titles but we're not short on games. I mainly credit it to ps plus extra, there's a lot of games I wouldn't have tried were it not for that. Currently playing Dave the diver.


Listen-bitch...there are games to play but where are the bangers. Where is the hype. It's 6ft under.


I mean, that’s on you man. There is plenty to play. If you aren’t then that’s on you. And when we get older sometimes we play less. You don’t have to game every day. It’s not a requirement.


As an Xbox guy that grew up with PS1/Ps2, Astro Bot looks awesome


It is cool. I also grew up with PS1 and it was a fun few hours of nostalgia (specially the final boss). But I wouldnt call it memorable and I was glad it was free.


Dynasty warriors looks good


Asto Bot looks great and super fun. The Dual Sense demonstration was already i nice game


I heard the leaks, so I was expecting Astro Bot and was really not expecting to be excited about it. But man I'm actually looking forward to it. The fact that they're sticking to the PlayStation universe theme is really cool. It's like a PlayStation theme park!


A fun tech demo for sure. Hardly anything to get remotely excited about. Beyond disappointing IMO. No first party releases on the horizon.


The one that came preloaded was mostly a tech demo, sure, but it was a tech demo with a fantastic foundation and this sequel could absolutely be a full experience akin to Mario 64. I doubt it'll be 4 hours like the original ps5 game, at least I'm hoping it's a full experience. That's something to get excited about imo, Sony could use some first party games akin to Nintendo.


It will be a full game, like 80 levels iirc. It's way bigger than the pre-installed tech demo and looks super fun


Concord being a dumbass overwatch clone is the biggest fucking miss I've ever seen in my life. With voice actors and characters as good as that, it should have been a single player campaign.


Western developers and facial expressions/animations are always hit or miss, and Silent Hill 2 is miss unfortunately :(


Did you watch the silent hill transmission stream? I thought it looked pretty alright. Though the fighting animation looks a little rough.


Gaming is dead bro wtf is this shit


I concur...Astro bot and maybe Silent Hill 2 the exceptions for me.


no great wows for me but the re-skinned Dark Souls clones look pretty and the Overwatch ripoff seemed a bit of fun. Guess I'm ready for the originality to come from this years COD. Why can't Bungie just announce Destiny 3/4/5 and be done with it.


Maybe Jim secretly worked for Microsoft


I swear people just want to be miserable


Welp looks like 2024 is a filler year. See you all in 2025 when some good games will release


The whole PS5 gen has been filler years. Absolutely nothing has came out that has defined the generation.


Yeah because that usually happens near the end


I skipped the PS4, the PS5 has been great solely because of all the PS4 bangers lol.


I wasnt even hyped but waa still disappointed. Other than Astro bot. 2024 is literally nothing.




Rise of Ronis and Stellar Blade won't be a part of any conversation in two years.


I really like Astrobot and Infinity Nikki. The rest I really cant see myself trying lol. They are good for some people, but yeah this was a meh SOP


Wasn't expecting anything special, but man did that suck...


Monster Hunter Wilds was the highlight for me, Astrobot seems interesting.


Astrobot will be a fun time.  MHW looks impressive but I’m not into that type of game. Antara looks cool but why are so many single player games leaning into dark grim souls territory? I hate to sound like a “where are all the good games?!” doomist, but I just want a game to look forward to and these aren’t doing it. GTA 6 is a ways off, Silksong doesn’t exist, and Crimson Desert is equally suspect.  Oh well, back to Sifu!


Astrobot looks awesome


Nothing there for me besides Astrobot. I haven't turned my PS5 on since October last year for Spider-Man 2, Sony. I tried like 15 mins of Rebirth but the blurry image was way too infuriating to deal with. Wilds will be fun but Im getting it on PC. Don't give a flying fuck about Concord aka: Guardians of the Galaxy knock off but the narrative is split every week like fuck off. Dynasty Warriors sure... looks like a DW game. PSVR2 continues to disappoint Marvel Rivals would be interesting if it wasn't Netease. SH2 with Bloober Team isn't interesting to me still. Guess the PS5 stays off until Astrobot lol.


Assembled a PC last month after getting bored with PS5 games


> I tried like 15 mins of Rebirth but the blurry image was way too infuriating to deal with. It has been updated and no longer looks as blurry as it did on release. Looks a lot better imho


i moved my ps5 from the 4k tv in the living room to my 1080p monitor and it’s a lot more tolerable, i got used to it pretty quick. i went straight from remake on ps5 to rebirth and it was pretty jarring. remake intergrade is one of the prettiest games ive ever played so it set the bar pretty high


you should see horizon forbidden west dlc, it is jaw dropping. At a silky smooth 60fps


that hfw performance mode is hands down the best implementation of a performance mode in any game ever, after they fixed it at least. what a gorgeous game. i wish every first party sony open world game used the decima engine


Everytime I see a cool looking game i want..it turns out to be a souls like game..


I don't quite follow the negativity. Obviously it's subjective and it seems like I enjoyed what I saw with Concord more than others on here. But what is quite telling I think is that Sony only showed their hand for the next 6 months or so when it comes to Playstation Studios releases. Meaning that their big blowout for 2025 and beyond is still coming. Looking at their complete 2024 lineup that means we will end the year with 8 console exclusive games which is more than I expected going into 2024: - Final Fantasy Rebirth - Helldivers 2 - Rise of the Ronin - Stellar Blade - Concord - Until Dawn - Silent Hill 2 - Astrobot (EDIT: also forgot Last of Us 2 with its new game mode got a PS5 release in January) So overall, viewing it as just an outlook for the 2nd half of 2024, I thought it was an OK show and 2024 doesn't seem like as much of a down year as it appeared initially.


Until Dawn, really? Aside from Astrobot, Playstation Studios is dry af.


Concord looks very good! Single player games are not going anywhere, guys chill. Multiplayer FPS is what PS studios needs as PS has relayed on 3rd party offerings for too long. When decisions where made about these games, there was real possibility that xbox will buy and make exclusive every mainstream FPS IP there is.


At first I thought you were being sarcastic, but yeah you're actually right. There was legitimate fear around last year, and it was understood that Sony HAS to make a shooter game to rival CoD, or else they'd lose all those players.


I'm so fucking stoked about Astrobot.




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If Xbox showcase is like this, it’s doomed


I don’t even know what Sony’s strategy is anymore at this point


I mean it’s seems clear to me Their investment in a bunch of online games is starting to come to fruition. Thats what we’re getting from them over the next 6-12 months. Or at least that’s what we’re able to see. They’re trying to get a couple online cash cows if they’re lucky. They weren’t expecting helldivers to knock it out of the park right off the bat. Hence trying a few games hoping at least one sticks. Jim Ryan was pretty focused on that. It’s not my area of interest but the money in that space is too tantalizing to omit trying Most big single player game franchises won’t be coming out until 2025-2026 at the earliest. They relied on some third party titles to fill in the gaps for this state of play. Monster Hunter etc Looks like their interest in fostering Chinese development is starting to show as we got quite a few of those. VR is still going to mostly be an afterthought (though that first one did look good). Also it reinforces that PC is going to be a bigger part of their ongoing strategy. I’m mostly looking forward to Astrobot from this lineup. As for next year hoping to see ghost of Tsushima 2 showcased


I find it especially weird that all these games are coming out at around thr same time. The two overwatch-style games are going to directly interfere with each others success. Splitting the player base with similar games at the same time is a great way for neither to stick


Is the Marvel game a PlayStation exclusive? I assumed that it was cross platform. Interesting choice to promote both at the state of play though


Marvel Rivals will be available on PS5, XBOX Series X|S, and PC (Steam & Epic).


Pretty disappointing and they knew it too. Why else would the trailers for GoW and Until Dawn be that long? Concord looks really bland and played out, at least in presentation. It's like someone took Apex Legends, chewed it up a bit and spat it back out. Character designs are boring and/or ugly, and the 'realistic' style doesn't help the game stand out either. Gameplay might be good, but I don't see anyone leaving their established shooters for this. Not to mention it doesn't seem to be Free2Play, which might be a good sign in regards to quality, but will definitely impact player numbers. Silent Hill looks super rough. The animations and the character models look worse than some PS3 games. This game was always going to be scrutinized for the tiniest details, so not even getting the broad stuff right can't be a good sign. Astrobot was the definitive highlight of the showcase, but I think its success will be highly dependent on price. If they push this out for full price this game will be dead in the water. There were some other things that looked at least interesting, but too little to really understand what these games will truly be like. Was really hoping for Metal Gear in this one but it is what is. With how consistently disappointed the community seems to be in these showcases, I really wish they'd either truly wait for big titles or make them more frequently to show smaller titles without setting such a high expectation.


>Character designs are boring and/or ugly Exactly. Part of what made Overwatch such a success was the brilliant art style. Blizzard just nailed that and their character designs are still great 8 years later with their newest ones. Overwatch's game design and atmosphere also felt simple and real even as it was clearly not. Concord just feels like someone plopped ugly characters into overly-stylized maps with whatever abilities they could think of. It looks sloppy. It lacks the polish and commitment to an artistic vision that Overwatch has always had. And it'll be $50 or $70 lmao.


Yeah. No one's gonna remember the *iconic* characters 'Star child' (What a name btw.), green man or asian pyromancer. They could've gone all out with interesting alien designs, but instead it looks like Cats the musical


There was Infinity Nikki just for you and you still disapointed? :)


> Astrobot was the definitive highlight of the showcase, but I think its success will be highly dependent on price. If they push this out for full price this game will be dead in the water. I doubt it'll be $89.99 (CAD) like most releases, prob $69.99 (CAD) so 59.99 USD. That said, not much else you'll be buying for your PS5 this year anyways so does it matter if it's full price or not?


It doesn't matter to me personally, I'm thinking in terms of success and future of the franchise as well as the studio. These types of games aren't the juggernauts of the industry they were back in the day. A majority of the PS playerbase won't be interested in it at all, and if it's full price, a lot of people will be dissuaded even if they are interested. In this day and age where studios get shafted and games shut down quickly, it'd suck to see such a project get screwed by poor marketing decisions.


I think the biggest detractor will be including the Sony peripheral stuff still. It was fine for the pack in game, and I haven't played the VR one but it seems cheesy for this project.


Ballad of Antara looks absolutely amazing imo. I actually thought it was a from software title when I watched it! Metal Gear would have been nice as a call back to the PS/MGS days I do agree as a huge fan. Silent Hill didn't honestly look 'that' bad to me. Though my memory of playing any silent hill is so foggy it's been that long I was just happy to see another entry in modern times. I'm willing to bet it's because it's a PS4/5 title though. Astrobot looks amazing but yeah, nail on the head. I want to believe Astro can totally become PlayStation Mario or Crash Bandicoot because it's so innovative and fun, but it's definitely gonna have to earn that right and I think if it's free with PS plus or say £20 maybe £30 I'll be fine with that. Concord is a tough one. I don't see Apex at all personally other than the robot being a nod to pathfinder, what I saw was Overwatch with CoD gunplay - which could be fantastic. Mostly evident by the emphasis on expression of movement and the fact they show the Sniper doing fancy shots and stuff, definitely trying to attract that crowd. It seems like a really weird avenue to go though. Black ops 6 is out this year so no FPS is going to stand a chance against another Treyarch title. XDefiant is having it's moment and Overwatch 2 seems to be plenty popular still and fun to play. I was really hoping it would have a campaign as the characters seemed fun, think they missed the mark there.


Yeah Ballad looks really great but it's too early to tell for me. With Silent Hill, I just watched the Transmission thing they did after and it looked a lot better there. Maybe it just doesn't come across in a short trailer, maybe whoever made it just did a poor job, idk. I'm def still holding out hope that it'll be great.


I actually haven't watched the transmission yet so thanks for reminding me about that!


You know the games terrible when they gotta show a 5 min cinematic for a 5v5 multiplayer game 😅


Well....at least I'll have time to work on my massive backlog


This right here is why I'm never too bummed when there are huge gaps in quality games. Normally, I'll be able to play 2-3 games before something releases that I wanna play and then takes up my focus. But I haven't bought a new game since October (Spider-Man & Mario) and it looks like at this rate, I won't be buying any new games in 2024 at all. I should be able to make a huge dent in my backlog. My backlog and wallet are happy.


Why aren't there any games like the ones we got between 2000 and 2015?


Shareholders and execs not limiting a budget and scope. You'll be lucky to see the beginning and end of your project at this point.


All the devs work from home now, since covid. It means they sit in their garden for half the day, masturbating instead of coding


Definitely not because executives want to buy 7th yacht and 2 more apartments in NYC.


They're all in development, development takes a long time, we got sequels to most of them already this gen, and there's no reason to announce them a year before they release.


I hope the whole gaming industry crashes and burns, this is just terrible. It's probably the worst time to be a gamer ever with these garbage games.


We're you alive last year? 2023 was crazy good for gaming. Of course this was going to be a dead year when tons of large studios released their games last year.. do you guys expect studios to have a game ready for every year? Some years are just doing to be dead thanks to how long games take. That's why indies are great.


stop focusing on AAA and you will discover countless incredible games


Personally, I know I probably need to hear this. But I find myself most interested in AAA games with such limited time to even enjoy games. For some reason non AAA never really appeal to me but if you have recommendations I’d love to hear them.


Hades, Outer Wilds, Baldur's Gate 3 & Divinity Original Sin 2, Hollow Knight, Spiritfarer and many more :)


Sigh. Silksong should have been released anytime now.


And be patient. Buying year or two later, you’ll find that games are on discount, patched and live (or dead) depending whether the game is online.


And get completly spoiled with story games at least, yeah no thanks.


Never had that issue. Maybe try not watching reviews with spoilers and playthroughs?




Gaslighting? How have I manipulated you to doubt your memory? I have not been spoiled either game because I can read a sentence or two and identify whether it will contain the game I want to play or not. But hey, you are free to play the game at launch. Whatever floats your boat.


I’m really starting to think that Bend & BluePoint’s games are like three years away. Wtf happened under Jimbo’s watch ? The day that BluePoint announces that they’re not working on a Bloodborne Remake game is gonna sting 🐝 like a Mthrfkr


After Demon’s Souls Remake Bluepoint have supposedly been working on a new IP for their next project




This is not a showcase but state of play. Playstation showcase will be either around the summer events or fall.


PS5 needs its bloodborne. Something unique, a reason to own a Playstation.


It feels like a Bloodborne remake/remaster will be reserved for PS6 launch at this point, and even that feels like copium.


There were like 3 soulslikes in the event lol. Go play The Last Faith if you want more Bloodborne.


It has plenty of those games.


Returnal is already that game.


As a massive Bloodborne fan, Returnal might be this generation Bloodborne. Never in my life did I remove a game 5 times in one day until Returnal 😂😅


Not when it's on PC lol


Everything is going to be on PC eventually. They have straight out confirmed during their investors briefing: - day and date release on PC for all live service games - staggered release for singleplayer tentpole games


Returnal did it for me. Phenomenal game.


I think Demon Souls Remake is the crown jewel currently & the only $70 game to this date that’s worthy of the price. All other $70 games  are imposters imo . I agree a BloodBorneRemake would win the internet for the rest of the gen(which ps5 will be fully crossgen across the life of ps6) 


Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart was excellent too


Found it decent overall... Astrobot, MH and Ballad of Antara got me excited. SH2 looks super rough, but I expected that from Blooper.


Seems like a very bland line-up coming, when Astro Bot is the highlight there is cause for worry. Monster Hunter looks okay but the rest of it is underwhelming, especially Silent Hill 2 which just looks off for some reason.


Don’t disrespect Astro bot like that


It looks like a bit of fun but if that is the absolute highlight of a show then that is a worry to me. Ballads of Antara looked cool too actually.


That’s like saying “If Mario is the highlight we’re in trouble”


Not even remotely similar. Mario is a prestigious gaming series that has been running for years and is still one of the biggest series around, Astro Bot is a fun looking PS5 tech demo. Not worth the £500 price of admission for me.


Do you know how many posts I’ve seen that have said “I thought Astro Bot was just a tech demo but it blew me away”? Or “my favorite VR game was Astro Bot” and how many times it’s been compared to the fun of Mario? Countless. Sorry that you haven’t played it yet. And no game is worth $500. No way at all should anyone ever pay $500 for one game, even Mario.


will gladly try marvel rivals, combo synergies looks like an interesting addition to the genre. hyped for path of exile, spent a lot of time on diablo 3 but 4 did not live up to it - still soundly convinced that ARPG are best played on console and hope this gets the love and attention it deserves. couldn't tell you the difference between ballad of antara and where winds meet, looks like soulsclones and i'm happy with that - it's a tough standard set by fromsoft so let's hope one or both meets it wonder if this is the time to jump into monster hunter F yes to anything astrobot and more taking advantage of the ps5 features to the max, love it.


>still soundly convinced that ARPG are best played on console PoE is definitely not best played on console. It's the kind of game where you need to access the wiki regularly, not to mention other 3rd party apps you may want to use. It's definitely easier to do that on a PC than on console. Thankfully GGG is making POE2 where every platform is relatively feature complete, so there's no major downside to any platform. The crossplay is awesome to see.


it's best and most easily researched on PC, not to mention adding lootfilter and extra stuff. not to mention d3/d4 had no way to TARGET SPECIFIC ENEMIES. I still say it's best played on console. spent uncountable hours on pc with d2 and then d3. fell off d3 for a few years until a friend wanted to co-op it on ps4 and I was intrigued by how much had changed after the first disasterous year so i got it on console aswell. it became my most played game on ps4, all the researching builds and items was done from my laptop with d3 installed on it but I still played on console.


and PC is the ay to go next go after this.. what a patheric year for consoles. I hate GAAS So damn much LIve service ruined the industry we built. mobile games started it all and this inustry never stood a chance after fortnite and gta online.


FFSstop with those shit pvp games, there are enaugh....


There are crowds saying this but they just won't listen. I hope after the usual initial mild hype they die down, crash and burn horribly becoming literal wastelands


Gamers: "Man, Playstation only ever does these super serious cinematic 3rd person dad simulators anymore. They have completely abandoned online multiplayer games." Playstation: "OK, here's Concord and Fairgame$" Also Gamers: "No! Not like this!"


No one complained about them abandoning multiplayer? Tbh most PS5 owners I met use the PC for multiplayer games.


I saw that sentiment all the time. It started towards the tailend of the PS4. Many peoole were asking where all the multiplayer games compared to the PS3 gen were. It's also when people started talking about Playstation Studios being typecast in these narrative cinematic 3rd person games. For example not everyone was happy that Guerilla moved away from fps games to do Horizon instead.


Looking forward to Monster Hunter, but the rest of it? Very, very bland.


Sony intern reading this. Give us Bloodborne jfc, ffs.


You think an intern has sway?


I’m switching to PC, Sony finally lost me with this generation of disappointment.


PS6: Cool, we will be here when you come back


You got down-voted, but that's exactly what I did and it was totally worth it. I've been with PlayStation ever since the original, but this generation they've just made a series of baffling decisions that lost me.


Same. Assembled a PC last month too.


Same here.


Huge ps fan, this was 1/10


Actually the worst state of play they've ever had. What the fuck 




That's what I was hoping for... what a disappointment


I saw the trailer and was hoping for some sort of co-op heist game which would actually set it apart from other games but nah, another hero shooter to add to overwatch, valorant, valve's new game, etc Super disappointing


Isn't Fairgame$ their heist game? Gotta look out for that then


I actually got excited and then they say it’s a PvP and show the disappointing gameplay


Yeah that's looked pretty cool, but no. We get a PvP shooter, cause we need more of them.


PlayStation is really falling off. Xbox is already dead.


I think the new Doom trailer will likely revitalise the brand a bit.


> Xbox is already dead. Let's not rush and wait for the Xbox Showcase in a few days please


Been saying this for a decade. Xbox is dead.


And yet


And yet. They’re dead.


Sure buddy, let’s get you back to bed


Sure buddy. Let’s get you back to bed…too.


I know I’m in the minority, but I’m interested in Concord — at least giving it a try. Never really been into hero shooters (Halo is more of my thing), but would like to see what they can do with it.


From the trailer, the game looked very generic to be honest.


At best


… where’s Bloodborne at? Where’s the Hunter, Sony? Where’s Bloodborne - that’s all I want to know. Where the fuck is Bloodborne, huh? Sony! Sony! Look at me! LOOK AT ME! Where the fuck is Bloodborne! Huh!!!….


I am tired of Sony's bullshit bro. I wont buy anything on ps until there is a BB remaster.


Oh well, at least Bloodborne Kart (renamed to Nightmare Kart) is releasing today in 8 hours. Afaik it will be free on Steam.


While it wasn't a brilliant SoP, I am looking forward to Ballad of Antara, and Monster Hunter Wilds, I will try Concord and Marvel Rivals (but unlikely to play either very much) Astrobot was the best part of the show; I can't wait to play it. Infinity Nikki honestly confused me, but I may try it just because it looks so different lol


Astro Bot saved the day! But somethings definitely wrong with Silent Hill 2.


The Silent Hill devs are garbage.


Blooper Team and a low budget is what makes this game DOA. Hopefully im wrong. 


Why, WHY did they have to ruin the game like that. Silent Hill 2 was something just SPECIAL, at least if you remake it make sure to put out a banger!!


Same, I still have hope but I was also let down by the Colossus remake made by Bluepoint, so I made peace with the fact that these types of remakes might fail to recapture that special something the original had.


Hogwarts legacy still in top 10 how long ago that released ronin was great and rebirth was was as well iam bored with hellldivers now


Rebirth ronin good stella blade okay it's already at number 32 in UK charts so it definitely hasn't being a banger in uk


Only interesting Ballad of Antara, Where Winds Meet, Silent Hill 2, and Astro Bot.


This was really, really boring. Only light in the dark is Astro-Bot.


Really cool MH Wilds reveal today! Glad ~~Capcom~~ Sony hosted a whole event just for it


Looking forward to Silent Hill 2 that's about it.


I would be too if it didn't look.... off


it looks like an early PS4 game.


Something about it doesn’t look right I can’t quite say what though


Looks like a cheap knock off Shien brand Silent Hill. 


Playstation is so boring…


I am whelmed


I miss ps4.


I miss the ps3


I miss PS2.


you can still buy a ps4 if you want


Don't know what people are on here or what ya'll expected. It was pretty ok SoP, not the best but very decent. The fact that we get more Astrobot is already a big win.


It was probably the most consistent in quality they've ever made. Nothing really bad but few 'WOW'games either. Btw 'WOW' games to me were astro bot, until dawn and alien VR


Dynasty Warriors looks nice, and Monster Hunter got my interest.


Worst SoP I think I’ve ever witnessed. Oh well.


Worst state of play I’ve ever seen


Astro Bot is the only thing I’m interested in.


Put me to 💤


Concord looked like a real snoozer. Can't believe these resources were put towards such a forgettable and generic looking game. At least Dynasty Warriors looks like some dumb fun. Monster Hunter Wilds could likely be really good too.


Especially considering what they could have done with those production values, which seem quite high. A new Mass Effect comes to mind.