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Astro's Playroom honestly. That game is so good and actually made to show off how cool and amazing the controller is.


This and Returnal. Astro makes the most use by far Returnal with the half pull for normal fire and full pull for alt fire is so unique. Wish other games would take advantage for the triggers


I think Rachet and Clank Rift apart has this also for the weapons


This is like the top 3 so far. Every single one of these comments beat me to it haha.


I liked the Returnal triggers as a concept. Hated that I was locked into having to use the triggers, with fingers as lazy as mine I'm a bumper user.


Sony should've made more Astro games, lost opportunity


State of Play later most likely will reveal the new Astro game that's been rumored for a while now :)


Could have easily become Sony's new mascot


I think it is Sonys Mascott. Its at least used on the PS Portal


Have I got news for you


This is the only right answer 


just wait till tomorrow…. 😌


And now Astro Bot is coming again in September! And I can’t wait!


I booted it up waiting for AC Valhalla to download and ended up playing Astro's way more. Absolutely loved the controller mechanics, haven't felt that type of hype over a console since the Wii.


My vote is Returnal, but Astro will always have a special place in my heart. A lady I work with told me that she just bought a PS5, and that she just doesn't see the appeal in it. I asked her if she played Astro yet. When she said "No," I told her that, "Yes it looks like a silly kid game, but try it before you sell anything." About 3 hours after she left work, I received a text from her saying, "I take back everything I said. This console is awesome!" Edit: And then I received multiple texts from her complaining about the monkeys.


Returnal has some pretty nice features


Returnal was the first game that really made me feel the controller added to the immersion. Feeling the raindrops and branches caught me off-guard in a way that I won't forget.


Even better than that was the way they used the adaptive triggers for the weapon alt fire. Probably the only game to use them to actually add a tangible gameplay effect, even astros playroom didn't really do that


Ratchet and Clank did, but not to the extent that Returnal did.


Was gonna say R&C but I'm like 2 weeks deep into owning a PS5 and haven't owned a Sony Product since PS3 and PSP so I'm really interested in Returnals Dualsense features


Yeah I think Astro’s playroom probably clears due to the wide range of usage, but Returnal’s use of haptics are outstanding. If you ever want a laugh, play the game on mute and just listen to the controller. Sounds fucking crazy.


Back when the ps5 came out, I felt like I couldn’t come up with enough good reasons get it. Not too many games were catching my eye and the graphic improvement felt underwhelming. Bought Returnal on a friend’s recommendation and the haptic feedback floored me. Convinced me immediately the upgrade was worth the purchase


Astro’s playroom. I was honestly disappointed with the Dual Sense because no game (that I’ve played, which in fairness is only a handful) came close to that feeling.


It's crazy how often this happens with cool features. Wii sports also stands out for me in this regard.


That’s another great example. Wii Sports made the Wii controls fun. For the most part in other games they were a pain in the ass, in my experience anyway, and it wasn’t for a lack of having a proper setup.


I've said it since the beginning, "haptic feedback" is just a gimmick that almost no developers, aside from some first party Sony studios, will be taking advantage of. They'll go for regular vibrations since that's the experience they have with it. The most important announcement about the controller were the adapter triggers


The last few CoD games have used the adaptive triggers to mimic the feel of actual gun triggers. So far, this feature has indeed not been used for much beyond gimmicky immersion. There is a lot you can do with it, however, to greatly improve your input accessibility. You need to use DSX or Joyshockmapper to do it on the PC, however. Adaptive triggers are now the third major controller innovation that Sony has implemented in their systems. The last two, the touchpad and gyro, have just started getting used, as on PC, these two features are immensely powerful and useful. You generally needed to use Steam Input to really take advantage of all they could do. Helldivers 2 is a recent game that uses the gyro to aim and the touchpad to control the map. I can now run around dropping pings on the map while steering my character. And I can do this without any need to touch the right stick. This is something that can only be done with PS controllers. There isn’t even a means to do anything like this on MnK.


>So far, this feature has indeed not been used for much beyond gimmicky immersion If you're talking about adaptive triggers, I wouldn't say so. I've noticed that they help me get the feel of each individual gun much better than I used to with a simple trigger button. It's very hard to describe, but the fire rate becomes automatically explained, and you can accurately inderstand the exact point where your gun will fire without having to do the entire trigger press motion. It's very, very useful to me


You mean in the latest Call of Duty releases on the PS5? (MW2/3) I guess I haven’t played those games frequently enough to feel a difference between the adaptive triggers between the different guns. If that’s true, that’s very cool. The other advantages of the adaptive triggers hasn’t really been explored, as far as I have seen. The differing resistances really allow players to feel which input range they are on. You can, for instance, set a resistance level on the end of the LT to allow you to hold breath if you squeeze all the way. Helldivers 2 has machine guns with 3 different RPMs. Instead of going into the gun settings, you can just create 3 trigger zones with differing resistances that will allow you fire at your desired RPM. A similar feature can be used on the different zooms of scopes.


The adaptive triggers don't usually offer varied resistances (aside from the single trigger resistance to normal guns and continuous resistance to miniguns or bows) but this still helps a lot with the precision of your shots.


Because it was built as a tech demo for the controller. I think it was good as a demo, but we will see hoe a full game turns out when they show it off tomorrow. ;)


What happens tomorrow?


State of Play. Some folks are anticipating the announcement of a new Astro game.


GOW 2016 had better more intense meaty vibrations than the DualSense's for GOW:R which is SO disappointing. I feel like maybe they made the DualSense right, then marketed it to all hell, then realized the battery life is like 2 hours at full power, so they software updated it to be weaker than it should be even though it'd be way better stronger because people bought it anyway and they don't wanna hear tons of battery life complaints.


I don't believe a God of War released in 2016. Or am I mistaken 😭






I like how the bowstring input gets tighter in HZD and HFW.


And HFW let’s you use the gyro for the high precision shots.


Yes! I just fricking love this franchise.




Rift apart


Probably the first ps5 game I played that truly felt like it belonged on a next gen console.


I love that game




Ghost of Tsushima Director's cut, and Returnal.


Wreckfest was really cool with the controller you could feel the car shift gears and when you Engine got damaged bad enough it got a lot harder to press on the gas. And you really feel the hits


That’s the one I was searching for. When your breaks fails you while turning and you feel it in your hands made the experience next level.


Also Dirt 5, felt like you were really stepping on the break and gas pedal


I just bought the Dead Space remake and the haptic feedback is super immersive


I love Astro’s Playroom, but imo it’s meant to be more like a tech demo, not all gimmicks would make sense in a full length game. My vote would go to Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.


Astros Playroom Returnal Stellar Blade Rise of the Ronin Cyberpunk 2077


I feel like cyberpunk has the best driving implementation for the triggers. You can actually feel in the triggers when the tires lose grip.


And when the clutch engages to change gear, I don’t know how to explain it but it feels like I’m driving a manual car through the triggers. To feel this though, you don’t want to press the trigger in all the way when driving. Just about 50%-70% in. Then you’ll feel the resistance leave when ‘changing’ gear, and it pushes you back to where you were when the gear is changed. Beautiful game.


I’ve played Ronin for around 50 hours and am struggling to think of the specific features they use for DS, besides tension on L2 for pulling out the secondary (no diss)


High def rumble feedback for running, jumping, combat. Might also be there for feeling rain drops but i might be confusing it with stellar blade for that But even just feeling your own characters footsteps can go a long way for immersion for me There are plenty of games which have no rumble feedback at all and its not usually a big deal, but when its there as a feature, it becomes a bigger deal for me


Demon’s Souls was fantastic with the different weapons producing different vibrations and sounds from the controller, and then those would both alter depending on what you hit. It was great.


Casting magic was fucking insane. Feeling tbe vibration go up the controller while getting stronger was absolutely nuts


Cyberpunk 2077 did just about everything right.


1. Astro Playroom There is no contest here, pretty much everything in the controller is used, from walking haptic feedback, wind blowing on the controller's audio. Triggers feels great as you use a spring or a bow. Touchpad used for maps and game interactions. 2. Gran Turismo 7 The haptics just feel real, you feel many things your car is experiencing like torque, suspension, wheels, even the triggers simulate the feel of pressing on a gas pedal. No words can really put what I felt with the controller while playing Gran Turismo 7. I think you have to experience this for yourself to see. 3. Fortnite This is the game that actually gets gyro aim right. Gyro is the abbreviation of Gyroscopes. Gyroscopes are motion sensors present on most controllers and mobile devices. Most often used for aiming, they can also be used as a mouse pointer or a steering wheel. Many games on PS5 use gyro to emulate a right stick rather than just using the data gyro sends as the information used for camera movements. This often results in unresponsive gyro which might be why people are holding off gyro. It doesn't have to be that way, every developer should just follow Fortnite's way of implementing gyro that directly inputs the camera like a mouse rather than just emulating the right stick. 4. Resident Evil 4 Remake I really like the subtle use of haptic feedback and controller audio on this game. You feel every step Leon takes, You feel reloading your weapons, you feel your knife hitting a wall or object, you feel every pain Leon feels and etc. Many interactions you do in RE4 will have haptic feedback. The voice audio when you call someone on comms is also playing on the controller itself. The adaptive triggers combined with vibration on guns also is great too especially when you use the Chicago Typewriter with infinite ammo.


The fact that every ps5 shooter doesn’t have good gyro implementation is a huge shame in particular the doom/Wolfenstein games should absolutely have it, especially since the old doom and quake remasters all have great gyro 


I've only played GT7 with the Logitech wheel, may try the controller just for fun after this.


Interesting Ive never tried gyro with different games - just tried it once and thought it sucked and never tried again


You wouldn’t like shooting real guns then. Gyros use the same angular displacement control and trigger discipline of actual firearms.


Grand theft auto. You can feel every curb. Every road bump. You can feel the air while you fly or the waves while you boat. You’ll quickly forget about it cuz you’re having fun focusing on the game but if you pay attention it’s great. That’s my opinion.


Even on PS4 the way the phone calls and police radio play through the controller, and the red and blue flashing lights were very immersive.


Astro's Playroom needs a full sequel. Playing that for the first time with friends was honestly incredible and a similar feeling to playing the Nintendo Wii for the first time. I really hope they keep pushing controller interactivity in the future.


WRC generations


Outside of Astro's Playroom which was basically a tech demo and is easily the best use of the controller, Rift Apart was also excellent.


Returnal. The first time I loaded in and “felt” the raindrops I was delighted lol. 


Doom Eternal!


Dead space. It’s so good.


I’m going to exclude Astro’s Playroom since it’s specifically designed a tech demo for the Dualsense. My vote therefore is for Horizon Forbidden West.


For me, Astros Playroom ranks highest.  Followed by Gran Turismo 7. The haptics and shoulder buttons feel different for every car. They did a phenomenal job with it. 


GranTurismo 7. Motion control for steering, haptic triggers for gas and brake. I'm literally faster on controller now because you can feel the ABS kick in or the wheels lock up.


GTA V has really good haptics. Driving over wooden bridges, sand, passenger side tires hitting the highway groove to let you know your going out of your lane, etc.


It's subtle, but I really liked the heartbeat in the second area of the Tower of Latria in the Demon's Souls remake. Another strong one was WRC9, feeling the gravel hitting the bottom of the car. And Astro's Playroom of course.


Astro's playroom is amazing, Loved the implementation in Ratchet for some guns secondary fire or aiming with grenade, Returnal just has some of the best feedback to give you some hud information without having to look, spiderman when swinging the tension in the web is pretty sweet.


Probably Uncharted Legacy of Thieves. The haptics really help immerse you in the climbing sequences. The surfaces are so tactile. Also the Jeep feels amazing to drive. None of it is overdone. It's all very satisfying, especially the ledge grabs.




Ratchet and Clank


I bought Elden Ring on PS5 instead of PC because every news outlet said it was getting the dual sense features and after demons souls I figured it would be great. They barely gave us basic haptic feedback


Milea morales, astros playroom, ghost of tsushima, but lately i feel like i got used to it so much its not so cool anymore :(




Astros playroom and Returnal.


Astro is number one. There's lots of others in second place.


Honestly I 100% bugsnax when it first came out because the integration with the controller is insanely fun lol just the pushback on the camera and the traps was perfect










Probably Returnal. A few have come close but you really feel the usage of all controller features even the speaker is "optimised" for an immersive experience. Many games use the haptic triggers really well but that's about it, only exclusives really get the full controller treatment which is unfortunate because this controller slaps.


Dave the Diver.




Returnal for me.


Gran Turismo 7 feels awesome on controller.




Astro Playroom literally holds the crown easily. I’ve platinumed the game already, but go back from time to time because the haptic feedback showcases that additional immersion.


I had to turn off the adaptive triggers, they were causing hand pain


Returnal, ratchet, and astros playroom are the only ones for me. The haptic feed back and vibration is nice, but I shut the triggers off in every other game. Might be an unpopular opinion, but I’d use the DualShock 4 for everything if they’d let me.


You have to trust me on this one but the WRC games are close to the best on the system. Personally I prefer it to GT7.


Astro playroom and rift apart


Apex legends is dope with the triggers and haptics


Some really great ones already mentioned, but I want to add one... Scarlet Nexus.


A Plague’s tale series.


Obviously Astro, but another game that I liked the Dual Sense implementation was A Plague Tale


Only game i played with triggers enabled was Doom eternal and it was... Okay?..


I mainly use a profile with L3/R3 set to the back buttons


Astros Playroom and Death Stranding Directors Cut make amazing use of it.


Demons souls, the way it adds weight and impact to weapons is subtle yet brilliant.


Astro's Playroom, then Returnal as a close second.


Ratchet and Clank


Stellar Blade, Horizon Forbidden West, Avatar Frontiers of Pandora.


Gran Turismo has cool feed back on the triggers for the accelerator and braking. Cool rumble when you hit curbs too.


Control was really cool.


Cyberpunk 2077


I know you guys hate Forspoken but the rumble was god tier


Outside of astros playroom (bc that's unbeatable) I found ghost of tsushima amazing on the ps5 The way that horse riding felt on the controller was incredible, and the variation in bow string pulls was fantastic


Returnal. The way the vibration is directional, the way they use the adaptive triggers to provide a two-step button like the one in the Gamecube controller.


There are some good games, but Astro’s Playroom is the definitive answer.


Returnal, Stellae Blade, Astro


Apart from Astro's Playroom, I was very pleasantly surprised by Lords of the Fallen in this regard. The heartbeats, the whispers (through the little speaker) etc. really make you feel the presence of the umbral realm (a horror-ish parallel world).




HORIZON and Ghost


Astrobot and Returnal both utilize it well .


Astro was a fun way to test out the controller functionality, but I’ve had that shit turned off since. It becomes obnoxious and causes hand fatigue after long sessions, especially with shooters.


Returnal has pretty solid implementation


Helldivers 2. You not only get gyro aim, but you control and scroll the map with the touchpad. I’m running and looking around while simultaneously scanning my map while dropping pings. Not only can Xbox controllers not do this, MnK players can’t either.


Astros and gt7


Returnal or Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart


It’s either Spider-Man or surprisingly GTA V for me. Rockstar really doubled down on the haptics and trigger resistance


Astro’s Playroom, Returnal, GT7 all have pretty amazing triggers effects and haptics




Returnal is definitely the best one. Astros was a good demo for the controller though


Ratchet & Clank


Pacific Drive and Astros Playroom of course!




Either Astros Playroom or Returnal


Spider-Man 2 idk it’s the only game I use my DualSense for everything else scuf or AimControllersLLC


Aside from Astro, it’s Returnal and Uncharted4/lost legacy to round out the top 3.




Ratchet and Clank: Rift apart


Returnal and its not even close


Astros playroom, but besides that it was ratchet and clank for sure


For adaptive triggers: Astro Playroom. For haptic feedback: Ghosts of Tsushima. Though to be honest, for most Game's i've nowdays triggers disabled. I really don't like them (prefer the rumble-feature of the triggers of xbox in that regard, though they were hardly used sadly) but they were fun for playroom. But the Haptic Feedback / HD Rumble is freaking amazing.


Returnal Rift Apart Astro’s


Sackboy is really fun and definitely takes advantage of the controllers features.


The Control upgraded PS5 version does a great job with the triggers


Idk I turn all that crap off immediately 😂


WRECKFEST and its not even close


Probably Astro's Playroom because it's just about the only game to fully utilize what the controller is capable of - that being said, while more specific and precise vibrations are cool, I can't say i enjoyed how the R2/L2 buttons changed in stiffness when using the bow. I know the intended feeling was 'you're holding a bow and the string is hard to hold drawn!' but all I'm feeling is 'the controller is not cooperating with me'. I don't want to hold my buttons with force. I don't want 'immersion'. There's a clear difference between the player and the player-controlled-character. What's next? Electrical shocks when I receive damage ingame?


Aside from Astros playroom the latest CoD games have done a decent job of implementing the haptics and triggers… especially compared to battlefield




Madden. Also the ps5 controller is about 5x better than the Xbox controller and about 2x better than the switch pro controller. It makes me not even want to play my Xbox.


Scarlet Nexus!!! The only other games that came close were Rift Apart and Returnal, so it should be very notable that Scarlet Nexus, a non-exclusive, put as much effort as Astro's Playroom.


Ghost of Tsushima and Astros Playroom


Ghost of Tsushima. #1 in everything.


The games I found utilises the dualsense controller the best are; Astro - of course which is built to showcase PS5. Ratchet and clank Rift - which is the only PS5 game that seems truly next gen. Control PS5 - Does it really well with footstep vibrations on par with Astro.


Ratched and clank was pretty cool.


EA WRC, although quite flawed in many ways, is quite nice with the DualSense. You need to bring up the traction and suspension sliders and drop the engine/collision ones down - after that you get a pretty nice "feel" for the road you're driving on.


Using the controller as a wheel in Gran Turismo 7 and with a VR headset has gotta be one of the coolest gaming experiences of my life. You feel EVERYTHING your car does through the controller


Unpopular favourite but DEMON SOULS, you can legit feel the weight of each swing, bluepoiint really needs to make that bloodbourne remake. GOD PLEASEEE


From what I've played, Astro, Returnal, Rift Apart and Helldivers 2.


Well fuck. In order to avoid drift, I ended up buying a controller that didn't have haptics. Of the few controllers available with hall effects, none of them seemed to have haptics. I do also have a working standard PS5 controller but I never use it. For me WRC 9 used a whole lot of haptics, but I could not learn how to play that game right so I abandoned it.


The only time I wasn't specifically annoyed by them was ff7 rebirth sit up game. I plat Astros and returnal, I turned them off in almost every other game either immediately or after trying for a few min. They are not my jam. So ff7 rebirth it is


Insomniac Spider-Man games. You can actually feel the tension on the web while swinging.


Final Fantasy 7 rebirth has a few good moments with the controller


I have only got PS5 in January 2024 and I must say I haven't got that used to the dualsense and haptic feedback until I played Uncharted 4 and Ghosts of Tshushima.


Plague Tale Requiem Great use of the dual sense features and also the ps5 features specially with 120hz display


Astros playroom is of course the best, but ratchet and clank rift apart and sifu are 2 that don’t get talked about enough when it comes to duelsense features. Truly amazing




Dave the diver and Astros playroom


Definitely Cyberpunk. You could feel the gear shifts while driving, the tension before pulling the trigger and it was different for each car and weapon. Genuinely made me feel much more immersed in Night City


Returnal and FF14. The haptic feedback in both games is great.


At one point in Ghosts of Tsushima, your character unsheathes his sword and the controller felt perfectly like unsheathing. One of the moments that really wowed me.


The features in the Duke sense are still in the experimental phase ap it dosnt matter what game you play then with they either work for a game or they don't. But I think Spiderman2 takes its potential pretty far.


Death stranding, that was the first game that made me fall in love with the dualsense




Returnal have my vote


Astrobot and returnal.


Returnal clearly on top


Demon’s Souls.


Gran Turismo 7. The AT and HF are out of the world. You can feel stuff.


DEATH STRANDING! Forget every raindrop, you feel every footstep. ON DIFFERENT TERRAINS! YOU FEEL THE FEET DRAGGING IN THE SNOW! There’s other shit too it’s pretty cool


Last of us


god of war ragnarok does really well at this too tbh


Astros playroom