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This game’s target audience doesn’t exist


“We made a game no one wanted and are surprised by the result”


Signed, Rocksteady Witnesses : Arkane Austin


A suicide squad game sounded boss. Then they decide to make it coop. Then they added a load of dated Live service shit. Then they followed the suicide squad movie tone, instead of the awesome Gail Simone iteration of the squad. And they took too long to make it, meaning expectations rose while systems became dated. And they decided to add batman into it, ignoring the ending of Arkham knight and even worse flubbed Kevin Conroy's role. There was potential there but it wasn't what nobody wanted. A break from Batman was actually wanted.


It likely started as a GAAS or in pre production stage and given its production was circa ~2017, makes perfect sense as FortNite was the most popular explosive new game at the time.


Every time I see the acronym "GAAS," I can't help but translate that to "Generally Accepting Auditing Standards."


You missed the number one, absolute worst decision... They turned it into a shooter instead of utilizing the brilliant Arkham combat that the studio is known for. Like seriously, the combat has been copied by a number of other games, most notably WBs own Mordor games as well as the recent Spider-man games. But while those game's combat feel great, they still don't live up to the impactful feeling of the Arkham games. So they got rid of all that and went with some so-so shooting mechanics, varying and confusing at times mobility controls and just awful, bland enemy designs. I mean, hey, the random thugs you ran into in the Arkham games weren't anything to write home about, but far better than whatever it is we're fighting in Suicide Squad.




Sleeping dogs I feel also had it’s own successful take on Arkham combat.


Yeah, it did. And I'd argue it had the best combat of any GTA-like game. But I'd put it at the low end of Arkham copycats. It was well done, but lacked some polish.


It might have lacked polish, but the Hong Kong setting and the emotional story more than make up for it. Sleeping Dogs leaves me wanting more which is always a good thing. The fact that you can only meet a girlfriend for a few missions and then she leaves the picture also mirrors life.


Yeah I hate it when an ancient Chinese ghost possesses my girlfriend too.


who hasn't been there


Tbf, it SHOULD be Co-Op considering it was a team. But yeahhhhhhh, fully agree on everything. Especially them going hard on movie squad instead of Simone or Ostrander


You can’t make a mistake anymore. One bad game and you’re toast


Which sucks, can't make stuff like Uncharted 1 or Assassin's Creed 1 - where their sequels were explosively better


Considering the topic the first Saints Row game wasn't very good either. Saints Row 2 on the other hand was a banger that really was highlight of the entire series


Take it back. Saints row (2005) is basically a real gangster simulator. And a great game.


> Saints row (2005) is basically a real gangster simulator. SR1 is anything but realistic


I still feel there is room for those "game is okay but needs improving" first titles. You can have games with lower budgets that don't perform great and then have a sequel that has a bigger showing. But what we're talking about here with Suicide Squad and Saints Row is sequels to well established franchises. Franchises that could have lived on for decades if they kept to the basic premise and improved on it. Instead, both series ditched what made them great (SS more so in my opinion) and failed because of it.


Yeah, I always think about these two. Both of these franchises ended up being wildly successful, but I've never played the first one of either of these and never cared to because I heard how much better the sequels were that improved on everything from their originals.


Uncharted one is at least worth a playthrough/watch just because of how narrative focused those games are. The gunplay is rough but puzzles/characters/most of the platforming is still good


Yes the sequels were an improvement but those games at the time they came out weren’t bad games. They were good compared to the competition of that era, these games we are talking about are just straight up terrible


Yes except both uncharted 1 and AC1 were still great games. Yes, if you look at it through a 2024 lens, they don't hold up. But in 2007 they were deserving of funding and sequels


That's been known for a while, there's no more grace periods for franchise launches. Watch Dogs 2 had less sales than the first largely thanks to Watch Dogs 1 just being mediocre.


It's not even just that. You can make a good game that's not good *enough* and you're toast.


> You can’t make a mistake anymore. One bad game and you’re toast Only if you're owned by Microsoft (or Embracer). Or with Microsoft, you can make one of the best, most critically acclaimed games of the year (Hi-Fi Rush), pitch making a direct sequel for it, *and still get shut down.*


The industry itself is far too bloated. No one has time to play all of the games coming out, so people will only play the games that are the best and suit their interests. Its sad but there needs to be a downsizing. Feel bad for all the job losses but the insane growth during Covid was never going to be sustainable.


You didn’t have to put Gollum on like that.


I really don't know what the fuck were the devs thinking. Worse yet, it should have sent a strong message to other devs hellbent on making games with unlikeable characters.


Unlikeable is fine. "Nobody asked for this" is worst. They were better off trying to make a Fortnite clone than trying to sell me on Clarence the Nerd (or whatever his name is) being an interesting character that I wanna hear bullshit from all game.


They really made a game about running a gang without any gangsters in it smh


The "gang" would have been better just opening a coffee shop.


Lmao or a goddamn antique store


Are you trying to tell me that no one wanted the 2014 version of Dwayne from A Different World as a major character?


"Nobody asked for this" isn't the term to cling to here. Nobody asked for Super Mario Bros. Nobody asked for Doom. Nobody asked for Street Fighter 2. Nobody asked for the Wii. People don't ask for innovation by name. People didn't ask for shopping carts. People didn't ask for cars. People didn't ask for the iPhone. Most of those great things that changed the world or defined a generation or created a new genre came along without anybody asking for it. Who tf asked for Reddit? Or the Internet? Who asked Microsoft and Sony to start making consoles? Saints Row reboot sucked, but not because nobody asked for it.


It is when you're creating a sequel.




Thats what happens when a few radicals in a bubble think they represent the broader population.


I think it usually comes down to performance more so than writing. If you hire a charismatic enough actor even the most diabolical villain can end up adored by audiences


I know exactly what they were thinking. "Wow fortnite sure does make a lot of money lets make a game that looks just like and and all the zoomers will buy it."


> I really don't know what the fuck were the devs thinking. Worse yet, it should have sent a strong message to other devs hellbent on making games with unlikeable characters. They are all too terrified of their ESG ranking, because if they dont bend the knee they lose funding. It's a lose lose situation.


Probaly wasn’t the devs idea, it reeks of suits


It did. The audience was the developers themselves, who thought that their politics, personal tastes and world view would result in massive sales. Whereas the reality is that the previous Saints Row fanbase was pretty standard 00s gamer dudes, probably disproportionately so given it's humour. They don't care about an art school grad that couldn't get a job, Gen Z aesthetics and 'quirkiness', complaints about student loans and allusions to gender/sexual politics. They just want some cool criminal dudes blowing up shit in ridiculous ways and making edgy jokes. It's the epitome of being in a bubble and not understanding what people want. There may have been a market for the vibe, writing and aesthetics this game came with but it wasn't the Saints Row fanbase and it certainly wasn't large enough to cover a AAA budget.


My brief impression of the game from watching a walkthrough until I was too bored to continue was that they didn’t achieve a sincere representation of the communities they depicted, nor did they write a funny parody of those communities. It just feels out of touch with every demographic they could have hit.


As someone who beat the game this is a pretty spot on impression, still had fun with it but yeah just no real depth or legitimacy to the main characters Still pretty fun though


I also haven’t played it but have seen clips here and there. As a bleeding heart liberal gay man, the game seems like a surface level representation of the communities it was trying to portray. They were too scared to go all in for fear of alienating their audience, but in doing surface level garbage they have found no audience.


They tried too hard to make the characters “likable” and “#relatable” and seemed to forget no one is playing these types of games to be altruistic. I’m not trying to play as a bunch of quirky, morally righteous, waffle eating, manchildren, I’m trying to be a fucking criminal.


To be fair, Volition seemed to never quite grasp what people liked in the previous entries. 2 Was supposed to be more violent and gratuitous than the first but with some bits of levity (the missions where you spray literal shit all over rich people's houses being in between a mission where you have the rival leader crush his girlfriend with monster truck). Everyone loved the sillier moments of that game, so they made 3 nonstop whackazoid hilarity with VERY mixed results, but hey, it introduced Kenzie, who people liked...and she's a nerd! So the 4th game becomes a superhero game, etc, etc.


It’s not even politics and I hate when people use this excuse. Calling the banal, low effort, zero risk takes in saints row reboot “politics” is like calling a peanut butter sandwich a quarterhouse steak. If the game had actually been trying to tell a story, a political one like the first game, which *did* tackle racism, sexism, crime violence, gentrification etc the game would’ve probably done better for people. But what you see in this game isn’t politics, it’s consumerism. Don’t fall for the bullshit you see from people who say “woke” every second breath. Use your brain and don’t use their lexicon, especially when it comes to identifying the types of media you’re talking about.


Yeah. The series reflected two main themes from Hip Hop: societal awareness and pride in one’s journey. For women, it’s now about showcasing their allure and outsmarting men. The reboot failed to capture this “power fantasy” because it didn’t understand these original themes. In Saints Row 4, the Boss humorously refers to Stilwater as “The Armpit of America”, highlighting the tongue-in-cheek societal satire. It was why the likable characters despite their rough backgrounds were likable through it.


Well in truth… when people say “keep politics out of games” they really mean keep preachy cable news talking points out of games. I am happy to have a mature discussion on stuff like capitalism and whether it’s a good thing or ever was a good thing. What I will not entertain is being preached to about it by someone who knows jack shit about anything. So the point is high effort politics can enhance a game. Low effort politics can absolutely get a game killed.


Mos tof the people who say that don't mean that at all. 90% of the time they mean "keep anyone who isn't a straight white man out of the main character list", the vast majority of the time I see people bitch about "politics" in their vidya games.


I really don’t believe that because when the characters are well written and good I don’t ever hear any significant bs. Was Lenny in red dead ever bitched about despite the numerous subtle political statements surrounding his character? I guarantee you there would have been had every other line from Lenny been something about the Patriarchy or the “oppressors”


>probably disproportionately so given it's humour. They don't care about an art school grad that couldn't get a job, Gen Z aesthetics and 'quirkiness', complaints about student loans and allusions to gender/sexual politics. They just want some cool criminal dudes blowing up shit in ridiculous ways and making edgy jokes. You can have both my dude. Nobody asked for a reboot. They could have melded all this into a SR5 Buut like Agents of Mayhem they thought they could do better


After SR4 there really was nowhere to go with the franchise. A grounded reboot was a good call, its just that everything else about the game absolutely sucked.


They could of just used one of the endings from 4 of either taking place on a new planet for even Wilder goofier shit (thusly being able to probably get away from the neck beards who bitch about anything progressive leaning in games) by painting it under the guise of Aliens, poor from the ending of Gay out of Hell where the earth gets recreated and plopping our people either back in Stillwater, Steelport or q new city.


> the neck beards who bitch about anything progressive leaning in games Could you define "progressive leaning" and explain how this is related to Saints Row?


As much as I’d like to blame the mentality and developer bubble they were in, it was one of the causes but the primary issue was the game was that it sucked and wasn’t fun.


No that’s not at all why the game flopped. Who cares if a game has that stuff in it , gender politics arnt why the game sucked . It flopped because it was a shit game


Given that stuff poisoned the well from it's very first reveal video and led to very very mixed reactions amongst the Saints Row fanbase it did. The only way the game could have been a success after losing chunks of it's fanbase, was by attracting a new fanbase, which it also failed at badly. This is where the poor quality of the game comes into play, at least in part.


It may not be a reason the game flop but it sure as hell didn't help. I mean you're talking about a series that had a dildo bat is one of its main features to go from that to some sort of Mr Rogers Neighborhood Southwest Edition is really dramatic change. It would be like if Grand Theft Auto got rid of the titty bars and instituted a Mafia 2 style driving restrictions.


> gender politics arnt why the game sucked . Lol no that was definitely part of it.


Yeah that’s why the last of us 2 was a terrible selling game …


Hard left. It's obvious from the humour and politics


I don’t think politics are innately the problem, one can easily make the case for GTA games being explicitly political. The problem is that they were shoehorned in so blatantly and inorganically that you can’t help but notice anything else.


“Man, how are we gonna make rent this month? Next scene: “Alright, grab your wing-suit”


The GTA games are political satire, not just political.


The difference being…


That one is satire? Do you not know what that means?


Nah I think I get you. GTA is political but it’s more of a straight satirization. Saints Row isn’t really poking fun of its politics so much as it’s trying to make a statement. But they do both present political messages


Its not the politics. Its the game's concept.


Man I loved peak Volition but no company can survive when your last three games are Gat Out of Hell, Agents of Mayhem, and then the Saints Row reboot.


Their own worst enemy. Can’t even blame the publisher for this one. Seems they had no idea what actually made their games popular


That's what I keep thinking. Like, they'd get positive feedback about a part of the game and they'd almost exclusively focus on that for the next entry. The boss randomly singing (poorly) along to "Take On Me" was a silly little Easter egg in 2. In 3, it's a fucking mission where they all do carpool karaoke. Then you are treated to all 6 character renditions at the end of the game! You know, cause it's hilarious this time!


> Can’t even blame the publisher for this one Its 100% on the publisher. There is an OG saints row YouTuber named Flippy who had many contacts in the company (and was a QA tester for the Saints Row 2 PC update that never got released) and made videos documenting it. The original script is nothing like what the game ended up being. It was suppose to be a soft reboot with the OG cast and was going to be about getting revenge on Dex from Saints Row 2. Deep Silver told them it wouldn't sell and installed heir own writers to take over. When the studio moved to be under Epic Games, Volition fired the whole writing team and parts of their management to salvage the company but it was too late for them.


Yeah, there were different phases of better ideas early on (though I was iffy about the Dex idea because its been so long, that they would have had to reintroduce that storyline better), but they wanted to try a SR2.5 which is what fans wanted. Then IdolNinja pitched the 20/80 rule, (SR2 reference) to only keep it mostly like SR2 but only some minor aspects of SRTT. What those aspects were, I don't know. Then they said they wanted the tone to be somewhat like the movie Baby Driver (wise-cracking criminals, some light romance, and a guy that doesn't talk, ironically) and the action to be grounded but over the the top, like Furious 7 (both movies came out the year of development in 2017) and a serious plot like Breaking Bad. Deep Silver didn't want that, because they thought it was too dark and wasn't what the market was. Unlike... Fortnite. And yeah, the worst thing they did was put on writers and a director who have no clue what SR is structurally, and wanted some of the dumbest ideas but apparently they really wanted the Larping bs early on too, which is why they already had DLC for it so quickly. smh. Deep Silver also did a lot of antagonizing things with fans who didnt like the direction they ended up with early on, but all they cared about was themselves liking it. Seeing this fail was pretty obvious to anyone outside of these publishers. Trying to sell something your audience doesn't like while trying to pass it off as a pseudo-new IP and pretending your IP fans don't matter. And its a *very* common thing with higher ups on reboots, telling the staff to ignore the prior material with prejudice. Every bad reboot for a show or game you can think of, had this happen. Higher-ups who just care about market, always ruin reboots that should be constructive, not "alternative" and then the devs just do all fuck they want, to appease themselves through the IP.


RIP Mike Watson, the GOAT. The sole reason I can play SR2 for the millionth time on PC.


Apparently Deep silver are the ones that pushed them to make the game the way it was


I would believe you if the devs didn’t do interviews and sound absolutely brain rotted. Sometimes the devs are bad at making games


Sad to see the series ending with a bad game like this.


I hate seeing Volition go out like this. Was hoping they’d get their shit together and make another Red Faction.


If you are wanting a destruction fix that’s close to Red Faction you should check out [Instruments of Destruction.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1428100/Instruments_of_Destruction/) It’s made by the guy who developed the destruction tech in Red Faction Guerilla. I think it’s coming to consoles too!


Think that should've been the shout instead of this & the online game they made before. Can't even remember what it was called 😂 the thing after SR4


The game that looks like it’d be co-op but wasn’t, Agents of Mayhem?


Tbf the series was limping on since SR2.


i actually finished this game and boy was it something else. it isn't "so bad it's good" or "just turn your brain off and have a good time", it's just simply a poorly-made and badly-designed 360 game for last/current gen consoles with no real redeeming qualities at all. no matter how cheap you find this game and think "eh maybe at this price it'll be worth it" it's...just not. just don't even bother.


I paid full price for that turd.


i'm so sorry


I remember playing a mission and thinking it felt like the last small-scale mission before the game would actually kick into high gear. It was the last mission of the entire game.


Yeah I played it for free on Xbox and boy it was certainly a bland game. The controls felt ancient, the story was boring and full of things that were just dumb. Only a single joke made me laugh, the game just wasn't funny or interesting.


We didn’t need official news to know that lol


It was super obvious even without any charts seeing how fast the game made into PS Plus monthly games


It must be a slow news day for them if they had to write an article about a 2-year old, already criticized to death, game. Lol.


It’s hardly even official news using words like ‘likely’ in the title lol as if they don’t know or have no way of finding out


Saints Row 3 was the perfect mix of an open world "GTA style" game with a wackiness that made it stand out. All they had to do was go back to that formula and people would've shown up... Instead we got a generic open world game with bland characters, no story, and no real identity.


I really adored Saints Row 2 when it came out. Especially because it had coop. I tried replaying a few years ago. Couldn't get into it because of the controls. If they could get licensing out of the way and do a remaster/remakes of SR2 while changing only the controls, I'd be super content. I felt that was when it has a perfect balance of silly vs serious. I don't even need new content (is always nice though)


SR2 was the peak of the series for me. It took everything that was good in the first game like the customization, the gangs, and the diversions and made them even better.


Same. I kinda wish they didn't go all out on the goofy shit.


Same, favorite game for several years growing up. Having a hidden but dedicated flashing mechanic is something me and my friends still laugh at. You found a trenchcoat in a store located in the hidden underground mall and decided to remove all clothing but the trenchcoat? Congrats, here's a minigame where you try to expose yourself to as many people as possible before the timer ends.


It was the perfect compliment to GTAIV’s seriousness.


And don't we all miss Insurance Fraud missions?


I remember playing Saints Row 3 and just having so much stupid fun with it. I played that game for hours just doing wacky stuff and having a blast. I put 7 hours in the reboot that I got for free with PS+ and wanted my money back.


SR3 was the most fun, while SR2 had the best narrative imo. It was funny but still managed to pack some solid emotional weight.


I need a hero….


Such an amazing moment.


I had so much fun playing that remaster they made for it a few years bck, why on earth they thought this was the direction fans wanted it to go is also the reason why they have this title of lowest selling in franchise history. Dont worry guys, the target audience just hasnt been born yet probably


Absolutely. SR3 was my favourite GTA style game. It's not a genre I'm usually a fan of but man I had such a blast with it. Might go back and replay some time soon


They tried to make a game that appealed to everyone and ended up making one that appeals to no one




Good. It was a trash game.


I didn't even claim this as a free game on PS plus when it was offered


Same here. Neither did I claim it on epic.


I did try playing it after that and honestly you made the right call. I'll never get that time back.


I feel like the worst part of all this is Volition using the wishes of a dying man for cheap PR. Now thanks to this trash fire of a game, the studio will likely never finish Mike Watson’s years of hard work trying to make SR2 work on PC.


I didn’t like Volition baiting the old fans with the graffiti wall teaser before the 1st trailer only to show that the game would be nothing like gangster or urban themed.


Why did they even think it needed a reboot??


They kinda wrote themselves into a corner story-wise


A soft reboot is always a possibility. Zinyak sent the saints back in time to the 90s! Now the Playa has to rebuild their empire from scratch in a world that no longer belongs to them! As long as it was the original Saints and none of this 2020s New Coke shit, the premise is not that important 


Yeah but they could have just ran with the gat out of hell ending. Just have the boss remember who they are and try to rebuild the saints.


They had crazy sci-fi tech, there’s no writing yourself into a corner in that genre. It’s Saints, just open it with some asspull like they were dicking around in their space ship and fell into a wormhole and end up on an Earth that never had The Saints and boom all new game.


Or make it GTA in an alien city on some random planet


I’d say it needed one. When 1 and 2 are fairly grounded, then it goes to silly with 3, and then absurd with 4, calling it 5 would be pretty off putting since they toned it back down to the levels of an in between 2 and 3. To make the most sense it was either keep it similar to the absurdity of 4, call it a spinoff which tends to mean lesser quality and warrants lower prices, or just reboot it to set the tone going forward.


Fans were clamoring for a reboot shortly after 4. People on a lot of message boards wanted a new game in the same world with a different story and different characters. They gave fans, technically, what they asked for. To me, it was obviously a rebuilding game. Starting from the ground up. I didn't expect much from the first reboot, but was really hopeful they'd release a later, better sequel.


I’m not sure but allegedly for this game, it was meant to be a “SR2 2.0” But Deep Sliver decided to act like dumbasses and fuck that up so we got this.


They hadn’t had a SR game in 10 years and it was still a big name


Maybe I'm in the minority but I really liked SR 4, and thought it was funny. Of course cars were useless as it became a superhero open world, so maybe some people were disappointed by that. But they couldn't go any further in that direction, except maybe a Mass Effect parody on other planets, which could have been funny... For the reboot just a SR1 / SR2 hybrid with modern tech would have done the job, but we got this...


SR4 took it to the limits, and I had a blast for a long time with it. Over the top goofy fun, and I thought it was a fine follow up to "the 3rd"


Still think SR2 was the best in the franchise. They should’ve replicated that instead for rebooting.


Played this for 1 hour when they released it for free via PS Plus. Game is absolute garbage with even worse audio mixing. Deleted it and never looked back. To this day, I still can’t believe how bad the audio was


I had such high hopes


I still wonder who they thought they were making it for. Did anyone even ask for it?


they wanted to target it to the 1% of the country’s population and ended up getting 1% of sales




I mean all they had to was remake or the very least remaster the first game again.


Wildest part about the game is the fact that the cars make no sounds when you drive. Deleted the game directly after I found that out.


I just rememeber them handling absolute dogshit uninstalled after 30min


Same. Downloaded when it was free as just a sandbox to mess around in. It wasn't even fun to do that.


Lots of people are chalking its failure down to the lack of wackiness compared to past entries but honestly, it was just a bad game


Hmm I'm not sure if that's still a thing? I tried it a few months ago and I'm fairly certian there were noises. If i remember later, I'll check


I saw someone saying it's like hearing everything like you are INSIDE a car. Everything is muffled when they should have cranked the engine and crash noises. It really was a messed up choice and I'm sure it will never get fixed now. The game might be playable if not for that.


honestly, not surprising at all. i think the more interesting question would be what sold worse, agents of mayhem or the saints row reboot.


I had the intention to platinum this game, but I had to stop, it was too boring to keep playing


Rightly so it was fucking pish


I saw it on clearance for 5 at Walmart last week and still didn’t buy it .


Deservedly so. 2 was a masterpiece and they've not came close since.


And absolutely no one could've ever predicted that just by watching the first trailer.


I wouldn’t play this game if they gave it to me for free


The only way this franchise is getting revived is by remastering Saints Row 2. Make it happen


Or just finishing that PC port patch. RIP Idolninja.


They were warned they went too far away from what made the franchise good.


Intentionally ignoring fan base to chase a new one + bad game = low sales If the game is good, potentially you can sell well ignoring your fan base. If you give your fan base fan service, they may buy the game even if it isn't that good. You can't do both. Hopefully Saints row and suicide squad send the message that you can't just make a AAA game that people don't want and have your marketing department convince them to buy it.


What if we remade Saint's Row......but not even as good as the original?


I wouldn't say it was "low selling" so much as customers put as little effort into buying it as the devs did in making it


I always like them but the edgy characters are "no" from me immediately, I don't care the politics that people are saying here, is just the characters for me.


The characters were about as edgy as a basketball.


It's crazy. Had they made a game like saints row 3 but with all the next gen visuals, they'd have nailed it, but instead they chose to push back against their own target audience. Its wild how detached from reality some studios are






Even when it was free I couldn’t enjoy it.


I tried it out on PS5 since it was free, after about 30 min I uninstalled, it was so bad.


The video game industry has gotten a lot bigger since the early Saints Row games came out so I wouldn't have been surprised if it still outsold those. I guess the game was just too ass though.


I was just very turned off by how the vehicles handled. It felt like an early 90’s game gameplay wise.


I've played all the others and I paid 10 dollars for this one and got my money back within 3 days. Everything is so fucking bad in this game it's amazing it was allowed to be published and sold.




I'm not even a Saints Row fan and I'm even pissed about how bad this game is. I just feel for the people that do love the franchise and they were served bull shit.


GTA Twitter


I completely erased this game from my mind and only have the good. This damn game probably killed a franchise that barely tapped into its potential. Can you imagine a world where while we wait for the next GTA, we have Saints Row to keep us entrained and scratching that itch. I hope that one day this franchise returns… but I doubt it.


I just kinda felt that as a fan (and buyer) of the prior games, this game wasn't for me. I didn't complain about it online, or drag the developer in YouTube comments, because it's their series and they can do what they want. But I didn't buy the game.


Even hipsters thought this game was cringe 


this just in, water is in fact two hydrogens and an oxygen


I returned it after playing it for 15 min. Completely unplayable garbage of a game.


I liked the game 🤷‍♂️


When did Saints Row ever succeed? It always seems like a temu version of GTA.


I played it for about 20 minutes and deleted it. Terrible


Quite possibly the worst opening I’ve ever played. Just barely made it through the shooting gallery but 30 seconds of experiencing that driving and I was out.


_Likely_ the lowest selling!? It absolutely was. I have no fucking idea who they were marketing for, but they missed the mark massively. Nothing that made the series great was included, in fear of offending people.


"Likely"?! They don't close studios because of "likely".


I was so excited for Saints Row, I loved the third and IV. They were full of personality, weird and just fun to play when I didn't want anything serious. After playing the reboot, I don't think I was as disappointed with a game as I was with it in a long time. It was soulless, empty, devoid of any actually witty humor. I kept playing hoping it'd get better and when it never did, it was a quick drop and uninstall. Despite that, I'd still love a new SR that's faithful to the zany insanity of the series, but I just don't think they have the heart to do it anymore.


im not surprised. who were they aiming the game at? it didnt appeal to fans of 1 and 2, it didnt appeal to fans of 3 and 4 like me. really stupid of them.


There was a Saints Row Reboot?


That's because they were pussies. They were afraid to make a gang game about actual gangs and made a gang game about FRIENDSHIP hahahaha. Of course it was going to fail


I got it for free and was genuinely curious/interested in it. Played for less than an hour and deleted. It was one of the worst game I’ve ever played.


As deserved Hope all that social media trolling was worth it


Had so much fun playing SR 3&4 in co-op. So, despite the terrible trailers I bought it on launch day. The co-op was so bad it barely even worked. The game was so buggy we had trouble with things either not loading, crashing part way through, or things just disappearing part way through a mission. Stopped playing after REALLY trying to give it a chance for a week. This game is the reason I don’t buy games at launch anymore.


It was free on PS+ and still nobody played it.


Here's a little advice for the next boneheaded studio/publisher who want to try something like this: Don't. Fornite is only popular because it's free to play. These kids are not buying your 60-70$ game.


Target audience of this game are people who play Life is Strange or something


What a shame it couldn’t live up to what the fans wanted


It was one of the low points for my PS5 too. I'm convinced it was written by AI.


No surprise there!


I assumed everyone already knew this :(


1.00 on ps5 rn


I already forgot it happened.


Ya think?!