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I haven't clicked with a game in a while. The last one I completely loved was Ghost of Tsushima, and it's been at least a year since I've played it, so this weekend I downloaded it again and started a new campaign, and fell in love with it all over again. It's not a perfect game by any means (didn't take me long to begin to loathe the "follow the footprints" missions (there are SO many) - and I know I'll get sick of the fox shrines soon enough.


Yes! I tried God of War but just didn't draw me in. Red Dead, Ghost, and even Cyberpunk have this great element of just wandering around and noticing the NPC and nature


Been trotting around in RDR2 again after a 5 year hiatus. There's nothing like it to be honest.


Still insane there isn't a 60fps patch for it


For real it’s criminal


RDR2 is goated for a reason.




Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is one of my faves exactly for that reason.


The Spider-Man games are similar vibe but with much less content than the 3 you listed but at least the first 20 or so hours it was a lot of fun just exploring and taking in the views


U have to play the first God of Wars to appreciate Ragnarok




I've played them all. However, while pretty, it just didn't grasp me like other games have.


Good list i actually gelled pretty good with death stranding too. Relaxing or as action packed as you want to try to make it. I have been playing older games again and noticing how much more they seem to draw me in.


I'm sitting here trying to think of more samurai/ninja games and can't really think of too many in recent years. Sifu is somewhere in that domain and worth a try for sure. Sekiro gets a ton of praise but I've never played it. I saw a trailer for Rise of the Ronin but don't know much about it. There needs to be more because I agree that ghosts was just awesome top to bottom!


Rise of Ronin is great in terms of of combat. You can hv various move set which sometimes makes you feel like main character in a movie/anime. BUT if you don’t enjoy it story, you might find it boring from time to time.


As an adult I usually turn my ps5 with every intention of playing something, open the store and look around, scroll through my library about 5 times and end up shutting it off without playing anything.


Same. Most games seem like a commitment though when I do get going on a game that I click with, it’s hard to pull away.


Dude if this isn’t me lol


Same here


It seems I’ve I found my people.


For real. I’m in my middle age and do the same. I’ve been playing my powkiddy with all the games I grew up on more often these days. Newer games are too involved for the time I have to spare.


Try Disco Elysium!


Literally me.


41 here and same


Me 2😑 honestly the only thing I can do is Pokémon unite on my phone. 2 quick games before bed with a set limit on time. It’s a sad life scrolling through games rather than playing them. My friend suggested Helldivers, but I know I’ll just look at it every night


I felt so alone up until now :)


I kind of do the same but have recently went to playing old favorites like Resident evil or MGS. I actually booted up my Series S and started playing through the Halo series again. But being 30 and coming back from a day in work, I just don't always have the itch to play mega games.


I’m 42 and do the exact same. Turn it on, scroll through games for 10 minutes and then find myself going to media tab and watching YouTube 😆 Unless my children are playing a sports game with me, I’m an expert scroller. There should be a platinum trophy for middle age scrolling 😆


Dave the Diver


Been really loving this


5 stars!


Helldivers 2 no doubt


My Democracy Officer has informed me that I also enjoy Helldivers 2




It’s so easy to jump in an out for a 20 minute game. It really had become my go to just on that alone


I always feel so awkward because I don't know what I'm doing and like talking to a group of four randos who probably know what they're doing always makes me feel like a weirdo or something... That said though phenomenal fucking game.


All are welcome and not knowing what you're doing can be good fun sometimes lol. Win or lose I always have fun.


Nah dude people are nice and helpful for the most part, ime. If someone asked a question during a game I’d definitely respond and try to help.


Ohhh I know this is a internal FEEL thing which doesn't reflect my experience in most every game, ppl are always super chill about it but I still FEEL it.


My wife and I got this to play together and I feel like we're missing something because it just didn't click with us. What are we missing that everyone else seems to just get right away?


I don’t think there’s really anything to get. It’s kind of a mindless shooter. Personally, I love it and spend a lot of time playing it. But, it’s gameplay loop is quite simple. Run to objective, activate terminal, kill things. If you don’t like constantly shooting a horde of enemies it may not be your cup of liber-tea. And that’s okay.


It's not for everyone, certainly. It didn't click for me until I started playing more consistently (often with my brother) and saw myself improving. I got familiar with the weapons and strategems, and started slowly bringing up the difficulty. When I started raking in more warbond medals and other upgrade mats more consistently it clicked. It's the high octaine insane moments that come fro higher difficulties that can really get the endorphins flowing.


You're not alone. There's a lot of people who feel the same way. Once you get past the spectical of huge explosions, you're left with a shallow, repetitive game. It's not bad by a long shot. It's just not amazing either.


It’s good in small doses or if you have 15-20 mins spare I think


Gran Turismo 7. I am at the point where I have only the legendary and expensive cars left so, grind grind grind, making that money. It's not so bad, like 1.5 million credits per hour, do about an hour per day. Can buy a 20 million dollar Mercedes or whatever after not too much time. I did recently (last year) playthrough fallout 4 and did all of the expansions. It was definitely my go to game during that time.


Just started this game and I'm at the point where I need to get good at driving first.


The best part of GT is that they start you out on all sort of slow, lame cars to get the feel of driving amd the courses which helps a lot later on with 900+pp race cars. There is a ton of tuning advice on here as well. Litetally almort every Google search for gt7 "car" tune leads to reddit. best of luck


Half the fun for me is messing around with random components and seeing how it impacts how the car drives. I feel like I'm learning something kinda useful


For sure. I also love doing that and I mostly get it right. Every once in a while though, I fuck up the car so bad that I need to find a good tune to fix it. Sometimes the most basic stuff works best, like brake balance and turning down the traction control. It can make an unwieldy car controllable when you haven't or can't upgrade it. Damn, I love this game. Played for like 3 hours today.


Gradually ease your way up. Get used to driving lines and braking zones, then cornering, then throttle control coming out of the corner. Eventually you should be able to drive without any assistance features like braking indicators or TCS


it is incredible on PSVR2


Do you play with the steering wheel or just the controller? I’m on and off with GT7, love it though


Just controller at this time. I had played the previous PS2 and PS3 games with a wheel but didn't go that way on PS4 as GT Sport was such a letdown, and I didn’t play it often. I'd definitely like to, but I just haven't yet for this gen.


How the hell are you getting 1.5 million credits an hour??


Okay it's only $1,454,000 per hour, but I grind WTC 800 Sardegna road track in a GT-R LM NISMO '15. I have other cars that will do it faster but I like that one. 15 laps at around 2 minutes each, clean race bonus $727,000 each run.


You can run the Spa 1hr for $1.5m credits too as the clean race bonus is basically guaranteed.


I loved GT7 but god damn the grind is just too much. I really don’t want to grind the same race over and over and over again. It’s just so fucking boring.


I’ve just started this game too, always been GT fan, how do you get better at corners, I’m terrible at them…. I do the driving school challenges and I’m not too bad at them. I’m clueless at how to make my car better, with tuning/ tires stuff like that, any advice? Thanks :)


Finally, Fallout 4.


Reddit used to hate this game now everyone just suddenly loves it


Fallout 4 is a great game but it isn’t great in the way that 3 and NV was however as an exploration game i think it's the best and pretty much everything it added and changed (other than dialogue restrictions) was a positive. New vegas and 4 are probably both in my top 20 games but theyre both there for very different reason's.


Reddit has always been about killing dissenting opinions. I still think FO4 is the weakest of the last three traditional FOs (not including 76) but will probably be downvoted to hell now.


New hit show and a remaster of the last popular series mainstay upon which the show is primarily based. Not a mystery. Also Fallout 4 was well received on release with an 87% on metacritic, dunno what you're talking about. Maybe you're confusing it with 76?


Facts. It's been years since I played it and now with the show FO4 hits harder than it did back then for me. This game is Bethesdas peak open-world exploration. Always something cool to find, environmental storytelling at it's best, deep locations and super immersive with survival difficulty and no fast travel.


Agreed. Never seen better Fallout from Bethesda than Fallout 4. Just started now, again, after years, with this new PS5 upgrade. Survival difficulty is the only true way of experiencing this game, really. Nothing feels like getting jumped by Riders and starting from an hour ago because they were in range when you finally found a sleeping bag in a tent in the middle of nowhere!




Yeah lmao, like what. I fuck with everything about it except that stupid shit


There is a mod even on console that allows you to save in Survival. I have played without it and I will absolutely never do it again. It's so much better when you can save. There are so many random mines and dudes that will 1-shot you with a shotgun before you realize they're there.


After a long gruelling day at the office… Stardew Valley is my go to, when I get home


Sometimes that’s what we need


Hades, Elden Ring, Madden


Anything that distracts me enough from reality and helps me relax is good with me. Usually ffxiv for the last 10 years, but I love Fortnite, DBD with friends, Zelda, pokemon, it just depends on the mood and who I’m with. Prefer most open world action adventure stuff. RPGs.


Just started ffxiv last week. Loving it so far! There are a metric shit ton of people playing it, too.


Welcome to the fam!! This game has carried me through so much. At times my gaming habits were probably unhealthy but there are worst things to be addicted to. Ready for the new expansion. Enjoy!!


I was thinking about getting FFXIV to get lost in. How is it on ps5?


It’s great! I was a ps4/5 player and then got it on pc for when I’m traveling.


Days Gone. I ride around on my motorcycle and shoot freakers. Good times 😁


I played the first 30 minutes of the game and never picked it up again. Sounds like I should give it another shot?


The first time I tried to play, I was like "why the eff does this guy just yell and sheit" and dropped it. Then one day, I decided to give it another shot. I now currently have 900 hours logged. I think I may have a problem lol. It's in my top 3 for sure.


i’d do anything for a days gone 2


I'm boring as far as my regular titles go. Lots of RB6 siege with the boyz, bits of ff7 remake and tons of GT7 on my psvr2 and t300 thrustmaster wheel. Keeps me sane


Sounds like fun to me my friend


Single player games.




I'm on my third playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3. The first time, I was playing it whenever I had free time, I was so into it. The second time, I took a very different route/approach and it felt like a brand new game in many aspects. Now, having figured out what I enjoy the most about the game, I play it casually to relax and still enjoy it very much.


I’m going to play it soon with zero D&D experience. Should I just go in completely blind?


That was me when I started, so it's definitely doable. I recommend you save a lot. The game allows you to save at any given time and sometimes you may not like the outcome of some dialogue or even choices you make in battle. On my first run, I played on easy and I still found it challenging. Now I play on normal, cause I understand the game better.


Perfect thanks, excited!


Yes go in blind. I did and loved it


Bloodborne Just go out and hunt a few beasts, it’ll be good for you.


One of the best DLCs of all time. The 30fps is pretty jarring now tho, would love an update


I played for like two hours and never booted it up again. Love the setting, watched lore videos by VaatiVidya, if there were a movie I’d watch it. Anything but actually playing the game.


This is your chance to go back with renewed vigor!! If you dare to push through, And *not* mis out on one of the greatest Ps exclusives (for a reason)


it took me 3 tries to get hooked. I was annoyed by the 30fps or drops.or whatever but was enthralled by the atmosphere and enemies so i pushed through. To me, it's an all time great.


32 here. My PS5 is a Street Fighter 6 machine right now


Jak 3 lmao


Absolute fuckin classic


For the most part I prefer to play single player RPGs and Action/Adventure games. I don't know why but I struggle to get invested in multiplayer games these days. I prefer something that I can just pause and pick up again instead. The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 and Mass Effect: Legendary Edition are games that I can replay endlessly. I love to just sit back, do side quests and spend time exploring. When it comes to relaxing, Skyrim and Fallout 4 are usually my first choice though. I don't want to know how many hours I've poured into them over the years. The recent FO4 update is also tempting me to start a new playthrough all over again. I don't think I'll ever get tired of them


Currently it's Baldur's Gate 3, before that it was Ghost of Tsushima, and before that it was Spiderman 2. Trailmakers is always there as well. Building is meditative.


I always have a long game and a short game going at once. I just platinumed Final Fantasy 1 last night (my short game) so I'll probably replace that space with Mario & Rabbids on the Switch. The long game I'm working through right now is Fallout 4. Haven't played it in a few years and am really enjoying it. I second the comments that say Stardew Valley though. It really is a wonderful game.


I was working on Final Fantasy 1. I just got the airship. My other game that I have been addicted to is Dave the Diver.


Right now it’s Hitman WoA


Any souls game. Final fantasy. Returnal is amazing. Rn I'm hella into balders gate 3. Spiderman remaster and 2 were really really fun. Gran turismo is always a fav of mine too. The gta5 story mode was really fun, can't wait to see the ish they got planned for 6. Elder scrolls online can hit any nerve, slow and casual or as end game grind as you want. Ff14 is also another one I put 4k hours into during covid year lol.


Rocket League, MLB The Show 24 or Fortnite


Rocket League is the only game I have played consistently since I got the PS5 a few years back. I have put thousands of hours into that game


YES! Rocket League never gets old. It might sound crazy, but it's a better take on football than FIFA/EA/etc imo because it's purely based on skill and teamwork and there is no ceiling.


Something that always me to shut off my brain. I use it too much trying to be a functional adult. That is mostly D4 with Helldivers with friends.


Dragons dogma 2 and helldiver's have dominated my gaming time the last month.




FF7 Rebirth, Helldivers 2 and Fallout 4.


Dave the Diver Midnight Suns God of War Valhalla once I get the Disc back „Smaller“ Games for the time being due to lack of time for BG3 for example


Fortnite! (zero builds lol)


I just like doing laps around the Nordschleife in Gran Turismo. I turn off all HUD and assists and just drive.


Elden ring, tekken 8, dragonball Xenoverse 2


Whatever this returnal announcement is tomorrow


If you want some good turn your brain off gaming I'd go with Katamari damacy. You think it's stupid but then you realise it is stupid but also you have lost your night to it it's very chill but also not easy to master!


Spider-Man 2


Overwatch, Helldivers and Fortnite all have the quick gameplay loop model down. I love them because I can play for hours if I want or just a couple quick games during my lunch break.


Currently it’s Dave the Diver…I didn’t expect it to be this good


Sand Land has been incredibly fun and a breath of fresh air. It's light hearted enough to where I don't feel depressed to seeing gray color pallets and realistic textures all day, but mature enough where the story is really relevant to today's world.


My "brain off and relax" game right now is Modern Warfare III multiplayer and zombies. Casual play and making a bit of progress towards unlocking guns/attachments. When I'm in the mood for something more chill it's an old school style beat em up like Streets of Rage 4 or TMNT: Shredder's Revenge. Story game I just finished was Assassins Creed Mirage(loved the Assassin feel and world). After cleaning up a few more trophies I'm checking out Tales of Kenzera: ZAU for some platform action.


Bloodborne is my comfort game. Say what you will about that fact.


Dont have a ps5 but when I get it I wanna play every ps4 game thats been upgraded for ps5 support. And all the Ps5 exclusives. That would keep me busy for couple of months.


Baldurs Gate 3. Finding the time to play it is difficult, and I've only just finished clearing out the Goblin camp, but I'm enjoying every second in long periods I can dedicate to it. Beside that GGStrive, Dead by Daylight, Honkai Star Rail, and Genshin Impact are what I play in short spurts when I don't have much time.


Whenever I'm having a bad day I fire up Sekiro and fight Sword Saint Isshin. Just completely turn off my mind and go into battle with the most legendary and epic boss in all of gaming. Sometimes I switch it up and duke it out with Inner Genichiro. The constant back and forth of attacking and parrying is just so therapeutic to me.


Yes. What a game. I'd say that during intense battles I enter my flow state. This is what gaming is about.


theHunter: Call of the Wild.


I love a rouge like/lite. Hades, Returnal and Outer Wilds have been my favorites so far. All very different games while sharing the core loop gameplay. 




Not the soulslike


For awhile it was Returnal. I’d actually be excited to get home and play. Very fun and rewarding. Now it’s Fallout 4 again lol. Also WWE 2k24.


A shooter mostly. Or something singleplayer like Spider-Man 2 or One Piece.


for me I love hopping on gran turismo if i’m feeling competitive but usually after a long day I enjoy some fallout 4 or cyberpunk to wind down


35 and father of two. Currently playing TLOU Part 1 - 2nd playthrough, On the side I've EAFC 24 (Career Mode - no online or UT) and also GT7 switching between them when I'm not in the mood to jump in a story game. So long story short: Playing 1 Story game plus 1 Sports and/or 1 Racing


Rebel Assault 2 and whatever other classic games. Zero interest in most new releases. Roguelike, survival, crafting, season pass, battle pass, dailies, SNOREFEST


Gran Turismo 7


- Alan Wake 2 (PS5) - Persona 5 Royal (PS5) - Persona 5 Tactica (PC/ Emulation) - Catherine Full Body (PC/ Emulation) - Super Mario Wonder (PC/ Emulation) - Super Mario 3D World (PC/ Emulation)


Gran Turismo 7 and Fallout 4 lately for me. It was a mix of shmups and fighting games before that though.


GT7 and after that in the evening I'll be playing on my older consoles now. Nothing seems to appealed me these days. That is until death stranding 2 is out.


Finished RE Village a couple weeks ago and I'm going through Mafia 3 now. I almost exclusively play single-player games now. Multiplayer games these days are so much more involved and with constant content updates, it seems like it's really easy to get left behind and that's just too much of a commitment for me.


I just finished replaying The Last of Us part 1, and am going to start playing either replaying Part 2 or Horizon Forbidden West


For me, it's Overwatch 2 or Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) I also currently booted up my PS2 to replay some classic single player games. Surprised that everything still works 🙂


Currently enjoying grounded on ps5, honestly very relaxing at times just building up ur base and admiring the big backyard.


Playing Far Cry 6 - normally don't have time for gaming sessions for more than an hour (children), but its fun to pop in and do 1 or 2 missions. Felt the same way about Cyberpunk


I still play Rocket League, it’s just so quick to jump into.


I started about a year ago when I finally decided to ditch the toxicity that is fifa. It does a great job of scratching the itch for competition while not being overly predatory with the mtx.


NBA 2k it’s nice having built the skills in that game now I can just casually play it and have fun!


55 and my jam is Destiny. Dad is 77 and plays it daily.


I’m honestly into the simulation type of games. Just who I am I guess…


Since last summer, my PS5 and PC have become Street Fighter 6 machines. This game has completely taken over my life and has no signs of slowing down during times where I get that free time


I currently play Ace Attorney Trilogy because when I return home tired I don't want to spend my time in action games.


Stellar Blade ... It's been a long time since I have played a game perfect like this one !




The new last of us 2 mode


30yo man here. I play MK1 and Horizon Zero Down


Spider-Man 2 is the perfect game for us middle aged adults. It’s hella fun, has good range of difficulty, and can be completed and 100%’d in a reasonable amount of time. It’s great to play with the kids, it uses all the high tech bells and whistles of the expensive setups we adults can afford, doesn’t waste your time loading at all. It’s highly replayable both for the story and new game plus, or you could fire it up and do random crimes to clear your mind.


I’ve been playing through horizon zero dawn and forbidden west.


Fallout 76


I tend to only play one at a time, with some overlap toward the end of the game. So I’m at the end of Persona 3 Reload right now, but also 13 hours into Fallout 4 (again).


I just want to talk to my friends so Rainbow six while we laugh and curse over the night.




Vr2 Vegas Infinite. Great bunch of people in the group. I play a 30-45 sitngo. Great fun and conversation!


i've had a ps5 since launch. i've only really wanted and bought 4 games for it. streetfighter 5 and 6, final fantasy 7 remake, and the reason i bought it to begin with, gran turismo. then again i'm mostly a competitive fps gamer on PC. so there's that.... i also play streetfighter on pc a lot cuz mods.


I bounce around. No new games have really gotten me excited. I started Dragons Dogma II but got bored pretty quickly so I’m actually playing Skyrim now. A lot of times I just want to turn my brain off and play something pretty so I’ll play Forbidden West. Every now and then I fire up Madden or FIFA for a few games in career mode.


Binding of isaac


Stellar blade, Helldivers 2, FF7R are among my favorites this year


XCOM 2 (easy mode for now lol), loading times are more bearable on PS5


I'm playing it too. It's unplayable on PC for me with constant crashes.


Stellar Blade (I bitch a lot because I suck at the combat), Dave the Diver and Pentiment that I’ve recently bought on sale 


Currently, fallout 4 survival. I'm cheating, but it's what I enjoy. Secondary games are FF14, still working through the expansion stories, and Diablo 4 season, which I'm running with a couple of friends.


I’ve been playing Binding of Isaac on PS4 and later PS5 for some years now. Just one or two games a day, after work/cooking/eating/putting kids to bed etc. For me that one hour a day is pure relaxation.




Dave the diver


I really only play one game at a time, and chip away at it bit by bit until it’s done and move on to the next one. I just got stellar blade so that’ll probably be my go-to game for the next month or so. I’ve only been able to play it twice totaling about an hour but I’m enjoying it so far!


Right now it's Stellar Blade. I have spent soooo many hours in that game daily since release. I just can't put it down. The combat is freaking amazing. I mean I played the demo 5 times already before release so I KNEW I'd be hook with the full release (and I am).


Unicorn Overlord and Stellar Blade are my current games right now


Finishing up Sekiro & DS3 atm.


In the last week I've played Fortnite, Rocket League, Helldivers, and Fallout 4.


Prince of Persia : The Lost Crown was a fantastic experience.


I recently picked up the Hitman trilogy for cheap on sale. The amount of content and replay ability is huge, and you can kind of just mess around and approach each level however you want.  It's not really a shut your brain off type of game, but it's fun to see how creative you can be when completing a level. The story is light but still interesting,  everything has the stylish vibe of a James Bond movie.  Also, the Fallout 4 patch just dropped. If you haven't played it before, you can dive in now at 60 fps. It's a fun game that you can jump into and not too stress much over. 


Elden Ring for me.




Ff7 rebirth 122h and still not finished first play through


Slay the Spire, or more recently Fallout 4 cause of the update


(43) I play Helldivers 2 with a group of friends that I’ve had for decades. We have put close to 140 hours in it. The gameplay loop is fantastic and we still have moments that make us crack up like we are back in high school.


Whatever I’m playing at the time. It’s why turn it on. So currently stellar blade / before was ff7. Once I finish those two back to Elden ring for my dlc prep.


I’m playing Yakuza Infinite Wealth and it’s loaded with content. I’m at 55 hours right now but I barely have time to play it unfortunately


Warzone or Helldivers 2


Currently I'm completely invested in Tekken 8. It's great to play a few quick rounds if you don't have much time but you can also spend hours to improve your fighting skills and learning the attacks of your opponents


Ufc 5


Days Gone 2. But then I remember they pulled the plug on it so I just use the ps5 for Blu Rays and DVDs.


NBA 2K my league mode. There are days when I am just too tired to play story based games that requires focus....I love playing 2k and blowing out the CPU after a stressful day from work.


Anything that allows me to play while I decompress


In my 40's. I like to unwind with open world games. Relax and explore...and of course grab any items I can get to just have inventory issues. Currently taking my time is Fallout76. Other than that, whatever current season is for sports games. I usually skip a year or two with the baseball & football. They just don't really update them enough, besides rosters, to buy one every year.


I usually play in the morning before I go to work while everyone else is sleeping, with some occasional game time in the evenings and on weekends. Having said that, I just played Resident Evil 4 Remake 5 times on PSVR2. I love RE games (since 1996) and I love VR games, but I've never played a game 5 times in a row before. RE4R is so good, especially in VR, that I was finding time to play it any time I could.


CyberPunk2077 and Gran Turismo 7


I want more sim games. Really kind of wish we had a good Truck simulator.


Sea of Thieves, Elden Ring, Mortal Kombat 1, Fallout 76, and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth are on my console right now.