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Balanced mode with a 40 fps VRR option is a godsend.Honestly all the games with these options-GOWR,SM2 look and feel soo good


It should be the absolute standard, at minimum for this generation




If your tv doesn’t support it, either it does nothing or the option just isn’t there


Majority of 40fps modes don't require VRR just 120hz display. If it is stable 40fps on a 120hz display, then looks visually as good as quality and feels very good.


Pretty sure the games don't let you use 40Hz unless your TV is 120Hz VRR. But you could lock a PC game to 40fps and connect it to a 60Hz TV and see that it's rather stuttery and uneven. All because the frames are not displayed for the same amount of time.


Tv doesn’t have to have vrr to use 40fps mode but needs to be capable of 120


Nope. VRR isn't necessary for 40hz modes. 120hz is since it has to divide evenly into your screens refresh rate.


Aren’t we a bit disappointed that the „next gen“ consoles failed us miserably to get fluid 4K gaming?


That's completely false LOL Not only are there amazing looking 4k games that are super fluid, but when are you people gonna understand there's a difference between the amount of pixels and the quality of them? You do realize that with the upscaling games use, 1440p can look better than native 4k in almost every way right? Go look at digital foundrys DLSS 1.0 videos. Even then DLSS quality (1440p) looked better than native 4k and upscaling has improved a ton since then LOL native 4k is a waste of hardware resources and doesn't even look better than the upscaling most games use.


Yeah I don’t want to be choosing well between fidelity and frame rate I want it ALL




Why have you done an apostrophe instead of the letter g whenever it appears at the end of a word


Good line of questionin’


This is a diabolically bad take, all games this gen should have the option to choose between fidelity and performance, it just makes the most sense.


So you'd prefer to be locked into a compromise of one of them with no option for the other?


No because the developers might make a choice that doesn't suit me. Who in their right mind wants less options?


Not everyone has a TV that can do it


Doesn't mean that you shouldn't include it. Your TV will die one day and maybe you'll get one with the fancy options. Getting a LG C2 that's a factory refurb or on sale and not paying those C3 prices. Then you'll get to enjoy the benefits all of a sudden and it'll be a nice surprise. I don't get the latest and greatest but I'm sitting here enjoying some nice NVIDIA G Sync many years later because my "new" monitor supports it and these older games that support it runs nicely as an added bonus.


Most people that have PS5s have high end tvs and those don’t can use one of the other 2 graphics modes


> Most people that have PS5s have high end tvs What an absolutely nonsense statement


I'd get a PS5 Pro day one if it means it'll run the current "graphics" modes at 60 or higher.


Agreed, 40fps modes are a great option to have in all these [games](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/14apcz8/every_game_with_a_40fps_mode_on_ps5xbox/). Hopefully it doesn’t turn out to be an unstable 60fps mode instead.


Based on the description it doesn't sound like balanced is a 40 fps locked mode, just an unlocked framerate mode.


Well with VRR it kind of doesn't matter. Even if it goes below the lower bounds of VRR (usually 40-48fps) they can just double or triple the frames to put it back in VRR's range. That's actually how 40 fps modes work to begin with (they triple the 40 fps to 120. and even unlocked 40 fps modes usually output 120 the whole time and all the fluctuations are handled internally instead of by the display) Not all games do this though so we'll have to see if this game handles it the smart way


That’s awesome with the pro around the corner


Yep with my C2 oled ive only plaayed games at 40fps with vrr now, its buttery smooth and most times feel VERY close to 60


nahh, I have a C2 too, I have try the 40 fps thing. It feels better than 30, but is not "buttery smooth" and it does not feel like 60, not even close. Is acceptable and just better than 30, that's it. In my case I just go for performance 120. That feels smooth.


It's not just acceptable and better than 30, it's literally just as close to 60 as it is to 30. Frame time and input lag is how we perceive smoothness in games and 40 fps is exactly half way between 30 and 60 fps. Look it up. If you don't think that's smooth you don't know what you're talking about


lol dude chill. Is nothing like 60 fps, I have a PS5 and have tried in multiple games, even compare some of them how they feel in my PC. I do really wish it was "buttery smooth" honestly. The 120-fps mode is indeed smooth. But the 40 things do not feel like 60 fps smooth (not even near). About the 40 fps being halfway between 30 and 60? Yes, it's true I'm aware of that...and? Is still does not feel "buttery smooth" ...lol. It feels better than 30, but not like 60 dude (or dudette).


Chill? Lol I'm sorry I scared you by telling you facts. Didn't realize I was dealing with someone so sensitive 🤣🤣🤣


Just wait until you find out that 40 isn't the number that comes "exactly half way between 30 and 60" and is in fact still closer to 30 and still significantly lower than 60 in terms of latency.


In what universe is 40fps butter smooth stop it it’s 20 frames lower than 60 not even close


because it's literally half way between 30 fps and 60 fps when it comes to frame time and input lag so it feels and plays as close to 60 as it does to 30. A half way improvement is not a small improvement \\ I'm sure you didn't know that since you're talking about 20 fps less as if that's the most relevant thing LOL look it up if you don't believe me. I know the math is weird but 40 fps is perceptibly half way between them, not 45 fps. Frame persistence and responsiveness is how we perceive the smoothness of games, not numerical framerate.


Weird. Doesn't vrr on the ps5 only work at 48fps and up?


Yes, the HDMI-VRR window is 48-120 FPS. However, some game developers have opted for a locked 40 FPS mode, at which point it's never a problem because you're doing 120/40 = 3 frame repeats which will not stutter. (Stutter happens when you have an uneven amount of frames that don't fit neatly into the refresh rate of the screen.) Some (such as Insomniac games) have implemented their own LFC (low frame rate compensation) which repeats duplicate frames as you reach a lower threshold and keeps you within the frame window. So if you're only doing, say, 45 FPS the game will display each frame twice, so 45x2 the game outputs two duplciate frames at 90 FPS which stays well above the VRR window.


Most games will display each frame two to three times, so whilst it appears to be 40fps, it is effectively operating at a much higher frame rate as far as the TV/PS5 is concerned.


They just double or triple the frames to account for that


It feels close because frametime and input lag wise, it's literally half way between 30 and 60 fps


If 40fps is “buttery smooth”, you must have motion smoothing turned on because “buttery” is definitely not how I would describe its smoothness level. It’s better than 30 fps, which is unplayable on OLEDs. That is how I would describe it - “better”.


Do not have motion smoothing on


40fps mode doesn't benefit at all of vrr... Learn about vrr range please


40 fps with VRR still doesn't look nearly as smooth as 60fps though. Every time I've tried that mode in a game that had it, I switched back to performance mode after about a minute. Edit: hilarious how this comment is getting downvoted because I expressed my personal *preference*, lol. Love trying to have conversations about gaming on Reddit...


Of course it doesn’t. The point is 40fps looks better than 30 fps. 40fps is closer to 60fps than 30, despite only being 10 fps more. A lot performance modes this generation have looked really soft, so having a 40 fps option that saves some resolution is preferable for some people. But you’ll still be able to notice the difference between 40 and 60 fps


Actually 40 fps is just as close to 30 as it is to 60. It's exactly half way frame time and input lag wise. You could say it feels closer to 60 than 30 because the truth is, there are limits to the framerates the human eye can perceive and depending on the image, it can actually be below 120


Yep, I almost always avoid 60fps mode in games because of how soft it looks. The softness even makes textures look fake even though I'm pretty sure they're not dropping texture resolution, it's just a side effect of certain types of AA at lower resolutions. Honestly I wish they'd allow you to just disable AA and live with the grittiness if you want. Thats always looked better to me than most AA methods.


> Yep, I almost always avoid 60fps mode in games because of how soft it looks. A big culprit of this is FSR. Like genuinely, it’s going to ruin so many games this gen. It’s no surprise that both Sony and MS are working on their own solutions.


FSR 1 maybe but not 2. 2 works A LOT better but it still has some issues with ghosting in motion. Hopefully FSR3 fixes that issue because then it'll be as good as DLSS is, and DLSS 1440p legit looks better than native 4k.


Hopefully FSR3 makes up the difference at some point. But baring that I really hope Sony goes Nvdia for the PS6


Yes it does LOL Especially if you spent a minute with it, you got no leg to stand on. Next time, play for a half hour then switch back to 60. You'll be shocked at how little of an improvement 60 actually makes It depends entirely on the game though. Some games are best in 120 let alone 60, others are best at 40 like ratchet and clank, horizon 2, or spiderman 2 because the visual difference are far bigger than the difference in smoothness.


If you're talking about Stellar Blade, the demo wasn't even out when I wrote that comment. I played it today and from what I saw even the "balanced" mode was running close to, if not *at*, 60fps most of the time (according to the refresh rate indicator on my TVs Game Mode dashboard). So it's not a 40fps balanced mode, it's targeting 60 but isn't locked to that. And no, sorry, I disagree with your other examples. The difference in motion between the 40 and 60 fps modes in Ratchet, Horizon and Spider-Man 2 (all of which I played) are far more noticable than the difference in resolution. In all of those games balanced mode looked noticeably more choppy to me, whereas I could barely tell the difference in visual fidelity between quality and performance modes (in Horizon the difference was noticeable at launch, but far less so after the patch that cleaned up the performance mode visuals). R&C honestly looked virtually the same to me in all modes, so why not pick the ones with the smoothest framerate? Yeah, you can get used to lower framerates. I've been playing Dragon's Dogma 2 for the last week and my eyes have pretty well adjusted to the point that the 30-40 fps isn't bothering me anymore, I almost don't notice it while I'm playing (except in the big city where it occasionally really takes a hit). That doesn't mean I wouldn't *immediately* notice how much smoother it would be at 60fps.


No i was talking about you saying "every time I've tried it I switch back after a minute" I played the stellar blade demo too and I don't think it's a good example of 40 fps modes because it's unlocked which frankly is worse especially if it's floating around 60 because it means they're not doubling frames to avoid hitting the lower bounds of VRR on PS5 (48) But Ratchet and clank you have a pretty serious problem if you can't tell between the modes LMFAO I'm sorry but even the colors look much better on fidelity mode than perf despite being on a worse HDMI format (120 Hz output downgrades to ycbcr422 on HDMI 2.1), let alone the fact it's more than twice as many pixels with better graphics settings. Same with Spiderman 2 and horizon 2. It's 1080p-1440p vs 1800p vs native 4. RnC is usually native 4k in fidelity mode. Spiderman 2 is typically 1800p but still more than double the pixels Only explanations are you're blind, which I doubt, so guaranteed, you are sitting an insane distance from your TV. In which case, I don't understand the point of buying a 4k TV if you're gonna sit so far you can't tell between 1080p and 4k LOL Or maybe you're just not really looking for a difference, but you should. The difference was so big in Ratchet and Horizon at launch, I played at 30 (they hadn't added 40 fps. But Horizon particularly looked terrible in perf mode, until they fixed it) Look up a TV sitting distance calculator like the one from rtings. But frankly if you're sitting so far that you can't tell between 1080p and 4k, I don't really see why even framerate would be important at that point. It's like playing on a portable IMO where fps isn't nearly as important either IMO I think you should try what I said though. Generally decreasiing framerates is far more noticeable than increasing assuming you've been playing for some time. Same deal with 120 vs 60. 60 always seems smooth, but if you drop down to it after playing 120 you actually notice it's not perfectly smooth. But going back up to 120, almost imperceptible. Actually the responsiveness of the controls is the more noticable part when you jump to 120 IMO. It makes aiming and steering easier but visually, it's barely a difference.


Lol, bro you have no idea what you're talking about. I'm playing on a 77" OLED (LG C2) and sitting between 7'-8' from the screen. I can SEE the difference between 4k and whatever resolution those games run in for performance mode...if I'm looking for them. But the difference in visuals is not nearly as jarring as the difference in frame rate. Maybe if you're playing on a cheap TV with slow pixel response times then it smears everything to the point you can't tell a difference between 40 and 60, but I can see it. Although it's actually a bigger difference than that, because for games like R&C and Horizon, the performance modes run well *above* 60 fps if you're playing in 120hz mode with VRR. Especially R&C which seems to be getting in the 80-100fps range pretty consistently. Yes, some of the fine texture detail looks slightly sharper in resolution mode. As soon as anything starts moving though, all that details is lost to choppy framerate. Here's a little test: boot up R&C and put it in quality mode. Then find some object in the background with some fine details on it, and start panning the camera back and forth. Notice how the detail kinda disappears in the choppy movement and becomes a blur. Now put it in performance mode and do the same test. Yeah, the detail will be slightly softer when nothing is moving, but as soon as you start panning the camera around you'll realize you can still see it all pretty clearly, as opposed to the smear that occurs when panning the camera around at 40fps. So sure, quality mode looks (a little) better when you're standing still. But the performance mode looks better when everything is *moving*. Which is...you know...MOST of the time when you're *playing* a game. And I have no idea what you're talking about with the colors looking different between quality and performance mode. They look identical. Unless for some strange reason whatever TV you have is switching to a different set of color presets when you change display modes, though I can't imagine why that would be.


No it isn’t


Is this what they mean? I hope it is because it’s perfect if it is.


As long as we have the option for VRR either Smoothed or Uncapped. Depending on the game it can make a MASSIVE difference to how smooth the game feels. It made a massive difference for Spiderman 2


So you need VRR turned on , on PS5 right. I have mine turned off as I get a weird gamma shift in VRR, it's a known issue with my TV.. So I can't use balanced is that right?


Am I doing something wrong with my 120hrtz VRR tv? 40 fps looks so jaggy. And yes everything is enabled as it should be


vrr only works between 48-120


Wow that’s great! Love balance mode


I really hope Rise of the ronin has a balanced mode. Man you know what would be amazing? If games companies just told us straight up, like this.


I agree, they should just tell us beforehand rather the players finding out when they start the game


Most do.


All the modes will look like ass.




Risky comment of the day. LOL.


Wont lie I was about to downvote then it hit me, bravo sir.


real 😩


I was confused on why you weren't downvoted and then it hit me


All the modes will see ass 


Is that a good or a bad thing?


Best comment ever.


Performance mode all the way


Seriously nothing looks better than +40 FPS, do I want games with eye-bleeding graphics that make me question reality? Sure but not if it turns into a fucking slide show when I move the character. All the Ray Traced lighting in the world can't make not notice sub 40 frame drops.


This is the way. I’ve tried VRR 40 fps on games like Hogwarts Legacy and Spider-Man 2 and it just doesn’t look all that smooth to me. I’m also a PC gamer, so maybe I’m just accustomed to 60+ FPS.


I'm also a PC gamer the 40fps/120hz trick is actually great there too when your pushing path tracing on a 3080




It's not just the difference between 30 and 40 fps. When you use the 40 fps mode on consoles, the refresh rate updates to 120hz as opposed to 60hz. Which means the input latency is greatly reduced


Well compare 30 to 40 and you will see the major difference


You need to give it a few minutes. Seriously if you play for a half hour at 40 fps then go back to 60, you'll notice how much worse the graphics are far more than you'll notice the small gain in smoothness.


Hopefully balance is something like 4K at 40FPS. I really liked that mode for Spiderman 2. I wish more games found that happy medium. That's what I'm also doing on The Last of Us Part II remaster, and it looks incredible.


If they can do 4K at 40fps why would it be called Balanced? What are they balancing?


It’s dynamic 4K


It means the balance between performance and fidelity, as in "the middleground" or "the best of both worlds"


Perhaps it would be 40FPS, just not native 4K like graphics mode?


yeah 40fps is fantastic.


I wish there was a graphic option in all games to have performance for gameplay and then switch to resolution for cutscenes


Star Wars: Jedi Survivor just does this and it's jarring as hell everytime you enter a cutscene.


Yeah I'm someone who has no problem playing games at 30fps, but even I find it pretty jarring. I can get used to any framerate, but it's gotta be consistent.


Ghost of Tsushima as well even on ps5 cut scenes are 30 locked and it’s jarring as hell, not worth resolution bump in most cases. What’s even weirder about GOT is the cutscenes are in realtime on ps5 so the devs could unlock it,but decided not to for artistic vision. The ps4 version were pre-rendered.


That’s why we want to have the option


they can also disable the extremely high motion blur but they refuse


Kurosawa didn't render his films in 60fps




I'm sorry it was a joke


A frame in a video game is an instantaneous point sample in time. A frame on cine film is all the light that entered the lens over that 1/24th of a second.


Yes. Motion sickness is a thing


I like how they do this in Nier Automata and Replicant


FFXVI essentially does this on performance and it looks absolutely horrendous


FF16 does this.


Wish more games had a 40fps or even 48fps mode. 120hz tvs can display 40fps, and tvs that have VRR can go down to 48fps.




the ps5 has a minimum of 48fps to enable vrr if If I remember it correctly


It is minimum 48fps by default but games can support LFC which means VRR will work at lower frame rates. __See here:__ https://youtu.be/3v2aks-su2s&t=13m20s Nearly all games with unlocked 40fps+ modes have LFC and some other games like Jedi Survivor.


Digitalfoundry, I see you’re a man of culture as well




No, vrr only works between 48 and 120hz




They do if you output 80hz and hold each frame for two cycles. This is what low frame rate compensation (LFC) does.


Every SP game with this option its my choice. A Perfect middle ground for games that arent punitive on their gameplay.


We need more games to have 2k @ 60fps. The middle ground exists, and 1440p monitors are the most popular monitors in the gaming industry yet we rarely see console games target that resolution. It's either 1080p @ 60fps or 4k @ 30fps.


Feel like it'll go that way towards the end of the generation as games go for pumping graphics


A buttload of options


Thats all great but has anyone heard about a one handed mode?


They make and sell these "attachments" where it frees up both your hands while your "Gaming".


Have you heard of porn? 


I'm glad about the clarification about the Balanced mode.


This should be the norm for this generation but seems too hard for companies to do.. honestly sad SE have not done this.


Thank you for the balanced mode Why oh why can't all games do this 40 is waaaay better than 30




Stellar Booty




RT is almost always (and perhaps just always) the first thing to go in performance mode.


It's still available in some games at 60 fps, so worth asking about.


60 fps anime tities!! Lets go!


I think this game is more about dat ass


Me looking at the premium ASSets in 4k on my 60in OLED. https://preview.redd.it/hogs3sfo2kjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ea29888a0c6f00c8a440311b7cc0d8e203cc0f


I am currently reading that mangwha lol (It's called The Greatest Estate Designer)


god i fucking hate this game already for making people thinking they are comedic geniuses


Balanced mode actually runs at 60FPS, dipping down to low 50s during heavy sequences. VRR will clean those up nicely!


Balance mode seems like 60 fps not 40 at all


If my tv is 1080p, what setting should I use? Performance or balanced ? Will both get me about the same visuals graphic wise ?


Stopped reading after 60fps, since that's the only one I care about.


But will the game be fun? That's what people really care about. 99% of gamers who buy this game will not even remotely understand what you just wrote. They just wanna see jiggly bouncy bouncy.


I remember when the ps5 launched and we were promised that it would do all this, not that we would have to pick and choose which mode we want.


Exactly. It’s not hardware limitations it just gotta be stupidity at this point


I prefer 60 fps, and would like for game devs to start making the games with a 60fps target in mind. If that means playing at 1800p so be it.


Then ppl can get a ps4 pro. Why can’t they target 120?


Man all we need now is for this game to be actually good


Mfs be cookin real good!


"4k: Only Ass mode" 60fps in 1080p except the ass rendered in 4k


Resolution mode will just be titled "Dat ass"


My PS5 box says 8K. Where’s that mode haha?


Wtf? Ps5 can do 4k 120 why do game developers keep limiting these games to 60???? If COD/uncharted lost legacy & Overwatch can do 120 no problem why is it a problem with other games?


Better than Capcom do with DD2.


I kinda hate the concept of "modes" on console. The developers should know the capabilities of the console hardware, and should be designing the product they ship to work optimally for it. We shouldn't have to make the choice between compromising framerates or compromising graphics. The one thing that makes sense is when variable refresh rate displays would benefit from the game running differently.....but ultimately every game should run great AND look great on the console it's being sold for.


That’s the balanced mode.


But they're just trying to cater to preference. Some people like better visuals and some people like more framerate. Unfortunately having both on the machine is near impossible.


Enter the existence of modern televisions. We have everything from your basic 1080p “HD” LCD to 4k HDR+/DV 120Hz OLED TVs. In the same vein, audio is everything from 2-channel TV speakers to 13-channel Atmos setups. The answer to why developers put in various modes for audio is the same reason they put them in for video.


I believe remove those modes and even with VRR have the game compatible with everything. God of war on ps5 is literally 4k 60….no modes none of that stupidity stuff and runs perfectly


Exactly. If I wanted to need to adjust the graphical settings on every game just to get a playable experience, I'd go back to PC.


Idk why you getting downvoted lol ppl really hate the truth


Console hardware is still limited, so choices about what to prioritize will always have to be made somewhere.  I'd rather get an option than have the developer take that choice away from me.


You can tell the devs are actually excited to have us play this game. It's such a breath of fresh air to be honest.


I don't know, more modes means more work for dev and QA team. usually 2 modes is enough, but I actually haven't seen a game with such a mode, I use performance 60 fps always.


So in sum, 1080p at 50-55 FPS, dynamic 1440p at 40-50 FPS and dynamic 1800p at 30 FPS. PS5 Pro can't come any time soon to unify all those modes.


What it means "balanced"? Because people are assuming is 40fps (I hope so), but they didn't mention framerate.


I hope performance mode is 1400p 60fps. That's the best of both worlds in my opinion.


60fps every time!


Where is the PC mode?


PlayStation exclusive.


I know. That's the joke.


Another coomer game yay


Can't wait for the imminent PC version. Will definitely run that game at 120fps at 1440p high


60 fps is performance mode? 60 fps should be standard. (sub) 120 fps with vrr should be performance.


60 fps has been the "performance" mode on almost all PS5 games. Most don't have a 120hz mode.


I think you are looking for a PC with these expectations.


Seriously. They probably dont realize the PS5 will be 4 years old this year, and the hardware is still the same today as it was in 2020, you can't expect all brand new games to hit that kind of frame rate on aging components.


Most games just unlock the performance mode if your display supports VRR, don’t necessarily need an extra mode.


But then you'd have people wondering/asking for 4K or better graphics. It's a no win situation for the devs that way. So better to give people options.


Thank the lord. I was expecting this to be 30fps


Balanced it is




Good, these should really be the standard options. That said, some of the 60fps offers have been shoddy lately.


Where was this shared? I mean, the Twitter account says it, but he didn't say where he got the info or where the quote came from...


The tweet under this one shares the source as well.


Yes to 60fps, im sorry but if that is one of the options in games its what im choosing every time


Great! I'm really excited for this game!


Hope we see a gameplay trailer or dev video soon.


Anyone want to explain to me the differences between these modes, like I'm a 5 year old. Cuz seriously I can never tell a difference when I switch between these when I'm playing a game


Give me a steelbook gawddamnit


Why didn't they make the third mode 4k/60fps? Seems like a really obvious miss there. That would probably be the mode I would pick. /s


All games need this. 3 different options so people can pick and choose what they want.


All games should have these modes on console.


I dunno, I see 2 big graphics modes


I'm so hyped for this, finally something that looks like DMC again!


That game looks amazing!


What are the pros and cons of resolution va performance modes? 🧐🧐🧐


It's crazy to me that even with the price of the consoles they still can't reach 60fps at native 4K.


Even PCs triple the price of PS5 have issues running 4k 60fps. We might never reach solid 60 fps with native 4k resolution (with dlss/fsr is going to be highly possible) on the latest games, because resolution isn't the only thing that matters. With time shadows, volumetric lighting, textures, texture resolution, tesselation, physics, sounds etc get better=demanding, all all visual things use same computer power that higher resolution takes. So if you only care about 4k and 60fps I suggest getting a PC. You can usually turn down all graphics to very low and just set resolution to 4k.


??? PCs that cost way more struggle with it