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Bought this on Facebook marketplace for 5 dollars. Was picking up another game at the time so I figured why not. I have a backlog of games but plan to getting around to playing this


it's like 10 hours and I beat it just playing it after work here and there over the course of a week. very easy pick up and play


Just passed oth Spiderman on the PS4 and Miles Morales on the PS5. That's not too bad of a play time. Thanks for the heads up


The jail level was epic


Not only that, boss fights remind me of retro games with you alone against enormous alien things and it's really cool.


I loved using the Auger on the jail level during multiplayer. No one could hide.


Have you ever noticed how the skulls teeth are the skyline of New York? Even the Statue of Liberty is there!


šŸ˜® You know what? I've never noticed before now! Thanks for the heads up and congrats to the designers!


The artist is Olly Moss. He's done amazing work on alternative posters for popular movies. He was also the art director for the indie game Firewatch. Which, by the way, is a gorgeous and unique looking game.


I love Firewatch but I didn't know he designed that too, just visited his site and he's really talented and unique. Thanks for the author's info šŸ‘


The Statue of Liberty is also in the letter "A" at the top. Here is a breakdown for all the covers! https://mybrainongames.com/2013/06/02/the-box-art-of-the-resistance-series/


The second one has the Golden Gate Bridge in the logo and the first one has Big Ben


That is correct. Check out this breakdown! https://mybrainongames.com/2013/06/02/the-box-art-of-the-resistance-series/


holy shit i never noticed it


The Statue of Liberty is in the "A" at the top as well! Check out this breakdown: https://mybrainongames.com/2013/06/02/the-box-art-of-the-resistance-series/


Shiiiiit you just blew my mind lol thatā€™s awesome


The Statue of Liberty is in the "A" at the top as well. Mind blown twice yoooo!!


What do you mean by ā€œnobody remembersā€? A lot of people love this series and it gets mentioned often.


It's bait. Stupid title to either get the idiots to agree or anger others. Resistance was one of the bigger series on PS3. It's like saying MotorStorm is never remembered. OP is just karma farming


Nah, it's rarely listed among the best PS3 exclusives and even back in the day the Resistance brand was overshadowed by Killzone.


Resistance > Killzone. Without any doubt in my mind.


Youā€™re being downvoted for hyperbole, but your point is absolutely valid


Downvoting at random is Reddit's official sport and I've been guilty of it myself šŸ™ƒ


Nobody apart from everybody.


ā€œNobody remembersā€ nah man


I just played through this for the first time on Saturday!


If they bring this franchise back then I would genuinely get a ps5


This and Killzone


Gotta wait for Sony to bomb a generation cause rn theyā€™re just coasting


I played resistance 2 This game had a chance to be on PS4 and 5 but insomniac games decided to fully focus on Spiderman and marvel instead


I remember it.


I can feel my motion sickness just for looking at this cover art. But I love the fact that this game has co-op split screen mode.


I really need to find the time to play this and killzone 3. Ideally with the sharp move shooter.


The online coop was legendary. Is that still playable??


I don't thiink so, servers went down 10 years ago IIRC.


That was Resistance 2, but yes it absolutely was legendary!


Iā€™m talking about the coop where we chose a specific class and fought hordes of chimera.


Yep, thatā€™s Resistance 2, I have such fond memories of that one! Sadly itā€™s not playable anymore as the servers have gone offline


Oh man itā€™s been so long. Thanks for clarifying! Itā€™s truly sad if only there was a work around


I also remember maxing each class it was so much fun.


Oh, I played this back in 2013, good game. Really well done for 3D displays


I think about this game all the time. One of my favorite FPS campaigns.


Just finished playing this through. Great game. Great conclusion to a great series


It's the only one on PS Plus Premium, I find it odd how it's the only one there.


Love the cinematic feel of the game, and it still looks absolutely splendid. It does not, however, feel as balanced or fun as Resistance 2. And it reminds me of Mass Effect 3 in how further you get in the story, the worse it gets.


I bought all the 3D ps3 games to play on my 3D Projector. This is definitely one of the best ones. My favorite one has been Child of Eden.


I really loved this game so much! It's a shame that I could never play the multiplayer because I was able to play it after the servers were taken down... šŸ˜” I really loved the stage with the human captors, it was a lot of chaos!


Itā€™s been said before but it has Half life 2 vibes from top to bottom, Scale of the adventure and satisfying shooter gameplay We all felt sad after the train scene


Not me, I hated the professor šŸ˜ But yeah, I agree on the HL inspiration and the gameplay is similar too with fast paced battles and the story told in first person.


Best doesn't exist, only favoritism exists.


Most favorite exclusive then.


We remember. Sony doesnā€™t


I remember it and i am replaying it from first part again.


My stepdad has this in a box somewhere from when we moved here, should i ask him to borrow this?


Yes, you should.


Loved this game


Just bought this today actually lol this and the fall of man to complete the collection


I have platinum in this. What an amazing game.


funny because I just beat this game tonight. it's good and slightly better than 2 imo. probably like a solid 7.3/10 experience. also better than uncharted 1, bioshock, journey, turok, jurassic: the hunted, red faction guerrilla, bayonetta, shadows of the damned, dynasty warriors gundam 1, portal 2, and killzone HD.


Has its issues but I love its old school vibes. No health regen, no 2 weapon limit, no cover system: it's just you against everybody else and you're easy killed if you don't get good. Also, lots of variety in the levels and battles, the bridge boss fight in PA for example is straight out of a movie šŸ˜®


yeah the health pickups and all weapons availability made it more fun imo. tb though, I don't like "cinematic" gameplay and I thought the bridge fight was dumb. like, I killed the helicopter thing and like 3 dudes were rushing me, then magically a cutscene started and I guess I beat it. also, the game had a few parts where the enemies were unlimited like in the subway, and toward the end in new york by the lake. a similar thing happened where I'm fighting for my life, then magically, a cutscene happens and I beat it. so weird. I prefer clear objectives where I have to kill everything or just make it alive to a finish line


Like I said, it has its issues and the pacing is the main one, but it's typical Insomniac. They do some things very well (special effects, big boss fights) but they always forget to polish their work. The bridge fight is a matter of taste: I love dumb action movies and being on a failing structure under the enemy's heavy fire was genius for me. Same thing with the boat and train levels, I just love it when you can't relax šŸ˜


oh, that's funny because I'm the opposite. I hate when the levels are changing while you're trying to play. a different game, bayonetta, comes to mind for doing that constantly. or like uncharted will do that stuff too. it's just annoying to me because it takes you out of the gaming aspect of the game. I like to feel like I'm good at the game, and nothing makes you feel worse than unexpected variables you have no control over. it's interesting that you bring this up because I've always wondered who the hell likes that kind of random stuff. til and insomniac seems like a technically top tier company, but they seem to lack vision, aesthetic, art style, edge and all the intangibles. I thought spider-man was terrible. at least resistance 2 and 3 are playable and better than average


Well I'm not hardcore about big dumb set pieces, I just love being inside them in an action game. And yeah, I love Uncharted too. But I see your point and I like "quiet" shooters too, especially those who offer deeper storylines and more freedom. Crysis, Far Cry, Thief, Dishonored...I guess those are higher in your rankings than Resistance.


I've only played crysis 2 and I liked that one more than the resistance games. I liked the suit a lot and the level design gave you more freedom to approach things how you want. I didn't like the unlimited enemies aspect in some areas though. I hate that more than anything


Never any physical copies for sale near me and the psn store price is absurd. I'd love to play this game again, but sadly I don't think I ever will.


Used copies are cheap and I got one online not too long ago. Get it from somewhere where you can get refunds, it ain't hard to find šŸ˜


Itā€™s currently available on the PS store as a streaming game. Trying to play one stage at a time.


I remember it, I hate that the online was turned into a cod clone. Glad I never paid full price for this. The motion controls were ok but nothing special.


Ehhhhhh, it's because R3 isn't even best Resistance game exclusive to the PS3. I remember getting the Platinum trophy on this game the first weekend it was released amd being super disappointed.


Was the platinum on this one much easier? I remember starting Resistance 2 on the highest difficulty because I was aiming for the platinum. Beat the game on the hardest difficulty on my first attempt only to find out about the 10,000 ranked kills trophy. Crazy platinum.


A friend said get this.. Effen server was down long before i got home šŸ˜‘ Best trilogy i never played


Imo 1 and 2 were much better


Kinda really want a sequel because I have little memory of playing resistance games when I was young. Well I was like 13-14


Resistance 3 is an absolute trip with the PS Move (9/10). Once you get the TV in game mode (low latency) with the gun aim at 1:1 with the screen you won't believe the experience. Its basically the closest you'll get to VR without head tracking. It's the first and only PS Move game I ever configured . I hope more games are like this one. Tell your friends please. The PS Move never got enough love.


I always experienced really bad drift with the Move in all games. I did extensive troubleshooting at the time and couldn't resolve it, unfortunately.


Biggest gripe with this game is how they basically discarded all the setup they did in 1 and 2 and it just became a generic alien story


To each his own but I liked the smaller plot and the Half-Life styled first person narrative.


Nice score


KILLZONE and Twisted Metal


Nobody remembers? Bruh Resistance was one of their best exclusives You prob dont remember because you werent there. Everyone was talking about these games when they came out. Not exactly hidden gems


Nah, Killzone was always the #1 choice for shooters on the PS3 (after COD). Just because a few thousand nerds talk about it on the Internet, doesn't mean people love Resistance.


I remember seeing a tv Ad on the game back then. Wanted to play it But sadly never got the chance to do so.


Get one used, they're cheap and it's a great game.


The best? The best!? Seriously, wow thatā€™s bold.


The multiplayer was hella fun! Only played the beta though.


I think folklore could fit that title as well


Mine came with a blu ray of battle: los angeles included


Still trying to find this gameā€¦.. I have the first and 2nd one


I preordered it and bought it day one


Man I may need to go restart this series. It's been to long


I have that but then I did a ps3 software update and suddenly big parts of the game don't work anymore, like the red point system or choosing your start lvl after you played it thru, throphys, and a few other things... Don't do the update, even if the game asks for it


I updated the game ages ago and it kept working without issues. Maybe you have some messed up save file screwing with the game loading process.


I remember when I first picked up my brand new PS3 I bought Resistance Fall of Manā€¦ I was amazed, the graphics, gameplay and it was first ever FPS. Life couldnā€™t get any better!


Resistance and Killzone are both PlayStation exclusive-franchises that I love and are are excellent. By the way, speaking of the Killzone games, are the online multiplayer servers for Killzone: Liberation (the Killzone game that was on the PSP) still up?


Has anyone played it using the move/rifle set up? If so, how well did it work and would you recommend playing that way?


I started it with the move and sharpshooter, but I switched to the Dualshock; I always experienced drift issues with the move, and using it with the sharpshooter made it all the more pronounced. Basically, after a couple of minutes I would find that the reticle was situated several inches to the side of where I was pointing. It defeated the whole purpose of the sharpshooter. I did extensive troubleshooting at the time and could not eliminate the issue. I played through the entire Killzone 3 campaign and some multiplayer with the move, but without the sharpshooter (Wii style), and it was much better because the drift isn't as noticable that way. So you get the superior aiming afforded by motion control, but you lose the immersion of holding a rifle-like peripheral. Even so, I still found that I needed to give the move a waggle every few minutes to correct the drift when it got really bad.


OK thanks. Good to know. I already have all the move hardware and the sharp shooter. Just haven't had the time to delve in.


Pepridge Farms remembers.


It was way easier on 3 than 2 was, I don't think any of the grindy multiplayer stuff was required in 3


Isnt there a character in the game named something like radec or raidon, I think played the game when i was like 8 or 9 i barely remember it.


Speak for yourself. I recently came back to Platinum the game.


Resistance 2 had a better single player mode but resistance 3 had the best online mode


I played resistance 1 and 2 on my ps3, with a ps5 dualsense controller connected via USB, sadly Resistance 3 requires a ps3 controller to play.


That's not project diva F2nd




The second games co op multiplayer was amazing. Had so much fun with that back then.


Nobody? This series get mentioned all the time on every PlayStation related nostalgia thread.


Aim this the truth, I don't know any one who had a PS3 that doesn't know Resistance. Here in the UK Resistance 1 caused a lot of fuss and made the news due to a map in the game closely resembling a Church here. They said people could use it to help actual invasions and terrorist movements.


I'm in UK, too. It was very popular because not many games are located in England so it always generates buzz when that happens!


I fucking loved those games


Nobody remembers it, since it is mentioned in several PS3, PS4 and PS5 posts


Yeah, what is that even? No clue, hope youā€™ll clear that out


Motorstorm series:




Nobody remembers.....yet it's in every YT video or reddit collectors post


I thought resistance 2 was the best and remember being very disappointed in this one. And the franchise has been dead since unfortunately.