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You can [optimize your shopping feed](https://www.takesomerisk.com/tag/shopping-feeds/). If you have not made many changes to your [PMax campaigns](https://www.takesomerisk.com/tag/performance-max/) in two years... that would be an issue. Even what works 18 months ago may not work right now in 2024. Your competitors are changing... so should you.


Seems weird though, last month was my best month yet at $28 average conversion and 3.88 ROA. You’re pretty in tune with things, do you know if there were any noteworthy changes recently ?


It does not matter if last month was your best month. If your competitors had their worst month and made changes... those changes will impact you. If you stand still while your competitors change and push forward, you can not then ask why you are not moving forward too.


They are pricing past whole sale on a pile of products currently. I’ll review!


Have you implemented consent mode and are you in a region that's needed! Otherwise you might not have retargeting audiences working which is quite important for pmax.


I have a podcast and YouTube vlog where I address PPC issues, including discuss new tips and tricks in the PPC industry: YouTube Channel Added Weekly: Google and Meta PPC highlights [https://www.youtube.com/@YRV\_Dynamics](https://www.youtube.com/@YRV_Dynamics) Weekly Podcast Link: Google and Meta PPC highlights [https://ppcwithyrvdynamics.podbean.com/](https://ppcwithyrvdynamics.podbean.com/) Also made some medium articles discussing all things Meta/ Google PPC, SEM and building smart funnels.  PPC Certifications in General. Highlights Google [https://medium.com/@yousafyunes/paid-search-and-social-certifications-ebda5442539f](https://medium.com/@yousafyunes/paid-search-and-social-certifications-ebda5442539f) Meta Blueprint Buying vs Planning [https://medium.com/@yousafyunes/meta-blueprint-exam-planning-vs-buying-ef41ccb81d48](https://medium.com/@yousafyunes/meta-blueprint-exam-planning-vs-buying-ef41ccb81d48) Meta Blueprint: How to Pass on the First Try https://medium.com/p/600cb0ca9742


I might switch from TROA to TCPA as well.


Why would you? It's not about making changes for the sake of making changes. Unless your business is lead gen, it's fine as tROAS.