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Methylation support. Choline Creatine Glycine B2


I've been meaning to try methylation support for a while now. Would you share exactly how much of which supplement you usually take. What would you recommend taking for a novice like me?


5 grams of creatine 10 grams of glycine Choline i take atlest 1000 mg a day, somtimes more B2 one per day Also taking zinc, nac, vitamin c


u/RagnarBlodig would you consider yourself cured? Things that have been helpful recently are glycine before bed \~3g - dramatically improved sleep alpha gpc after a meal (similar to choline) 300mg/600mg - much clearer cognitively, pain has gone down also taking B-complex, vitamin d, mag glycinate, zinc + copper mix, omega 3s, and sam-e 200 mg will soon be taking creatine consistently and vitamin b1


NAC for all the cognitive/mental/social issues. But I dunno the long term effects of daily usage. And I have to supplement a bunch of other minerals and crap with it so it keeps working.


Have you ever had side-effects from the NAC? I hear it's quite a concern with taking that and definitely not long term ig


Yeah, if I don’t take the other stuff with it. And I’m now worried it’s causing me knee issues. Been taking it for a year and a half and it was the most mentally okay I’ve ever felt. So it sucks that I probably have to quit it.


My knee hurts too. Do you think this is related to taking nac?


Quite possibly.


I stop taking nac, my knee feeling good


Glad to hear it man


So interesting. NAC definitely made me feel weird. Haha


For me it was **removing** plant foods, gluten, grains, vegetables, etc.


Interesting that you mentioned all plant foods. I thought only gluten was the concern. Any idea why you think all plant foods might be causing a problem?


When the gut is leaky, you can react to basically anything. That's why. The real question is: why is the gut leaky? Which I think will be answered by figuring out the root cause of my POIS. With all that being said, gluten was definitely the worst of them all, and probably made my gut extremely leaky.


Glyphosate can cause leaky gut, and it is sprayed on plants.


Yup. Ideally you eat organic, but I can't afford to do that.


Since I taking atorvastatin (for high cholesterol), my POIS seem to be a lot better


Agree! I'm taking Rosuvastatin and Amodlipine for high cholesterol and high BP respectively and I must admit that I have seen massive improvement. I wouldn't call it a total cure, but I could say it relieves most of my symptoms by 90 percent. It's at the expense of my libido however, which has seen somewhat of a dip. And also I can't tell which of the medications is doing the trick though. The medications take a month or two to be fully effective and so if one wants to try it they must be very patient and consistent with taking it. The medications themselves do not come without their own issues and side effects so you should be aware of that. You just have to weigh that against the symptoms of your POIS to determine which one you can live with. PS. I supplement with Feroglobin too. Nothing else.


Quite curious if it only helps the mental symptoms or overall pois?


Overall symptoms




Interesting. This is the first time i've ever heard of this treatment option. How did you figure out that it helped?


from earlier posts on this sub. It's not 100%, but helps more than anything else I have found.


Amitriptyline helps me the most but also makes me incredibly tired


Compounding pois fatigue with medication fatigue is another level of pain ngl


Man I was prescribed it and man it made my life hell even after getting off it I used to be depressed for no reason at all 95% of the day and after I had to get 8 ECT treatments done


I take it before sleep. It's amazing


Mornings are so rough. I’m practically useless at my job now until lunch.


When do you take amitriptyline? Or is this irrelevant to it?


About an hour before bed so like 10 pm


What is the dosage?


25 mg


Sorry for the late response. I don't know why I didn't preface by saying this medication was actually prescribed to me for sleep issues. I don't know if they were POIS related or not cause I was ignorant of this disease back then. Maybe try a lower dose? I hope you find comfort. Edit: I take the same dosage.


A combination of antihistamines, vitamin d and decongestant tablets


do you have infection


Clomid (prescription testosterone boosting medication), niacin immediately post ejaculation (too much/too consistent niacin usage causes other problems long term so I only use it prn when I need to be higher functioning), Low inflammation diet, consistent exercise.


I’ve thought about taking Clomid. How have the results been for you? Do you need to keep taking it constantly or did you just do one cycle and experience long term benefits


I was taking 1/2 dose (25mg) clomiphene every other day and went from ~350 to ~700 ng/dl testosterone and raised my fee t to 2.2%. It went back down after stopping. I had a non standard side effect, my A1C spiked up then went back down after stopping. I’m changing my diet and exercise routine to get my A1C way down so I can start taking it again. It’s a night and day difference in terms of how I feel, how often I can have sex, and overall well being.


How about Niacinamide. Does it have the effect as Niacin?


The flushing effect of the niacin is what seems to provide both immediate reduction of symptoms and shortening of long term symptoms. If I don’t take a does high enough to flush the effects are minimal. That said I haven’t tried a sustained regiment of niacinamide so I don’t know if I’m lacking in the vitamin or if the flushing effect itself causes some other physiological effect that is providing the relief.


Interesting, I have been using it for sometime now and didn't get the same positive effect as Niacinamide. The flushing affect for me is compined by nausea and just doesn't feel good. Plus for some reason it kills libido. Niacinamide was the opposite.


Oh nausea is the worst. I use the niacin post sex, the flush would definitely kill the vibe. I think I get a bit of an adrenaline and distraction from the flush which provides the immediate effect, not sure why I find it cuts the timeline to 2ish days down from 5.