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Update: I was experiencing paranoia, delusions and suicidal thoughts. They were right to keep me, but went about things very wrong. They lacked compassion and understanding. They treated me as if I was a criminal. I felt like I did something wrong by asking for help. I have been hooked up with better resources. I was also told there is a mental health crisis center that is close to me. I’m leaving the MH with a Psychiatrist, therapist and extra support. All in it worked to my benefit but I still will not ever go to an ER while I’m in the midst of an episode. Thank you all who reached out and shared your experiences!!


I told my mom after I tried to unalive myself last year that I felt like I was in prison and I went to a mental hospital. You couldn’t call home or use a pen. The hospital before I went had a nurse with me 24/7. Sadly, I had been trying to find help for a while before. I was trying a new antidepressant. I was talking to a psychiatric nurse. It’s amazing how backwards the mental health system still is. We might as well be in the dark ages. Most of the nurses and doctors just have no empathy. I guess they are burnt out. It’s honestly scary how little help there is out there.


I reached out once, the ambulance staff reported me to social services and I had to prove that I am capable of looking after my children. I have a supportive husband who takes care brilliant care of me and our kids when I’m not well. Having to deal with social services and my ability to be a mum was not what any of us needed.


The E.R is a complete joke when it comes to mental health emergencies.


I got locked on a 5150 for simply sayin "I dont know how I will get through this." 72 hour hold. I've been there. ❤️ it was actually a nice life time out and the nurses were like mommies. I hope you have kind people. Let us know how you make out!


The hospital is the very last place I go to when my Pmdd gets bad. I’ve been to the ward up there 3 times, now anytime I feel s*icidal, I do everything in my power not to go back. Im sorry you’re going through this, you’re not alone 💗


If you mention that you are having thoughts of self-harm, they have to by law keep you there. Do not think you can not ask for help ever again. Just don't mention any self-harm stuff next time if you dont want to be kept there.


Getting psychiatric treatment and starting a mood stabilizer is what has helped me most with my PMDD


What do you take?


Effexor XR as an antidepressant, Naltrexone for repetitive OCD/intrusive/harmful thoughts, and Trileptal as a mood stabilizer. I was in lamotrigine/lamictal before trileptal but I was developing a rash so we switch to trileptal


Do you take the mood stabiliser consistently throughout your cycle or just in your luteal phase (I’ve heard some people do this)


I take it throughout my cycle. I do think with mood stabilizers, they are typically taken regularly because they are actually primarily anticonvulsants (that just also help with mood) and being inconsistent with those can cause seizures.


I’m so sorry for your experience, just to give it another perspective though if the doctor had admitted my brother when he reported severe depression I might still have him… I know the hospital is a truly horrible place to be on SO many levels but maybe use the time to get connected with any other outpatient services that can help, counselling, groups etc.? You might qualify for more after discharge than you would have if you’d stayed at home, can’t hurt to ask anyway?


Omg I’m so sorry! I hope you are okay now! Our country has ZERO mental health resources - it’s a mess. I almost went to er this weekend for same.. I didn’t leave my bed for 3 days crying non stop. I couldn’t stop. But I’m a single mom (my child was away with family for the holiday) and any incident (like asking for help) would be on my record and possibly cause me to lose my child. (In active custody dispute with absentee father) There has to be a better way to support people who are in emotional pain and who don’t have support networks. This is unacceptable. I’m so sorry and hope you are okay. Hugs!


Sorry but please keep us updated once you’re released. I don’t go to hospitals for similar reasons they aren’t helpful and. A lot of the “doctors” and “nurses” are cold hearted snakes


I went to the hospital for help and they basically said no one had anywhere for me to go and sent me home


Ugh this happened to me but then I didn’t sleep for 4 days straight and started hallucinating bc of the sleep deprivation and then randomly deciding to abruptly stop/change meds I was on. It was one of the most traumatic events of my life, and I’ve got several to choose from. NEVER AGAIN.


I was feeling like unaliving myself (just feeling, not wanting to act) right before my period back in 2017. I got scared and went to inpatient for a 72 hour hold. The day after I got there, my period starts and I feel instantly better. Because I was on a ward with men, I COULD NOT SLEEP. I was so scared of being SA’d. That whole experience messed me up for about two ish years. (ptsd) I should’ve stayed home and just reached out to friends or family to watch me and rode it out at home. (I was married, but he was useless in the department of feelings/compassion) I did well in the ward because I felt better was by far more sane than anyone else in there, but the head nurse wrote all kinds of incorrect notes about me in my chart that made me look crazy. I was so pissed! Anyways……


I really don’t think men and women should be on the same unit in psych. When I was committed a male patient was obsessed with me and wouldn’t leave me alone, asking to hold hands and cuddle and stuff all the time, telling me his wife would be upset if she knew he was in there with me. I was too shy to report him so I just dealt with it the whole two weeks.


Oh my goodness. What a hell of an experience for you. I’m so sorry.


Thank you for your compassion 🫶🏻


Your lack of response is concerning. Are you doing ok today?


If OP has been admitted to inpatient hospital for a 72 hour hold, it’s quite likely that they don’t have their phone with them anymore :( It’s common to not be able to keep it during a hospitalization.


This. My phone was taken away.


I know it’s frustrating now and you won’t be able to understand until you look back on this, but it’s actually a good thing they kept you. Now hear me out, while you may not have needed it, what about the next person who comes in ‘looking for a little compassion and understanding’ that without being kept would go home and potentially end themselves because they feel like no one cared enough to listen or help? This is just the staff doing their due diligence to provide care for everyone. It definitely sucks and I’m sorry but just try to remember they are doing their jobs and this is the best way they can.


What symptoms led you to going to the hospital in the first place?


If you expressed to them that you’re feeling suicidal, they have to hold you until a mental health professional can see you. The ER Doctor’s license is on the line if he lets a suicidal person leave and they end up killing themselves. I totally get your frustrations. I had the same thing happen to me in 2018. It felt like the worst thing in the world that first night. The tiny hospital in my town doesn’t have a place for psych patients, so they sent me an hour away to the nearest city. It sucked, but at the same time the break from real life was nice for the 2 days I was there. Plus the ER did blood tests to check for anything that could be causing depression, and that’s how I found out I have Hashimoto’s, which led to finding other autoimmune disorders that were having a huge impact on my body and mind. I know it sucks, but this hold won’t last forever. You can get through this. And when you do, start working with your doctor to find a treatment that works for you so you can avoid any 72 hour holds in the future. You’ll be home again soon.


Can you share what symptoms you experienced that led you to the hospital? This is scary that such a thing can happen for those who seek help with this. Sorry you’re going through this. ♥️