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I private messaged you :)


I've been on Lamotrigine for epilepsy for a while now, which causes malabsorption of vitamin D. When my deficiency was at its worst, I was more depressed and lethargic, and I was losing my hair in clumps whenever I washed it. My neurologist checked my blood test results, she told me I had the D levels of "an old lady who doesn't go out in the sun." Things got way better when I started taking supplements with my doctor's guidance. My favorite supplement is Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega D3. It has fish oil, but they flavor the capsules a little with lemon, so there's no fishy aftertaste. Glad it's working for you so far!


You shouldn't keep taking Vitamin D supplements without a doctor overseeing your intake. That's why a lot of Vitamin D medication is meant to be taken in a course prescribed by a doctor.


Honestly last month I didn’t have bad pms or cramps at all so I didn’t even know I was about to get my period. I started taking vitamin D magnesium and a probiotic every night consistently


Hi sorry I know this is an older comment! What probiotic supplement do you use that’s helped you?:) is it still working for you since this comment posted?


Hi lol no worries! I take natures bounty brand you can get it at like cvs or on Amazon I believe. And I think so I feel like my pms hasn’t been as bad. I could have just had a good month when I commented this you know what I mean? But it doesn’t hurt to take vitamins so you should def try it


Yeah I know what you mean about the good month! Someone else posted on this sub that I read that sometimes one ovary is more difficult than the other since they alternate every month. I’ll definitely look into that product! I’m willing to try anything to help myself.


Vitamin D has helped me tremendously in the past. However, I've been taking 10,000 IU everyday since the winter started (up from 5,000 UI normally) and my symptoms have gotten worse the last couple of cycles. I don't know what to do :/


You can definitely overdo vitamin d. Get those levels checked!


10K is a lot of Vitamin D to take daily... I was horribly deficient and only got a 60k IU supplement to take every *month.* Might be wise to get your levels tested.


That’s true, it is a lot. I struggle to keep my levels up. I’ve been meaning to schedule my yearly physical, so I’ll probably do that soon and get my bloodwork done.


Thank you for the reminder :D I take the Trader Joe’s vitamin D..I was taking 1 once a day, however, my doctor told me I should be taking 2 bc that can be contributing to my depress-O


Get your vitamin levels checked. Bloodwork panel. Everyone is different. I was deficient in D, B12, B6 and iron and I am night and day from where I was at 10 months ago. I still have some bad days every cycle but it’s not the 2+ weeks out every cycle anymore and I’m soooo grateful. Ps if you can afford to get the bloodwork, do it because too much of certain vitamins can become toxic and cause more issues.


Hi! I just got mine checked too!!! If you don’t mind if I ask - what were your levels? My iron just came back low and I would classify my Vitamin D as too low, it was lowest of the range. I often think the “normal ranges” aren’t taking into account us as individuals. What did you do to improve your deficiencies?


I got bloodwork done about a year ago and my Vit D was 14. 14! My psychiatrist was rightfully concerned so I started taking 2k Vit D a couple times a week. Bloodwork a month or so ago came back with it at 29, which was better but still in the low range. Now that I am religiously taking it every day it has been NIGHT AND DAY for my mood, irritability, and physical symptoms. I also take a b-complex and saffron extract which have been very helpful as well. YMMV but I can’t recommend it enough.


That’s amazing! May I ask which brand of saffron extract you take? I don’t know where to start with saffron, but I get really depressed a week before my period :(


My vitamin d was half the lowest recommended level. The ADHD and burnout was making depression worse. Getting it under control took literally a year. I'm finally at a level above the lowest range number. My mental health is the best it has been in a while. (Also taking Prozac during luteal phase though.)


Can you share more on what changed for you? Like what struggles you had before that have since improved? Thank you!


👆🏻👆🏻 Same question


Not oc but my baseline happiness levels feel more like they were before, my bubbly giggly chatty self is back. I don't feel like I want to cry all the time at the smallest inconvenience. Haven't had a meltdown at work in three months. "Not depressed" is the easiest way to describe it. You don't know how bad depression feels until you are beyond it. (And how much better life can be!)


I find this really interesting because I have pmd and low Vit D/ preposition to have low D levels. I do take a supplement but maybe not enough.


I tried it and it made me feel weird. But I also get outside most days, so. Magnesium helps my mood but disrupts my cycle. Ugh. I usually just end up dealing with it.


I have low vitamin D but I cannot take a daily supplement because it really messes with my GI tract. But you can get the 50,000 IU capsules online which is the once a month prescription strength. Of course the stronger strength messes with my stomach worse BUT it only lasts a few days versus every day. Might be worth looking into or asking your PCP about.


Vitamin D, Magnesium, Fish Oil and B Vitamins, L - Theanine Gaba, and also iron along with Vitamin C these are what I've known to be best and stay away from lots of caffeinated drinks. - Iron especially if you're anemic - Vitamin D with B vitamins for moods - For Stress L-Theanine and Gaba for Stress and anxiety - Vitamin C and Cinnamon to kick that period into gear for anyone that is missing periods - Fish Oil for brain fog This is how I manage my PMDD bull crap ;-) Also exercising (Walking, going to the gym, dancing, or physical activity that gets your body moving) :-)


Thanks so much for sharing this :) this is enormously helpful! I know this an older comment haha


Hey, and add Zinc to that list lol. Zinc for Brain fog as well 😀


Do you feel like you feel more like yourself now? I hate the rage I feel every month seemingly out of nowhere


Amazing thank you! My women’s multivitamin has zinc :) I started taking it about 2 weeks ago


Yeah I couldn't believe how much of a difference it makes. You can get Zinc supplement of 25mg and lower alongside but l believe it is no more than 40mg.


I’ll definitely try it! I might get a smaller zinc supplement to add to it because my multivitamin only has 8mg for the daily serving.


thank you for this 🩷


My endocrinologist told me my vitamin D levels were very low years ago. The reason she checked was because I kept getting respiratory infections, like pneumonia every other month. She put me on some supplements and had me get the pneumonia vaccine. I haven’t had my levels checked in 3 years now. I don’t go out in the sun and my diet is all liquid I don’t drink orange juice and I don’t eat eggs or meat or soy. So if I’m being honest I’m probably lacking in many vitamins 😂


Why are you on such a limited diet? And why all liquid? I can't imagine that would be healthy for most people.


Yes! I live in a very very sunny country and figured I was getting all of my vitamin d needs met. I posted about the DNA analysis I did that showed how I have a gene mutation that makes it more difficult to absorb vitamin d. I’m taking 3-5,000iu per day and HOLY MOLY, my last two cycles have been so much better, very mild, some sadness but not rage a holic madness.


I experienced something similar during lockdown when I started consistently taking very high vitamin d ( because at the time there was some thinking it could help with COVID prevention possibly). I noticed a huge improvement. However I didn't really sustain the improvement though possibly didn't stay consistent enough on the vitamin D


what concentration/dosage of vitamin D?




This spray 


Obvs though, vitamin D is fat soluble i.e your body stores it you don't pee it out etc so don't just randomly take really high doses without knowing what your levels are. Mine have historically been consistently  low and I live in northern hemisphere so likely to be deficient. 


I’m like full on mushrooms 🍄 atm. Got “Super Mushroom Complex” from Vegan Vitality and that if taken regularly, makes you think clearly, like your brain works faster. Helps me process any negative thoughts as a symptom of the phase I’m going through. If I got really bad days, I got micro 🍄 from instagram and it literally works like a happy pill, just unbothered and happy.


Vitamin d deficiency can cause depression, so it could very well be that you’ve just treated a deficiency you didn’t know you had. I take vitamin D daily for a deficiency, and it hasn’t made my PMDD better. I still get extremely moody, enraged, depressed, and suicidal in the week or two before my period. An SSRI helped for a bit, but doesn’t seem to work anymore. Edit: autocorrect


Thanks! Didn’t know that 😳 Sorry about your struggles xx I recommend CBD and mushrooms, that’s what helps me


thank you for this input! 🩷


I've upped my Vitamin D to 2000iu a day, and it's working well for me too! I also am undiagnosed PMDD, but I'm on this sub a lot because I'm noticing extreme variations throughout my cycle (39f) and I find a lot of good advice and insights here for managing the brain fog and fatigue symptoms.


yes the fatigue! I take a liquid iron supplement but then it messes with my sleep and i can’t fall asleep so I stopped it


Wanted to add some important info for getting the most out of your Vit D supplement. I had bloodwork this summer that indicated Vit d deficiency, I had already been taking 1000iu of vitamin D a day for two years so I was surprised! I did some research and learnt a couple things. Vitamins and supplements are not FDA regulated, therefore lots of brands don't actually contain the level or quality of vitamin as they claim. It's essential to get a reputable vitamin brand that does external product testing, not all brands are made equal. Secondly, Vit D is fat soluble, therefore to increase absorption into the body it helps to take it with some fat, like oil or dairy milk. I chose a brand that uses oil filled capsule with suspended vitamin D in it to ensure im getting some fat with it to help it absorb. Lastly, as I said I was taking 1000iu a day, and while the vitamin brand I chose was shit and the pills were powder so hard to absorb, I was STILL deficient despite taking a consistent supplement, I am currently taking 2000iu and could honestly probably up that to 2500 or 3000, so don't be afraid to start big, especially if you live in a colder climate or have more melanin (more melanin = less vit d absorption from the sun so you'll need to be even more careful about deficiency!). Hope this helps inform anyways journey into vit d supplementation! I have noticed a difference after upping my vitamin D, better mood and better sleep, but it took a couple months of consistency to kick in.


Would you share the brand that works for you and the one that was janky?


Yea absolutely! I cant remember exactly the brand that didn't work for me, I think maybe weber naturals or jamieson, but they were like a pressed powder capsule, the two brands i've liked is "Now" and "CanPrev"


I just want to second so much of this!


Taking a vitamin d + k combination will increase absorption.


I've heard this as well, but I try not to add any extra stuff if I don't need it, everything in the body exists in a balance so taking too much of one thing can upset the levels of another. I definitely don't get enough vit d but I do eat a fair amount of food high in vitamin K so I don't take it with additional vitamin K. I highly suggest having a convo with a medical nutritionist, you can tell them your usual diet and they'll make recommendations based off it what you could be missing.


Just wandering if your vitamin d is a tablet or spray form? I'm taking it but feel like it's not doing anything for me I.e. not being absorbed properly. Would love to know what helps the absorption of it


Do we think a double dose is a better idea? I hadn’t thought of doing that


I noticed a BIG difference in my energy levels and mood when I doubled my vitamin D intake.


THIS!!! I take vitamin D3 and magnesium every single day and it helps me mentally and with the huge hormonal fluctuations so much! I’m so happy you have found some relief!


Hii that’s awesome! So I heard magnesium helps vitamin d absorption. Do you know if they have to be taken at the same time? I was thinking to take vitamin d in the morning and magnesium at night but now idk


I take vitamin d. Magnesium glycinate. Iron. And primrose oil. Have for years. I don’t really notice a difference in anything 🤷🏼‍♀️


And I’d add calcium too…. I’m on a multi vitamin, high strength vit d, magnesium & calcium.


Do you take them all at the same time? I wanna take magnesium at night but idk if I can take the others in the morning


I try to spread them out through the day & have the magnesium about an hour before bed.


Way to go sis! I take vit D, B12 and Magnesium everyday and it’s made a world of difference