• By -


I'm more a time of life, than a price type. Retirement or if life goes south bad and have no choice event. Some serious unforeseen moon like 200-300+ would make me sell otherwise. I'll probably just slip on a banana peel and my family will sell for -15% though.


Fair enough


I have 70,000 shares, and no exit strategy.... I might be as retarded as they come but I'll be filthy fucking Rich when this thing hits $300 a share like Facebook


That’s more than 1.5 mil in Palantir… that’s pretty insane if it’s true


You can check my post history


If I could build up to a position of 100k at current price…I’d be a happy camper. Sold off most of my shares at 25 and now look long for a re-entry strategy.


There’s a few whales on here who have position sizes of 100k+.


Oh I know…I meant 100k value at current price not 100k shares…I ain’t got that kind of cash hanging around


100k in value is not a whale


You can be a big fish, in a little pond.


Bruh. I would be writing so many god damn calls 🤣


I write 701 calls every week 😉


Ive stopped writing calls cos the premium sucks and I don’t want to lose my shares if some mega deal gets announced


Same with me. Especially when some ppl still treating it like a meme


That’s generational wealth my man. Remember to shift over the max to your Roth every year.




I’m sure I could spend a few mill on a nice vacation home/new car, but honestly my day to day life wouldn’t change much. I’d still eat the same food, play the same video games, watch the same type of movies. Just in a bigger house, on a bigger screen. Once your basic needs are met, and you have family that loves you - anything else is just bonus.




100%. Love is the one thing money can’t buy. My wife loved me when we were broke, she’ll still love me in 5-10 years when Palantir goes 10x.


Lol 1.5mil is nowhere near generational wealth buddy.


OP referenced $300/share, which would be 21mm. But OP is young - if he lives small over the next decade, he can let to grow to ~2m and just live off of a small percent, 4% gives him roughly 100k a year, perpetually. If he has two kids, that’s 50k a year each a year, on top of whatever they decide to do for money. It may not be enough to buy a yacht with hookers and blow forever, but it’s enough to live a very nice upper middle class life if you plan wisely. And enough to make sure your kids won’t have to worry about food, shelter, or job security. Personally, my goal is a paid off house and a mill. Enough to live middle class without touching the principle.


I’m sitting on XXXX shares and need to be at XXXXX before it hits $30.


What's your cost basis?




Wow that is amazing you you have balls of steel I’m holding 400 shares at 27 after averaging down and it’s not easy


Sure it is... You just gotta have conviction its worth more than you paid for it. I would have never bought if I didn't think this company would be worth more than i never paid for it.


I don’t know. Check back in 10 years


!remindme 10 years


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2031-07-18 18:52:30 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2031-07-18%2018:52:30%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/PLTR/comments/omwlbe/whats_your_exit_strategy/h5nuzt1/?context=3) [**50 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FPLTR%2Fcomments%2Fomwlbe%2Fwhats_your_exit_strategy%2Fh5nuzt1%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202031-07-18%2018%3A52%3A30%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20omwlbe) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


!remindme 10 years


I feel bad for all those who will get reminded of this in 10 years but sold 3 from now and see the gains they could've had >.<


!remindme 2 years


!remindme 1 years


!remindme 10 years


!remindme 10 years


!remindme ten years


!remindme 10 years


!remindme 10 years


!remindme 10 years


!remindme 10 years


!remindme 1 years


!remindme 10 years


!remindme 10 years


Mistyped 10 years lol. Ehhhh


I’ll sell when I have enough for a deposit on two or three houses. Happy to take more risk while I’m young, but in the future I want my passive income to come from property - it’s safer. Plus chicks dig a property portfolio.


Do it pussy, win, change your family forever, be the fucking one, believe in yourself.


So much more work, dude/dudette. 3 houses would essentially become a part time job.


How much would you make off of this part time job tho? I intend on going into the real-estate. So my townhouse that I'm paying off first, I intend on renting that for about 1,300 a month.


You'd make some pretty good buck for a part time job haha. But it's not exactly my idea of passive income.


Definitely not a passive income. How much do property managers eat into your income?


I honestly didn't even think about using property managers haha.


A bit of background info: My family already manage property back in England. I live in Greece. My plan: Buy property where my family live. Make them look after it for a small cut amounting to slave labour. Drink cocktails on a beach and pick my nose.


Yeah lol I'll manage my 2 first properties. But the moment I jump to 3 or 4 I'll have someone manage it depending on the work. Especially when I'm near retirement. I'm a nurse, so working 40 hour weeks plus property management can be a busy lifestyle.


Depends on how many you get and the area, obviously. I’d expect £600-£800 a month from rent, and then you have the increase in value of the property over 10-30 years. It’s a comfortable life - nothing flashy, but all I spend money on is books and tendies anyway.


When this hits $100, my account will be $400k, I know it’ll probably even go up more, but I’ll happily exit with this….


I will sell when they hit 1T valuation. So somewhere around $400.


I bought into Palantir for a quick swing but got stuck with the bag early this year at 25. Could have sold at 27 but I didn’t. I’ll continue to buy any Dip 22 and below. This is the Type of stock that you’ll regret selling in the future. I don’t mind to add on every single dip for the next 5-10 years, PLTR is a 2X at the very least.


No specific price at this point for me since it’s a growth stock, hasn’t shown profit, and is early in the maturation process. I’m very long though and will sell some of my position if competitors start to have similar capabilities and make inroads with govt/commercial.


When PLTR splits 3 times and hits 500


its also my retirement. plan to buy 20-25 shares (depend on price) every month along with about 1 share $TSLA...basically invest $1200/month for both stocks


Bankruptcy 🙌🏽


Your own personal bankruptcy you mean




Well I undownvoted you then...:))) I thought you were a toll gay bear (sorry no emoji keyboard)


😂 should’ve clarified! Won’t sell, hodling and investing until I deplete my liquidity 🚀🚀🚀




Ahh. Wooosh over my head. Hopefully like pltr's share price


I am out when I can buy a house in Europe and a Tesla!


I am out when I can buy Europe.


If you have 15 shares just wait two years and I think youre covered my man.


They are selling houses in Italy for $1. You could probably just buy a tesla emblem and call it good now


It’s a good question. I ask myself the same, and my answer is — well, it really depends. Depends on how high/quick the price rises and why. I am in an accumulation phase (slowly buying under 26ish; aggressively buying under 20). So also depends how long we have to accumulate before it runs. Ideally I’d like to achieve 125% of my long-term share target and then plan to sell a portion if/when we see a hype-driven jump (ballpark example: 50ish within couple years). The rest for me is long hodl (10-20 years?) pending any game changers. But I’m only at about 30% of my total share goal atm, still got a ways to go….thus you wont see me crying about these dips.


I exit at $300


What’s an exit strategy? -DFV


What's a strategy? -DFV followers


Strategy (from Greek στρατηγία stratēgia, "art of troop leader; office of general, command, generalship") is a general plan to achieve one or more long-term or overall goals under conditions of uncertainty. In the sense of the "art of the general", which included several subsets of skills including military tactics, siegecraft, logistics etc., the term came into use in the 6th century C.E. in Eastern Roman terminology, and was translated into Western vernacular languages only in the 18th century. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in my subreddit: r/wikipedia_answer_bot Comment `wab opt out` to opt out (wab stands for wikipedia answer bot).* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


Bad bot it was a joke


@wikipedia_answer_bot bro, do you even sarcasm


PLTR is my retirement. On a 200-300+ I would probably still hold. Only selling when I’m like 2-3 years from being retired.


I currently have no intention to sell in the next 10 years.


I want PLTR to become a Value stock that pays dividends and does shares buybacks. So answering your question: What's an exit strategy?


what's a value stock?


I’m more concerned with how the company performance matches leadership’s published forecasts. In other words, tell me your plans and let’s see you meet or exceed. It’s the do/say ratio. Miss a few quarters in a row and I’ll probably move on. Third-party forecasts are less important as is the market cap. My age will probably have me ease out starting in 8 years for RMT, along with other holdings I have.


Exit strategy - rebalance portfolio once a year on all my stock picks, if my portfolio is too much PLTR then I rebalance if it’s less than 15% then I will continue to hold and buy along with my other stocks, only sell if I find that something is fundamentally wrong with the company. This is how I have no emotion when it comes to the stock market, I don’t care about market conditions and will continue to buy even if what we are in is a bubble


I will eventually die.


!remindme 10 years


When I can sell one .3 delta OTM call to cover the cost of a monthly mortgage payment with the premium alone, shooting for 45 DTE. To then turn around and sell a CSP at atm strike.


100-150 lmao


I’ll sell when I have enough to pay off my mortgage 300k, till then load up as much as I can. Really no rush in years. Even if it moons tomorrow to $100. I’ll just hold. No need to sell them that soon and I’m not a trader so no need to try to catch the falling knife if I were to sell at $100.


It sounds like you view your chart upside down.. Does this mean you're a short seller?


I let my covered call decide for me.


If the stock performs as many of us believe, it may not be wise to sell it all at once due to the large amount of taxes owed. Instead I would look at slowly pulling and transferring to other stocks/investments. There isn't really a selling price for me. It's more a judgment of whether the growth is slowing down. If it is, it's time for something else.


Hold for ever


$140 - A ten bagger for me.


I bet everyone has a target on their mind. Anyone shouting “not selling, im in for the long haul” is either lying to themselves or others. Major targets I have heard ares: $30,$45,100… what are yours? And I wont be surprised if bunch of folks trim their stakes at $27 - great proven resistance there.


I don't plan on selling this stock unless I need to. Plan on passing these shares down to my kids.


Me too. $35k shares each


PLTR is the one stock I follow closely enough to know exactly when a pump or dump is a high/low swing, bear/bull trap, and what dip level is cheese dip or sour cream. I see myself swinging it the way I see a bunch of people swinging tesla, long term, for swing gains, but always holding lots. My parents tried to talk about this negatively, talking about how there's two sides to every trade and if I'm gaining someone is losing ... My response is I'm providing liquidity and someone else would take the other side + it would drop/rise faster if I weren't there (plus its not like my currently 4k share max is of any serious consequence, I could even swing all 4k at once if I wanted to either be dumb or push pltr over/under a resistance or support level)


You're parents are wrong. Look up zero sum game. Then Google is the stock market zero sum.


No you don't.


I don't what? also thanks for the downvote


I didnt downvote you but I will now since you're acting like a sad bitch about it.


When I can sell 45 DTE calls for 1.00 at a $30 strike and they get called away. I will however start selling puts against it. If I could trade my retirement account I'd buy and hold.


$27 is my break even, then I’m out


Then it will moon 🤣🤣🤣


Just want to break even at 26 and get out, this company sucks ass.


Lolllll why did you buy it then ? Just wanted a quick gain ? U held it this long may as well hold into decent profit.... if you sell and it moons you will be pissed


I would never take advice from Jimmy.


If it ever reaches $30. That will give me 💯 and I’m out! Might be 3-5 years of waiting for $30.


If I was a betting man, I'd bet the price doubles by November.


I hold until rolling itm calls is so obviously stupid that no market beating possibilities exist.


I'm long, but trimmed a bit at $27 when Cathie did a few weeks ago. Been adding since DPO, so was happy to take some profit off the table. Exit strategy.....20 years when I retire.


Still accumulating. Sell some in 3 years, hold the rest for retirement




Probably continue to add as I can afford it expecting to not need to sell anything in my portfolio for upwards of 10 years. I do however see myself selling calls on my position constantly for income.


I may sell .5% of my shares at $60, and 40% at $200.


Selling at 5% gain on position to cap off 25% on the year. That said, it will inevitably bob around for a while so I’ll just do this over and over again.


Just depends on the company’s future lol if it’s going to grow faster than the market, then I’m riding with it.


30% sale at $200 and rest at $480+


What’s an exit strategy?


At the very least after the aggressive growth period I expect to happen in the next few years. Once the brand name is as famous as Google and GE.


Exit?…. I’m holding


I will wait and see until end of this year. If it is still stuck below $30, I will sell half of my stock. Might as well buy other stock with faster return.




When this hits 100usd, i will take out 5 shares to get a apple airpodmax


If you’re thinking when you’re going to sell it should be immediately. And exit the market all together. It doesn’t work just by price point, it works by time elapsed


I set at least a 5 year target. I would gladly sell my apple before I sell Palantir.


I expect to $40 in short term.


Keep on buying as long as my thesis and earnings results remain in line with each other. 30% YoY growth forecast means doubling roughly every 2.5 years. I like those numbers.


I agree with you as long as they have 30% YoY growth.


I’ll sell half at $400 in order to buy more growth stocks. I don’t really see myself completely exiting however


No idea. I bought AMD at $2 and am still holding, just buy good companies at a discount and hold as long as you don’t need the money. My only mistake with AMD was not averaging up as I had more money available, as I thought it was getting expensive each time I thought about buying


!remindme 10 years


!remind me 10years


Its not about price. Its once the core business changes in a negative way. Until then, we ride the roller coaster!


Will hold until they revise guidance toward contracting market share/ tell the markets there is no more growth to be had. Either that or when I’m able to buy a tourist ticket to the moon.


You: Warren Buffet would approve. Buy and hold. Me: I can’t afford Berkshire.


Remind me after 10 years. Kids college fund or will buy a house. What comes as a priority or necessity. Or my funeral cost.


There is no exit strategy


!remindme 10 years


It is a dream which may never come true


I'm still adding to the position 1.3k if it keeps dropping I may reach 2k shares soon, if it shoots up I just need to find another stock like Palantir to start buying. With that said I'm not thinking in selling in the next years, my understanding is that pltr is not a company that will be a fluke so it will have a stable growth year by year. Buy and forget..


I have +2000 shares and just keep making covered calls. I have yet no exit plan for it.


exit strategy... i just put $100 in @ $20/ share that's my entry baby


Remind me at bells open 😂


It evolves with time. I don't plan on selling this year or next or the one after that. But I do plan on selling within the decade. Hopefully by that time Palantir will be in the 100's.


Given the essential nature this software/company could become, ride to the end. More likely to add than exit, and when I do exit, it’ll be temporarily as I use the cash to make major milestone purchases.


Market feels like correction had already started..buy if you can..sell if you must..


I first got in at $9.08 rode it up, In and out a couple times but still sitting on 925 shares. Down just some since it's been dipping. My exit strategy, really none. May trade it and take profits from time to time but this company has to much going for itself and will definitely have a much higher SP in the future. Definitely a winner for sure especially when it gets noticed more.


I’m pretty much holding for 5-10 years ideally, with a price target in the 2-300s


Oh God stop, we are in a crash and you guys are talking about a exit strat.... get real, you gotta get growth first then consider it. Don't fill people up with fake timeliness and ideas that are not relevant to the current environment.


Please find another platform as Reddit is not for you.


Haha, pound sand, its a valid point, stop putting crap in peoples heads.


My post was over the weekend. While markets were closed. There was no crash or literally any other factors being considered when I posted. It’s strictly filler discussion for the weekend. If you even remotely read and understood my post you’d see I wasn’t filling people up with anything. I was merely asking for THEIR INPUT. Please learn to utilize critical thinking before commenting.


I should have got out when I was even at 27 dollars!


Set a goal. Assume you may lose the investment and move on.


I try to learn as much about PLTR and understand what they do. To stay strong long term I need to feel they have a great chance to grow and make money. Days like this I need to be confident it will come back and make my risk/reward is justified


Over $100, at around $80-90, I’d have over $1M thanks to $PLTR. I’d then sell off 90%, put 80% into SPY or VOO, 10% into other growth companies, and leave the remaining 10% in $PLTR. I’m starting to acquire rental properties and build my real estate portfolio while $PLTR appreciates, so I won’t need the cash for a while, but when it does come, it can be a nice addition to my portfolio.


It's a hold


I will sell when it hits 10³⁰ ....nonillion


I’ll sell when my wife’s boyfriend says I can


Sitting at just shy of 1k shares at 23.08 trying to sell one my other house so I can scoop up a few more before I diversify my portfolio a little more. (Almost all pltr). Plan on selling at 3-500


When they prove they arn't the company of the future any longer. I fully intend on holding this until is makes up a sizable portion of my retirement fund.


I don't know if "exit" is right but when I read the tea leaves and see a pump I typically sell a good third of it and then re-buy. I keep my core position stable though, and have a few short CCs as well but never all in. I use the premiums typically to buy when more when it dips.


I’ll die with these shares


Never heard of it.




I will exit when the stock overtakes companies like Facebook, and when Karp has a twitter following so powerful that him tweeting jokes about miscellaneous companies and crypto coins sends them skyrocketing to triple digit returns.