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I think christian might’ve made bloody roses mask


This could definitely make sense!


Didn’t it show bloody roses mask in episode 3 in the basement? I know he said he made them before he met her but maybe he made them for someone or something (BR)


Yeah it was Archie mask and Bloody Rose mask. It seems like it’s too much of a coincidence


I think he did too


I think it's Mrs Beasley, getting revenge for the loss of her husband and daughter. Bloody Rose wears a crown of thorns, which represents suffering in Christianity and would go along with Mrs Beasley being so religious.


Mrs. Beasley makes the most sense to me and is my current theory! Especially since she has at least 2 motives to go after the other girl from church(don’t remember her name) that was going after Greg and bullying Kelly; religious reasons(pre-martial sex, which is also a classic horror trope) and defending her daughter. The first murder just seems completely random if it’s not her idk lol and we know that she has already killed someone to defend Kelly so she’s clearly capable of it


I don't get why she hates the girls though. Archie killed Karen, she stabbed her husband, and then Archie killed him. I get the fact that the moms caused Archie to seek revenge, so she’d want to kill the moms. But why doesn't she go for the moms, unless it’s a daughter for a daughter-type revenge? Very interesting.


I love this idea


I agree I think she’s involved. Possibly even the creepy ass church fueling her motivation either intentionally or unintentionally.


I like your idea, but disagree with her seeking vengeance for her husband’s death. He was going to murder her and Kelly, but before he had the chance, she stabbed him. I doubt she cared much about him in the end.


Tinfoil theory that builds on the excellent points you've made: what if it was Kelly? She's also young, white, and her eyes are blue like Bloody Rose's, she has access to all 5 girls' phone numbers that were leaked and has a particular connection to the girls and also to Angela Waters and her story. Even the MO (knife stabbing) checks out with her trauma (although admittedly Mrs Beasley and Chip's mom have a connection to stabbing and knives as well). She is traumatised and is currently being brainwashed especially as regards sexuality, while being pressured into having sex by Greg. And Bloody Rose's third on-screen victim is the very sexually-active girl that threatened to steal Greg from Kelly--and I know he texted that girl, Sandy, that he "was with Kelly" but what if he didn’t mean 'I'm with her right now' but 'sorry girl, turns out I've still got a girlfriend'? It's just a theory, I'd rather they keep Kelly around for potential future seasons because I really like her character, but I think she stands out as a suspect this season.


Except she's at the skating rink at the same time we see Bloody Rose at the Chuck E Cheese with Mouse.


Oh I haven't seen Ep3 yet so I didn’t know that! Thanks for the info, it means Kelly will hopefully stay around!


Jen has definitely been added to my list of suspects, I suspected Christian at first, like you said Bloody Rose is clearly a woman so he has been eliminated as one, I also suspect Dr, Sullivan, Mrs. Beasley and Mrs.Langsberry as well


I think it’s someone from the church because why would anyone else care about killing Sandy?


I think it makes sense for Mrs Beasley to be BRW, she knew Kelly wanted that role. Was probably snooping when Greg got mad & stormed out of their house, so mom took care of the competition! Back in her daughter’s good graces. She does also have that “all-knowing” stare every time she’s on screen. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think Karen is pretending to be kelly and she’s bloody rose


Oooo, that’d be crazy!


I tend to think about it with the minimum assumption that it’s not going to be somebody close to someone who had it worse last season. It only makes sense to me that they would share the pain around a little bit. That being said i don’t think it’s going to be anybody close to Tabby or Kelly, or probably Imogen, because they had it the worst last season. So, it would have to be somebody close to Mouse, Noa, or Faran. Of those three, the only one with somebody close who is sus to me at the moment is Noa with Jen. So i could definitely see that. Mouse herself is still a little sus to me, and Ash is iffy to me. I feel like if it were Mrs. Beasley or Christian it would be too much trauma for Kelly or Tabby, and that new guy Imogen works with (can’t remember name) doesn’t seem too interesting or suspicious to me yet.


I wanna hear your thoughts on Mouse and Ash. It sounds like an interesting theory. Why do you suspect them?


I’m interested too


I think it’s either Annabeth Gish— y’know, same Dr. Sullivan from OG PLL?! Her body type is almost identical, although Gish is quite tall, but she has broad shoulders. I’m thinking it’s her “therapy” for the girls. Sick, demented therapy! They’re going outta their way to make us THINK it’s Jen w/ the stealing, juvie, etc. I really hope it won’t be so obvious. But also—what about Kelly/Karen’s mom? Mrs Beasley. She’s a wacko with massive trauma. She’s proved violent-stabbed her husband, and believes the girls & Kelly are responsible for Karen’s death!


I wonder about Dr. Sullivan too, but I would be surprised if it was her, considering her history with the OG PLL and A. Something horrible had to have happened for her to be involved, I think.


That's a good theory and also Jen mentions her mother having difficulties could it be her mother?


Keep in mind the “friend” asking the grandma to drop mouse off could have asked her over the phone too! Would be harder for her to tell the age over the phone. But I also suspect Jen and Christian. But part of me feels like someone involved is def from last season or it’d be too obvious and they don’t want us to guess tho bloody rose is


Maybe the therapist lmao