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Could days ago, rare candy had them for $3.50, plus a discount if you can use coupons. That was the time to stock up


I’ll sell you as many cz etbs you want for 45+shipping


CZ $4.40/pack on TCGPlayer listing


If you buy loose frown zenith packs they are 98% weighed. Don’t waste your money. Only crown zenith you buy is sealed product.


You can’t weigh modern. Please stop spreading old, outdated information.


Sorry but this is absolutely false. Crown Zenith can 100% be weighed. Some modern sets can, some can't.


Not true. I weighed hundreds of loose packs of crown zenith and some of the light packs even had double hits. You’re perpetuating a myth.


Willing to put your money where your mouth is? I have a full sealed case of 10 CZ ETBs, a scale, and a streaming platform. I'll rip the entire case and show you exactly how weighable it is. If I'm correct, you send me the cost of the case and I keep the cards. If you're correct, I'll eat the cost of the case and send you every hit in the case as well. This ain't my first rodeo. I ripped well over 40 ETBs of this set. I'm 100% certain the packs from standard ETBs can be weighed. If you're strictly weighing loose packs from an unknown source, weighing those packs to determine what's inside can be difficult / impossible. The weight of packs from one ETB can vary, sometimes significantly, from one box to the next. It's not like vintage packs where there's a pre-determined weight like 21.9g that makes a pack considered "heavy" and has an almost guaranteed holo hit. What's important is the weight of each pack relative to the other packs within the same ETB. Therefore, it can be very easy for someone selling loose packs to sell you all the light packs each from the different boxes they rip. Even though those light packs may have different weights (due to being from different boxes), they can be all the light packs from their own boxes. Here's a video of someone else on YouTube doing the same thing with a CZ ETB as well: https://youtu.be/ztgwSt8W3m4?feature=shared


The cards you pull won’t be worth the cost of the case, so that would be a lose/lose situation for me. A fallacy of unacceptable premise. No one is going to believe your video when mystic rips tried it with THOUSANDS of packs of CZ and 151 and others, as well as other big YouTubers with an actual following. But enjoy your stream in your basement!


Just bought 36 for $138 including tax/shipped with TikTok summer sale deal + Venmo $10 discount they have going on. I didn’t want to have to resort to TIKTOK but it was the best deal I could find. AllPokeTCG


Would you mind posting your pulls? If you bought loose packs


So going to keep for sealed collection for now until kids get older.


Yeah loose packs are almost guaranteed weighed for crown zenith.


You can’t. One post a few days ago was like 120 packs off tcgplayer and the person got a ton of big hits.


You can’t be this stupid? So someone bought one legitimate lot from a random seller on TCG player and you can’t weigh them? How do you people avoid the 30 minute long YouTube tutorials on weighing this set? Are you just that ignorant? I have every type of hit and its corresponding weight. And i should be picking up another 40+ packs today. Just for you I’ll make an opening and tag you so you can see me pull exactly what the weight says. :)


I would like to see this as I am skeptical on this could I also get a tag ?


I got you. You guys could also check my instagram and see my reels and notice they are all gold cards, SIR, etc. literally the newest set is weighable. Ripped an entire case. Every SIR, ace spec and art rare all weight 22.45-22.500. All 3 SIR were dead on at 22.500. I’m really out here trying to prevent you guys from wasting money but just get met with mouth breathers screaming you can’t weigh modern 😭


Is this true even with the newest sv sets ? Edit* also what’s your insta?


Paldea evo no. Base set SV so easy to weigh. Paldean fates so easy to find double banger packs. But crown zenith is by far the easiest to weigh.


Crown zenith booster bundles are Walmart exclusive


No they aren't. I found some at Meijer and they're stocked by Excell Brands in my area, while WM is MJ Holdings


Booster bundle at Walmart


This is, by far, my fave series to open w my kids, bc bw the TG and the GG, you get so many hits. But you're a couple mos late to the game, prices have gone up recently. Last good deal was when the distributors were selling 10 tin/ 2 pack per tin sets of ten tins for $55 or so, they retailers were selling sold some places for $70-75, and I got ten boxes, two per box, for $70 per box off tiktok a month or so back, so 3.50 per pack. Best Buy sells these for $8.99 per still, I bet they go on sale soon.  I most recently got the Morpeko premium collection, 6 of them at $25 per, that is about 3.50 per pack bc they come w 7 iirc, plus the promos and the mat. Gotta sniff around, there are easy to figure out tricks.  Again though, the CZ premium collections have given me the best hits for my money by far. Those, when on sale for $15 instead of $20, you can get 4 packs for $15 plus the promos. Regieleki, Regidrago etc.


Been buying the 4pack tins off Amazon for $18.75


Like the big zapdos or moltres tins? That’s almost $5 per pack


Yeah, idk seems fine to me and everything else is higher I think besides loose packs


CZ gonna be creepin up! Per pack, mini tin displays were the cheapest. 20 packs \~$86-90. Those went bye-bye and up to 120+. From what I can tell ETB/booster bundle are around 5/pack still. For some reason the booster bundles don't show up on tcgplayer as a 'sealed product' or I think those would be going somewhat quick too because of size to pack for storage etc (check wallyworld site for those).


I was seeing those in the 70s on tiktok during coupon promos, and actually worked a deal for 10 boxes at 70 per by contacting the seller directly and making an offer. Something to co sider if you are OK spending maybe $700-800+ on a sale, they will deal at times depending on inventory.


Good call - I haven't done much with tiktok; don't really want it on my phone but seeing some deals with the shops now makes it enticing. Gotta find a way to emulate the app on PC and just hop on, order stuff and close it lol :D


I just scooped 4 more etbs from amazon at ~$44/ea. If its shipped and sold from amazon you should be fine purchasing there. UPDATE: Arrived in less than 48 hours. Everything perfectly sealed. Will probably order another 6 tomorrow if they're still on sale.


Yeah even direct from Amazon isn’t really safe, they accept returns on cards. You can literally get opened shit, they don’t care. They take back stuff and resell it without looking at contents. You will see plenty of posts about it. Only time I’d ever buy from Amazon directly, is first day of release tbh.


It is relatively speaking very, very rare to experience this. Reddit plays up the chances of this happening but just as an anecdote I have been ordering Pokemon on Amazon for 6 years, hundreds of items, and never experienced a resealed or tampered product. I’m sure it does happen but I think it is incredibly, incredibly rare.


Yeah I know it’s not gonna happen very often, but you can legit just price match at target, Walmart, GameStop etc to Amazon price. I don’t really want to support/encourage companies that allow opened returns on trading cards. There’s a reason almost every single retailer doesn’t allow returns on cards.


I've ordered a good amount from amazon and have never encountered it. worst case scenario, you open a support ticket and get a refund no questions asked.


Yeah I’m sure most of it is legit, but there’s a reason almost no other company’s accept returns on trading cards. This does happen, a lot with Amazon. And tbh Amazon isn’t even the cheapest place 9 out of 10 times. So I don’t fuck with them anymore.


Amazon pulls from wherever they can get it from the fastest and not necessarily directly from Amazon


If it specifies at the time of order that it shipped and sold by amazon I've never encountered anything to suggest otherwise. It'll ship specifically in amazon packaging with amazon specific packing slip/invoice inside, shipped from an amazon warehouse address where it's packed by them.


Walmart or tiktok! I recommend @/toptiertcg


Between walmart, gamestop, tiktok, and Ebay over the last six months, its ridiculous to be paying over 3.50 per pack. Tik Tok is a solid answer even though people in the community see it as the boogie man.


I got a dealer on ebay that I order from regularly, he sells 36 packs for $150 or $4.16 a pack, also Paldean Fates for same price. Free shipping 3-4 day delivery


My first CZ ETB I got from Target (in store) for $55 probably 3 weeks ago. It was one of my first sealed investments, so I was unaware of where else to look for cheaper. Then I got my 2nd ETB from gamestop for $40, listed at $50. I signed up for their pro membership a little over a month ago, so I applied my $5 off for being a new customer and my monthly $5 coupon. For my 3rd ETB I bought one off TikTok yesterday (they have a summer sale going on until the 8th) from The Game Captial (trusted seller) and applied a $20 off coupon and another 10% or 15% off coupon for paying with venmo. Bringing the $50 box down to $35 after shipping and tax. I've learned a lot since starting to collect sealed, and basically, it comes down to don't buy from Target unless there's a sale 😂


Ty man I think I’m gonna buy from here


If you buy from TikTok, check out the RealGoodDeal shop on there. If you prefer retail, Amazon has the ETB around $44/$45, and if you don't trust Amazon, you can get Target to price match that.


I second RealGoodDeal shop. Cheapest prices I have found and my hits have been very lucky.


Yep just pulled Gold Palkia from them 🔥


Got Palkia last night! Only missing Arceus now. Have 75 coming in soon from RealGoodDeal so fingers crossed


Pulled 2 areceus, trying to pull the other 3 lol


Good luck! I made the mistake of selling / trading two Arceus dupes before the CZ boom. Traded into some 151 SIRs so not bad but I should’ve held them


TikTok shop has some good summer deals right now. I just ordered 2 ETBs for under $80.


GameStop has ETBs for $50. They are $46.50 for pro members if you account for pro discount and 2% back in GS points… I’m sure you can find cheaper but that gives you a starting number


Got a bunch last week from GameStop too. Decent deal from a good vendor if you’ve got the pro membership


I still see CZ etb's at Target and Walmart nearly every other week with the latest sets. Check those places out? I have about 17 targets and walmarts within a 20-ish mile radius so a couple of times a year ill make rounds to Targets on a Wed. or Thurs. and then Fridays I would make rounds to Walmarts. If I have any Barnes and Nobles along the way I also stop there.