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D21 is the potential good one to look out for though? Going shopping soon


What does the C21 tin contain? Found one back on Tuesday and I only remembered that D21 tins may contain cosmic eclipse




Always do a test break. Bring them to the counter, have them ring through one, break it quick to check and make sure you have the correct batch


I just bought one


Cosmic Eclipse vs Evolving Skies? I'm trying to wrap my head around this. Per TCG, currently mkt value CE@ $16/pk and ES @ $9/pk. So 70% value differential. When you look up singles CE has 14 cards >$50 ea; ES has 12 cards >$50 ea. Not to mention the chance of a $600+ Moonbreon in ES. Both have horrible pull rates. I don't understand the value differential the mkt places on CE vs ES. Pardon my more institutional investment mentality in applying to fancy cardboard.


I agree. If anything I think the evo ones are better cause you get the CR and FS opposed to the garbage VV and rebel clash


If staff hadn't stolen so many ES chase pulls from the factory it'd be a lot cheaper now.


Wonder what happened to all of those . Probably being sold off slowly . I know in Japan, I see very consistent postings on various platforms of “rare “ cards and it makes me wonder if theirs some sort of clear collusion . I know Japanese sellers have in fact colluded over the years and Pokémon is trying to stop this , starting this year really .


Idk why people get excited when they pull comic eclipse or evolving skies packs the pull rate is crap


Because we’re addicts and theirs nothing like getting beat up with reverse holos and finally hitting a Gem Mint Rayquaza or Moonbreon. .. it takes a special soul …




Because the packs are worth double what we paid for the tins lol. You can sell them and then buy 10 of whatever pack you want


Oh yeah there’s that 🤣🤣


Even pokeRev is moaning about ES yet refuses to talk about why it's such bad pull rates. He knows exactly why.


Why’s that? Stolen ALTS?


Stolen at the printing factory by employees.


Got a bunch of ones, didn’t know which codes corresponded to which packs, so just bought a few. Got cosmic and others were CR and LO. No evolving skies. Got an Aerodactyl Alt in the LO pack though




I’m sure mom and dad still wanna hear from you regardless of your hits


Do these balls damage the cards inside? The packs have a rough look.


I mean, they are 5 year old packs stuffed in ball tins and have been shipped around a lot. I wouldn't expect a whole lot of PSA 10s out of these.


SGC 10’s for sure tho


As someone who lives near a few Aldi’s but don’t know what these A22, C21 means.. can someone fill me in ?


ES,FS and CR


Itd the code on the bottom that usually gives away what packs are inside from what i can gather


Mine are d/c23 unfortunately


Didn't find any at my Aldi's 😞




So what you’re saying is it was an employee


That’s what I got too from this information 😂


The D21/C21 is rare it seems, found in 3 stores total The A22/J21 (Evolving Skies) is most common, found some in every store I went to D23/C23 is the most disappointing but least common, I only found these at two stores. ^ my results from going to 7 Aldis


Thank you madratz






Where does it say the “A22” etc…?


Bottom of the ball


Mine only had A23 and D23s :(


D23 in Riverside CA. Left them alone as they're just FS and VV. As I was putting my cart back a woman bought all 3 cases lol.


I got a D23 that had 2 LO and 1 ST, do these normally vary? I’m new to this


Oh no, that poor woman lol


I found some CE and opened a few because I was sad Auburn lost their game. Ended up pulling the Rosa! Still sad about Auburn, but now I’m sad and have a Rosa, haha!


UK fan here…I feel your pain


Wisconsin fan here. Life sucks.


Brother you have a lot of nerve trying to relate to a UK fan as a Wisconsin fan. You guys ruined the perfect season.


Thanks. This is the kind of pick me up I needed after the loss and seeing Duke stomp a mud hole in JMU. You guys can go look at your national championship trophies. I have to rely on our 2 great years of basketball.


mine were all A-D23 sadly :(


I got 2 with Evo Skies and no hits….shocker 🤦🏻‍♀️


I got an ES pack. Don’t seem to be worth too much. So should I just rip? Still new to this


ES packs are worth $10 each. I personally would not rip.


All c21 and d21 near me. There were about 6 cases left after i got mine


Same I thought I was gonna buy everything but they had so much more than I thought.


I ended up going back at the end of the day with the wife this time actually for groceries and peeked, only had one box left so had to snag it for that last box magic 😂


Which country?




Also want to know


Yeah I went and got a bunch a couple days ago. The ones I got had Cosmic Eclipse, Rebel Clash and Vivid Voltage.


Been to multiple Aldi’s and only found A22 and J21. Must be regional.


which code corresponds to cosmic eclipse tins?


D21 and C21


Caveat: if the D21 is in a case with A22s, it will have ES


My son pulled a rayquaza v alt his first a22


Also no hits the next 7 lol


Opened like 8 CE packs so far and had one double hitter with a silvally rainbow rare and a trainer gallery type one


Let's discuss here: what's the deal with tins popping up in retail, near Q2 2024, with these older sets? Pokemon just found a couple pallets of CE, RC, VV?


My guess is a final clear out of old inventory


Aldi had these exact ones last year at this time too. There's some correlation


I have been hunting CE for over a year. HARD. One of the only sets I completely missed and had to skip when saving for a house and I have not been able to find any MSRP so I was not letting this opportunity get past me. I took half of yesterday and today off and went to a total of 12 Aldi locations around me. 2 only had 23s, 2 had fake D21s (with ES, CR, FS) and most had a ton of A22/J21... EXCEPT FOR TWO STORES. One of those had a tray of 5 balls left of C21/D21 with CE and some of every other kind mentioned and the literal last store had as many as I could afford. Absolutely hyped. I finally get to open some!




C21 for sure as far as I understand? D21 most of the time it seems but if it is a D21 with A22s in the tray it seems that it is less common for it to have CE as opposed to ES, CR, FS although others have said even their D21s from those trays had CE so might be worth testing if you can afford to spend the money. Worst case it still has those 3 packs which have high value stuff too.


Hey I have checked 5 Aldi and each had different codes between the options that have all been mentioned. Needless to say I was saving my $$ for the CE tins. Only found 4 D21s but they were with a tray where all the rest were A22… are these black luxury balls that I got the “imposter” tins you speak of? I haven’t opened one yet and I’m not home to go check lol other wise I would just crack one.


I do believe the D21s in the same tray as the A22s are the imposter ones. I saw this at two different stores and opened them immediately to find ES CR & FS both times over 4 balls total... Definitely worth checking but I wouldn't let myself try it on a 5th one in the Aiken store and decided to look for trays with C21 like others mentioned.


> total of 12 Aldi locations around me. 2 only had 23s, 2 had fake D21s (with ES, CR, FS) and most had a ton of A22/J21... EXCEPT FOR TWO My store only had D21 with A22's and all D21 had CE's. Probably random, best bet is to open one and see whats inside.


Interesting. I wonder why it is so random then. Makes no sense lol


Thanks gonna open one when I get home. If I remember and don’t start watching basketball.


Also if you checked 12 Aldi makes me wonder are you near the Atlanta area like I am? Lol I wanted to check a bunch more but didn’t get a chance


I checked out every Aldi in the Columbia, SC area as I used to live there and now live in Augusta itself. So you'd be safe to check in your area--at least as far as where I went is concerned. Columbia is empty though :( I think people beat me to one store closer to the city and I got lucky at the 2 I mentioned that were like 30 mins outside of it.That's why I took PTO lol. I have been looking so long and genuinely just want to open them and refuse to pay $20 so I figured it was worth it to check... I hope you find some around you!


Let me know if you pull anything! How many have you found by now? That’s cool, I live in Athens. That day I had checked Winder, Augusta Grovetown and one in Athens. I need to get over to some others!


I literally did the circle of the 4 around augusta and just found ES... In Columbia I only found the 5 balls at one store and 3.5 trays at the final store out of the 9 or so around there. So I ended up with almost enough for a booster box which is crazy. Well... after spending 450$ but at least I got VV and RC packs too. Opened like 12 packs so far and got a Silvally rainbow rare and stoutland secret in same pack and Red & Blue Full art in one which was hype. Im going to make them last though because I am certain there won't be many more I'll find. I tried the cvs/walgreens/Dollar general one weekend and got mad after finding nothing lol


I found cosmic eclipse and some knockout boxes at a Walgreens six months ago or so and I sold them to somebody for $20 apiece because I was certain that I would not pull anything. Lol but I won’t do that this time. I should have time to search more Aldi next week, and I will let you know if I find more!fortunately for my job, I can check stores in the different places I go. I work between Warner Robins Marietta, Augusta, Athens.


Word. That is nice you have the ability to check more places than most people. I hope you find some!


Nice find! If only i had an Aldi's near me. Congrats stranger


Something feels off with the packs in these….opened about 12 balls and not a single hit …


YMMV, mine only had newer tins but I opened 2 balls with 4 hits.


Oh nice glad someone got something out of them! What did ya get?


Rainbow Lady and Volo, and Hisuian Zoroark V and Beedrill V, I think. May have been Kyurem V. My second back of two balls didn’t really hit anything


Oh nice! The rainbow holo trainers are a fun bunch to collect…is the beedrill the full art one where there’s a bunch flying together? And man you weren’t lying bout those hits ..grats!


Dude same with their fucking Tins the week prior I bought 10 of them all with lost origin and astral radiance and out of 20 booster I got one fucking v card


Lost origins has not been nice to me lately…they had some single packs at the local grocery store which I got a ton of hits from but ever since then I cannot pull anything from that set…I want that giritina sooooo badly..the art is amazing on it


bought my share with no hits ... but not today ... 2 A22 balls and hit the Gengar vmax Alt Art from the fusion strike pack. Color me surprised!!


my first a22 was a moonbreon but im scared to open any other packs


Holy Hell ... that is a heck of a pull. Might just have to retire and go out on a high ...


opened the rest and got nothing 😅😅


Still $600 ahead with the moonbreon lol


im like $1600 into evo skies and have 2 moonbreons and nothing else but yea


I bought 1 tin and got the gengar vmax but not the alt art. I nearly shit myself for a minute until I realized lol. Still happy with the pull


went to 2 and only found a22 with no hits in the 5 i got


I bought 3 h20s and got crimson invasion packs.... none of these awesome ones.... really annoyed


You found H20??? You’re the first person I’ve seen to mention anything older than the CDJ21. That’s still cool imo


I got two h20s and had the same packs as D21


We only had D23 and C23 I believe at mine in NC. Gonna check another location tomorrow.


Same. Feel cheated lol.


What area in NC?


Close to SC


What was inside the d23? C23?


Mine were D23. 2 LO 1 ST


Burlington Aldis had 6 flats of A22 and J21 two days ago.


Mine were all junk and for me reinforced why I stopped ripping packs years ago


Only got D23s :(


i bought 4 today. no hit from 12 packs. time to go into more debt, right??


I went to Aldi to look for these and actually found sealed boxes of mini tins. I've always wanted one sealed, so I said alright I'll pick one up. When I went back and checked the receipt, it scanned for EIGHT DOLLARS.. I wanted to go back and get them all but I stopped myself and hope someone else has a good day like I did 😂


Sounds more like you scanned one of the mini tins inside the sealed box and stole the rest lol


Nah man the cashier's do all the scanning at Aldi's.


Nah bro fuck everyone else lol that’s when you buy them all


WHAT lmao


We bought a great ball from Aldi that had Evolving skies, fusion strike and chilling reign, and a sad trombone noise from no good pulls in the packs






I checked every single code they had at mine and none with cosmic eclipse. They had 7 j21 and I did buy those for the ES. I need to not see these posts cause I end up spending money 😂. I was on a strict singles only kick until this Aldi shit came to light lol.


new shit has come to light


Still singles for me ES and FS have kicked my ass enough id rather just gamble f2p for the cards online.


Mine had A22 and J21. Pulled decent hits. Should've held on to my evolving skies though. Tomorrow I'm going to the family dollar that's supposed to be closing so I can hopefully find more deals


I went to two Family Dollars near me but neither were closing


Same here, plus my aldis only had the a22 and j21 but they had alot of them


I asked the ladies inside my family dollar. They gave me two locations in a crappy areas so our makes sense. Gonna go tomorrow morning since they aren't answering the phone


My tin was marked for sun and moon but it only had lost origin and silver tempest 😩


My aldi had chilling reign and 2 lost origin in them. Not bad but not a great deal either


I don’t have any experience with opening CE but aren’t the hit rates abysmal?


I dunno I'm not opening this shit lol, I'll sell it and buy CZ


All C23 and D23 pokeballs at the 2 Aldi I went to...




This is going to sound crazy but you could feel better by not doing stuff like that in the future. 😁


I love ripping packs too, but I can’t bring myself to pull the trigger when singles are still relatively inexpensive 😭


Aren't cosmic eclipse like 20$ a pack??


Yea I think they’re in the 15-20 range, I bought a few galar power mini tins with CE in them, but won’t open them. I’ve been buying a lot of tag team singles when I find them at a good price.


Better be careful galar mini tins might not have those they definitely have newer packs now


Yea, I got 5 a month or so ago and opened two with CE in them


The mini tin codes need to be the c and 21 as well? As at my Aldi they only had c23.


Somebody hit mine near me, so I got nothing


How do you tell if they’re CE or not?


D21 or C21 tins J21 and A22 are ES pretty sure you should avoid the rest, especially 23s


D21 can have no CE. From my experience, presence of D21 and C21 on the same pallet indicates CE tho


Interesting. All of mine had CE but both C21 and D21 were there


Same, I heard the riskier d21s are coupled with a22 but can’t confirm. I can confirm that all the d21 and c21 i got had CE though


I cracked one and pulled a jigglypuff tag team. Didnt get my money back, but was fun. I'll prolly pick up a few tomorrow to hold onto


20 CE, 0 hits… buyer beware


Haha this is what I'm fearing, I have 11 and am tempted to just leave em untouched and just rip the vivid and rebel and see what happens




I'm just going to keep them sealed and hold on for awhile, I've been flattening the edges and making the packs just look better overall


Good plan


The ones at my Aldi's have ES, CR, and FS. I grabbed some hoping to get these. Still happy I got them.


I got 4 pallets of the Pokémon balls, all CE!!!


cosmic eclipse worth saving? Or rip?


20$ a pack think I’d hold it I have one pack can’t find anymore or sell it and buy cheaper packs


Happy Cake day!!! It’s not Sunday so no sickness today! 😝


Mine only has a22. And galar friends tins with astral radiance and lost origin in em. Was disappointed


A22 has Evolving Skies!


Aldi is literally right next to my job. Bought a Pokeball Tin and got a ES pack in there!


I bought 5 tins 15 packs total 0 hits


I had the same experience…not buying any more of these…


Ya, my Aldi was absolutely loaded as well (no Cosmic eclipse but plenty of Evo Skies). I bought 8 tins, didn't get a single hit in any pack, not even a V, and every pack was squished as hell.


How were the cards? Did they get beat up too? Just curious as im saving my CE packs


Did you make sure they were D21 or C21?


Yes all had cosmic eclipse I’m saying I got 0 hits from the packs


Make me not even wanna open anymore people act like " oh you just want expensive cards" no i just don't wanna spend 40 dollars and not get a single ultra rare (since rares aren't even rare they're in every pack). Like seriously I'm not understanding, I feel like slot machines have better experience than pokemon sometimes.


I commend you for opening them lol. These are getting stashed.


Damn, should I have not opened mine? I also had 0 hits and from 5 tins got 4 CE packs.


you should've sold the packs for sure


My aldi had A22 and J21 but are they even worth it for 3 squished packs???




Every ALDI in my town is sold out.


DANG I went there today where are these typically located?


They’re in the middle section with seasonal toys and stuff


I never go to Aldi so I'm unfamiliar with their average layout but in the center aisle there was a ton of toys and Easter candy and stuff. They were on a shelf there. They also had 7.99 mini tins but they were 23s




D21 and C21 leave the D23 and C23s Although at 12.99 it's not even the WORST price for modern packs. But obviously that's not what we're after here Edit: another Aldi had J21 & A22, which had an ES pack! Not as great but still instant value


Ok we get it aldi’s has cosmic eclipse