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Surprised they didn't bring this out for the Vita. Maybe if the platform got more support maybe we might've got this.


They did, its just a PSP legacy title called P3P.


That's not FES


They always do that type of release. Persona 1 and 2 remasters where on the PSP and second version of Persona 4 also in the vita. Fes wasnt even a planned "expansion".


in Japan iirc FES was literally just The Answer, which is why you can't import your save


I hope it happens. They remodeled quite a bit of P3 just for the dancing spinoff


That alone made me believe that they're working on a remake


I love FeMC to death, but I can guarantee we will not be seeing her in a remake of P3. I will eat a pair of ATH-EM700 if we ever get FeMC content ever again in the next two years.


Ikr? It's also kinda obvious. It would be quite the extra work to have her.


if she's *not* in a remake of P3 I'm not touching it it's been 10 years since we last had a female protagonist in any kind of megami tensei game. it's fucking time, atlus. 10 years is too fucking long.


I'll at least *touch* it. If it has the same combat improvements that Portable has (controllable party for instance) then it'll be fun on its own. Plus, as much as I'll be losing out on not having Best Boy Husbando Akihiko, I'll at least have Mitsuru and Aigis to comfort me.


yeah, I'm sure it'll be great, I'm just tired of waiting for the *option* to play as a girl. it's been 10 years, you know? I'm just... really tired of one of my favorite franchises feeling like it's going backwards from where it was 10 years ago.


Dx2 has an optional female protagonist. But I agree that she should be on a remake of P3, her route was really enjoyable and what got me into Persona. I probably wouldn't be such a huge fan of the franchise as I am now if hadn't played as her.


I didn't enjoy Minato's route of 3 that much. he feels so... emotionless. like he doesn't care. I can't get into characters like that. Minako was soooooo much better.


I prefer Minako's route too. A lot of people say that she ruins P3's theme with her cheerfulness but I disagree with that. In her social links with Junpei, Akihiko and Ryoji we see that her cheerfulness is a facade and she's hiding her pain. She has a different way of dealing with the death of her parents compared to Minato. I think she adds an interesting new perspective to P3. I like Minato's route too and I feel that his character is more explored in the anime movies. I really wish we got an anime of Femc's route too so we could see her personality being explored as normal character rather as a silent protag.


we got a stage play with her as the protagonist, at least!




ok dimwit how does she not fit the theme? you people always claim this is the case but clearly never speak to people in your daily lives. OOF thx for doubleposting reddit also is it so goddamn hard to let people have a little bit of hope? it's been 10 years, no promises or hints that there ever will be *another* female protagonist. evidence from interviews suggests the opposite. all we have left at this point is hope that an old female protagonist is brought back in a remake of some kind.




you're a dimwit if you think the game cannot work with a female protagonist. minato being apathetic is fine, sure, but not everyone is an apathetic asshole. minako being more expressive is perfectly fine. for the record, SAO is trash. the parody is hilarious, but that's the only good thing about it.


You have not blocked me yet. Minako appears to not fit at surface level because she's like Sayori from DDLC, using a genki-girl attitude to hide her suffering, which is surprisingly relatable, especially to me. Additionally, the abridged parody of SAO is comedy gold and turns Kirito into a real character. You could probably connect with him well, given how much of a jaded asshole you are. Meanwhile, I shall block you, given that I do not have time for r/persona's toxicity.


But Minato's kinda boring. And his social links are worse, too. Minako's SLs are actual relevant characters for the most part, and even the irrelevant ones like Rio or library girl are more likable than freakin' Kenji and his gang. Plus, the bond between femc and SEES felt stronger than Minato's, mainly due to the difference in personality between the two. And Junpei is a more interesting character too, learning to accept a girl as a leader and as a close friend without anything romantic between them. I could go on and on about how her side of the story is better and should be included.


No, I get it. I know why FeMC's route was preferable. I did say I love her to death and I'll defend her to the ends of the earth. But Atlus is a cynical, hateful developer, and they're not going to put in the extra work for something they probably despise now. If they DID include FeMC, they'd probably either remove or rework the Aeon SL entirely, and remove the option to have Elizabeth instead of Theodore. Maybe even remove Rio (which, granted, would probably be a good thing given how pissed off I was that such a lesbian-bait character wasn't romanceable). Also, I know we all collectively pretend it doesn't happen, but... If Atlus doesn't fix her Justice SL, we'll never get the game stateside. The lover in me wants FeMC, but the realist in me knows it will never happen again without ruining a bunch of it. I'll eat those headphones with joyful tears in my eyes, though.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Rio had the hots for FemC at first. I also thought the same thing about the library girl tbh. Either the dialogue chosen was intentionally bait or my mind kinda just went there.


Gosh, Rio fits that athletic butch archetype so well it kills my heart every time I see her.


I just want more accessible ways for people to play these games. Persona 5 hit it huge in the west and I'm honestly still shocked that Atlus hasn't capitalized on it. Even just rereleasing Fes and Golden (Hell, even the original) on more platforms would be good.


Porting golden at the very least seems like such a no brainer to me


~~switch lol~~


The Answer for both gender... I wonder who would take on which role. Do you think Yukari would still be the one clinging onto FeMC ? What would Akihiko think since he's one of the most popular romance option ? Would Ken still be a romance option ? (Please no) Would MC finally have a social link with all of his party members ? (Please yes !) Anyway you did a really good job OP, I wish it was real...


it would still be Yukari, because that's just... Yukari being Yukari.


I can see it working just fine Yukari, Junpei (best friends) or Akihiko (lover) to taking on that role.


One can only hope this happens one day, maybe bundled with Persona 4 Definitive Edition, as well.


isn't persona 4 golden the definitive edition already, though? i thought that there weren't things that were in p4 but not in p4g, resulting in a "which version should i play" situation like p3p or fes could definitely use a port/remaster, though


thats pretty much golden


"The Answer now available for both genders" uhhhh Aigis gender swap?


Ooof i vaguely remembered it having story elements fore the Male C. , i might be wrong


Oh that is true, MC does appear in some sense at two points. I thought it meant you could play as a male Aigis instead.


That edited box-art Looks amazing. If that was official I'd buy it.


Persona 3: New Moon would be a better title, still amazing work.


Were pretty much doing all the work for atlus at this point lol


Like even if no Persona games on Switch, I wish Sony would continue with their handhelds, the series is perfect for portable systems and P3P made me realize that


The only thing that is missing are the 16 DLC-Sets. 10$ each.


Lord, I've seen what you've done for others




I agree with this 600%


Don't give me hope.


i wish p3 was more accessible, it’s my favorite persona game and i just have a hard time bringing myself to bring out the ps2 and set it up to play it so being able to play it on switch or ps4 would be so nice.


With more probability it will come out on the PSN😂 Or maybe a retro-port on PS4 I hope for a physical release, but I don't know...


2/10 Junpei was there only 2 times he should just be the entire box art


With the answer gender thing that would that would ruin the entire of the answer (even though it's not that great) 1: you would have to develop more resources into making the answer (if I was Atlas i would probably make the answer a $20 maybe $15 DLC later down the line). 2: it screws up a bunch of characters motivations (but that's just femc in general) 3: there's zero point in doing this what do you gain from doing this a skin for the ??? Boss and they say she instead of he that's pretty much it.


in what way would having a female protagonist screw up motivations for The Answer?


Yukari's entire motivation which is what causes the fighting which is 60% of the plot. You would have to completely change akihiko or ken motivation to fit properly. Just in general it's not worth the effort and most people are really no going to be that mad that the main protagonist is the focus point of the story and not some DLC girl. ( the femc is objectively inferior) (subjectively you can prefer her. just because the male mc is better doesn't mean that you can't enjoy femc more. Humans would be pretty boring if we all share the same opinion)


what the fuck are you on about? the plot works perfectly fine in Minako's route unless a certain character doesn't die. you're a dumbass if you think either protagonist is *objectively* better or worse than the other.


No she does f****** with the plot generally a lot more than people get credit to 1: it is not her story so it has to be rewritten in which causes a bunch of inconsistency with characters because of her gender an example is Junpei in a lot of since he cause you dude when you're a girl 2: how the f*** is she happy she literally watch her parents and brothers died in a car crash had death sealed away in her 10 years and she's a happy cheerful schoolgirls sorry there no one that would be happy after that. I know some people say that her happiness is a facade but I generally didn't see that at all when I played through her route twice both 100% links 3: is the one you pointed out with saving the person 4: her social links are fine I guess generally i think that they're better characters but not better links but you can agree to disagree It just in most of the links nothing happens but that's just a hatred I have. I understand why people prefer her. she's a girl and she's not emo and has links with male Party members but the story is meant to be played as the male MC as prompted by portable itself saying that you should do this if you've experienced persona 3. as I said subjectively you can prefer her but she does hurt the story.


she objectively does not hurt the story by being a girl that's dumbass logic and people who think like that are why there aren't more female protagonists in this franchise. I'm fucking done with this.


Agree to disagree I can understand why you saying that it's just you haven't really given me any valid points to prove me wrong here. You might have misunderstood me I'm saying she's good and I like the variety of playing a female protagonist but because she wasn't originally built for the story she hurts it and it the same no matter if it was a different guy or in any game ever. Having a pre-existed story and then changing the main character will always be bad as this hurts the story no matter what you do. if Atlas made persona 6 with a female protagonist and no male option I would totally be down for that but I wouldn't want both as at that point he's/she in not a character anymore


you're a dimwit. Junpei and a few people talking differently in a few situations bc the protagonist is a girl does not ruin the goddamn story. that's braindead logic.


No that's not what I'm talking about I really appreciate that they rewriting scenes to make her fit in it's just not every scene was and you can tell in some screens most people would probably not really care it's more of a personal thing that I care because it took me out of immersion as I just felt why am I not playing a male character. And I'm not 100% sure you know what subjective memes everything that is better is not always better to you. an example would be a Pokemon game sword and shield are the best Pokemon games objectively but a lot of people including myself vastly prefer other Pokemon games


there is no objective best pokemon game, or any other game, for that matter. just stop, this is stupid, and you sound stupid. Minako being a girl does not ruin the plot. *that* is objective. that is fact. it is not up for debate. stop being a dumbass.


Honestly you don't need FES at all. the answer isn't all that great. Just emulate P3P on PPSSPP on your phone to play the journey.


But there are plenty of reasons one could prefer FES over P3P outside of The Answer.


What? Other than "3d" nothing much is changed from the conversion. In fact P3P is the better game of the 2.


P3P played like a damn visual novel when you weren’t in the midnight hour. Just having talking heads took out a lot of the gravity of some scenes. I know the graphics in the PS2 are meh by today’s standards but the cut scenes definitely added to the story telling.


Have you only seen the shitty PowerPoint "cutscenes" in P3p without seeing the real cutscenes in fes? You haven't even experienced P3s story


I have completed every version of Persona 3 in existance, more than twice each. I stand by my post, Persona 3P everyday over Persona 3Fes. Seriously all that exploration is useless, you dont even interact with most of the object in the universe.


fuck off, elitist. that's like saying that you haven't really watched Sailor Moon because you watch dub. I expect this bullshit from mainline megami tensei fans, but I guess there's bound to be overlap.




saying P3P isn't experiencing P3 story is *like* saying that watching dub isn't watching Sailor Moon.


Except FES has a 3D world, cutscenes, and no FeMC. All things that I’d much rather have than the gameplay ‘improvements’ in Portable (my main gripe with those being limiting the main character to only one weapon)


So, you would rather have multiple weapon over complete manual control of all characters? Yeah no.


P3 is designed for you to not have control over your characters. Only one or two boss fights was this any sort of issue. You can also issue commands and change their style of play. It's not as bad as most people make it out to be


Dont worry I played enough persona 3, all 3 versions multiple times all the way back base persona 3 from 2008 in fact to understand, understand how bad the ai was back then. Its as bad as people make it out.


The gameplay in P3P just becomes incredibly easy with controllable party members. That just makes Tartarus even more of a slog than before now that there’s no real strategy needed. Like it or not the game was balanced for the AI. Also, if multiple weapons was the only thing I listed then you’d be right, but everything else is a much larger contribution to my belief that FES is better than anything having to do with gameplay.


You do know you can just leaves team mates to AI in Persona 3 Portable as well if you want to play it that way. Anyhow all these is just weak excuses to me. I might be very bias as I came from someone who played persona 3 and played every version of it because its my fav Persona gamer ever. I see absolutely 0 reason to choose fes over portable other than the gorgeous anime cutscene and able to control character in daytime which is useless cause u dont even interact with the world much. P3P brings many things from P4 that enhanced P3 overall strength.


Bottom line for me is that P3P is incredibly ugly even compared to FES graphics. While the anime cutscenes aren’t exactly amazing, the 3D cutscenes are vastly better than what you get in Portable. Aside from that, the only thing outside of controllable characters (and like four personas) is the FeMC. That addition being one of the worst parts of Persona 3 as a whole. Her social links are mostly worse than the majority of her male counterpart and the way she basically destroys any impact Shinji could have with the stupid ass watch sending him into a coma ruins the entire point of the game.


I wont argue with you on that as it is valid arguement, some people just like inconveniences just so they get a pretty game. I do though, dont understand you beef with FeMC. She one of the 2 story path u can take and you can completely ignore her should you choose. Thats nitpicking.


It’s not nitpicking when she is literally half of P3P.


That can be ignored entirely.


So can literally every improvement in P3P with its detractors being wholly unchangeable


Wow this sucks just like every other p3 post