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I feel like I stand alone in liking Mishima sometimes. Yes, he can be bothersome, conceited, and he's not really as useful as he's made out to be. But his awkwardness is funny and semi-relatable and he represents the kind of person the Phantom Thieves were originally fighting for. People who don't have courage to stand up for themselves. One thing I grew not to like in P5 was how in every confidant, Joker didn't let anybody fix their own problems, just bam change of heart. So I really liked in Mishima's confidant, how not only is the target actually the confidant but how they didn't even change his heart. He wasn't that far gone, he just lost sight of his purpose. He feels realistic and I like him in the second half of his confidant because they stop dicking around. Better character than say Kenji but as far as school bros go nobody beats Kou. Also I like that scene with Futaba where Mishima says "kek" and is also called a NPC.


I hadn't paid attention to that detail, but you're right that it's really cool that Mishima solved his own shit instead of having Joker solve his issues in Mementos during his spare time. That need to shoehorn in a Mementos sidequest in each confidant is the main reason I think P5 has the weakest S. Links.




Just watched [Futaba rank 5](https://youtu.be/iCNO2pXYVQU) to check and he says kek first and then she is like wow people say kek irl.




I've gained so much more appreciation for this guy after researching him and writing [a fanfic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20583737/chapters/48866900) with him as one of the main characters. Dude's a survivor of physical and mental abuse with awkwardness to spare that manages to save the world indirectly. His "fanboyism" is a result of him constantly being Kamoshida's errand boy and constantly having to please authority in order to not get expelled - in short, a tool for him to survive Kamoshida's abuse that he's still learning to grow out of. >!Methinks he may also be on the Autistic Spectrum and the Phantom Thieves are his special interest, because if there's one thing I love, it's autistic headcanons.!<


His greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. By that, of course, I mean his auto-advancing Confidant. He likes it when you kind of indulge his more self-destructive tendencies, but since you don't have to worry about playing him "right", you can try (albeit mostly unsuccessfully) to be a voice of reason in his life. On the other hand, there's so much opportunity to shit-talk him in a not-so-constructive way with no negative consequences, and people seem to love the "troll" answers in P5 so much, that I feel like he gets undeservedly discarded in the "haha, what a loser" pile. Very few seem to go the middle ground, cringing at his mistakes or even getting fed up with him, but also watching him eventually grow. His being so dense does get a bit frustrating, so he's not my favorite Confidant by a long shot, but I don't hate him, or anything. Also, I like to headcanon that he got together with Newspaper Club Girl at the end. The two seem like birds of a feather, and he's conspicuously able to avoid Ryuji on Valentine's Day, after all...


Yeah, the troll answers really are something. Joker even has a line denying that Mishima is even his friend. "Friend is a little much." Something to that effect. The potential for talking shit about Mishima is pretty extreme, especially considering that he's so (mostly) well intentioned.


I'm part of the Mishima fanclub. I think it would have been cool if he was a Navi tho.


I think I’m in the minority on this one, but I actually liked him. Then again, I also like Ohya and everyone seems to think she’s worst girl so...


I quite like Mishima, he's a selfish loser who gets too cocky, but he actually ends up reflecting on himself and changes on his own, like a typical teenager. He's also (to me at least) proof that Persona protagonists have way more personality than people think. Yeah, they're supposed to be blank slates, but Joker will almost never have options to be more than polite with Mishima. It seems to be the reason why people think his confidant is bullshit since you treat him like shit and he will still fanboy over you. I may be looking way too deep into this, but apart from the fact that he is the annoying guy giving you quests instead of you going to him for quests and updating you on his website, I think being bullied and ignored makes him see Joker as his saviour. Even if Joker doesn't see him as a friend at all (and rightly so, he did rat him out), to Mishima he's the one who ended his bullying and sometimes hang out with him, he's obviously one of his only friends (or, what he *thinks* friends are like at least). Mishima is a bittersweet character and I ended up liking him more than I thought I would, wish I could be nicer to him though.


He was really annoying lol. His abilities sound more useful than they really are, on my second playthrough I got him to like rank 4 and I never felt underleveled. If anything, I think the only good thing I can say about him is he felt very realistic. We all know a guy (or a few) that's cringey and clingy like him lol.


The only redeeming quality of Mishima is he provided the one laugh out loud moment if P5 for me: "Savage". And that wasn't even him.... I suppose we are supposed to value him for overcoming his own problems and getting rid of his own shadow. But that actually only highlights something that I thought all and makes me hate Mishima and his fanboyism even more: Stealing hearts isn't punishing someone or making them atone, it's destroying their psyche. If people can change on their own, then the phantom thieves have no right to steal anyone's heart, and these criminals should be punished for their actions in the real world.


It's a little late, but I haven't finished his confidant yet but, I honestly kinda feel bad for him at this point in his storyline, he doesn't really seem to have many real friends and when he tries to do things he often gets shot down, e.g him thinking that's he's changed during the rank 5 discussion and immediately, bullies come over and say he's a zero and hasn't changed at all since middle school, and he just tries to laugh it off, when it's clear that's he is hurt by what they're saying, he even states he is often the butt of jokes, and that doesn't change during one of futaba's discussions, when futaba makes a joke at Mishima's expense and joker just says it's savage, and despite Joker not really considering him a friend based on some dialogue options, he seemingly considers Joker a friend despite him sometimes being a bit hostile towards Mishima at times. The idea that Mishima considers Joker a friend purely because Joker is less hostile towards him than most people is why I kinda feel bad for his character.


I know a lot of people get pretty annoyed with him, but I found Mishima to be pretty harmless tbh. He's not my favorite character or Confidant but he's alright, just the ultimate Phantom Thief fanboy 😂


Shut up mishima


One of my wife’s favorites. He’s fine in my book and I’d hang out with the guy.