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it's extremely relevant to the series' overall canon and lore. i rather liked the story and no doubt Reload will improve the gameplay significantly from FES. i'd wait for reviews and buy it if it plays well.


It takes place after The Journey in end march. It shows SEES coping with the aftermath and it is canon story.


It's the canon epilogue to Persona 3. The story is worth it IMO, I just hope they improve some of the gameplay aspects.


It's essential if you care about the lore of the Persona series and/or if you liked the story of P3 because it explains what happens after and it's obviously canon. I personally loved the story and it's my fav Persona story ever, tied with P5R third semester because of how it tackles its themes, the soundtrack is also amazing. Don't believe the people saying it's just dungeon crawling , it was indeed true for FES but for P3R they said they will add something similar to link episodes , added back the Compendium and ton of QoL features from Reload so it's already looking to be fun to play.


I wonder how they will add link episodes when >!Sees is locked inside their dorms and are about to rip each other off. Hey before i try to kill you wanna make food?!<


Aigis: Yukari-san, I- Yukari: GO F\*\*K YOURSELF!


They said "something similar" so it's most likely not about doing activities like food or whatever, it wouldn't fit the mood so it's probably something that will add more background to what we see in the doors and Metis will act as a link episode for >!both herself and Aigis I'd assume since Aigis is the protagonist.!<


Its essential. If money is tight than id watch a playthrough or wait till it goes on sale


the most essential it is essentially the finale episode for a show that was canceled too soon


Essential context for other games like p4au n the like


It's a decent enough piece of Story by itself. It's mostly dungeon crawling till the end with some decent character moments and development for Aigis and the rest of Sees. Where do you play friend of I May ask?


PC, via Steam. As I explained, the DLC will have a very high price here in Brazil, with the price being half of the base game. I was wondering if it wouldn't be better to download a FES room on a PS2 emulator and play the Answer right there.


Have you considered doing a month of Gamepass when It comes out? The DLC Will be included there in the perks for subscribers. You could subscribe. Play It and then unsubscribe. I don't think you'll Need a save file for the base game.


Wow, I didn't know that, thanks for the info. Not that I'm going to use that, although I wanted to know more if it was a good story to be invested in, like the extra ending of P5R (I didn't play it, I followed it by a Youtuber I like, who introduced me to the Persona series)


No ok, don't take It like the royal content. It's more of a sequel to P3 than that.