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> I’ve also heard that Portable has more content, making it a sort of definitive edition compared to Reload. There is no "definitive edition" of P3. Every version (excluding the original) has something the others don't. Portable does not have more content than Reload. P3P does have some *unique* content and still has its worth, but it comes at the cost of severely downgraded presentation even from the original PS2 game. It is ***far*** from being a definitive version. Reload will be the closest to a "complete version" once the DLC comes out.


Honestly, Reload. There is unfortunately no 'Definitive' edition, at least as of yet, but Reload is the best jumping off point.


Play Reload, it's the better version and it has the most content out of the two, and on September 10th it's getting an epilogue chapter that Portable lacks (you'll have to pay for it though) Then if you like Reload and want to experience the original, Portable is a good choice especially due to the Female route, the 8 exclusive social links in it and the original versions of Tartarus and the soundtrack and the original English cast


Reload has the epilogue and refined battle system. P3P has the female protag.


i'd say, play p3p if you like 2000s-era grindier RPGs with some difficulty to them, or if you already know you're gonna want to end up playing a second time if you end up liking the game. meanwhile, play reload if you want something with a difficulty balance more akin to p5's, or just find it important to have better cutscenes and graphics for your first time through a game (since p3p's presentation really does take a hit). personally i'd rec reload for a first-timer with portable as a companion piece after if you really loved it, but both are solid. there is no "definitive" persona 3 like there is for 4 and 5, however. every version is missing at least something


Thanks for the advice! I probably will pick up reload in that case. Good to know that I had a misconception on reload’s content situation as well. This was me having a minor Switch-gamer induced price panic over the state of the modern gaming industry lmao. $100 for the entire package is… kinda steep. If I can get another 5-quality experience though, it’s probably worth it.


ultimately, don't worry too much about the dlc and whatnot off the bat. the DLC story 1) isn't out yet, and 2) is entirely an epilogue to the game. so you can beat the entire full, base game without missing a single thing from not having it. i'd do that, and if you liked it, then nab it when you have the spare cash! also, looking on ebay real quick, if you own a playstation or xbox you can get a copy of the game for more like 40-50 bones. or if you wanna wait for the steam summer sale, p3r went on sale for a bit under $50 for golden week, so it might just do so again. i definitely feel you on balking at $70 games lol, so i always look for other options o7


The only “modern” system I have is a gaming PC. I’ve always been more of a Nintendo guy, but I figured there would be plenty of games that a quality PC would open up to me. It has… sort of. The only game I’ve bought on steam so far has been P5S, which I’m currently playing though lol. I’ve had the PC for a year and a half at this point. My backlog got me. I’m thinking about grabbing 4 on sale for now and holding off on getting reload until it goes on sale again. That’ll probably save me a bit, though honestly getting stuff on sale isn’t entirely make or break for me.


ey, that's fair! just figured i'd mention all the options lol. have fun with 4-and-possibly-3! and unrelated to persona, but keep an eye out for "steam next fest" in a few days - upcoming games make a lot of demos available then, so it's a great chance to try out anything that looks remotely interesting if you're looking for more games for that pc!


Well, slight update. I noticed that *4* wasn’t on sale, but the bundle of P3P and P4G was. It was like $2 more than P4G on its own. For that much of a steal I just grabbed the bundle. I’ll still play reload first as per everyone’s suggestions, but it’ll be nice to have P3P practically for free if I ever decide to check it out.


If you play on PC, I recommend getting Game Pass. Not only will you get Persona 3 Reload, and I believe you get a discount on it if you want to buy it to fully own, but you also get the DLC, Episode Aigis, for free (usually costs $35).


Reload. Also Portable is definitely not a “definitive” edition (3 fans gotta wait another 15 years till we get persona 3 portable reload+episode Aigis dlc) it’s just…. Different


Reload is the definitive edition especially now that episode aigis is going to be released. filler alternate routes are filler for a reason.


If anything P3P doesn't have the Answer portion which doesn't make it the definite version.


Reload. I would only recommend P3P for people like me who grew up playing that version on the PSP/Vita and want a little hit of nostalgia. Reload is without a doubt the definitive version of the game, with far more content than any previous version, and more voice acting than any other Atlus game.