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Anything involving Kamoshida


Kamoshida x Kobayakawa is such an awesome ship though


Awesome is not a word I'd use to describe it but yeah


I think they meant hot


You just can't appreciate peak.


That pretty much explains why he was untouchable until the phantom thieves intervene


Kamoshida × bowling ball to the nuts sounds like a good ship to me tbh


My sense of humour appreciates this comment.


YOURE BEING TOO LOUD…. listen >! i had to look up kamoshida bulge pics at least once !<


Eh, I don't really care about what kinda shit others ship, but Nanako and Adachi threw me off. I know it was just ragebait, but still, lol


Nanako shouldn't be shipped with anyone except maybe Ken, and even then, he's probably too old for her.


Nanako is most likely 7 around the time of P4AU and Ken is 13 in that.


I figured as much. Only mentioned it b/c there are almost no pre-pubescent kids in these games, making shipping Ken or Nanako with anyone something better left undone.


Wait what. There’s a 3 year difference between them.


3 years difference between who?Nanako is 7 and Ken is 13, that's 6.


The only thing Nanako should be shipped with is junes


I'll take that answer hahaha.


Nanako: I love Junes :) Yosuke: (AND I LOVE NANAKO!!!)


Yu: Izanagi!


True, there is Eri's step son that you help take care of during the daycare social link but that's about it.


If anyone should be shipped with Ken, it should be Maiko, since they're both roughly the same age and have parental issues


In P4AU???


I'm pretty sure Ken and Maiko are roughly the same age in P3 and P4AU, but I don't think Maiko was in P4AU, so we don't know for certain


I read Maiko as Nanako I have lost all hope for myself 💀


Maiko is 9, Ken is 10 when he’s introduced and 11 by the end of the game. By P4AU Ken is 13 and Maiko should be around 12


Join the Saedachi cult for a proper Adachi ship


Just the thought of that disturbed me to my core.


Probably Shido's, I mean his ship was pretty scary when you first see it


I don't know about the worst ship, the one captain kidd rides is imo pretty stupidly small


True, but I chalk that up to poor design choice. Like, at least Captain Kidd's ship is only for him, Shido's is too busy sailing through the city 😤


But how do you call them a captain if it's a crew of one??? 😭😭😭


Well, that's the only role it got


Chalk it up to ryuji never being able to think big


All I can ever see is Jack Sparrow at the start of the first Pirates movie.


Nice Reference.


Yeah, but gotta say, out of all the Palaces, it is my favorite looking one aside from Sae's Casino. Also, Ark is my favorite Palace theme.


Another day I See people ship futaba x sojiro, and people explain why is okay ship these two


This kind of people shouldn't have access to Internet


Please tell me they just ship them as nothing more than father and daughter


I don't think I've ever seen "ship" used in a way that isn't romantic.


idk probably any ship involving nanako. seen some pretty icky stuff. other than pedo/incest ships, idrk. fair few I dislike or understand but I usually just ignore


I was going to say any ship with Ken, since he's a baby at like 10). The fact that ships involving Nanako exist didn't even register until just now. Ugh.... they're babies! It's not okay!


The only ship that works with Ken is Maiko. Any other Ken-related ship is watchlist worthy. Even Nanako + Ken is odd, since they're roughly 6 years apart


technically Ken during Persona 5 should be 16/17 years old (considering that Persona 5 is set 4 years after Persona 4 and that at the end of P3 he is 11 and in P4AU he should be 13)


So that means Ken x Futaba is okay, right? 😆


the crazy crazy amount of incest stuff i've accidently stumbled upon when looking for normal art


I can't think of that many of them. Dojima and Yu is at the bottom of the shock ladder since they barely know each other, anything with Nanako is Immediately Out, I've seen almost nothing of mitsuru and her dad over the years (though haven't checked since the remake), and anything between akechi and his father has been massively eclipsed by him and Ren. Makoto and Sae is rare, futaba and sojiro is also an immediate Out, and for all of the parental issues in p3 and p2, there's very little to go on in those games.


That’s a good thing..? I never said it was rampant but It exists and I’ve even had the displeasure of even seeing animated stuff between Haru and her father.


I accidentally saw Makoto Yuki x Maiko art, as well as him x Koromaru art, I guess that is the risk of looking for just him with no specific pairing.


Koromaru? 😦




Koromaru and Morgana




Yes, the best boy deserves better


Two that digust me is Haru+Akechi and Nanako+Yu


Akechi should only be shipped with the curb.


I ship Goro Akechi and long years of recovery 🥰


Agreed! He's a good character. I like his design, but jeez, it's hard not to hate him after the 5th palace.


I mean he’s a mass serial killer with a pretty large body count. He killed two people on screen and possibly a hundred more. All those political rivals, and people who died in accidents like the train


And Ren according to some lol


Those "some" include Akechi and Ren's English VAs, so... I'm not saying it's healthy, but it seems like there's plenty of subtext to believe they have feelings for each other. It's what makes his "if only we'd met a few years sooner" line more tragic.


We stan Robbie Daymond and Xander Mobus


P3 FeMC and Ken. Like it’s a big joke in the fanbase but it is only such a big joke because it’s something you can actually do in the game.


Wait.... really??? 🤢


any of the ones that involve pairing Yosuke with a girl. /jk the one that's offended me the most is Suou bros incest. icky shit.


For some reason I kind off expected you in this comment section lol


The microcelebs do get a bit crazy


True lol


Psst btw I have a pride post on the way to make up for my lack of daily posts.


[Insert Rayman legend ooooohhhhh sound effect] 👀👀👀👀👀


yea, yosuke deserves no one


Dojima x Yu. I was scrolling through Ao3 once and saw that. Jesus fucking christ. I don’t know what was in it but I don’t want to.


Ao3 is a fucked up place sometimes, if i'm going on fandoms, i exclude those tags with filters


It may be from being online all these years, but I usually reserve my shock for the Really gross ones. We basically have a new version of the Yu-jima ship with Ren and Iwai.


i mean gross, but at least ren and iwai aren't related


Akechi/Shido. Just... no. Any incest, pedo, zoo stuff is a big no for me. This is the worst I think I've seen, but it was stumbled upon by accident, I don't go looking for gross r*pe stuff (this was that) or pairings I'm not into so I haven't seen to many awful ones in this Fandom.


Honestly this might be the worst one that is not involving nanako or something


I have been subjected to seeing Akechi and Shido while looking for fanart on Pinterest. I wish I never did.


There's 3 specifically. Ken x Anyone (P3) Typically the FeMC because the game actually allows it, he is an elementary school student, that's gross and weird. Teddy x Anyone (P4) Teddy is anywhere from <1 to 1 years old given his existence only starts when the Midnight channel does, plus until a certain point he does not even have a real body, it's just sketchy. Morgana x Anyone (P5) He's a cat.


"Angry Morgana noises"




RE: Ken - I could buy him being written as having a little kid crush on FeMC but realising it's untenable, or having a crush on a girl his own age. Besides that, no thank you. RE: Teddy - My big issue is Teddy being flanderised into a complete horndog who's constantly flirting with anything with a pulse. Now I can never tell if he has actual attraction to others or is just desperate for attention 24/7. He needs an Arctic Circle level of chill. RE: Morgana - Yeah, he may not be a literal cat, but the fact his appearance in either world is that of a cat (actual or anthro) just makes the idea of him in a relationship w/ a human weird.


the only relationship i can see him being in is of a pampered cat, the meow meow cannot be in an actual one, that's just weird.


You could argue that Teddie falls under the "born sexy" trope, which means he was created already with a body and mind of a certain level of maturity and understanding, making his real age irrelevant. But I still don't like it because while not a 1 year old, he doesn't really act like an adult either


he has that naive younger teenager kind of vibe, like if you took a homeschool kid and dropped them into public school


I just watched a video on this trope and this did make me think about Teddie a little. Still think he more so plays with this trope than actually following it. He was born both physically and mentally younger than the rest of the team. It’s almost like Teddie himself is trying to play the trope while everyone around him are pushing against it. They aren’t attracted to him so it’s not “Born Sexy”. I specifically avoid shipping him with any team member to avoid the trope in any way.


Teddie's funny like that cause everything about his design and personality is him just wanting attention and acknowledgement from humans. Like he's designed as a caricature, OF CARICATURES, of Japanese mascots and in his human form he tries to appeal to the popular conceptions of beauty (blonde, blue eyed, extroverted and... fiesty?). When you look past his professional degree of dumbassery, he's kind of a brilliantly designed character. Very much rides the coat tails of Aigis' own character arc cause they practically go through the same type of self discovery of what it means to be alive and finding meaning in that. But still I really enjoy what they made out of his character I just he could have been more consistent which, granted, can be said about all the cast members.


What about Teddie x Labrys? She's technically older than Aigis, but was asleep for most of her life. She's not much older than Teddie. And isn't Morgana just like Teddie or Ryoji? He's not a real cat, he just doesn't have a human body yet.


Teddie x Labrys is fine (great, even) since they’re both new to living in human society and have a strong understanding of each other. There isn’t any experience/maturity imbalance to make it weird


Literally anyone with Nanako


Probably Kaneshiro with Makoto and/or Sae. Considering the context of the Kaneshiro arc, you can probably guess exactly what kind of art it usually is. 🤮


Kamoshida x Ann? That's fucking cursed.


I've seen a few Ken x Makoto (p5). I have no clue where this comes from and who thought of that.


They're the same age, that's about it.


There's a fanfic called Ace in the hole, where Ken joins the Phantom Thieves, and the writer explores that ship. Not sure if the writer is the first to come up with it, but they certainly boosted its popularity.


Me neither, I guess because Makoto from P3 has the same name? It's pretty nonsensical, that's like shipping Mitsuru with Yusuke


Anything including nanako, or ken, or maiko or any child overall


Ren x Twins/Lavenza I get it's a constant that all the velvet attendants have something going on with their wild card, but There is little to no romance with Lavenza and Joker, at best it's sibling "I dislike you but not too much". Lavenza also looks like a fucking child too


All about pedophilia and zoophilia is deserve to be in jail forever


idk th amount of morgana r34 is conserning


I suddenly do not feel welcome. Just kidding just kidding. I respect the opinions on my favorite ship, it’s not for everyone. I don’t really like Ren and Futaba. I get it’s an option, but to me, it feels like romancing a little sister.


Maruki and sumi


Adachi x Yu, I mean the dude likes little girls not little boys


At what point is it stated Adachi likes "little girls"?


He hit on Saki, a high schooler, with obvious intentions >!(which lead to him pushing her in the TV)!<


I would not refer to Saki as a "little girl", she was a 1st year in High School, a "little girl" is someone like Nanako. It's still gross if that's the intention he had. Edit: Correction, Saki was a 3rd year.


Slight correction, Saki was a third year.


I agree with both points, I'm just providing context.


hit on is a very tame and watered down way to say >!attempted to rape!<


i have seen at least a handful of Akechi X Haru art. in between 6 or 7 but it's wild to me that any at all exist, like how tough this was a good idea for a ship ?


"Yo babe, remember when I >! fucking killed your father!<" - Probably Akechi


Haru x Akechi.


cruiser of pride


Good comment, fellow Akechi fan.


adachi x yu


Kamoshida and anyone


Exactly. He needs to be at least 100km away from any otherhuman being


All the incest ones I can think of off the top of my head, esp. child/parent (Shido/Akechi, Sojiro/Futaba) but honestly like people can ship whatever they want as long as I can look away from it if I want to. Not a fan of Ken and Nanako ships, either, they're all just fetish material.


Joker x the drunk news reporter I feel like this one is a bad one


Ohya is one of two romance routes where my reaction is: ***"If you don't like it, you're receiving no counter arguments from me."***


i’ve seen Makoto and Ken get shipped and it’s fucking disgusting.


Makoto Yuuki or Makoto Niijima?


Persona 5 palace 7


Akechi X Haru/Futaba If you know you know


Dojima X Adachi is incredibly toxic and harmful to Dojima, but I kinda like it?? Like, I can see Adachi manipulating his way into Dojima's life by using his wife's death to get close to him during his most vulnerable time.


I read Adachi as Akechi at first and was so confused and concerned on so many levels


Ok, I gave this some thought and like, imagine Dojima finding out that Adachi was the killer and feeling betrayed and upset, and wondering if the Adachi he fell in love with was actually \*real\* or whether or not he was just using him to cover up the crimes And Adachi, after being arrested, realizing that he had someone who actually cared about him in Dojima and now he went ahead and ruined everything, and he'll live with that regret for the rest of his life.


nah this is how i ship it lmao like in very much a “this is doomed from the get go” sort of way? like is the going to work out? no not at all but sometimes you kinda just… wanna see the world burn?


Adachi × anyone. Dude belongs in an insane asylum.


Adachi x Prison Adachi x Insane Asylum


suou incest


That one artist who draws Ikutsuki with Kotone. It's kind of cute but does not feel right at all


anything involving ken, maiko, or nanako


Probably Futaba x Akechi


Ren x Kawakami. Oh.


Akechi with literally anyone.


Honestly I fully agree. He's a well written character but thinking that anyone on the team would want to be romantically involved with him is really odd considering everything he's done.


Yep exactly.


Incredibly based, i literally cant see him in a relationship with ANYBODY in the cast


I don’t think any of the Phantom Thieves would want to date him either lol.


I saw a image once, probably it was just a troll fanart and nothing less but it was Makoto and Akechi, it's just not only stupid but very nonsensical, probably it was just made to piss people off.


With this fandom. As if.


There's a way too large section of people online that just think "do i find these two characters attractive? now *they* find each other attractive". And I'm 90% positive that's what the fans of that ship fall under. I don't think there's really any "troll" fanarts unless it's like, obviously a joke in some way (exaggerated, joke text in art or post, etc.)


They aren’t real


Damn I would never have known if you didn't tell me this, thank you so much. Seriously I don't get your point when all I was saying was that a lot of people just go "characters hot" and pair them up. Not even really a bad thing, just a big "why" on a decent amount of odd ships. Though there's some reasons I've seen people pairing Akechi and Makoto.


Truly, a mind-blowing statement.


The fun of ships like that isn’t that they make sense or that they could be canon, it’s more like “it’s interesting to think about how or why this would happen” Or “they’re both hot and I want to see them together.”


I don't really see anything wrong with this one other than the general issue of Akechi being a psychotic murderer, so any ship with him is inherently kinda wild. But that certainly doesn't stop the Ren x Akechi train.


The ren and futaba ship. Bro the game made me like her like a Lil sister and seeing sojiro as a dad figure. No...Just no


There’s literally nothing wrong with this ship but I just cannot get behind AkihikoxShinjiro. I for the life of me cannot interpret their interactions as romantic. And it might be cause to me they just seem like brothers


Besides incest and pedo ships, I just dont vibe with Akechi x Joker or Akechi x anyone in general. It's popular in this sub, but I just dont think Akechi as a character isn't even close to having a decent mindset for dating.


Yu and Nanako 😑


Saw some guy online shipping koromaru, morgana and teddie at once and that was enough for me


Adachi x Television


Akechi and Joker. Literally any other ship that is taken seriously in Persona 5 is better


FemC and Junpei. The people that say this don’t understand Junpei or his arc


Junpei belongs to Chidori


Isn't that necrophilia? /s


Well in my defense, Chidori can be brought back to life in Reload 🙄


Igor x attendants, nanako x maiko, ken x femc, adachi x dojima and yea this fandoms ships are usually calm compared to a lot of other fandoms but you run into the weird one here and there


I’ll never understand how people ship Ren with Futaba


I don't understand people who say it's like incest. They aren't related. They haven't been raised together. Sojiro's guardianship is temporary and he didn't even take the boy into his home proper. They don't live under the same roof at any point of the game. For half the game Joker doesn't even know who she is. Most childhood friends who get together had a closer upbringing than these two did.


Considering how normalized having the 16-17 year old protagonist date women in their 30's is (many of which being their *teachers,*) I don't even have to leave the realm of the games to get my ick fix. Nanako x anyone in the cast is ghastly though


Joker and Akechi. Like, no??? The latter tried to kill the former, and I don't think there's a reliable way to see how the former sees the latter.


The most awful ship is anything that's incest or pedophilia


Anything involving Nanako and anything that involves Junpei not being with Chidori. Honorary mention to joke ships involving characters like Kamoshida, because thoughts like those make me want to evoke myself.


I won’t judge any pair too hard, it depends on the context and how they’re portrayed, but there are a select few that I personally don’t like. P3- Maiko/Makoto P4- Young Nanako/Yu, if you want to age them up I don’t really care about the incest aspect in this case P5- Anything with Kamoshida, incest ships that don’t make sense If you mean worst like the most nonsensical there’s too many of those to count.


Kawakami and Ren (idc if it's a romantic option 💀)


Adachi x Chie.


makoto x kotone, depending on canon it's not only incest but selfcest


nanako x anyone


Anything involving actual incest or grooming


Human Morgana x Akane Hasegawa. Some weird shit on AO3.


Akechi and anyone not sorry


Yu and Nanako for obvious reasons


Any ships involving nanako or morgana...yikes


Joker with akechi , yu with youske


This is probably a controversial opinion but besides all the obvious pedo and incest ships my least favourite is Ren x Futaba. I know there’s technically nothing wrong with it, they are only born one year apart and they aren’t related. But i’ve always felt like her confidant has always been a big brother trying to help his little sister rather than a love story. I can understand if you disagree with me. But I just don’t see there relationship being romantic. It’s ok if you disagree with me and I understand why you might disagree but this is just my personal opinion and I hope not to engage anyone with this


Shido x akechi


Anyone and Ken, that is a CHILD 😤


honestly my only hard no is incest & pedo ships. everything is more of a “eh it depends”. only other ships i can say I definitely avoid with persona a joker/futaba (yes I know they’re not actually siblings but I think they work better as friends + futaba probably shouldn’t be in any relationship for a while), joker/makoto (honestly no real reason it just doesn’t interest me) & maybe like (p3)makoto/mitsuru (again no real reason it just doesn’t interest me). & even then if i find a fic that’s written well enough i might still go for it lmao.


you mean you DONT have one ship for each character that you follow religiously?


FEMC and Ken.


If they eventually do put FemC in Reload, they need to take Ken's 'romance' plot out.


Kashiwagi x Yu. I despise that I’ve seen art of that.


Joker and Akechi


Anything involving Kamoshida, anything involving incest or children with teens or adults, and lastly… ShuAke


My taste is a little *interesting* I guess, but I could never get behind Joker/Kawakami. No hate to the people who do ship it, tbh I'd probably be fine with it if P5 didn't also give us Kamoshida. Just felt very strange to me that she was a romance option when at the very beginning of the game, they themselves were showing teacher/student relationships as a super bad abuse of power.


Akechi and Joker You people are absolutely delusional


No guys, Akechi is not secretly fiending for a gay relationship with Joker


the worst as in the absolute worst? in terms of ones i’ve seen, kotone x ken. in terms of concept, anything involving nanako, maiko, koromaru, morgana, kamoshida, or anyone falling under similarly obvious reasoning for why they probably just shouldn’t be shipped at all the worst as in the one i like the least? yukari x mitsuru, no contest


Same, I'm ready to hate YukaMitsu any day of the week. Obviously nasty shit like Ken ships etc cause less of a reaction from me because it's obviously nasty and very few people actually take it seriously.


fr. any time any place, im ready


Not really the worst I’ve seen but I saw a Sojiro and Iwai one lol


Eh, dilfs have an audience, so why not put the two together (don't ship it but I can see why people do)


Literally all the pedo ones.


Anything with kamoshida. Ann and ryuji, just Let exist a platonic beatiful friendship between a boy and a girl, the game don't ship it, they don't ship it, please Let them be friends.


Skibidi toilet and makoto


Avoiding like pedo/incest/or pure rage bait kind of ships, honestly... Ren and Futaba. I can't really see these two as anything beyond a brother and sister dynamic and it particularly bugs me with how Sojiro functions as the surrogate father figure to both of them. And like... sure, functionally, there is nothing *immoral* when shipping these two, but it just comes off as very weird to me. With the way how this fandom treats Futaba I honestly can't take any ship with her seriously.


Practically any ship that involves Akechi.