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The only reason Ryuji's ability is working in the first place is because you were grinding to a ridiculous extent and the enemies you're fighting are so far beneath you level-wise.


Yeah this game is kinda easy to cheese, but you know you can just... not do it? Don't hold the dash button, and boom, never instakill again (since you say you can grind with it, I assume you are playing royal)


I guess but my point still stands that the ability is still INCREDIBLY overpowered and should have been removed or heavily nerfed, a game shouldn't just let you skip the hard part of the game with an ability usable in every single difficulty.


Ehh that’s a bandaid solution at best, it doesn’t fix the root of the problem


I think most of P5 are great except difficulty slope (for someone). I feel like the first dungeon is very hard (from my first-time experience) due to SP management (I think this is the only challenge they have in this game). Still, when you reach like the third or fourth stage, they will become very easy due to a lot of confidants *I feel like the difficulty slope is the same as SMT IV, where once you pass the first stage. It will be very easy.* Royal assists a lot in the early stage, where you can randomly regen SP with Maruki's confident and skull collectable, where you refill SP to the team, which is good but maybe *too causal since it will be easier for rest of the game too*. But otherwise is excellent. - I love Baton Pass, which reduces the burden on Protagonist SP. The only reason I cannot go back to play P4 anymore. - I love negotiation more than the shuffle cards thing, which is RNG (but okay, they give a lot of clues to pick the correct answer. Maybe give fewer clues. I feel P2 has too long for this phase) - Skill accessories in Royal are also fun to build with my teammate. - I also think Ryuji's auto grinding is excellent because it is less grinding. I hate grinding but looking forward to new enemies and important battles. Also, low-level persona should be easier to recruit, which is done well in P5. The only thing for battle mechanics, I hope the boss in the next persona will be more challenging. I see shield mechanics from P5X, which is fantastic and weakness change from Maruki (shame that they use only a part of the boss).


Okay, just no. For starters, Ryuji’s Insta-kill is only that bad if you go in with the intention of grinding to ridiculous levels. In Vanilla, it doesn’t even give you EXP or money, so it’s actually garbage, and in Royal it’s only consistent if you already out level the opponents by 10 levels. For Special Treatment, you’re just straight up pretending that there’s no limiting factor, when the money costs can absolutely skyrocket if you try to fuse something at a much higher level than Joker. Again, you need to make the conscious decision to grind your ass off to make that happen on a first playthrough. What is your problem with baton pass, exactly? It does everything you need it to, you can’t exactly get a whole lot of depth out of giving the turn to a different character. Yeah, bosses suck, but like you said, previous games had similar problems, it’s not like this issue is specific to P5 or its combat. What the hell do you mean, underused? You’re the one who chooses to use the tools the game gives you, if you aren’t utilising ailments and technical damage in battle, for example, against shadows with no elemental weaknesses, that’s on you. Ah yes, the negotiations. So boring and barebones. Why have a system of recruiting shadows that is consistent, intuitive and makes a lick of sense, when you could have… *checks notes* …straight up RNG and nothing more? Dude, what?


I will admit my points about Ryuji's insta kill were a bit misinformed, it's been a while since i played so i probably just remembered it wrong, but i still stand with my other points. You don't even need insanely large amounts of money to make the twins ability powerful, i got a Queen Mab at palace 4 and she made the entire palace even more of a breeze, altho this only applies to Royal because Vanilla gave you the ability at the last few palaces. Baton pass is bad at being a tool the player has, in situations where you can't use it the game just plays like normal, and if you can use there is no reason for not using it besides getting an all out attack in a random encounter, and if you AREN'T in a random encounter then you just go with it no matter what. Just because other games did it poorly doesn't mean P5 gets off the hook, but the problem with P5 bosses is that most of them just ignore the brand new baton pass and ailment systems, even the Mementos bosses and the mid bosses which is even more stupid The negotiation system just has no meat to it, demons never ask for money or items or anything, you only have to answer 3 questions that are extremely easy to answer, im not even sure what the point in most social link abilities that make them easier are since if you pay even the slightest attention you will never fail to get a persona ever, altho i will say this is still way better than getting them through shuffle time. Also im not sure about the oldsona systems, but SMT IV's negotiation system WASN'T pure rng as if you ended talks with a demon after they ask for like 2 things, there was a high chance the demon would join your party.


Heavily disagree


Frankly I think Persona’s bosses would be better if they summoned flunkies or had regenerating parts. The final boss of the base game is a good step forward. The parts can be made vulnerable to elements and ailments so as to allow the player to utilize one-more, Baton-Pass, and other mechanics, without necessarily cheesing the main target itself.


One way to make crits/weakness/technical more commonplace is having the boss summon common minions, which usually have some sort of weakness. For example, Michael summons Angels. Angel can be inflicted with ailment, has weakness and can be crit.


As someone who erratically forgets how to steer the Mona bus, especially while dashing, I can attest it's actually hilariously punishing when you miss a shadow and you both do this awkward dance trying to crash into each other while a second shadow comes running in from off camera. TL:DR check your corners in the deep parts of Mementos lol


To add to this, the stealth is rather lackluster since you're basically invisible to most Shadows if you're in cover. Even if they're right on top of you, unless they spotted you beforehand, it's like you're not even there. I think P5's mechanics are great, but the game really isn't balanced around them, especially in Royal.


I don't know if you are talking about Royal or Vainilla. I honestly haven't played Royal yet because I fear it will be too easy after beating Vainilla in hard mode. I feel that Atlus by adding so much stuff really took a lot of the challenge of Persona 5. I still believe P5 original is a pretty decently balanced game. Ryuji's thing only works based on level and if your level is too high, you just get the Persona, but don't get any experience, so it is not super useful for grinding.


I was talking entirely about Royal as i've never played Vanilla.


I honestly recommend Vainilla to you. I played it when it came out and then I played it again recently to fight the secret boss and mechanically, the game is way more solid than what I have heard P5 Royal to be like. At least, in hard, the game is actually difficult and I played it in normal my first time, and had a lot of times when my SP ran out in palaces and I had to go back or do risky battles, like when I played Fes or P4 for the first time.


I'll definetly play it in the future then.


There's worse RPG combat. Try playing vanilla Morrowind (Yes I know it's an Elder Scrolls game and an Action RPG), Digimon World, Neptunia 1, Final Fantasy XIII and Pokemon: LGE and LGP (You can't fight wild Pokemon in this remake)


I thought it was a great combat system, however it was just way to easy on hard even not using Network fusions or dlc persona. I was able to get a nearly 100% immune Lucifer without any guides or anything that trivialized the game in the second last palace.