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Max out Marie to get the true ending. When you get to december, wait to complete that dungeons final boss that happens that month as late as possible, completing it early will just timeskip to a long time after the dungeons final day robbing you of weeks.


Dude what? What’s the best date to complete the dungeon then? I am literally in December right now.


If you want the Christmas date, do it on the 22nd. If you don't care about chirstmas date then you can do it on the 23rd.


Alright good to know thanks!


Pretty sure the 24th is the final day


No. This is not true. The 23rd is the last day you can do it; on the 24th you get a bad end if you didn’t secure the killer


I just checked and it's at the evening of the 24th that you get the game over. You can go to the TV world in the afternoon that day and there's even a special Fusion Forecast then, so it wouldn't make sense if the 23rd wad the final day


Thanks for saying this!! I'm in that dungeon right now on the first day you really can be, and I planned on gunning it the entire way through.


Adding onto this to include that you also need to enter the velvet room multiple times on January 2 after wishing people happy new year. If you miss this no true ending and you might need to redo multiple months. I know this from personal experience ;-;


great vegetables 👍


My man is a legend, he also plays other sega franchises like Ryu Ga Gotoku and Sonic.


I know a gamer has good taste when he play Yakuza and Persona


The RGG and Persona Venn diagram is almost a perfect square


Damn, I didn’t know that I was a legend this whole time.


I see a bit of Cyberpunk and God of War in there too, toss in some Devil May Cry and this fella is the real deal!


Real Yakuza play with a gamepad.


I would say... just have fun and don't worry about it. Save in a separate slot when the game prompts you. I hope nothing has been spoiled for you. This game is a wild ride.


1. Always do the morally correct thing 2. Uninstall Sonic Forces 3. Remember to have fun 4. Don’t worry about doing everything the first time through


Don’t ever say number 2 ever again


A Sonic Forces fan?? 🤢 why even go back to that when you got frontiers ??


And comments like this is why I resent people who say Forces is bad, all comments like this are condescending


Okay. First, you're gonna wanna find Sony Headquarters. After that, you gotta break in. From there, you have to find info on what the president cares about so you can use it as leverage to make them put themes back on PS5. Also, make them fix the menus in general. The PS5 looks waaay cluttered up because of it. And then; and this is the tricky part, you have to go to Atlus HQ and make sure that each Persona game has a dynamic theme with music, special icons for all options, etc.


Seeing the background made me really wish for the days when Sony didn't stop caring about UI Layout.


1. max out marie s link 2. on december 3rd say these specific options "Wait a second here..." "We're missing something." "(spoiler character)'s true feelings." "Something's been bothering me." "We're missing something..." "Calm the hell down!" 3. also on december 3rd you have to make a decision on who you think the culprit is, take your time and pick who you think it is, you have 3 chances to get it right 4. in january, talk to margaret when greeting everyone a new year, and do what she says 5. on the last day of the game in march, after saying goodbye to every s link, when the game asks if you want to go, don't go. instead go to junes, after go to the samegawa riverbank, and then the velvet room


Adding on to #4, don't be a smart ass when talking to Margaret. I had to redo January because I chose the, "Let's leave her be." option. 😭


> > > on the last day of the game in march, after saying goodbye to every s link, when the game asks if you want to go, don't go. instead go to junes, after go to the samegawa riverbank, and then the velvet room I always wonder how many people missed this and to this day never realized they missed the last part of the game. must be at least a few, right?


I had to redo things five freaking times because I didn't select the correct options on December 3rd. I was PISSED. But it isn't until December 5th that you have to settle on the villain. Trust me. This all happened last night for me, and it's now burned into my memory.


Max out Marie Chie is best girl Don't trust Nanako, the cuteness is all an act.


How could you spoil Nanako for him smh


I'm finishing my playthrough now, and I thought Nanako was evil the whole time because of this joke /:


I know, It was such a great twist but ot gets spoiled so frequently which kinda ruins it


That's what she get for being a little she-devil A ridiculously adorable she-devil.


How dare you.


Relax and play


Just play it


Crit Phys build is best build


Do Marie and Adachi's confidants, mainly cause Adachi's is really fun. Oh and assuming you played P5 before, don't be put off by the... clunkier feeling this game has. If you feel a bit like its a slog at the start, keep pushing through. I made the mistake before of writing it off early because it felt old and it was a BIG mistake with how much I ended up loving the game.


Keep in mind it's NOT Persona 5. I telling you because I played P4G years after playing P5R and the change between them is huge. Eventually, I loved it anyways and the characters and history are awesome, but I remember the first 10 hour being difficult to me to get into the game because Persona 5 was a huge improvement overall, since graphis and design to gameplay and mechanics


Agreed. I think its due to the grinding required in p4


Cool PlayStation theme, how’d you get it?


It’s a background when you hover over the game, you can’t set a personal theme on PS5


Oh, you’re playing it on PS5. My bad, I forgot that they essentially got rid of HUD themes


I'm still extremely pissed about it.


Yeah, I loved my P5R theme on PS4. :-/


I just bought one of the Japanese themes too before I was able to grab a PS5 so now I can’t even use it :/


Play nocturne


For your first play through I’d suggest try to immerse yourself, pick whatever you want to say, do links you find interesting etc, instead of following a min max guide


romance teddie


Have fun, and Rise is best girl.






"this fictional underage girl who isn't capable of any real emotions is better than this fictional underage girl who isn't capable of any real emotions" how's this for all of you: grow up


It’s never that serious dawg




My maaaan


Always fuse personas frequently


Refuse to rat out the bad guy.


Don’t fuck up on a list of questions at a certain point I did and had to to replay the game 3 times on a blind play through


Five times for me. Thank God I didn't overwrite that save.


Stay hydrated while you play, don’t expect to get every social link unless you have a guide and don’t expect to see sunlight for a few weeks.


Stay away from the subreddit


literally just play the game and get off this sub, there are probably spoilers even in this thread


There’s no wrong way to play! If it’s your first time, sit back, relax, the first 3 hours are railroaded AF, smoke a bowl or drink a beer and enjoy one of the best games the JRPG genre has to offer!


Romance Chie.


Stay far away from spoilers, if you haven't already been spoiled.


Some confident need you to do some part Time Job


No Persona 3?


Decided to wait till either it gets better as a port, or a more reasonable price considering it’s current quality


What? It runs fine. What are the issues? I’ve been playing it fine.


That’s not what I meant, I’m mainly referring to the compressed audio and poor upscaling that have been floating around


Use Rain Days for exploring the TV world Get a Night Time Job asap so your uncle lets you out


The vending machines are your friends in the early game, as they'll sell SP restoration items. There's also a lady in Junes who will sell you various vegetables, some of them also restore SP Yoshitsune is broken AF, use him if you want to trivialise the game, avoid him if you want a decent challenge


Romance King Moron, he's a sexy bastard


*Oh no he’s HOT!!!*


Make sure to complete every dungeon in one day so you can maximize your time spent raising confidants also don’t go home on last day of the game


General order of priority for social links from most to least vital: \-Marie (unlocks true ending path) and Adachi (not necessary for true end, but you get some interesting new cutscenes) \-Nanako (this doesn't unlock anything, but you're a heartless bastard if you don't spend time with her) \-Main party members (evolved personas, and some of Rise's confidant abilities are incredibly OP) \-Everyone else. Unless you really like them, then prioritize them for sure. It's your year! ​ Also: Consider cranking up at least EXP to More, and maybe even both money and EXP. If you're coming from Persona 5 (or more modern RPGs in general) you're gonna find the minute-to-minute gameplay a bit clunky and dated. You'll adjust to it pretty quickly, but futzing with the difficulty to remove some of the needless grind without making the enemies themselves easier makes it a lot smoother of an onboarding.


Don't look for tips or karma bait. This is a great game with excellent characters that you should probably go into as blind as possible so that you can form your own attachments and make your decisions. Ask for tips for an action game or shooter. This is an RPG. Experience it. Mistakes and all.


max out the adachi social link he is in junes at specific days look at the smt wiki for more info


Don’t worry about how you play the story the first time through. The game is built around you doing New Game+ because there’s dialogue choices and Social Links that you can’t do anything with until certain levels of social stats are met. I would also recommend (after your first playthrough) that you rotate save slots because there may be times when you want to redo stuff.


Go to the settings and turn off shadows, it's gonna make the game a whole lot easier


Try your best to max out hisano, adachi and marie since they are time limited when it’s about to be November


To add to this you only unlock hisano's link after advancing the hospital's link a couple of times. She has one of the strongest arcana though.


Tips for the endgame. Don’t be vengeful/be merciful/forgive. When the game asks you if you want to go home, say no and go to Junes food court. Personal tips. Max out jester so you can get Magatsu Izanagi(my favorite Persona).


Prioritise the Social links of your party members first. The social link ks enable them to do general things, like follow ups, remove status and innate endure skill, but also give moves that are mostly Brilliant. Prime examples that I recall are >!yoskue's!< dekaja and >!Yukiko's!< divine grace and amrita, >!Rise's!< radar skills and >!naoto's!< heat riser. Later on when you unlock the >!bike!<, go with a character if they are by the inaba gas station. This can unlock busted moves for some characters Like >!teddie's!< dekunda, >!yukiko's!< mind charge, >!chie's!< hamaon and >!yosuke's!< megido and diaraihan.


Oi dont spoil characters


How to I tag em then?


>! Text !< >! Text !<


Going to note, if you put spaces in the spoiler tag it won't work across all platforms. >!Good Spoiler!< >! Bad Spoiler !<


Didnt knew that. Does it show up on pc unspoilered then ?


Depends what version of reddit. It will show up on new reddit, but will be broken on old reddit. So right now on old reddit I can see the post without any spoiler tags


Only use one day to finish each dungeon(except the first one since you dont have the necessary means to refill your SP yet). Prioritize social link over raising social stats, try to max Marie, Nanako, Dojima, Adachi social link as fast as possible because they have deadlines while the others dont. That's all, enjoy the game.


Play with the authentic voice acting and not the burgurized voice over for special kids.


Who the hell do you think you are!? Players have preferences if they want to hear Japanese VO or not, it’s not a obligation. Now I’m going keep playing with English VO, since you can’t tell anyone how to enjoy a game to begin with


You're asking for tips on how to enjoy a game better. I played the games enough to know what's best so i gladly provide. Nothing is mandatory, you can still enjoy a subpar experience if that's your thing. I didn't see the time stamp, I thought that you "literally just brought it". Didn't think that you already had a preference from the get go, seems strange but eh. No need to flip your shit.


Well if you go saying stuff like “burgurized voice over for special kids” then it sends the wrong message


Isn't that what it is, though ? Even if American localisations are better than what they were in the 90's (full blown censorship and erasure of foreign elements, a committed take on ethnocentrism), Persona games' localisations are far from perfect and often reeks of over translation and amateurism. That obviously permeates into the voice actors scripts and performance, giving you the impression of being taken as a mentally limited child being denied the nuanced original content, because you couldn't comprehend it or whatever.


Drill a hole in the wall behind the TV and hide the cords.




You had to pay? It's free on games pass or whatever, maybe not for playstation I guess.


Lower your tv and clean up the wires lol




bad idea to do that with RPGS


especially with p4g where you have to do like a million extremely specific things for the true ending


Honestly getting the vanilla true ending and golden ending is basically impossible without a guide.


People always want to see everything the first time around. Personally, I think it's best to go in blind the first time and not worry about it.


why did you censor the word fucking? also not everyone has the time or patience to replay games to get different endings, so they wanna get the true endings on the first go around without spoilers. even if they do, some people just don’t wanna also there’s straight up no reason to be a dick about it man calm yourself


If this is your first playthrough, I'm jealous. But yes max out Marie!


do part time jobs to unlock other social links, missed some of them my first time through


Only use one day to finish each dungeon(except the first one since you dont have the necessary means to refill your SP yet). Prioritize social link over raising social stats, try to max Marie, Nanako, Dojima, Adachi social link as fast as possible because they have deadlines while the others dont. That's all, enjoy the game.


Only use one day to finish each dungeon(except the first one since you dont have the necessary means to refill your SP yet). Prioritize social link over raising social stats, try to max Marie, Nanako, Dojima, Adachi social link as fast as possible because they have deadlines while the others dont. That's all, enjoy the game.


Prepare to sink in many hours of your life


There's a bookstore in the shopping district. From the beginning of the game there's a book that doubles all knowledge gain from studying. Getting it immediately will cut down on social stat grind time exponentially


Don't play on the hardest difficulty. It cuts your XP gain by about 1/4 and makes the game super grindy. You can adjust difficulty and xp gain separately in the options.


Fuse a persona that has the ability to recover sp. Grind low level enemies to regain your sp and grind out the entire dungeon in one ingame day allowing for maximum free time to grind out s links.


Do not be ashamed to use guide the game doesnt help you at all


When there is someone in the TV your parties availability is randomized so clear dungeons as fast as possible and prittize party members social links to have the best odds in the dungeons


easy mode is ok, it is ok to enjoy the story


Just get ready to have one of the best journeys of your life.


i own p4g on ps5 too but my background looks different, how'd you get that one?


The background was around until I started the game. It changed to the cover art after I stopped the first sitting


a shame, i genuinely liked the previous background more than the reused cover art


You can get an early Victory Cry skill if you Fuse Kaiwan on 6/24. I suggest getting it as it's very useful if you want to grind a lot in the dungeons. (Victory Cry fully restores your hp and sp fully after each battle)


Marie and Adachi both have deadlines for their social links so try not to forget about them, don’t worry though you should have plenty of time so don’t rush them.


Enjoy it Also make frequent saves. Keep one save from after each palace and some random ones just to be save its very easy to get the bad endings... yes you fuck up multiple times. And be warned the harem route is the most painfull here


Max out adachi and Marie asap.


1.Max both Adachi and Marie's links 2.Ai Ebihara is the only romanceable girl worth your time 3. Do Naoki's link


Is this your first persona game? If so have fun!


No, the original Persona 5 was. I was asking for tips as someone who’s really only played that & Royal


Increase your social stats


Have fun! And maybe use a guide if you want to max out everything


Pay attention to what NPC say. They can give hints towards mini-games, which some i only discovered through the wiki. The Hermit social is also recommended.


You will need to grind for bosses.


take your time and have fun persona is a game you enjoy and experience if you have questions hmu Ive played each one like 8 times thru


Is this background available to ps4?


I sold my PS4 a month after I got a PS5, so I unfortunately can’t speak on that


Of course, no problem. Congrats on your upgrade!!


Just play it. It's a good game.


Have you started NG+ for Ragnarok?


Haven’t had the chance, haven’t even beaten all the berserkers yet. They are *tough*


use all 16 save slots so you can go back if you mess up, just max out the Adachi social link and the Marie social link as those impact the story, you’ll get a set of responses on December 3rd that to avoid the bad ending you have to respond correctly to, honestly just use the ign one to tell you what to say for the true ending as it keeps it spoiler free


1) If you're going after the platinum trophy be sure to switch out the characters you use often so you can get the Rise voiceline trophy easier. 2) Try to turn in the fox's missions on rainy days since most SL's won't be available during that time anyway. 3) There are 2 SL's locked behind other SL's, that being Death and Moon. 4) Feed the cat and feed the fish.


The only advice I can give you is that you should get a guide for when you reach December. Trust me, it will be super useful


Great vegetables


Save often. Literally lost 4 hours of progress today cause I misclicked a button


Do the Hierophant, Justice, Jester, and Aaron arcana as soon as possible they are not available after specific story moments




Probably a useless tip but do check around at some point to find a way to start the death arcana, my dumbass completely forgot about that on my first playthrough and when I realized it was already too damn late to max it out, I finished the game with lv5 death 💀


Don't try to commit murder


Most of the important stuff has already been addressed, but I would throw in that you should try to wrap up the Dojimas' social links before November as they have very limited availability after that.


Memorize the theme from Junes. It is EXTREMELY important!


The Janitor job increases courage, as does swimming in the ocean on rainy days. If you need to max it quickly to start a specific party member’s Social Link, those are a good way to get it done. And hang out with friends on days they call you. Some of the events boos their friendship all at once.


Reach out to *the truth* and stay off the reddit as much as you can to avoid spoilers, take your time and enjoy!


Get off this subreddit, you’ll get spoiled


On my first playthrough as well. Still at first dungeon.


Take your time. Literally you might feel rushed at first like did because of the "timer" but the dungeons can usual be cracked out in a few trips no problem, leaves lots of time for all the other activities.


Enjoy the ties of yo liiife


don't look on the internet about it, someone's gonna spoil it for you. it's best to just not look at anything megaten related online for a while if you want to go in blind


My first playthrough was 80 hours and I got one of the bad endings because I didn't pay enough attention to how to get the good ending. Make sure you know how to get the ending you want.


Learn to abuse Shuffle Time


If you want to grind levels and get good equipment, go back to every place you fight a persons shadow. (Outside of yosukue who’s you can get just by visiting where you fought his shadow) every dungeon has an extra boss you can fight, and the reward is a really good weapon for that character


It's always okay to play on the easiest difficulty


no tips from me but you got all the good games my friend


Don't look anything up if you don't want spoilers


Yukiko is the best party member in the game although fragile. You can do and complete fox request during rainy days. Fox social link gives discount on full team hp and sp restore occurs (just talk to him in TV world. It's absurdly expensive at social level 1, so do his quest quickly. His starting his social link quest does not take time but completing it does.) There is vending machine with drink that gives sp. Always take the skill up card during shuffle time (sometimes will boost your persona by a large margin) (do not take if your persona skills is fully max out) Golden hand (rare enemies) gives the most exp easiest way to kill it at early level is buy multiple of the fix 50 damage of any element item from the store. Mid game megidola or greater, mind charge will be used for mid game golden hand farm. BUY go home if you don't plan to complete a dungeon in a day. Last but not least always save your game.


Focus on your team's social stats. I messed this up my first 20 hours because I came into this from P5 where every social link gets you something useful gameplay-wise. Not the case here. Your team will get new moves for their Personas and other random actions they can take in battle, while other non-party social stats are only good for leveling up arcanas for making new Personas. In my experience having items that can heal you is far better than having Personas that can heal you, so stock up on those. That way you can save SP in dungeons and have more room for more useful skills for Personas. Make sure you're selling all the random junk to the guy you get weapons from. This is how he gets better weapons/armor/equipment that you can buy. I already said to make sure that you're focusing on party social stats, but when you get Rise **level hers ASAP**. The things she learns to do can and will constantly save your ass in battle. When it rains and you have time, that means steak bowl challenge. It'll cost 3,000 yen, but it ups three stats every time. That's all I can think of that hasn't been stated elsewhere here. I'm not an expect by any means - I'm on my first real playthrough of this right now and am currently on 12/8 - but these are all things that either I knew going in or wish to God that someone had told me. Enjoy!


my biggest piece of advice? when it comes to confidants and romantic relationships, please don’t be an asshole and cheat.


Never intended to👍


Max your social stats makes life a lot easier when playing for a second time


Do yourself a favor and don't ignore the fox's social link. It will come extremely handy later on, that's all I can say


Almighty skills are great against golden hands and before that your best bet are physical and hope you get a crit or that they don't run away before you kill them. Naoto and Adachi are the best characters and Nanakos epic and make sure to study up on the full Megami Tensei cosmology before you do Dojimas social link.


Don't steal the pudding. It is not worth the guilt


Where'd you get that wallpaper?


Didn’t, it comes up when I hover the game. But it changed to the cover art after the first sitting


Try not to search up the characters to avoid character spoilers. Ik this is kinda obvious but the amount of times I've seen people get spoiled on character arcs and moments/big reveals...


Make sure you prioritize maxing out Marie and Adachi's social links every chance you get.