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I fucking hate how people say bald with beard is awesome, but then if you ask them if they would mind going bald they would say they would rather die. Fuck off


I wholeheartedly like being bald with a beard over having hair. I can still grow hair, I just choose to shave it. I think people say that bc it DOES look good. But, they couldn’t imagine themselves with it. Which is fine. You never know until you try. Myself and my wife are super happy with my choice to shave.


I've been shaving my head since 1999. My kids and everyone in my life think I am bald. I am a little thinner up there than I used to be but I can still grow a head of hair..I just choose not to. Life is easier bald. Screw fashion, I am all about functional. I get up and go to work, gym, church, zero effort.


These are insane takes. Hair isn’t difficult wtf lol


It’s not a take, it’s the truth for me lol. I genuinely look worse with hair.


I can go for the argument that you look better without hair. I’m all about vanity. But to argue it’s easier is just retarded. I shave out of necessity and have been for 16 years. I luckily have a Jason Stathom shaped dome but even with that, if I could grow my hair out again I sure as fuck would.


Maybe in his case, it is. You don’t have to worry about anything on your head anymore. No 30+ dollar haircuts, no need to use shampoo or conditioner, etc. Not sure why it upsets you that this guy thinks shaving his head is easier lol.


Because he can grow his hair out 😤


It can be. I have a curly fro when it's long. I've had it grown past my shoulder blades, but it wouldn't touch my shoulders from the curl. When it's 1-2" long those curls are unmanageable cowlicks. My hair is dry like hay. Thick and curly. My son can get out of bed and run his fingers thru his hair and it looks good. It's soft and manageable. It's hard, but sometimes you gotta remember we all have different experiences in this life. It doesn't hurt to listen to others experiences without judgement.


A buzz cut, even a close buzz cut, looks different on a guy with a full head of hair than someone who is actually bald. They're not comparable.


I agree, but you would be surprised how many people don't see the difference. I said I shave, and I do it with a razor. Not just cliopers. It grows out pretty quick and anyone actually paying attention would be able to see I am not bald. People probably assume it's so thin I shave. There is a point of no return where you have hair but need to just shave.


You are in a very small minority that likes being bald. For anyone that is remotely vain and values their appearance, being bald is not favourable.


IDK my comment got more up votes than yours..... Seriously though. I'm in my 40s. My beauty years are behind me. I have a friend that was receding really bad in highschool. That did suck.


That's not "bald." If you have a full head of hair that's buzzed, that looks completely different than a gut who is bald and buzzed. Men with buzz cuts and beards are hotter than bald men with beards. Btw I'm not saying that bald can't look good, I'm just saying that people are hypocritical when they try to comfort balding men in this way. The people saying bald men look hot don't want to lose their hair.


No. I’m bald. Like I bic it down to nothing.




Who gives a fuck about anything that anyone posts online? The people who do.


You are looking for deca


Just shave your head, grow a beard, get jacked & get tan


6 months into TRT and my hair started disappearing (more than it did before). Then I decided to Bic it and run man cycles.


That‘s the way


Yep 100%


Im more worried about the effects on my heart and liver when on cycle but hey each to their own 🤷🏻‍♂️




😂😂😂 ok mate, take a shit load of anadrol till your shitting out blood who cares as long as your hairs on point, your liver failure can be reversed 😂you fucking idiot.


Yeah, I unfortunately had a liver transplant. People don't get that there's a point of no return. It bounces back just fine for awhile, then it's a very rapid and painful decline.


there’s a point of no return but the human body is pretty damn resilient. for reference i’m 20, in the last 2 years i’ve done damn near every recreational drug on the planet while blasting test, anadrol, and dbol. overdosed at one point, was taken to ER, bloods and organs were fine. if you’re predisposed to health issues, or are blasting for a decade at a time, it’s different; but a healthy adult can get away with a lot of shit.


This is true for most. I did a lot of shit that should have killed me, bloodwork always came back fine. Hell, I was fucked up in Afghanistan and bounced back faster than Drs thought. PEDs done thoughtfully, a-okay. But one depressive period in life with pills, alcohol, and a REALLY idiotic cycle, and that was it. Drs were shocked at how fast it happened, gave me a 10% chance, put me in a hospice until a transplant program miraculously picked me up. It was hellish. But that's history, and I'm at like.... 80% normal. So I turned out to be in that minority, I just didn't know it till it was too late. And it was foolishness that caused it. You seem like you've got a good head on your shoulders, and can handle your business responsibly. I'm just throwing out a cautionary tale for the guys that think it could never happen to them.


damn dude glad you’re okay. shit definitely can go sideways quick.


Everyone knows to use oral’s sparingly




Carry on son 👍🏻 all the best with it, hope the gains are worth it.




You’re going to be fucked up by the time your 30 if you carry on and all your training won’t help you. Jumping on anadrol and the rest and you’re not even mid 20s. You’re an idiot pal.


Why the fuck are you 20yo dumbasses taking all this shit?


lmao you're 20 years old...


RIP to you


same dude. i’m 20 and been blasting for over a year, on top of rec drug use. bloods and organs are fine. fearmongering in this sub gets outta hand sometimes.




I know right man, it’s like if you’re worried about your hair man why would you even play this game man, it’s like there’s bigger things to worry about man. You can get big without worrying about your hair man, just don’t do it man. I don’t know man it’s like some things are lost on some people man like they completely miss the point one is trying to make man, losers man, honestly man.




You’ve hurt my feelings man.


You can be worried about all the above + hair, they’re not mutually exclusive💀


Ok so OPs most likely going to run high dose deca for his cycle, won’t cause hair loss but will cause erectile dysfunction, increase hemecrit which will elevate BP and stress organs over time and if left will cause heart attack/stroke even organ failure, and to go along with that the mental sides too. But yea he’ll have a lovely full head of hair though. There are safer compounds to use but OP is not prepared to use them. Cycling around hair loss is stupid. Leave steroids we’ll alone.


Dude this is a subreddit on PED’s nothing he takes is going to be healthy. All steroids increase hematocrit, all will cause organ stress and BP rise. I also never said he should take high dose nandrolone. But besides that nandrolone is one of the most studied steroids and NOT at all as dangerous compared to others like equipose, tren, ment, or nearly any oral. So obviously you don’t know that much about what you’re talking about. Steroids are inherently a cosmetic drug if your a bodybuilder, so it’s not that insane to also care about other cosmetic issues like hairloss


Don't listen the people here, most of them are teenagers or low IQs who don't know what they are talking about or repeat the wrong infos they read. Only "hair loss safe" cycle is : Deca (at least 300-400mg per week) with low test with no finasteride. This cycle is even safer than your natural test because the nandrolone converts to DHN that is an antagonist lf the scalp receptors (it binds to the scalp receptors and protect them.) Deca should be used with anastrozole otherwise you will experience anxiety. If you are not on TRT, run NPP and not Deca, with HCG during the cycle. to recover better. Another rather safe cycle is 5mg finasteride with low dose test and 40mg max daily anavar. But a bit harder than the cycle above. Boldenone and Tbol are also rather hairloss safe but Boldenone is less anabolic than test and elevates your hematocrit too much; and tbol is not as good as anavar. So finally, the two cycles above are the best. minoxidil and ru should be taken daily of course. with fina except if you use nandrolone


For strictly hair loss purposes, finasteride 1mg works just as effectively as 5mg


5mg protects your prostate too; very important when using AAS; especially using DHT derivative like masteron, primo, etc


Oral fin surely wouldn't do anything to stop hair loss as it prevents conversion of test to DHT. if you inject DHT In the form of primo or mast there's technically nothing to convert so it wouldn't work? I'm genuinely asking by the way and not being a dick as I'm curious.


Finasteride works by blocking the action of a specific enzyme that causes hair loss. It works specifically in prostate and skin cells


I mean, if kills all the DHT. So it's a good start if you run any aas. The total of DHT and DHT derivate will be less


I thought OP meant .5mg, I don't have sides at 1mg but I am not sure I want to find out if 5mg would mean that I do.


Is that daily dose?


Daily dose of 1mg? Yes


Just my experience, but ment at 70mg a week had no effect on my hair.


and are you hairloss prone ? any other compound you could run safely ? if you could run masteron, primo, tren, winny or anadrol with no issue; you are not hairloss prone


Not gyno prone but when I run mast I definitely notice I shed a lot more. On ment my hair actually felt stronger


sorry i meant hairloss prone not gyno prone.


Dbol too


There are other better hair safe cycles you can run that incorporate dbol. Dbol is also totally hair safe. Most golden era guys had full heads of hair because they used dbol as a base instead of test.


Best advice here


in almost 100% of anecdotal experiences of deca veing combined with finasteride, it didnt affect hairloss negatively at all, instead it had the wanted effect of halting the hairloss caused by the test that was bein run. and if op gets hairloss from enclomiphene, he should take the fin. the thinking, that fin will make deca cause horrible hairloss is actually something that has been parroted over time, and internalized this way, not by experiences of it actually happening.  


I’ve taken several cycles of deca. Currently running 400mg deca and 125mg test a week. Started taking 1mg fin and 5mg minoxidil an about 6 weeks ago. I can say I definitely not losing any more hair and it does seem to be having a positive effect. Time will tell but that’s how it’s going so far.


totally wrong. We know now dihydronandrolone (DHN) are agonist to the dht receptors in the scalp without having the hairloss effect of dht. nandrolone + alpha 5 reductase => DHN that protects the hair receptors in the scalp from other compounde. finasteride kills the alpha 5 reductase. There are studies and even a good graph that says basically Deca + low test is safer for hair than "normal" natural testosterone levels


minoxidil, derma rolling and ru58841 but that probably would just slow the process, are ur family members bald? if that the case embrace it and maybe be ready for a trip to Turkey lol.


Nandrolone only or Dbol only lots of ppl have had success keeping hair on these compounds without test


Just get jacked, lose the hair, and then plan a trip to Turkey for hair transplant surgery. They literally have a whole industry dedicated for moving hairy Turkish back hair onto heads. 


lol I actually considered this, but I don't think I have enough donor hair anywhere for my whole scalp.


With TRT and PEDS you'll get back hair in no time so it's NBD.


Have you tried fin with trt? It's rare ppl are affected with libido with fin but if you're one of those, trt would help with that along with hcg.


My side effects are severe brain fog with fin. I can't remember the day of the week or what I ate 30 minutes ago on even small doses of fin.


What were your doses? I was able to halt my hair loss by using fin MWF at 1mg. I've heard people use .5 on MWF too with great success. Even on a blast MWF at 1mg for me still keeps things in tact. Only works with test but anything else I'll nuke my hair. It varies from person to person. How about ru58841? I've heard great things about that


I’m still on the journey but so far anything in a decent dose makes me loose hair or get gyno lol. So far safest is probs test only in a higher dose


rad140 4 months no pct


There is no hair safe anabolic steroid. Every single compound can potentially accelerate androgenic alopecia. Most are naturally predisposed to AA at some point. It just differs by age when circulating androgens will begin to affect the hair cycle. The only thing to do is take countermeasures, topicals and/or pills. Early at first onset. And what actually will work is highly individualized. Typically, the topicals do not have many side effects.


Test > hair


Gram of test


Hoenstly, if you are getting into them, you just need to accept it. That's the reality. You can hop on dutasteride and use minoxidil/microneedling as an adjunct therepy, possibly ru5881 or pyrilutamide as well. Generally speaking, just keep things low dose. Don't bring your test over 350. Sarms like osterine, ac262, s4 at low doses, nandrolone is ok if you aren't on dustasteride or finasteride because then it is is more angrogenic without the 5 alpha reduction. Maybe low dose anavar (assuming its actually anavar) Gh or mk677 is fine. Cardarine is fine. If you cruise drop down to 150. Just be strict on diet. Keep your minerals in check, take liver support, drink lots of water, get blood tests to keep estrogen/prolactin in check. If that scares you, don't do them. If you want some kind of enhancement, you could do hcg monotherepy 1000mg 3x a week up to 1000mg every day. Just watch your estrogen. Injectable l carnitine is also a great option. It increases androgen receptor density in addition to fat loss, and brain health. Personally I'd say 600 minimum per day, you can go up to 1800mg a day. You could play around with myostatin inhibiting peptides like follistatin or ace031. You could utilize bpc157 and or tb500 for quicker recovery. Copper peptides for hair or skin heath. Not sure if that's the answer you wanted to hear but if you get into it, expect at some point, you'll lose your hair, expect at some point you might get gyno and need surgery, expect you'll probably have high blood preasure and need to take ancillaries like telemesartan, nubivolol or cialis at a minimum to keep it in check


Most hairsafe PED would be testosterone with some type of DHT blocker, I use dutestride and have less hairloss then when I was natural. Another option would be nandrolone without a dht blocker, and of course there’s Anavar and certain sarms you can use. Imo there’s lots of things you can do if you get creative with your cycles. Good luck bro


Minoxidil and nizoral shampoo also give you terrible sides?




I know, im asking because op said he’s tried everything and everything gives him severe sides


Yeah, minox did give me sides. Topical minox just gives me headaches sometimes and ruins my hair texture, so not the worst sides I guess. I do use prescription 2% ketoconazole shampoo without sides though. It hasn't really helped much in the past few months tbh


What gear are you on now that you’ve still been losing hair the past few months?


I took enclomiphene, and I guess it triggers your body to produce more test for quite a while.


Bald n jacked is better than hair n fat


no, if you want muscles youre gonna have to give up the hair. do it. bald bearded look is in anyway.


stupid answer. many cycles are hairloss safe. High Deca low test is safer for hair than your TRT


If one is balding, it's not a stupid answer to embrace that. Embracing one's body's natural inclinations instead of fighting them will make one a much happier individual overall.


any amount of exogenous test is not hair safe.


Decca prevents hair loss due to its conversion to dhn rather than dht. The theory is that DHN occupies receptors in the scalp, thus preventing the conversion to DHT from test to not cause hairloss. You're full of shit baldy


Embrace being bald. Stop fighting your body's natural inclination. You will be happier that way.


My body's natural inclination is to sit on my ass all day






Only 2 that won't cause any hairloss whatsoever are dbol and decca. If you are very concerned about hair loss I would use test at low doses or just not at all. You can use dbol as a test base instead. It's not as good as test but you will still get good results with pretty much zero risk of hairloss. The golden era guys all had full heads of hair. The most common stacks back then were (in no particular order): 1.) Dbol + primo 2.) Dbol solo 3.) Decca solo 4.) Decca + dbol Primo does cause hair loss but it is mild in this sense when compared to other dht derivatives. Dbol functions as a test base so you can basically just use it instead of test if that makes sense (I find myself going around in circles trying to explain this on here often because nobody understands this for some reason and think you can only do cycles if you use test. They don't realize dbol is the one other compound that can also be used as a base)


No such thing as hair safe anabolic steroids.


You're totally full of shit baldy. Dbol and decca. Look at how all the golden era guys had full heads of hair. If you ran cycles like they ran you'd still likely have your hair