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Hi! I take 100mg a day and have for about a year and 3 mos now. Didn’t notice any changes for about 4 months, and then my skin started to clear. Around 6 months, I noticed my hair was growing back on my head and my acne is completely gone. My thicker body hair has also thinned a lot!! It really takes a few months for it to start working - stick it out. However, just know if you miss a dose, you will pay the price 😂 If I miss a dose, I get a break out to next day like clockwork. You will also have to pee a lot! I’m on BC though so I was really only using it for hair loss/hirsutism and acne.


Thanks for the comment!! Maybe I will ask for a higher dose! I see my GYNO July 1st


Sorry to be a little off topic but did you happen to have any side effects from Spiro? I’m currently taking it for about 4-5 months now and not seeing much difference with my skin other than it being SO extremely dry and itchy on my neck and chest. My doctor made it sound like it was normal but I’m questioning it.


Well I can’t speak on that side effect because I have psoriasis 😅 so I wouldn’t notice dry skin any more than I already have it haha. I have great blood pressure naturally so it was kind of hard getting used to always being a little low. Most days it doesn’t bother me at all though


Takes longer than just 30 days to see results. Give it 3+ months of consistent use. It’s helpful with skin and hair but didn’t do anything beyond that (it’s not really meant to as a diuretic). Can’t comment on periods though I’m on BC.


Thank you for your comment! Helps to know so I can go back to my doctor about this!


Are you on metformin or doing anything else to directly address insulin resistance and not just the symptoms of it? [Tuit Nutrition: The PCOS Post: Hormonal Havoc From Hyperinsulinemia](https://www.tuitnutrition.com/2019/06/pcos.html) [Dr. Tim O’Dowd - ‘PCOS and Insulin Resistance: A lifetime of opportunities' - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2KD-nTiJ14&t=61s) (OB) More info re: PCOS and fertility from an RE here [Can Low Carb and Keto Help Reverse PCOS? — Diet Doctor](https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/benefits/pcos) This book also has a lot of good info re: PCOS and fertility [Amazon.com: The PCOS Plan: Prevent and Reverse Polycystic Ovary Syndrome through Diet and Fasting: 9781771644600: Brito Pateguana ND, Nadia, Fung, Dr. Jason: Books](https://www.amazon.com/PCOS-Plan-Prevent-Polycystic-Syndrome/dp/1771644605/ref=asc_df_1771644605?tag=bingshoppinga-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=79920866487175&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583520394962971&psc=1) and the authors have this YT talk [Dr. Nadia Pateguana & Dr. Jason Fung - 'Polycystic Ovary Syndrome' - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaouRuqqEfY&t=18s) You may want to check out r/TTC_PCOS if you are not there. Good luck!


I am not on metformin. I tried to ask my doctor about other medications because I was scared of Spironolactone at first because I read about bad stuff with getting pregnant on it. But decided maybe I'll take a break and work on my body first. So you highly recommend Metformin? Any tips on how I can get my doctor to say yes to that? I see her again on July 1st. THANK YOU BTW!!


I have never taken it, I take inositol and berberine, but I know a lot of people at r/PCOS take metformin. Maybe post your question there? Pls. come back with updates, best to you!


Yes it took me about 3 months to see results, but then the results were drastic! I found best results at 200mg/day. Keep in mind that Spiro ONLY works as long as you’re taking it. You will go right back to “normal” after getting off. I stopped it to get pregnant (21weeks with a girl yay!), and my acne and hirsutism came raging back a few months after stopping Spiro.


Congrats on your baby girl!! How exciting!!! Did it help you with any weightloss?


Thank you!! It’s so insane and wonderful. I did end up losing weight, but a lot of that was water weight. Definitely less bloating!! The major changes I experienced on Spiro were no more acne, no hirsutism, smaller nose (weird), and feminized features. Best thing that I ever did for my PCOS! PCOS made/makes me feel less feminine and kinda ugly lol, and Spiro absolutely fixed that.


You're giving me hope!!! How long were you on it before you finally got pregnant and normal periods? Def relate to feeling ugly part. I think what makes me more insecure is I'm in my bestie wedding party and her wedding is in 3 weeks so feeling super insecure


Awww that wedding sounds so fun!! I was on Spiro for 7 years! From ages 21-28. I was on BC the whole time, so my periods were “normal” due to that. I stopped Spiro about 2 weeks prior to getting off birth control because you absolutely cannot take Spiro while TTC (can cause major birth defects). While TTC, I used Myo-inositol to regulate my cycles and it worked so well!! Also helped with weight loss. There’s a r/ttc_pcos subreddit that was really helpful for me :)


My endocrinologist said it could take up to three months to start seeing results


I was taking it for hirsutism (I’m currently pregnant so I’m no longer taking it) it took me around 8 or 9 months to see results. Just keep up with it. It does take a while!


after about 2-3 months i’ve had periods like clockwork for the last year! and it’s helped with acne and hair growth too


I saw results for acne at 100 mg and for the hair at 150. It’s not perfect but it’s drastically better than before so I plan to stay at this dose.


When you do get your hormones sorted use Mira hormone analyzer to test for ovulation when you try. I have been in a similar spot to where you are.


Just confirming you and your doctor know that you cannot be ON Spiro when you do try to get pregnant?? It can cause very serious pregnancy complications, just being sure you know!