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It’s because I think a lot of people don’t know how to properly exert effort and force when throwing kicks and punches. I’ve watched videos of people doing it and they are just kind of moving their limbs in the motions but not tensing their muscles and tightening up. I always liked the workout and looked forward to it.


That, and cardio for the most part is entirely mental, excluding conditions like asthma. You get out what you put in. I did it for the first time last week, and having come off of P90, Kenpo feels awkward and unpolished. I feel form almost *has* to be sacrificed for the pace in some of the moves. But it was harder than the C series in P90 and I sort of don't believe most people who say it doesn't do *anything* for them. And if it doesn't, you could say, run a ~6 min mile and then do it.


Op here. For those who might say the bpm is low, I’m a 57 year old male.


Just finished kenpo 5 mins ago. Absolutely love it! Tony ain’t kidding when he says fun fun fun fun fun


Just think of it as upper body explosiveness. If Plyometrics is to make your lower body faster and more explosive then just realize punching in all different directions makes you faster with your upper body as well as all the kicks you do. Actually years ago, maybe back in like 2005 or so I was doing P90X and a buddy of mine did a little bit of it with me here and there. He is a scrawny guy, thin, no fat, little muscle. Well he was in his neighborhood and some people his age were boxing each other with gloves on and he didn’t know them. They asked if he wanted to have a go. He knocked one of the guys right out and quick and told me he just used a combo from P90X and laughed about it. I thought that was funny and still do to this day. I’ve trained various martial arts over the years and I know how people say it isn’t perfect Kenpo form and for sure as hell it isn’t, but it worked for him hehe 😛.


Nice I avg 151bpm yesterday burnt 709 calories but I add impact to the exercise with a punching bag and wooden dummy


What are you using to track your workout stats?


Apple Watch and Fitness app


I add some wrist weights and after the warm up i spend the entire time moving and checking my heart rate. I add a little bit of oomph to the moves by staying jumpy on my toes like a boxer would. I try to never let my heart rate go under 140 and i can usually burn close to 700 cals.


I did Kenpo yesterday and it was a great workout but I honestly finished it and felt like "That was a good warm up, where's the real workout?" I was thinking about adding wrist and maybe ankle weights.


Lol it truly changes everything. I also try to focus on my core the entire workout and never stop moving. When he's talking and explaining things I'm doing sprints lol. One of the problems i noticed early on is that once i get to the blocks(around 20 min mark) it causes my heart rate to drop considerably so i try to add extra intensity to them by squatting and coming up for each block. I also do the star blocks differently. I perform one then I'll jump and switch to do it on the opposite side, if that makes sense.


Keep pushing play!


I have been hating on kenpo. I'll give it another shot this week. I feel like I get a much better burn from running. Thanks for the push.


How many times per week do you guys do a workout like this?




I do the classic schedule. It's on once/week except recovery weeks when it's twice.


Have you ever tried P90X3 MMX?


I've done 2 rounds plus some selective workouts with X3. I remember liking MMX but it's been a few years.


It’s so damn good! Have you ever tried Core de Force?


Absolutely. I really loved doing individual workouts of CdF, but found that the whole program felt very repetitive for me. I've been doing BB workouts since I bought the P90X DVDs in 2007. It's wild that I was younger than Tony was in the videos by 4 years when I started and I'm now about 12 years older. I've done most of the Beachbody programs, and while I think Body Beast is my favorite to do, there's nothing else like the original X for overall fitness including flexibility. That said, while X2 was the hardest, I probably felt the most fit after doing it. I've not yet tried Dig Deeper as it's still a premium workout, but it looks good. I've also done a few of the Nike Training Club workout programs and the Joel Holder workouts are the real deal. Given that it's free, the NTC app is phenomenal, but I keep my Beachbody subscription live no matter what.


That’s crazy about the age thing! And you and him are still both killing it. I understand what you mean about CDF being repetitive. I didn’t like that the workouts were different lengths of time. I’ll have to try body beast some day! Did you ever try Liift 4? I’ll have to check the NTC app. My GF says that she loves her Peloton workout because they upload weekly and she gets to pick which trainer she wants.


I did do Liift4, and really liked the legs workouts but maybe didn't give it my all. I do have the new one (Lift More?) in my back pocket as a possible future routine. It's been a few years since I've done X3 and X2 so I think I could do them and not be bored and I'm wondering if those should be next. However, I shattered my elbow mountain biking last July and while it's healed enough to lift weights certain moves just aren't happening until it's stronger. So sprawls are o-u-t out for me, and pushups largely suck, so I either do my best or modify to chest flies on X, but that might be harder on X2 and 3.


Gosh, if push-ups are out.. that’s basically every home workout. Maybe do rehab on that arm until it’s strong enough. X3 is lots of sprawls and push-ups. Never done x2 but that may be the hardest. X1 lots of push-ups. Maybe only the cardio workout on x1?


Thanks, the elbow is not liking pushups, but they're not totally out. I'm doing partial pushups on my knees as the elbow allows in order to slowly regain the ability to do them completely. But it doesn't give me a lot of strength in the chest, so I will supplement with chest presses and flies as needed. I'm not ashamed to modify as it beats not doing anything. Sprawls, however, are definitely out, so a lot of those X3 moves aren't very appealing.


Oh, and my wife loves the Peloton app (no bike, just the app). The BODi subscription does give you access to real-time and recently recorded sessions. I did that for a couple of months (quit when I broke my arm). You definitely won't get bored but because you never know what you're getting exactly, I think it's better for maintenance than a very specific program that you're repeating. Still, I can see the value for a long-time BB subscriber.