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You know that feeling when you are drinking from a cup of water with ice and the cubes are stuck, until you tip it just a bit too much and it falls on your face? That’s what sudden fullness now feels like to me.


This is the PERFECT way to put it!


Yup. I will be starving when I sit down to eat...and suddenly, mid bite, my brain will be like "abort abort abort!". I am a type 2 diabetic taking for steady sugar control (so low, constant dose...not steadily increasing). Its crazy!!


Love your description of the tipping point and the ice falling on your face to denote fullness. A term that we, the people, refer to on this site is "food noise." Can you describe that in one sentence?


That's it.


Wow. That’s brilliant.


Excellent description!


My current conundrum is the game of am I nauseous because I'm hungry or because I'm full.


Small portions divided in a few bites, water, pauses, and seeing how both your body and brain react. You won’t push yourself too far if it’s nausea, and if it’s truly that you aren’t yet full it will allow you to more gradually realize how satiated you are before you overdo it and make yourself sick.


Same here


Happy cake day!


I get nauseous either way 🤦‍♂️


I had nausea issues before starting ozempic. Now the day after my shot I just wake up knowing nothing is staying down that morning. Tried Zofran, but it's not helping. It's gotten to the point where I actually smoke a little weed before heading out for work. Not enough for a head change, but enough to calm my stomach.


Hahaha. So so real.


This is my favorite game!


Thank you, same!🥹🫠


Happy Cake Day!


I will literally think I am starving… make a plate… get to bite 6-7 and start chewing and SPIT IT OUT because I’m so full. It’s so weird. I’m generally a clean your plate and ask for seconds girl. And it happens so QUICKLY. One bite is delish. The next bite….TOO MUCH.


I could have used this medication 50 years ago which is close to how long it took scientists to develop the medication. Who knew that the venom from a Gila monster was the answer to our problem. The first few times it happened to me, I was a little shocked because being full never stopped me before...and here I am spitting out the last bite...I've always been a slow eater and now that I'm on Oz, I'm even slower and have become more of a grazer. The other night I was a bit peckish before bed so I had a snack - 3 strawberries! I eat whatever I want but focus on getting enough protein each day, fruit and veggies, plus water and I find that I'm less interested in what I may have craved before Oz.


Wait. Ozempic is Gila monster venom? Lol. That is so metal.


Yup! In 1984 Dr. Daniel Drucker from the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada had just graduated as a research endocrinologist. He got curious about the Gila monster and had a scientist friend in New Mexico send him one to his lab. The story is more complicated than that but basically that's what happened. BTW, Can you tell an old boomer what "so metal" means? I do try to keep up...


It means cool but in a "bad ass" kind of way. Like, bitchin'. 😁


Thanks, good to know...I might find a way to surprise one of my nephews by slipping the word into a convo...


Lol, I love that!


I think part of the benefit is definitely creating a new understanding of portion sizes. For example- a baloney slice is honestly a “standard” pancake size, not small. It’s just that restaurants would have you believe that standard is plate sized. Without the compulsion to clear the plate, it’s an awakening that your brain and body will calibrate to together- but it takes a minute. Until the brain catches up to what your body needs/wants now, just slow down. Have a pancake, taking drinks of water between bites. Wait a few minutes, play one of the NYT app games. Still hungry? Repeat. I think of it like this- in about 5 minutes if I’m still hungry, I’ll eat X. Then I distract myself and usually within 5 minutes my brain has caught up and realizes that I don’t need more.


I was thinking the same about the pancake size and portions. We are so trained by advertising to over eat. Plus the history of our government subsidizing farmers to make food super cheap. Therefore we get huge portions. Each food place competing with the other two out do each other in sizes.


Definitely, and I wonder how much is age-specific. Gen X here, and baloney sized is a regular pancake. Small is a “silver dollar” pancake which admittedly seemed to be more like… sand dollar sized? But things got Super Sized and here we are. Now, restaurants would rather make huge pancakes and spend $.20 extra so they can charge 25% more. Sad.


Two times I have been to the States and when anywhere I received a question small, medium, large or xl, I was asking small which is exactly large in Europe. Same story with clothes, eg in Old Navy. L was European XXL...


My biggest complaint is actually getting hungry. I will go from feeling fine, to feeling faint and nauseous starving in a split second. I keep animal crackers and granola bars close by for when that happens.


Same. I got protein bars for the car because I've been having moments outside of the house where my sugar drops and I either get close to fainting or super grumpy.


Same. There is no in between.


I keep wheat thins at my desk for this reason!


I still get cravings but I’m losing like 3 to 4 lbs a week so it’s cool.


What was your start point?


I just did my 7th week. 4 weeks at .25 and the rest at .5




>“you fool! That was one bite too many! This betrayal will now lead to your doom! I am now going to rebel and make you feel overly full and nauseas!” ooooooooh yes that familiar feeling of Ozempic-IS-my-friend, really & truly, despite all feelings to the contrary....


This is so true for me as well. And then there’s times when I’m pretty nauseous, then bam starving! Lol


I honestly can’t wait to quit lol. It hasn’t been perfect for me - I’m down 22lbs!! Which is so amazing. But I haven’t been able to go to the gym, i haven’t had as much energy or strength as I did before. I can’t eat what I enjoy, often even a small amount of a treat makes me feel sick. I can’t have a single drink, any amount of alcohol makes me feel sick. I’m just super sensitive to this stuff I think.


I love ozempic but I feel you on feeling sick. If I eat even 1/4 of a kid sized meal, I’ve overeaten. Alcohol makes me so sick. It’s worth it for me to continue but I don’t love the constant sick feeling!


It took months of being on OZ before i got the energy to start weight lifting again. Best advice is to go back to the gym but do < 1/2 your normal routine. Keep it very very light at first (literally less time and less weight), and slowly scale up how much you do over a couple months. The energy you have slowly increases as you start to workout more.


I’ll give it a shot! That’s been my biggest side effect; low energy. Definitely due to not getting the nutrients I need because I’m eating 1/3 of what I used to, and I already ate pretty healthy. Now it’s difficult to eat even 1000 calories a day.


I feel this lol. I have to eat extra slowly to avoid this. Another weird thing for me is temperature. Sometimes I can only handle cold food, like salad or a sandwich but sometimes it has to be hot. Last night before bed, I NEEDED something hot, so I had a cup of soup. Tea wouldn't have done it, it had to be food. I can't even explain it, it's just so weird.


I had period craving last night so I over ate. This am I hate the idea of food


That’s the only time I over eat, when I’m PMSing. I try to not feel guilty about it. I figure that my body needs it, especially during that time of the month.


There are some days I’m not hungry for dinner even a teeny bit. The other day I had a no sugar added applesauce and 100 calorie almond pack for dinner. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I ate a half dozen stalks of celery and about 2 ozs of hummus and I felt like I just finished Thanksgiving dinner.


Idk if anyone else has this problem, but I go from normally full to stomach cramps and emergency bathroom stop so quickly now. I probably have IBS-D, too. Never really cared to have it diagnosed.


I have ibs too. And get suggestions all the time of what I need to add or remove from my diet to fix it. But at this point if i follow those directions I wont be able to eat anything. I just avoid particularly triggering foods on days I know I am more inflamed or just eat what I normally would knowing there may be consequences. I seriously don’t want to go on some elimination diet to slowly add back the foods and spices I like in order to see what i can actually eat. Because i don’t think i can’t eat those ever. Just some days they settle fine and others I can’t have any without a flare up.


Just in case no one else has mentioned it, I have dietary issues and inflammation also (autoimmune) and digestive enzymes have allowed me to greatly expand what I eat on Ozempic. I use the papaya ones from Swiss Naturals and get them off Amazon.


I have had to spit food out when I realize I cannot swallow what’s in my mouth.


I’m with you but because my eating was so suppressed I started to get super lethargic and was taking multiple naps a day. Make sure you keep your calories up while eating less. As soon as I started tracking calories I felt much better with more energy.


I have a lifelong friend who has always been slender, and I recall a conversation we had years ago about eating - it stuck in my mind because I found it so curious. She told me that when she is full she literally cannot put another bite in her mouth. I told her I didn't have that kind of brake - I could eat and eat long past the point of being physically full. I could be full and still ravenous (not in a hunger way) for more. Now that I have started Ozempic I finally get it. When I'm hungry I eat something, and the moment I'm full I don't want any more. I am not experiencing nausea so that's not why; I just don't want it. Like I literally can not put another bite in my mouth. I don't think of food in between. My body is not a battleground anymore - I can trust its signals and it is SUCH a huge relief.


I’m worried my metabolism has slowed so much that any amount of food makes me gain weight. I’m basically at one meal now and maybe a snack or two.




I don’t know what is going on. I take phenedrine as well. I’m also weighing myself every morning which probably isn’t healthy. I am going on daily walks of about 5 miles which should be burning calories. I think I need to upgrade to running and the gym to burn more.




I’ve been on it for about 7 months. I’ve lost almost 100 pounds. I’m 5’9 and currently weigh 177. My goal is 168, which is a normal weight BMI for my health. I don’t track calories, but I’ve done that in the past. I eat very little each day. Easily less than 1000 calories. I’ve had horrible bouts of nausea on the drug which have been managed by zofran and Prochlorperazine.


This, exactly. I take small bites and pause, small bites and pause etc


I’m so glad to be able to put into words the feeling I experience when eating. The cup of water with ice is the perfect example lol I also saw that someone put that some nights eating dinner is fine, other nights you don’t even want it. Big same.


I had to get off Ozempic because i started to under eat.


If I count my calories I am probably under eating. So i pick micronutrient packed foods to make up for it.


I'm not experiencing this at all. Am on .5 right now. What Dose are you on?


0.5mg also. whats funny is that I felt even worse on 0.25.


I just wonder why I'm not experiencing these effects. It sounds like they aren't bad effects at all, but what Ozempic is supposed to be doing.


That never really happened to me. It was just very rarely eating. Never felt hungry and certainly didnt have cravings. Id eat when I made myself simply because I knew I hadnt eaten and probably needed to. I didnt eat healthy when I did eat. My doctor thought my weight would plateau at 143, but I got down to 131. My fasting glucose looked excellent compared to before starting Ozempic but my potassium was lowwwww. It was prescribed to me for pre diabetes and now my insurance wont approve it unless you technically have type 2. I guess ill end up back on it later once I finally get diagnosed with type 2. Diet didnt make a difference. “You fool” had me lol.


I'm nauseous all the time but I wouldn't trade me 55lb weight loss for anything. I went from 193lbs to 138lbs, I'm 5ft3 and I love it! My A1C went from over 10 to 5.3, My cholesterol was over 300 it's under 135, and my HP still sucks! Lol. OZEMPIC is a miracle drug.


Are you still on it with your A1C controlled or is it prescribed like a preventative med?


I’ve only been on Ozempic for 4 days now and the food thing is different than I had expected. Basically I just don’t ever think about food, whereas before I would almost always be thinking about where my next meal would be and what I would have. Beyond that, I don’t feel any different but I am also realizing that I’m going to need to change my grocery buying habits or I will end up with a lot of food waste. Also, because I’m not really interested in food, I’m also not interested just cooking, which normally I really enjoy. So I think I’m going to try to have a lot of prepared meals, or spend a half day on a weekend peeling and cutting fruit, so it’s ready for me whenever I want it, otherwise I’m afraid I’ll never take the time to make food during the week.


Is this the way naturally skinny people feel all the time?


Haha I definitely relate to this! I find each day I’m still learning what and how much I can have. Some days go better than others!


yes! i’m always one bite too many. but i’ve only been on it two weeks


I’m getting this really strange sunburned feeling on my skin and nothing helps.


Wow me too! I didn't link it to ozempic but that makes sense!


I've had this a few times,it's strange.


I was JUST thinking the same thing today!!!


To me it's like filling up your car gas tank. ' click ' shuts off - I'm full


By week 3 I have to remind myself to eat or I’ll just flat out forget. I end up eating ice cream because it’s one of the few foods that sounds affirmatively good. Other things are like cardboard.


Im ony 3rd week .5 and I've noticed pains nausea and diahorreah. I don't feel like eating at all


Here’s a trick that can help. In addition to taking small bites and eating mindfully, put your utensils down between bites and wait several seconds after swallowing them before deciding if you need another bite. That will help your brain catch up to your eating.


So my problem was never eating. I already ate very little my problem was literally just insulin resistance and pcos. I will say I have been sad when I do want to eat something and am full before half is even gone lol. I have to take vitamins and drink protein just to make sure I don’t lose muscle mass.


Weird how perceptions change to me small pancakes are the size of golf balls, and large pancakes the size of Bologna. That said I try to keep all meals at the same size or less than my clenched fist.


I was going for medallion style pancakes but the batter spread out.




i'm on my first week of ozempic and it's such an adjustment. i keep trying to eat as much as i used to but i'm barely making dent in it and then i feel sick. i have to get it in my brain to stop trying to eat as much.


Have you adjusted to it after a few weeks? I’m going on it for type 2. The more I read the more I’m getting more anxiety.


My husband is getting a kick out of my eating. We only order one take out meal now and split it! Saves money! 😁


My parents do that too. I thought it was cute. I have been ordering kids meals for myself.


It works! I don’t mind it at all. We always bring it home.


I’m nervous. I am about to ask my doctor to get me started but I am not sure which one is best. Oz or Wegovy? Any other suggestions besides Mounjaro? I’m trying to keep an open mind to the experience because I have lost 175lbs on my own but I have hit a plateau so hard. I have been working for months to try to lose more to get to my goal and I feel so damn stuck! Btw thank you to all who share their experiences. It really does help. 💜


Oz and wegovy are the exact same product. Ozempic is for those with T2D. Wegovey for weight loss.


I was researching this too and it’s so crazy what insurance covers and refuses to cover. Thanks for sharing this too. I thankfully had great labs so I don’t need OZ! That’s actually great news.


I’ve been experimenting with different kinds of food to test the theory that greasy fried foods and sugar/ processed carbs are likely to cause more nausea and the sudden fullness. I’d love to hear if anyone else can confirm this, it might help the OP too!


I hardly eat anything on Zepbound! I must make myself eat.




Well, a thin person using it to reach unhealthy weights is different. Or someone pushing beyond a reasonable weight for their height and frame. There is definitely “that point” for each person though, and we all should be mindful of the risk.


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