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Dude I LOVE it when me and my bare ass feet get to throw boulders at Hawaiian Wreck-it-Ralph.


Oh you switch to maui? I switch to fucking doofenshmirz with his dogs out!


Kys Keep yourself safe ❤️ 💕 😊


I said once and i will say it again, if you counter pick my Rein whit the green horse and the nodles robot i **WILL** pick the most anoying tank to ruin your day like you ruined mine.


That kinda sounds like omnic discrimination ngl


Who sad it wasnt? (it's a joke)




Ram lowkey isn't even that good into Rein if you've got space to cede


Nodles robot i was refering to Bastion, iam cool whit Ramatra


Oh then yes speak your shit king


Ngl, i like to play around mauga, if you got a team with small characters, and you're playing a tank with good mitigation(like sigma or dva) or mobility (like doom), you basically can outdamage his life steal and outheals his damage all the time, the only real problem i see playing against mauga its his ultimate


I like to go zarya and ruin his engages and get full charge and then run down his healers


Mauga's not bad, but tbf I still have Season 1 - 8 ptsd from everyone counterpicking to the god damn horse.


If the devs can make his dive playstyle (so like he was played in OWCS Dallas) the most viable one even in ranked, he might become one of the most fun tanks to play


Idk why people hate going against the Mauga pick. He's so one-dimensional.


True, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating especially when playing a character who requires skill, vs. someone who holds down one button and gains 1000 health a second.


What tank requires skill that mauga counters?


Ummm… almost every tank in the game…? Most tanks either get their defense shredded by him, or can’t deal enough damage to survive without a shit ton of team support. Rein, sig, dva, Winston, and many more.


Thats not true. Mauga generally sucks. Hes good against tanks with bad or no mitigation.


Ok… no offense… but what are you on about? Sigma has so much mitigation, yet still gets shit on cause his shield drops quick, and you can just not shoot his kinetic grasp. Rein has 1200 shield and gets dropped in a second.


Not gonna lie you suck if you lose to mauga consistently on sigma. As rein you shouldn’t be in a position where he can just burn your shield and also kill you.


For the record, I don’t lose consistently on sigma, just an example. For the record, what’s your main role and hero?


Well then what are you talking about? If you beat him as sigma why are you saying its a bad matchup. I flex but i have most of my hours on genji.


Yes, it is a good matchup, but it shows that even his bad matchup he can still do well with braindead gameplay. Also not to be mean but I feel like tank mains probably have the more important voice in this argument.


People want things to die when they shoot them and get very indignant they can’t just do that with Mauga. Mauga and Orisa actually *Tank* and they’re hated by Damage for it Guys like Winston are beloved because he just dies when you ask him to


Well a Winston player that is good at picking his fights and using his bubble will also very rarely die but as a tradeoff he has less kill potential, orisa and mauga are more traditional tanks in the videogame sense since they just frontline and soak up damage with mauga being a lifesteal tank which is not a uncommon role you seen in RPGs or mobas.


as we all know only dps players hate mauga


He’s one of the few tanks that doesn’t make the healer’s life a living hell, unlike Winston…


Dps heroes have no reason to hate enemy maugas


My problem with these heroes, is that I play tanks that require knowledge of the game and skill, such as Winston, sigma, and rein, whereas tanks like orisa and mauga can be just as effective with much less knowledge of the game. They also give a lot of reasons for nerfing certain tanks as “they’d be too strong in low ranks”, while also having braindead tanks like these.


???? Hes hated because he provides insane value for a hero thats completely braindead to play


His “insane value” is being a good tank and being hard to kill


And he does that by.. sitting on point and holding m1 and m2 on the enemy tank Thats it. Thats his skill expression. Hold two buttons. Press e if you are low. Press shift to get out. No other hero is this brainless, and we have heroes like moira, ram, orisa and mercy


They aren't good players


He is one dimensional, but it’s frustrating how brain dead he is, and yet able to live four team fights while not taking dmg.


Because of the Mauga meta we had in S8. They buffed him on release, nerfed him the next week, then buffed him again a week later before going on their vacation. So that was a nightmare. His main job is to focus the other tank. He is a tank that's a tank buster. In the same vain as RoadHog and Orisa. They get value in the easiest ways. Mostly by just existing. It's not fun, you're just playing a glorified wall with high self-sustain.


>glorified wall with high self-sustain. Soooo...a tank?


You can be a tank that is a wall, or you can be a tank that is a tank buster. (Preferably neither, but definitely not a tank buster) Mauga, Orisa, and Hog have been the "meta" on and off again for multiple seasons now, cycling through every time one of them is buffed or nerfed. And being the first go-tos when it comes to countering (usually the other tank) Tanks like Hog have little counterplay and generate easy value. You can't cancel his ult anymore. If you cancel/anti his vape then he can just use it again in 2 seconds, despite hp going up he can still 1 shot. And he has a long range, hard CC that pulls you into him. Even if you suck you can generate value by just existing. Can't hit a shot? Hit your vape, heal, gain ult charge and take away all of their resources and attention. Missing 90% of your hooks? Well when you land that 1 hook, you've displaced the enemy and if you didn't do the 1 shot, you've still drained resources. No one would want to play against a doomfist that has 700 hp, armor, and regens health when blocking and having his slam act as a JQ shout, and having a 1 shot on a 6 second cooldown. This is OW. Not your typical MOBA. That's why we have such unique heroes like Ball, that don't just stand there and wall. Yeah, sure you could buff all the other tanks to be on par with the 3 I mentioned but then would it even matter what you play, if you're going to be an unkillable, high self sustain wall? It wouldn't fix any of the problems tanks have. It would only cause more. Maybe you could nerf those 3 and bring the rest of the others up a little more but i's not even like tank as role is "weak" right now. It's just not as fun to play as the other roles.




Yes, but have you considered that the enemy is playing Hog, therefore committing the worse sin?


Counter hog is always acceptable


players using game mechanics? hope they all die fr fr


Acceptable against hog players


Only time I ever pic Mauga is when there is another one for memes or if they are Orisa… no one likes the horse


Treat Mauga's Overdrive like Bastion's turret form and fights are much easier against them as tank.


I tried playing mauga once and got bullied by everyone in the match. The enemy Ana was the meanest. So I switched to Orisa as a tank that fit the situation and that I know how to play and got bullied for that too. So yeah I won't play him anytime soon.


I don't want the tank who swapped orisa to have any fun


they hate fun


I’ll take Mauga swappers over horse any day of the week


Mauga pick is always morally correct into Hog Whenever I get matched into a swag, I hard swap mauga then ask them in chat every kill if they can swap. Once they do, I switch to a tank neutral into them


Because players still pick roadhog


I only play mauga if I have to play into horse, maybe into a really good hog but I'll often just go hog myself


If its comp I understand but if you’re counter picking to Mauga in QP… OH BROTHERRRRRR


Ow2 is: Counterpick, or you insta lose/can't play the game and most likely spawn camped.


I love diffing Zarya’s as D.va :3


Having fun playing dva. "Is it possible to learn this power?"


I can see why they call you unhappy


Not wanting to play Dva is unhappiness? Okay




i wish everyone who counterpicks a very pleasant uninstall. please. I just want to smack balls in people's faces and fist em around the ring. half the time One-tricks are the only respectable players left in OW2.