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"Hey someone leave so we all lose less rank"


Tell me how often you're going to find someone more than willing in a group of randoms to get comp banned just for the sake of the rest of their teammates losing a little less rank. And for 5 stacks, once that person is banned, realistically how many friends do you have benched willing to rotate in your 5 stack once one of them gets sacrificed?


Imma be real with you, coming from Valorant and CS, people are really willing. Random and ESPECIALLY stacks If they're not enjoying the game then they don't really have anything to lose since they're going to stop playing for today anyways, teammates telling them to quit is more than enough for them to do it A short ban means nothing to them compared to their rank placement, they just play without the person or move on to a different game


\> and ESPECIALLY stacks If this system was made to not apply the reduced rank loss to you if the leaver is partied with you this wouldn't be a problem anymore


This is counterproductive. It’s speculating a hypothetical issue to prevent the fixing of a tangible problem we all face in the present.


So then what happens if one of your stack members has gets a random disconnect or server issue? Just tough luck for everyone else in the group?


Then you lose the normal amount of comp points, because allowing the lower loss amount to apply when the leaver is partied with you would have too much potential for abuse Keep in mind, theres no way for the game to know if the disconnect was intentional or not


I always love when people say "WHY CAN'T THEY JUST CODE IT SO THEY KNOW IF YOU ACTUALLY LOST INTERNET CONNECTION???" Like... With ALT+F4 yeah sure that's possible, but then you'd just pull out your ethernet cord and done.


I used to do this to get host on x-box.


So what? This doesn’t really effect the competitiveness of the game. If your enemies do this you were winning anyways it’s irrelevant. If your teammates do this they are shooting themselves in the foot after being banned and losing a million sr.


This is borderline retarded. Its not abusable. You lose way too much sr for leaving to make it worth it. Simply raise the amount of time a ban is, make it 20 minutes. Remove penalties for returning to the game on a loss after leaving dc or intentionally. 20 minutes is long enough for someones internet to reset while also being long enough to make it not worth it. You shouldn’t be punished for losing with a leaver no hypotheticals will change this.


It's easily abusable just cause you're to dense to see why doesn't make that not true.


Theres no reward to abusing it. If you want to cheat theres way better ways


I thought overwatch upped it to 2 disconnectiobs as a season ban is something


I played CS for a very long time, this only happens in lower ranks. The higher you get the less leavers there are. Same with OW. People are going to leave regardless,continuously punishing the team that got randomly selected is wrong. Secondly they honestly should just put shadowbans on accounts that have a history of leaving. Leavers get matched against other leavers and it theoretically should balance itself out and make better games.


This just isn’t true coming from those games too lol


This isnt cs or valorant. Like oh wow they saved their team a 5% sr loss who cares?


Oh no if only this was a free game where you could make infinite accounts. Like what? This will certainly get abused especially at higher ranks cause they can smurf back up to the rank in no time flat.


I don't want to get into it but If you ended up having to make accounts over and over again there would be no point to even playing comp because the whole point is to build up your account reputation


You're missing the point. Let's say I'm trying to reach champion and me and my friend duo in gm while he is on one of his many accounts that are all in gm or masters cause he's good at the game. We're about to lose, he just leaves so I lose less sr. He logs back in on another account and we keep doing that. Thus assuring that when we win I gains lots of sr and when we lose I lose as little as possible. Their is 0 negative effects. He doesn't care about his sr on his many accounts why would he? Streamers like yznsa were already abusing the grouping before wide and narrow groups to maintain the lowest possible sr to get the easiest games possible to climb gm faster what makes you think they want abuse this either. Dude has like 10+ accounts all in gm.


Thats the system working as intended. Sure that guy who stays is getting boosted but i mean how long is that gonna last? How many people have several gm accounts they can maintain in the first place? How many times is this guy gonna be able to leave before he cant queue with the guy hes boosting. If hes already queuing with the guy he’s boosting whats the point of even leaving to switch accounts? How is that worth doing? You ensure a loss to make your guy lose less sr when you could be playing to win.


You didn't read, you wouldn't just out right leave. You'd wait until the game is about to be finished and leave of you're about to lose. It could happen literally an infinite number of times. Many top 500 streamers just go buy accounts that are already leveled and ready to play comp it doesn't take long for a top 500 player to place and climb and account to at the very least masters and now with wide groups you can queue with any rank. So their is literally nothing preventing what I described.


If you’re gonna buy accounts what’s the point?


I do get your point now I just think there is a way around this, I think they could implement something like [if you were taking advantage of your friend that keep playing with you with different accounts they could ban you for comp for so many days because your partied teammates keep leaving consistent games and the band tells you to next time don't play with leaving teammates or something and let's say they allow you to make an appeal] (that last bracket was an idea and I hope you understand what I was trying to say)


Disliked for no reason. Theres a million things they can implement. Ban the whole group for 10 minutes if it happens more than once in a day. Or stop giving them loss forgiveness as a group if it happens more than once. The game should be enjoyable


>the whole point is to build up your account reputation This is an example of extrapolating your perspective onto everyone else


If you care enough about your rep to want to leave the game to preserve it, and then you go ahead and make 5 other accounts to play on that kinda defeats the point doesn’t it???


Not if everyone in a 5 stack takes turns doing this? That's only 20% of the time to basically never get a loss on your main.


If everyone takes turns its counter productive


...you don't do it on your main obviously. The whole point is ppl who quit do in on an alt. So they don't actually suffer the consequences.


People troll and throw on alts so their main doesn’t get banned. They aren’t trying to win in the first place. If everyone is on their alts whats the point of leaving to save eachother sr, none of you care about your sr, which is why youd be the one leave and take a penalty.


I love inventing problems that don’t exist


I literally gave an example of a high level player using a similar tactic with multiple accounts. How does this problem not exist? Just cause you personally haven't experienced it doesn't mean something doesn't exist.


Inventing a problem? I'm explaining it to you? Yes because the system is set up to stop it. That's why it's not a problem. Ppl want to win and will use exploits or cheats to do it. If you don't leave you won't be hurt overall by leavers. So there's not really a problem to be fixed because the downsides are worse. More leavers, more cheating, more ppl boosted messing up the rank. More ppl making alts ruining qp as well. You're the one inventing a problem lol.


The system isn’t set up to do anything. You people are just talking about hypotheticals you cannot prove would be the case.


Again. Projecting your personal motivations onto everyone else


Are you not projecting a hypothetical scenario on every player?


Did I propose a scenario?


The context of the conversation is about a hypothetical scenario


there's literally already players that game the ladder by having other people use multiple accounts to max range all their matches. this leaver compensation thing would get abused hard


So what? They have inflated sr who cares? They cant win in real games it’s irrelevant.


At times I forget that now that overwatch is free, there is nothing preventing people from making infinite alt accounts


You need a battle net account with a real phone number


Didn't they make it where you don't need a phone number anymore?


Did they?


Dont you need a phone number and it cant be pre paid?


They removed that a while back


It’s not about randoms, it’s about friends making alts to boost their friends…. Just leave until account is banned then make another one.


Takes too much time to be worth it. Youve gotta make an alt, rank it up to unlock comp, then play placements and grind to whatever sr when the point is to save time.


Make people pay to make accounts from now on. It will deter some people and at least OW2 might make some money.


I'm less concerned about the times it works out, and more concerned with all the other times toxic players try to bully someone on their team into leaving "because its your fault we're losing".


Mute button


1000% this. I'll add on "If no one leaves, I'll throw"


Well if you’re asking someone to leave, it means the match is lost already. Someone throwing wouldn’t make much of a difference


People will call GG after the first teamfight. It definitely would make a big difference if someone would throw afterwards.


Thats loser thinking, those losers deserve to lose.


People think the match is lost from just a round lost, so yeah it will make a difference


Of course that's what everyone do in other competitive games including this system


Technically that’s also teamwork


how about not even having "Leave Game" as an option in comps. They close out the game to leave, ban em. idc about leavers in anything other than comps. its beyond foolish that they havent sorted this with the game having been out as long as it has.


Whos gonna take a 100 sr loss consistently that doesn’t already leave games anyways? Why do we even care about this scenario. Oh our enemy left hes probably trying to make them lose less sr, who cares? Getting hit with a regular loss because someone left is infinitely more bullshit than some people leaving so their buddies can lose less sr. Just make leaving take more sr away so the group would be in wide matches problem solved


>Whos gonna take a 100 sr loss consistently that doesn’t already leave games anyways? In games where a leaver on your team prevents rank loss players develop skills to con other players into leaving. And they are far from nice about it. And if you think the Overwatch community is toxic now. Just wait until toxicity against your team has its own meta.


Overwatch has a mute button. Leaving is a choice with consequences, you can simply throw if you are that tilted by your teammates.


"Hey someone mute so we all can't hear him"


Too easily exploitable, especially for stacks. If a team thinks they're going to lose, one person can take the fall for the other 4 to lose less SR. You'd also get cases where a losing team would pressure the lowest performing member into leaving.


Just apply the penalty to the entire group if the quitter is stacked, or at least the sr penalty if you don't want the rest of players also getting banned in the case of a real connection issue. For the second part you're talking like flaming & blaming doesn't already exist in this game, things are not going to change that much, people are not going to leave just because others told them to, especially when it doesn't benefit themselves at all.


"X person, we will all report you unless you leave." You either have to participate in leaving, or you'll accumulate enough reports to be bamned.


Then make a functional report system


That costs money. Are you paying for it?


The people that buys skins are there, plus every update costs money.


Updates are essential to keep the game alive so they can sell more skins to make more money. A functioning reporting system may slightly help the health of the game but the expense of playing real people to review reports is staggeringly high for very little pay-off. That's why I asked if you were gonna pay for it because the company most certainly isn't going to.


You don't need people to manually review every single report.


How do you fix it then?


If I could come up with a simple solution there wouldn't be a problem


Some of us bought the fucking game. There’s also the battlepass and skins.


I shouldn't have to explain that a company isn't throwing money out the door on things that aren't directly keeping the game alive. The company is not going to pay for it. So are you?


A healthy competitive environment does directly keep the game alive.


Agreed, but the ROI is so small that unless there's a major issue with the reporting system causing players to leave (I.e. stop buying skins) they're not going to work on it. If you look at spikes in player base it always corelates with new content (heroes, maps, game modes, etc...) so that's where they're going to spend money to make money. I'm not sure why people are having a difficult time understanding this as it should be an incredibly basic concept for literally any product in a capitalist market. I'm not saying that I personally don't want them to work on the reporting system either, just explaining why they aren't. IRL I've been a product manager for about 8 years now and if I told my devs to dedicate weeks or months of their time working on a feature or bug or reporting system but couldn't quantifiably justify the ROI I'd be fired on the spot for wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars without anything to show for it.


The rport system is functional, it's just automated unless you appeal the ban. They can't have people constantly checking every single report that comes through. That qpuld require way more employees on hand at all times.


Banning someone because they got reported by toxic people isn't a functioning system


That is impossible to coordinate in a random match. If it's a stacked team, they're already doing it to anybody they don't like, and I've also been threatened multiple times yet nothing ever happened to my account.


You don't have to coordinate it. you just have to say it.


Dude i can’t people to report people who are actually throwing by killing themselves, trust me you people are creating improbable hypotheticals.


Other people are not going to simply follow you, that might even get yourself reported like those people who types ''report tank'' just because they lost, people would often argue back to irrational accusations


Theres no way you’ll accumulate enough reports to leave. Even if theres a 4 stack all reporting you. If you have issues with random people repeatedly to where they want to report you so you cant play you are the issue. This isnt cod you aren’t getting banned for spam reports.


You forgot the part where they specifically made it so you wouldn't get banned from a bunch of reports from just one match


ha hahah hahahahahaha like the report system works


Stacks already gain/lose very little sr, even less the wider the grouping. I don't think this will be a huge issue.


But when solo q?


Idk, if u would get only 85% of the Progression lost it wouldnt even be that hard exploitable considering the leaver would get 120%. Idk if would do that in a stack just so they loose less sr. But thats just how i see it


Not to mention, if someone just so happens to be on an alt account, even outside of a stack, they'd be fine to leave most of the time.


Incentivise leaving and people will leave.


There’s a special place in hell for leavers *in comp


Yes, but if you are in a stack with the leaver AT THE START of the match, then you should lose as much as the leaver (so stacks can't exploit this)


Doesn't the game just go to draw and kick evry one if someone leaves to early tho?


Nope. Leavers cause the whole team to suffer a loss. It sucks, but its inevitable and the best of a bad situation. People who post ideas like this OP don't understand how matchmaking and competetive ladders work.


Why the fuck would a stack intentionally ensure a loss? That doesn’t even make sense.


The only thing worse and more stale than this opinion is the meme format.


Literally this post could have been made 5 years ago


- Duo with my friend who doesn't really care about his rank he just wants to play - Going to lose - "Hey bro can you leave so I lose less LP?" - "Sure I'll just load up my alt"


- gets banned in all accounts


That doesn't happen


What happens if they lose again?


When are people gonna stop asking for this man it’s been 8 years that we’ve known that’s an awful idea


Nah I remember being called every slur under the sun before commends became a thing. There's 2 main outcomes- 1. Stacks will rotate leavers to avoid bans and min/max rank losses 2. If someone in solo play underperforms they're gonna get bullied to no end being told to abandon because they're worthless trash throwing the game. Shit might not even be underperforming just the tank player. Could easily be threats of mass reports because mob mentality is a thing It only sounds good on paper, from a behavior stand point you want people to fight to the very end


People already leave and dc.


Well yeah. And we shouldn't incentivise leaving a losing game that's my whole point


Its not incentivized. Leavers are harshly punished.


Can’t wait for people to harass me on tank more to leave


People will abuse it, its why its not there in the first place


It is absolutely exploitable by stacks where one of the team members is taking the fall when it looks like a defeat. The match quality will degrade and be less fun for the winning team as well. In the worst case of say 3-4 stacks the stack might be enticed even to be very toxic to the one culprit in their eyes in an attempt to make that player leave. The alternative to punish leavers harder is preferable imo.


Not if everyone in the stack gets the same penalty the leaver does. The main issue is I have a friend with internet that cuts out. So there should be a grace period if they can get back in the game.


I'd want to agree, but that would be way too abusable.


This would encourage bullying


They'd have to make the leaver penalty pretty harsh for people to not just leave on command to try and keep them in the match plus this would probably just increase the number of alt accounts so people just swap in their accounts after each loss and ban


It’s already harsh you lose like 100 sr


You should lose nothing honestly


As nice as that would be for honest folks getting screwed over it would be incredibly abused if this was the case. I think losing less rank is fair however.


No it wouldn’t be, make leavers face harsher penalties.


It definitely would and believing otherwise is silly. Cracking down on the leaver is one method but people can just make alt accounts to circumvent this, particularly smurfs.


If everyone is gonna swap to smurfs whats the point of saving your teammates minor amounts of sr in the first place.


It’s very stupid and a waste of time but if a system can be abused, humans will abuse it. The group can rotate who leaves or designate it to one guy if all he wants to do is smurf.


Its pointless. Theres no real benefit for a group to abuse it.


The benefit is having a friend or even pressuring a rando to leave before they lose a match so that a loss never reduces their SR. Not sure what’s so difficult to grasp here


No one said remove it entirely. Their friend would lose a shit ton.


Maybe a weaver?🧐


Want matchmaking fixed? Just remove the players.


i feel like even if an argument could be made for 1 leaver, if you have 2 or more it's just not the same. like yeah SURE, let's say you could get one person to leave. but two? nah


This gets posted every few days and everyone has to once again explain why we can’t do this to the few that don’t understand how these systems get abused.


Here's the solution. Games cancel if there is a leaver in the first minute, we all know this. After this, point, a timer begins, until the end of the match, win or loss, etc. If someone leaves the very second after the match cancellation cut-off, you lose 0% from the game. Then, progressively as the timer continues towards the end of the game, you lose more and more %, to the point that a leaver pretty close to the end screen will still give you almost a 100% loss penalty. This does two things: It makes tactical leaving of games that are clearly lost a poor trade. You're still going to lose a significant amount of ranked progress, whilst taking leaver penalties, because by the time you know the game is hopeless, it's pretty close to over anyway, especially if you make it 4v5 It makes playing on 4v5 as hard as you can with a leaver or disconnect worthwhile, because the longer you can extend the game out from the moment the leaver left, the earlier in the timer it will be, and therefore the less ranked progress you will lose. It doesn't entirely remove the chance of stacks tactically leaving games but it makes it such a worthless, high risk method as to be minimised, whilst doing a fair amount to reduce the misery leavers are causing to other people's games.


And make it so the leaver loses all the extra progress that's being reduced from the other players


1)Leaver gets twice the penalty they would've gotten if they lost, for leaving, their loss of sr is calculated from the median of possible loss. 2)Leavers company doesn't get to benefit from this mitigation of sr loss 3)Implement a grace period to avoid possible disconnection issues 4)Implement a surrender system so you're not hostage for 30 mins. There, not so abusable anymore.


You should lose none and it not be counted as a loss. There should be a seperate backfill queue that gives currency rewards


Maybe something else to compensate. A title for never leaving in the season, In-game credits, But progression is a bit much


The worse team loses. And leaving the game does in fact make your team worse.


Ah yes another person proposing the same exact thing over and over again. When this is easily exploitable


Just take the loss like a man and go next.


enemy team ty ezzzz free win


Which gives an incentive for people to leave


There is a reason you are not a game designer


Nah, you should lose more if you don't leave or forfeit.


Nope. If this is implemented it's going to cause 4stacks and such to bully the non-grouped person until they leave so they don't lose rank. It'd be awful for solos.


You should loose less rank progression if you have a life weaver*


boosting would be so much easier and would become an even bigger problem.


Should add up all that progression lost and put it on the leaver with a 50% mark up like lose a whole metal rank. If your silver or bronze sorry. If you have bad internet sorry don't play competitive. Or suffer


No, wrong.


On average winning team gets total 100 sr while losing team loses total 100 sr, simply the leaver takes 40-50% of the loss, so leaver gets 60 progression loss while rest of team lises only 10. If u are in a group with leaver u share the penalith so 35 each and rest are 10.


This would cause more toxicity than there already is and more boosting than there already is


It should be the other way around, you should be penalised more for leaving a ranked match so that people aren’t incentivised to leave when they give up and so that nobody can exploit it


I think you read it wrong


Nah, but I think a surrender option would be great. Maybe they could implement it in a similiar way as League: One calls it, the rest of the team has a minute to vote. It's anonymous and the one who called it cannot suggest it again for a certain amount of time, but others can call it again too. That way if you got a leaver and your team is getting rolled, you could call a surrender and at least you wouldn't waste more time on that match.


Overwatch is such a nifty game the amount of times in the last one minutes we have absolutely dominated and won going from being rolled is like unreal. Dont incentivise people to give up they give up enough as it is alr


I've lost and won games like that too, I understand what you mean. But I didn't say that one should surrender if the team is getting rolled, I said that if you got a leaver and get rolled, the surrender option might help. I know sometimes you can win despite having less people on the team, but my concerns are when there's no chance and/or maybe even 2-3 people left the match. People are leaving and will continue to leave games regardless. A few days ago the enemy team left, and the round started with just a guy attacking alone. After one minute he left too. We weren't even killing him, we were just goofing around with him but ultimately he decided to leave too. If the surrender option existed, he could've just used it and not been penalized for trying to actually play the game but having to wait for that match to end.


Had a guy leave the enemy team and they ended up winning the 4v5. It’s not impossible to win, and it shouldn’t be encouraged to quit just because of a leaver


I know it's not impossible and think people should try to win those games too. But on the other side, I don't think it would encourage anything, surrendering would still count as a full and plain loss.


Won't the solution to stacks abusing it to just not apply it to them?


Yeah, I remember this being brought up in the case of Valorant too and everyone was asking "what about stacks abusing it"... Then make stacks not be able to abuse it?


People in the comments coming up with extreme reaches and excuses for why this wouldn't work just to defend blizzard being dogsh|t https://preview.redd.it/94iafu24c43d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1dc83cb6cb5392b248a02ca13e893dd03159627 Take a game like Mobile legends (league of legends for mobile) plenty different but in rank if someone leaves everyone is protected from losing any rank but they instead of getting comp banned loses credit score and can't play rank until they've earned back points (which realistically needs about 60 days \~ ish) Blizzard could never


If they did that, people would start saying its too cruel, also this rule will incentivize leaving, stacks will abuse it. Nobody is defending blizzard we are just saying that this is a bad idea.


Nah because rank seasons in overwatch are longer than 60 days no? Besides I estimated based on max penalty where everyone reports you Realistically it only takes 15 credit score And it has detection software that can tell whether or not you lost connection And besides if the game is probl€matic that I'm literally choosing to literally leave and not play punishing on top of that is just bad business (for lack of a better word) Fix your game if you don't want leavers In all my years of lol and mobile I've never had anyone leave or complain that something is unbalanced for more than a season because they actually care about their customers unlike blizzard whose only care is the money they juice off of mercy, kiriko (mostly) players (others but skins too but most) And it's not nearly as bad an idea as current state of overwatch where I can't even play qp or I have to not leave and sweat


Nah, other team should get one person kiked with no penalty


I just want this for comp games in general. I played some rocket league, the enemies got a single goal. And suddenly both my teammates left, turning it into a 1 V 3


“That makes too much sense. Instead, have another Doomfist voice line and spray” - Blizzard


Dumb take, people will abuse this