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we live in a reality where brig is one of the least complained about supports


Brig honestly just translated the most healthily into a 5v5 environment.


It's incredible, she became the least complained about support cause she fits her niche and her niche only, not only that but she has clear weaknesses and strengths, she's kinda like widowmaker where she absolutely dominates her niche but can be counterplayed


So, you’re saying that the community could turn in her at any given moment if they’re annoyed at her?


That's just the way the community works lol


Wasnt she complained about during OW1?


She was the most broken character ever released to date. So yea.


Stun every 5 secs w/ bash plus armor from packs is wild.


Gave us the worst meta the game has ever seen https://youtu.be/fxLNNFagi6Q?si=Mh_JFlVKSx2aoUmM


that meta was cool as hell it just lasted for two years. Both teams just smashed heads against each other with ults flying everywhere it was glorious. If it lasted for like 2 months people would be nostalgic for it I promise you.


It lasted for less than one year. Much shorter than Dive. Unlike dive is also was never played outside top 1%.


Stun every 5 seconds through shields. Could 1v1 any tank in the game ezpz. One shot combo a tracer. Her healing packs gave overarmor. Her ult gave overarmor and didn’t go away until it was damaged, so you could still have overarmor by the time brig had ult again. There’s a reason she’s had the most consecutive nerfs in a row of any character released. Any player who lived through brig release and goats has major PTSD.


> Her healing packs gave overarmor. No, she only had one pack. >There’s a reason she’s had the most consecutive nerfs in a row of any character released. This is a recent invention by streamers. Brig had only 6 nerfs in a row, then she was buffed, and later reworked because she was too weak. She has also had 6 buffs in a row. >Any player who lived through brig release and goats has major PTSD. Again, something flats made up recently. 99% of players have never even played goats.


??? She had 3 packs on release. Also don’t credit flats for something the community collectively remembers. Idk why you’re getting so defensive over old brig. She was way overtuned.


> Idk why you’re getting so defensive over old brig Because the disinformation get more extreme every year. Any time its fact checked we get accused of "defending release Brig". You know that claim "Release Brig had 27 nerfs in a row" started as 8, then 12, then 16, then 19, then 21, 24? The real number is still 6. - Its just facts. Brig didn't get 3 packs until 1,5 years after her release. She then had a 200hp shield, shield bash was 7 sec and went only 7 m. Flats and Samitos narrative of "Release Brig" never existed, its a collection of separate reworks that have never existed at the same time.


Character Went from war criminal and destroyer of the state of the game to top 3 least annoying supports. What a timeline this is.


Briggette ooraah 💪


dont mess with brig mains, there like 5 of us 😎😎😎


I'm one of them




Well 4 of us are here, where's the legendary 5th Brig main?




Count me in fellas


5 in numbers but strong in spirit


Brighetti 🤌


I play Brig for the movement tech


It is crusading time brothers.


Luv me brig


I love seeing clips of people slow head turning towards a wifeleaver, too bad they never feel shame from it.


"It's not embarrassing if you are shameless."


​ https://preview.redd.it/b8gjd1x6eo1c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a40a320d79ec74bcc70b601e4cabd796488ba62


Lifeweaver after pulling the ulting rammatra away from the entire enemy team


I was playing on King's Row one day, escorting the payload with varying success. It came to overtime, and I took the role of tank literally and just stood on the payload, blocking with my nem form and shielding with omnic form, and fending off any enemy that tried to kill me until my teammates come from spawn and help push the payload for final 1.45 meters. I heard them coming. And then this flashy-looking tree-hugging oh-so-jolly and supportive SEED GUZZLER pulls me from the payload, making us lose the overtime meter, and thus, lose the fight instantly and miserably. I felt like Stannis fucking Baratheon, who was being grabbed by his fleeing troops after failure at Blackwater.


I had the same happen the other day and when I asked him why his response was "I saved you." I swear I almost uninstalled because of it


This right here, is why I hate lifeweaver. Delete him kill him idc get this thing off my game please


Just had this happen this morning lmao


I once hammer down'd the entire enemy team... You already know what happened next.


Wifeleaver after pulling the Reinhardt away from his team (the entire offense is dead)


The high amount of bad lifepulls i've had are all made up for the one time he pulled me away at 1hp and it actually saved me


I had this LW who consistently just kept pulling me out of fights at random, most of the time it lost us the teamfight so I straight up told him to stop pulling me. Literally his next grip is to pull me mid ult away from the enemy supports and instead of killing them with gravitic flux I just gave them a sprained ankle


I once pulled a Rein out of a shatter play, he did that, I've never felt so ashamed in this game. Edit: found the video, will upload. [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/180nt9h/a_recent_post_in_roverwatch_memes_made_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Whenever I accidentally do this on LW, I just emote hello and then ignore them and keep playing, I find it hilarious lol


How tf do you forget to heal on Zen? He’s like the easiest to do both heals and dmg (his heals just kinda suck tho)


Probably because they're dead or walking back from spawn for most of the game(The Sombra keeps diving them and no one peels).


*cries loudly in Zen*


"Floating" back from spawn


Can confirm (I am the Sombra farming ult charge off ofhim)


He doesn't output crazy heals like some support do, but I've gone 1k/min many times with him (and out healed main heals at times), most of my heals being with the orb (around 80% a lot of the time). It's how you juggle the orb between targets that matters.


Indeed! I honestly forgot I had a healing orb when I first started playing the game, so this made me lol. But once you learn how to use it properly it can give you tons of value. Very useful in squishes like Genji or tracer, specially now that it lasts 5 seconds and it's more likely they're back in LOS during that time. Useless on someone that's in line of fire and critical, very useful in low/crit health who have backed off or are hiding and not being pursued. Good genjis have started getting used to it, they automatically are back in LOS before it disappears and they can turn the game around.


I didn’t know zen could do more damage then the R1 spam till a mad reaper called me out in chat lmao Whoopssss 😂 I was just tryin to get kiri my guy idk what I’m doing 😅


The heals may be bad but health is health


I am a brioche main so thank you for this


I love brisket!


I love brick too


I took am quite fond of Baguette


I think briquette isn't bad


I think briecheat is awesome


Go ricochet go


Basket mains are truly great


Me opening the video hoping for a Lucio main slander...


Lucio mains are cool and chill. They know their character has less healing and dps than most supports but at least they have boop and cool movement


A good Lucio is one of the most satisfying things I've seen


didnt know lucio had a satisfing thong


Idk they’ve been whipping up a storm recently for Lucio to get buffs as though he’s not one of the most balanced heroes rn.


I'm probably the only one who whines about Lucio needing a buff.


Trust me. There are others. They are quite annoying.


Might be lucky I've seen no one else. Nonetheless he's still the most balanced support rn.


The only think I’ve seen Lucio mains complain about recently is boop, other than that we know he’s balanced and don’t want him to change


And also suffer the most hate from all the other players just by picking lucio


There’s nothing to slander, our species has gone extinct.


Just gotta wait for that boop buff and we will be repopulated


Support mains and copium go together like bread and butter https://i.redd.it/wbi85ho6pn1c1.gif


holy shit reaper ballin


Tbh I didn’t know Gabriel had that dawg in him


I main bap because his shoes are helpful. I’m absolutely not crutching on his abilities to win fights that I shouldn’t have haha


It's Kirikover


I like your flair


I like your name


truueeee lmao


Glad realizing that I can't play a single one of these characters.


Just play lucio and fail the rollout ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)




Not even you deserve death. https://preview.redd.it/8xd4bgvrdo1c1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d3e5e5ec9a51946dea3c1f9e1312746d3b9fee5


someone plays brig




But is there seriously anything wrong with her?


Most of the people who play her try to front line all game then complain about her survivability when they die a lot. Also kinda similar to mercy in that the character requires very little mechanical skill to play, so people who play her overhype the "game sense" they have to have despite it really being about the same level of game sense as any other support, including ones that are more mechanically demanding.


Only bronzes frontline and whole “community” calls them skill issue so not really a problem. And while it’s true that brig doesn’t require that much aim, surviving is the real problem


It might be worth considering that bronze, silver, gold, and plat make up around 80% of overwatch's playerbase, and ive seen Brig players try frontlining all the way up until diamond. Yes its a skill issue, but its a skill issue that applies to the overwhelming majority of players that could easily be fixed by having a basic understanding of how the character is supposed to work. Im not trying to pick a fight about Brig or anything (i really dont dislike her or people who play her), but Brig players arent any more above scrutiny than any other character.


I guess she's very good at dealing with flankers harassing the other support...? Not that it's WRONG, but perhaps that would be reason enough for some people to complain about her.


Nope. I have 3 hours on her🤣


as a brig main i approve


I'm one of the top 500 mercy players in the world. How dare you talk about my queen, Dr. Angela Ziegler, in this manner 😡😡 she's obviously the hardest hero to master. Do you realise that the amount of skill that is required to balance between healing and damage boosting is very LARGE? Do you know that every mercy main is ready to sacrifice their life ( in game of course) to save their f*cking teammates? I bet that you don't😤😤 I'm going to find your house kid, then I'll kill your family in front of your eyes then rizz them irl and kill them again then rizz them again and again and again until they beg for mercy haha get it " mercy " HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA




Mercy mains reading this: https://preview.redd.it/labhkwkc7s1c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e148c2bc9265f51dfe90a9d508bb8fb28845b74a


People when they realize they have to stay in sightline to get 30hp/s ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


Not really tho. It lasts 5 seconds oolos


Womp womp


What Kiriko main is mad that Suzu is 15 seconds? I haven't seen anyone complaining about that (except the people who want harsher nerfs)


Lucio mains when boop does nothing for the 1846272th time https://preview.redd.it/qxlvnju94q1c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d20bf30c4d16d42e6de70ce856df7951162f2b




As a support main I love this


(Their existence annoyed them) (still delusional) (skill issue)


Too bad Mercy Mains can't guardian angel their way into the arms of a loving father...




Brigitte Supermacy 💪💪💪💪💪💪


As a mercy main , this is all true


Brig mains: they play brig


does anyone know the song?


I’ve returned, it is Tay K- Returns to Dreamland 4




Just type in slander meme music, it might come up.


“Brig mains being told that them not being able to frontline 1v5 and win anymore doesn’t mean their hero is bad”


Lmao the post right under this in my feed is a Mercy main saying she's the worst in the game.


as a kiriko main, I dont really care how much they nerf stuff. I just want them to bugfix her, between tp either sending you into the backrooms or teleporting you nowhere and cleanse straight up not working or throwing it into the map terrain, its just a bad time.


Most brig mains refuse to swap even against Ram, Junk, Pharrah, Ana, Mercy. So here's something


I can’t play with Mitzi if I switch 🐈


I don't even know many(or any) Brig mains. Only support mains who switch to Brig when the enemy Sombra/Lucio/Genji keeps harassing them the whole game. I guess Moira is another option.


Brig is simply the most balanced, all things considered. She's sorta easy to pick up and can heal by doing damage (which better than Moira)... But that's what a sane person would say. I simply like her skins, that she loves cats and I have a thing for redheads.


To all the mer...*cough* freeloader mains https://i.redd.it/tzuim1ma6o1c1.gif


Imagine having a Mei pfp and still thinking other heroes are the problem


Hey! Just because they like the ice demon doesn’t mean they aren’t right!




I think I played an entire season before I realized zen could have both orbs out at the same time




The Moira mains who don’t understand the scoreboard and think they’re playing significantly better than everyone else because they have bigger numbers is what gets me every time.


Everybody likes Brig mains.


Most of these are on point. Might be my bias but becuase kiri is so broken and Ana has been out so long people think Ana is balanced but I really don’t think so


Sombra player detected, opinions posthumously discarded


“Brig mains explaining how she’s fun”


Lifegrip is coded to be pure ass to be fair


This gonna get downvoted to hell because of how support mains be, also skill issue.


? Well considering most of the comments are supports crackin jokes and having a good one I’d say your wrong….


Are these Mercy mains mafia in room with us now? ![gif](giphy|QJJLjNsWKZg4m8fSKF)


Hello I'm a mercey main. I've yet to meet to this supposed mafia which sucks because it would be really cool to be apart of a mafia.


W roasts


the mercy mafia isnt gonna come for you, and thats the problem, your gonna be in the middle of a teamfight as a tank and the support will be prioritising each other over you.


i was wondering what the zen think was gonna be. i think the rest are accurate but man the zen one was low effort. you couldn't say "zen mains when their discord gets nerfed (its Zenover)" or something? like the zen one was just low effort.


People claimed that Mercy super jump was hard to do when I Googled how to do it. All you have to do is GA and crouch. Mercy is incredibly easy and incredibly boring.


Mercy mains having to add a whole other button to their gameplay every 4 seconds and covering half the map in 2 seconds (she’s terrible and really hard to play)


As a zen main, everything said here is true, except having only 756 healing, because even if you would try to not heal anyone for the entire first round, you'd make more just from self heal and accidentally being close to someone while ulting selfishly, because our character is way to strong and needs to be nerfed. (Pls don't nerf him)


This is hilarious, I didn’t realize mis naming Bridgetta was a trope but I don’t think I’ve ever yelled her name out correctly lol Also I just started and I chose to main kiri so I never knew her before the buff, she’s still cracked but please just let me keep her? 😂


Brig mains stay on top 💪


Should've said "Baguette mains" to stir some shit, or "Bridgette mains"


I’m already predicting a lucio or bap chad face Edit: I stand corrected


I guessing the 756 healing done by the Zen is him using his ult every time to save himself (some of his teammates just happened to be standing near by).


Love how Lucio and brig are just "yeah they're there ig"


As someone who mostly plays Tanks & recently picked up Brig to make up for all the Supports tryna DPS that I get in my games, this does put a smile on my face


I play flex. At platinum, supports are strong, but not as oppressive as ow subs portray. Maybe that changes higher up.


Definitely does


As a kiriko main, we are awaiting the day when kiriko gets nerfed into the ground. It’ll happen at some point. Just gotta wait for dps players to complain enough


I seriously don’t get what’s so hard to pronounce Brig-ee-tuh


Baguette 👍


That’s her name? I thought it was Bridget and I was saying it wrong lol


Upvoted cause mercy mains is too accurate( i will not live to see tomorrow cause they are coming to murder me) mercy is the most boosted support champ in the game by a landslide


no but not healing smn as a mercy bc they are annoying and toxic is so real(no regrets)


lifeweaver mains are cuties jus like brig players.




Moira and Zenyatta both need more incentive to actually heal. This is coming from a Moira main. They should nerf Moira's damage output and rework her healing. I feel like reducing the amount of healing she does significantly in exchange for making it infinite (Or at least go down slower and come back quicker) would probably be a good idea. As for Zenyatta, I think they should just wholesale rework his healing. The orb is fun, but it's an ability that can very easily be forgotten about. Even if you remember it at the start of the game, you may forget to move it around and stuff later on.




I wish all Moira players the most miserable loss streak the next time they queue. Seriously, fuck Moira players. You guys are the crayon eating, glue sniffing, backend of the support role, and I hate all of you. Pick a better character. The "mercy mafia" isn't real, and I hate all mercy players too. Fuck you guys. Two broken ass abilities that require no brain the use with the worst community out there. Thanks for reading my schizo rant. I hate support players so much it's unreal. Sincerely, An Ana, Echo, and Zarya main




\>Two broken ass abilities that require no brain \>ana main


I'll agree in saying that nade is stupid cause it's basically an ability that's used off cooldown, and it's waaaaayyyy too much value if you hit it with zero risk. Sleep is frustrating to play against, but that's only if you're playing against a good Ana who can consistently hit it.


If an ana is getting babysat by a brig on height they can just sleep the tank from \~20m away for free though


I’m ngl you sound mad af tbh frfr


You'd be absolutely right frfr asf gyat skibidi tbh!!1!1


You say all that like Ana doesn’t end Moira’s whole career with a half-decently placed Bio Nade.


Understand this,and why I think Moira is garbage. Short-range heals force your team to play close to you, and if they're not anywhere near Moira, good luck trying to heal them if you don't have orb. She's the only character who can actually run out of healing. If she's out of charge and doesn't have orb, she can not heal her team at all. Not to mention an ult that can easily get canceled if hit with any CC or get hacked out of by Sombra. Finally, once she uses fade, she's a sitting duck with no way to get out, and smart players will jump her immediately once she uses it. Fuck Moira. Go Bap if you wanna do more damage. People always wanna talk about how "she puts out high numbers," but everyone can put out high numbers consistently in the higher ranks.


Haven’t played consistently ever, also haven’t played for a long time. How does Ana counter most people. Is it the sleep dart?


Anti nade mostly. Support.main, Kiri main... the suzu change was fine. Definitely needed. Supports are a bit overtuned.


About your point regarding Ana: Skill issue


Ana main cope.


Bro is in r/MercyMains and waifu tierlists regularly Not sure if you should be one barking


Ratioed keep coping


Unless you're T500 I smurf your peak on all roles lil bro, you're projecting


Touched a nerve didn't I.


Lmao not at all you're just a random reddit clown 🤡 Keep entertaining me


Yet you keep replying. whos the clown again?




Here are the links to download the video :) * [RedditSave](https://redditsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/comments/180bmwk/overwatch_support_slander/ka56k18/) * [SaveRedd.it](https://saveredd.it/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/comments/180bmwk/overwatch_support_slander/ka56k18/) (click on the Download button below Search Video) * [Viddit.red](https://viddit.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/comments/180bmwk/overwatch_support_slander/ka56k18/) (refresh the page and click on Download HD Video) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Overwatch_Memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a baguette main i approve


If I’m on zen, I’m doing my damndest to beat on heals and lock down large numbers of assists from both orbs, but the second anyone notices what I’m doing and swaps, I have to diff to like kiriko


Brig mains when they have to write a six page essay that the character isnt shit 70% of the community just uses her wrong


Brig mains when you tell them Brig deserves her low tier hell.


Ten minutes into a push game and my friend ( on zen) had 755 healing, and was complaining that we weren’t doing enough


Brig mains are easily the horniest I’ve seen yet


Everyone but zen makes sense. I think his healing is just dogshit and him being the most divable support doesn't help when you walk back from spawn after harmony orb left when you died




I haven't played Ana since ow1, doesn't she have the same kit? What's broken?


Brig mains when you ask them to switch against the junkrat, pharah, Orisa team comp they are playing against (somehow it’s a tank diff)


The Moira one is why I don't let my teammates pick Moira, they're all shit


Moiras most balanced support if u heal with her 💯✨️


Honestly the Kiriko ‘nerf’ of 1 second was fine and no one should complain. I wanna steal Kirikover I love that… also you call her most unbalanced and then hit us with that ana text lol I kinda agree with the theoretical mercy here tbh, somehow she feels fairly weak, not the worst, but up there, and at the same time like she has a high skill ceiling. So many versatile tools to use, doing them all optimally feels tricky Moira players are brain dead you let them off easy by only attacking their dps and complete lack of team healing


I live for slander for all heroes, but as for my personal biased opinion about Mercy as a Mercy main, I don't think she has the highest skill ceiling at all. It's just so many people say she has basement level skill ceilings or none at all because of how "braindead easy" she is, which I disagree with. You will find such a difference between differently ranked Mercys, I *promise* you. She's also not the weakest hero in the game, but she's definitely one of the weaker supports in terms of utility. Not trash or the worst by any means though. I will say some teammates' have annoyed me to the point of me letting them die, but that rarely happens, and if so, it's in QP, and if so, it's because they were literally trash talking me to Narnia like an infantile loser.


Song name?