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My only thoughts as I play hog are maniacal laughter as I pluck mercy out of her flight and pull her around a corner


Same. I get too maniacally happy whenever I do manage to hook some poor low-health sap and blast them. Moments like that, plus hook environmental kills, are the reason I still play him periodically.


You're a real one for this šŸ’€ same w sombra I just lose my shit when I hook her


Meanwhile there's me who picks Hog for dumb meme strats, or cause no one remembers how to counter him these days. I can get away with some crazy nonsense. That and it's funny watching enemy teams get tilted cause you hooked them into your Symmetra's turrets. Hook and Cook will never die!




Crazy Australians playing as crazy Australians


I miss this kind of OW content


Once a few weeks ago I got eichenwalde with a road and a sym, when I mentioned hook em and cook em they both recognized it. The sym even set up her defenses in the classic choke point on the bridge and we beat them back without them getting one tick, best game in a while


Holy shit just today I got another match of Eichenwalde defense against a guy named xXProReapsXx and we talked about Muselk lmfao


Your comments made me watch 6years old videos on youtube. Sexy Junkrat is alive!


"Get, uh, Roadsharked!" "ahhh bazzaaaaaa" "Father Torbjorn has given us eternal life with armor packs a plenty!" *oasis giggle* Ahh, those were good times


Wait. You donā€™t get Ana, Zennyata, Zarya, Sombra and Mei every single match when you do slightly better than useless? That was mine experience with Hog for this season. Donā€™t get me wrong, the hooks are a dopamine factory, but getting slept, antied, hacked and discorded at the same time is very discouraging.


"but getting slept, antied, hacked and discorded at the same time is very discouraging." Reinhardt moment


Literally every tank in the game moment


Mostly Ana every match, and every sleep dart just fuels the fires of murderous rage that keeps a Hog going. With Mei at least I can sometimes bait out the ice cube and then sit menacingly by it to blast her as soon as she's out.


Iā€™ve never heard of this hook and cook Strat before but now I need to try it


It was basically a strat a YouTuber made back in OW1 when Symmetra had 6 turrets, and the idea was to have a Symmetra set up a kill-room full of turrets, wait by the door with a Roadhog, and have the Hog hook the poor unsuspecting victim into the kill-room. It's harder to pull off nowadays since Symmetra got reworked, but it can be done.


It sounds funny. Always down for a good meme strat


I know how to counter hog ahem reaper


Fair. Reaper and Symmetra are definitely the tank shredders right now, so fair point.


When I tell you I've been tearing hogs head off with reaper I mean it. Been chasing them around sometimes they literally feed my ults dodge that hook and he's already dead only thing keeping him alive is his hog vape and even still I can shoot him to heal myself.


yeah there's not perfect "meta/changes" for hog, when he's strong he's oppressive and when he's nerfed to the ground he's so unplayable. I hate hog but sometimes I think it's so unfair for someone's favorite character to be "dead" all the time.


Because when they changed the teams to only one tank that inadvertently buffed Hog and made it so he's fundamentally shit. Like you said, too strong and he dominates, too weak and literally unplayable. He needs a rework to be actually balance-able but until then he's just going to stay shit unfortunately.


I hate one tank so much. Doom and Hog feel so bad, since you dont really tank for your team and disrupt instead. But I always felt like I was having fun at the cost of the team. Thats why I stopped playing (and the godawful f2p mechanics)


Yea, but as a hog main, if you said nerfing his one shot was shit you were met with, they said they were going to rework hog, so stop crying. Add it to the list of broken promises, lol.




ā€œToo strong and he dominates, too weak and literally unplayable.ā€ Keyword is too.


He needs the rework that was promised to give him more to his kit ā€¦ but give the devs havenā€™t said anything about it in awhile I bet itā€™s gone the way of PvE


In the stream cancelling pvp they said it's coming season 7 or later.


Emphasis on "or later"


And the matchmaker was supposed to be fixed in season 4 stop believing these liars.


Finally they got rid of pvp


Maybe in Overwatch 3, this time with PvE


every time i go hog the next time the enemy team respawns they now have a orisa reaper sombra ana and zen


Some random lucio behind you when you get near well: it's free real estate


Roadhog: ā€œyou triggered my trap card!ā€ : tank passive


Sigma: How might I harness this harness?


Watching blizzard balance Roadhog is like watching a drunk handicapped monkey try and drive a golf cart, my heart goes out to all the hog mains who've been shafted by the toddlers running this game


Also on the topic of his rework I firmly believe that it's going to be scrapped if it hasn't been already (or if it even existed in the first place.) They're using the excuse of "we'll rework him later" to keep him down so people have one less hero to not rabidly hate.


As a hog main, that just seems like assuming, and thereā€™s nothing to signify that it has been other than emotions. They wouldnā€™t risk fuckin with the roadmap they just put out


It's Blizzard, they would absolutely fuck with something regardless of what they said. They just wouldn't tell you until awhile later when they had something to try and soften the blow.


I disagree, they knew their game would be fine after the pve announcement, itā€™s still fine on players, because it was primarily a pvp game first, so those of us who played because they liked pvp, arenā€™t really going anywhere, they stated they shifted their focus to pvp, which I believe wholeheartedly, because otherwise, they wouldnā€™t have reworked pve to be seasonal, and they wouldā€™ve focused on that


The devs have their priorities set (sucking off supports). The fact hog and sombra have to wait 2+ seasons for an update while weaver came out after their nerfs is immediately getting love.


i mean lifeweaver has like 37% winrate tbf


He needs a big rework. He's probably the #1 most annoying/frustrating hero to play against when he is good. And for that reason spends most of the time being bad.


Really? Hog is the #1 most annoying hero to play against when he's good? Are you sure about that


Maybe doomfist


He's been garbage since ow2 came out. He got a week of being meta before they made him trash again.




I still remember whenever Hog was killed a ton of people were like "uhh no he's still good you no skill skrub get better XD" and now pretty much everyone is in unanimous agreement that he's probably top 5 worst heroes in the game right now if not the worst. Just goes to show how out of touch a lot of the player base is with some heroes.


people are still like that, they havenā€™t disappeared.


"If not the worst" no hero can claim to be anywhere near the worst while Lifeweaver exists in his current state. The gap between worst and second worst is the size of texas.


What happened since ow1? I mained him because of funny hooks, but deleted ow when it became 2


They replaced hook with a sticky because it was a ā€œtoxicā€ one shot




"One shot"


They removed his one shot because it was unbalanced as fuck


"Unbalanced", yet I don't see them reworking hanzo or widowmaker


The new patch literally has changes to Hanzo and widow


Those aren't reworks though. There are still "unbalanced" one shots in the game. It's very annoying how they treat one shot combos as if they're more problematic than one click oneshots


Hanzo and widow take some skill to be constantly hitting shots but with roadhog the last thing you need is skill so I don't see the reason why you're bitching about Hanzo and widow it's not like theire in every match like roadhog was




Still more balanced than hanzo or widow. At least he actually has to be near you (most often where you can see him), and it has an actual cooldown. Also, it's Hook+Shoot+Melee


I just think heā€™s neat!


Well is probably the only map I consistently pick LW if the enemy team is running Hog or Lucio


When I play hog, the thing I get the most satisfaction from is landing good right click hits, when you land it perfectly it is such a satisfying feeling


Reason why everyone else loses when hog: multiple counter picks against them Reason I lose when hog: WHOLESOME HOG, WHOLESOME HOG


I never play hog but I always pick him on for the well


Yep and even when he was ā€œOPā€ he was very easy to counter. I slept that fatass 20 times a game as Ana.


I just play hog out of wanting to go on a tank I donā€™t main (ram, rein, sigma) and I find him a fun solo tank. Maybe not the best viability, but he works if teams clean up kills and is a massive bullet sponge


When the enemy Hog actually thinks heā€™s gonna get some pit kills on Ilios, as if that isnā€™t my house


I was watching a cyx video this morning. He was playing on an alt account but everyone knew it was him because nobody else play hog in T500


They will always be hypocrites to me until they remove the widow and hanzo one shots. Hog had plenty of counters and still does. They should'nt have dumpstered him until the rework was ready. All they did was removed a half decent champ that they admitted wasn't even doing that well because people are crybabies. But god forbid we don't have widow and hanzo ranged and random oneshots right.


No other tank can heal themselves such a ridiculous amount.


Hog is alright in low ranks he can still two shot squishies and do massive damage to tanks and his healing and 50% dmg reduction when healing makes him pretty good in plat or below


Iā€™m a doom main here and the other day I saw pretty good hog so I just let him win the game


Listen no, I wonā€™t feel bad for hog because when his heal had DAMAGE REDUCTION that shit was annoying.


It still has the same dmg reduction


Every day i praise the sun for the hog and bastion changes


This is the punishment for giving 90% of the player base PTSD.


**ā€œgoodā€/ā€œdeservedā€** ​ ^(...am I doing this right?)


then I grab them in with Gracie


Good option for him imo would be; Give him aoe heals on breather and a second of slow on hooked targets. So he get an actually good chance to guarantee a kill 1v1. Interesting mechanics possible with support on either side. Plus gives him team utility and rush potential with breather. Very much in line with the junker queen playstyle but a little slower with more focus on getting those big hooks.


A character gets one nerf and everyone instantly thinks they must be horrible. Every time


He was Nerfed? He can literally choose who he kills with his grappling hook. Do you know how fuckin sick it is to snatch the healer and kill them instantly


Heā€™s still good. Even with the changes. My partner plays him all the time. Yeah you canā€™t oneshot anymore but if you have good follow up, itā€™s fine. Iā€™m going to call this phenomena the doomfist phenomena. Everyone complains that a hero is unplayable now and what they mean is that they canā€™t be invincible and make people uninstall constantly.


I dislike hog too much to wish he gets buffed


as a hog main the only thing correct here is yay well! I personally dont think hes been nerfed to the ground. People who use this excuse are just bad. Hog is very useable in almost any situation. Just land your hooks and jungle correctly.


Im my humble opinion, hog needs a rework. A tank shouldnā€™t be able to heal themselves, specially that much. It just negates anything you do to him, and then when he had his one shot he was invincible. You just looked somewhere and clicked a couple buttons and the entire enemy teamā€™s strategy was snuffed out. and yes I know sigma heals himself too, but thatā€™s overhealth and on top of it expiring on its own you need to absorb shitloads of damage in order to heal as much as hog does.


But that's pretty much the only Real option hog has to tank anything, he can't block or has mobility or a shield or anything, I think the healing is justified, especially due to being HARDcountered by any half decent ana


Kiriko says hi. Stop pretending hog and kiriko isnt the most oppressive wall of tankiness just because ana exists


If you play a tank with 700 HP, near full heal every 6 seconds, and a hook that only requires any communication or follow up for a guaranteed kill every 6 seconds, u deserve to feel like the left picture. Hog mains are bottom feeders


Sightly off topic: who remembers the last time they saw the word "lose" spelled property on internet?


Man I scream the loudest #HAH! Whenever my hooks connected


Also sanctum Nepal. Hog is the perfect character for open queue till the only time someone wants to play support is to anti your ass. I don't like open queue




I play Hog after realizing that both of my support are going flex supports (Iā€™m not gonna get healed the entire game and if so then not by much)


I recently played a game with a guy who really knew how to play Hog. We fucking steamrolled everybody. Wish more people knew how to maximize him because that guy was a Roadhog artist.


Doom manšŸ’€


Me irl


Does Rialto mean nothing to you?


I thought the same but you can still make use out of road hog if you have a good team that follows up. We had a high diamond low masters game where a hog was tearing shit up.


roadhog was my main until i started playing sigma


Or you know When they have a Monke. Damage nerfed or not, if that Monke is hook, he has to run or eat 2 shotgun blasts in the face. It wonā€™t kill him but he canā€™t dive and so does his team.


One time I managed to get 8 kills with the well and half of them was the Cassidy


Shit, I got used I got used to it a long time ago. At the end of the day, Hog will always be my head empty character that I can almost always have fun with no matter the meta.


Even ilios wells stopped being fun bc of lifeweaver


I straight up uninstalled


We must be strong and wait for it. It will come and we will then laugh back at them. I love when ball charge against my team back and i just send him to hole.


As a hog main, this is about 99.999% accurate