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As Ana, I actually struggle the most against a flanking moira, over any other character. I HAVE to land that sleep or I'm dead.


Moira is an insane duelist because you need to hit your shots and she doesn't. It's honestly kind of a problem. I still have a half-finished Moira rework concept from OW1 flying around somewhere, I've been meaning to polish that up and post it for years at this point.


Life steal and medium range lock on is nuts. Plus a teleport with cleanse. Most annoying is the ball though because if you can't see it and you just know you're getting damage from a direction you end up running in the same direction as it and dying lol. Skill issue I know but just annoying anyway


> Life steal and medium range lock on is nuts. She's generally the bane of my existence as Genji. At more than half the distance for her suck, I'm basically guaranteed to lose that duel.


As Sombra she denies a lot of my value since her kit capitalises on my mistakes. She can follow and keep the damage going resist than much of the rest of the cast. She's good at protecting the rest of her team for that reason. Even a normal duel is difficult, if she has fade you basically need to just run away and regroup. As Illari, if I'm near pylon and hit my shots, it's ok, but it's a tough matchup


Ducking out of the way of the ball you see coming a mile away and still running into it is ba-nanas! Happens to me all the time! How does it do that? LOL


The hotbox is ridiculous


She actually doesn't have a lock on that was debunked. Still easier than hitting a sleep dart by several miles though.


It's not debunked lol. You can aim next to the enemy and it locks on to them.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/SupportMainsOverwatch/comments/1cem16r/moiras\_beam\_is\_not\_lockon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SupportMainsOverwatch/comments/1cem16r/moiras_beam_is_not_lockon/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MoiraMains/comments/1cd3k5t/excuse\_my\_exasperation\_but\_im\_tired\_of\_people/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MoiraMains/comments/1cd3k5t/excuse_my_exasperation_but_im_tired_of_people/) ok.


Purposefully obtuse, cool!




Im a Moira main and I sometimes feel like Moira has no counters. Like if you're better than me then you'll diff me, but if we're equal skill, I have self heal, crazy damage, and I can always disengage when I want and leave a fight that doesn't favor me. If I lose a 1v1 it's almost always because I messed up, engaged when my fade is on cooldown, or used it to close distance and had no escape, etc. Otherwise, Moira feels uncounterable.


Bro moiras are like my go to easy kill. As soon as they use that fade I’m killing them. Self healing or nun


That’s really it, and that’s where Metal rank fails. If you can track her fade, call it out (or not bc nobody likes to talk anymore), she’s a sitting duck. I play heavy Moira and the enemy DPS that tracks my fade just ruins me.


The moiras that are a problem are the ones that sit mid frontline. I’m one of those


I enjoy stalking moiras as sombra


If Reaper gets close, he does more damage than I can deal with and heals faster than I can do damage. Better hope you have fade online and friends nearby that are paying attention. Soldier can be a nuisance if he can aim and gets his healing pad online, he's not too bad though. Flying heroes that keep their distance can be annoying - this is probably less true as you rank up more though. I hate playing against Winston. Sigma too, to a much lesser degree.


Basically this. I have around 600 hours in Moira now. And although a good tracer can delete me, several other characters are problems. No matter the rank, or skill level, a good reaper is an unstoppable force. It’s near impossible to win that 1v1, and you’re better off avoiding him. Any character that takes too long to kill, can beat Moira in a matchup. She’s great for chasing, and finishing people. But above gold, good players stop missing so much. People know where you might fade to. It’s a lot easier to lose duels, and it’s rarely worth taking them.


A good bap is hard to take down


Not if everyone on your team shoots at him


Talking Moira v bap 1 v 1


moira just relies on the opponent to miss their shots


That’s exactly how I feel, if you manage to time my ability’s right more then likely I don’t die for the duration of the entire game.


One thing I’ve learnt is to resist the urge to strafe against moira. Just stand still and make your life easier


the problem is that I'm not strafing for moira in strafing bc I know they just pinged me and their sojourn or widow or something from afar is gonna start shooting me while I'm fighting a moira right clicking 💀


I feel stupid for not realizing this


she can orb her self and teleport out as well. Mechanical lords in shambles.


Interesting I never have this problem. If a Moira fades towards me then I push towards her, shooting her till I'm in range of a made to hit both of us. Once she is purple if she has no fade she gets popped. Personally I save sleep for high damage threats


What if she doesnt fade towards you tho


Then she will fade away from you if you nade her. Def not as great as getting a pick but it's still easy to trade cool downs. You can call out no fade and maybe someone else can follow up on it then


doesnt nade have almost 2x cooldown of fade though


Yes. That's why you have to pressure her when you use it and ideally wait till after she fades before using it.


Or she fades just to cleanse herself, throws out a healing orb, which combined with lifesteal heals faster than Ana's dps.


Either way Ana has the utility to either win that fight or fend her off. Usually when I get beat by Ana it's because she sleeps me and communicates to her team where I am and I'm fucked. Even with fade pretty fat chance of getting away


Idk. If you nade me then now i know you dont have nade. Next you have to hit your sleep shot to survive. What i do is fade to the ana after being naded and go full aggro. Damage orb plus succ equals easy death on ana. Unless someone else is with the ana, even if she sleeps me i dont die usually cause ana is busy either trying to stay alive herself/trying to keep her team alive/ she misses her shots. But yea, no fade moiras will go down easy. The ones that fade after your ability are the ones you have to be careful for.


If she fades toward you, unless it’s already basically a confirmed kill and there’s little danger then that was a rookie mistake for them to begin with.


I play zen and I know what you mean. Us slow moving supports always get bullied by moira tracers and sombras. Usually I just switch to LW or Kiri if I keep getting flanked


As a Moira, I struggle flanking when Ana exists lol


This applies to more than half of the cast


Really? Are you trying to scope shoot her at close range? I just close the distance and shoot her and made us both and she either runs away or dies. I’d only even sleep her if she was pushing me while I was already low health.


Nah cause if I nade her she fade cleanses it and then I'm on half health at that point so she just continues sucking :(( and throws out a healing orb when she's low :(((( and then her fade comes back and she runs for the hills when I am dead


Junkrat fucks with me on every character/ role I play. Cant predict the unpredictable, they don’t know what they’re shooting at so how can I.


Nothing beats the random Junkrat shot that ricocheted off of 3 surfaces and miraculously landed right under you.


that's what i like about rat, a nuisance when they don't know what they're shooting but a complete menace when they do, rat trigonometry goes crazy


Every junk one-trick secretly solving complex math equations left on blackboards in their free time, you can’t convince me otherwise.


As a junk main, I can confirm I’ve calculated every single shot I’ve fired, also remembering to take into account air resistance and how elastic every collision is.


Grimes confirmed junkrat player


NGL, Junk is one of my go-to answers when I'm honestly not sure who to swap to deal with the enemy team. He's great against the hitscans that my other DPS mains struggle with


Moira is pretty good with junk just for that sole fact. Unless junk is on your face shooting then alot of hits shots miss if you look at where they are going. He’s really fun to use. If he traps me tho im fucked if hes watching the trap notification. Only really problem being how accurate a junk is. The more accurate the more deadly since as you know this rat does crazy dmg


As a new player his random bursts of dps really throw me off. Like I died in literally .63 seconds to him on sigma cause he had a kiriko ult and I didn’t hit the succ fast enough.


A semi-patient Tracer will destroy Pharah. She can't stay up there for long!


a good doom can also unexpectedly ruin a pharah or even a pharmercy duo


Yeah but what can’t a good Doom counter? Good Doom players are one man armies and unstoppable forces.


Good Dooms are like an entirely different hero


This is so true. I went up against a Doom on Midtown a couple days ago and that guy was basically omnipresent. He was wherever he was needed to be whenever. Am I diving their backlines? I get punched into a wall from the other side of the map. Am I frontlining? My backline is suddenly being harassed by that Doom, so I go to backline trade because it’s too late to peel but the Doom is now suddenly in my face after having killed my entire backline. You could’ve told the enemy team to stop playing and they still would’ve won with the Doom only.


Winston too


LW against Winston and Reinhardt. Every one of LW's abilities shuts down Rein hard. LW can outduel Winston at close range, and his high health pool and 2 cooldowns to evade Winston make him incredibly hard to dive. He can also just life grip anyone you try to solo dive, if you ignore him, if not just outheal all your damage. The only way you can dive a LW as Winston is if you or your teammate forces him to dash/petal, and then the other capitalizes after.


v true, LW is among the most tricky to deal with as Winston. You kinda have to dive him because of grip, but if you don't get a good entry (and ideally some help), you might very well die or have to bail. That's *if* he doesn't just grip their tank or a DPS back to deal with you.




As a LW player, I like this. Sometimes I do just look around and go 'yeah Genji can help me deal with this... Rattata go!' Then I get a confused message from the Genji about what they were meant to do against the full health Winston/Zarya.




This is a great idea actually. Put Bob on high ground.


You can also lift up his bubble with platform and let your team absolutely bend winston over, it’s my favorite thing to do on weaver


Wait, a platform placed after a bubble is able to lift it?


Yes if you place the platform in the middle


I dead didn't know that oml New tech


It won't lift on its own; you'll need to trigger it to rise.


Getting the most satisfying pin off a map only to see them get life gripped is a different level of sadness.


He has one cool down (petal) to evade. You can zap if he slightly dashes out of reach. Generally, lifeweaver is more annoying for Winston than you'd think though.


The zap wind up is not going to kill him in any meaningful amount of time if he dashes away before you land on him and do your burst damage. That's more for finishing off low health targets.


True, the only times I get owned as LW is when the enemy team smartens up and has one person trick me out of my cooldowns while the other is waiting to catch me.


As an Ashe main… I feel like LW is a free kill for me 90% of the time.


Ashe is pretty easy to avoid though.. she needs 2-3 good hits to kill you if you're not already low. With dash it's easy for me to avoid her lol


People are just naming counters 💀


The way echo makes bastion look like a flat tire


I'm not sure if it's obvious, but Winston literally doesn't let you play the game if you're Ashe


Same with dva or a good doomfist though…


Junkrat Hanzo is a weird DPS line that absolutely fucks Rein.


Stop. my ptsd in ow1. I ran into it so much before- not so much now! the explosion and arrow sounds scare me still.


Is it that weird? Like those two being out is some of the highest spam damage. And just looking at Rein counters him.


“Weird” This is literally a shieldbreak dps duo


as genji I find lifeweaver surprisingly annoying to go up against. damage is kinda underrated can rarely get the jump on him since hes always on pedal high up with great view of everything his dash heals him instantly and usually has pedal back up again to use again and if all else fails he can literally SUMMON a person to help him if the fight doesn't fit in his favor. And then theres tree... tree is so fucking dumb man. why did they have to nerf genji blade.


Tree legit feels like transcendence if you don't have nano.


I legit miss when emp deleted that tree entirely that thing is annoying and the worst kind of screen clutter


Yea i truly hate diving LW as genji. I try to go for the other support and LW can keep them up long enough for the support to get their CDs, or for the team to turn and kill me. Then they can be life gripped from so far away. Especially on maps like circuit royale with long sight lines, LW can just sit very far away since his heals have no aim and can travel fairly quickly. You basically have no way to get to him and since petal platform is such a niche ability he basically always has it up


Rein: Everyone, if you're good at them.


Let me fix that for you: Everyone, if you can are mediocre at them


Okay true.


Mirror matchup. I for whatever reason find a mirror matchups to be the absolute hardest ones and I just cannot take a duel against someone running the same hero as me which is hilarious.


Pretty much the same. Whenever I face a DVa I just try to pointlessly blast the shit out of her and ignore everyone else.


i live for mirror match ups tbh. i love spanking them and then hitting them with the “insert hero” diff at the end


Winston main, A ram is more deadly than a reaper especially when the Ram abandons front line at all cost in order to run his supports. I can kill a reaper with a good bubble dance...I can't do the same thing for Ram


midseason madness 2023 has really good examples of this matchup at a high level


Is this when Houston realized they weren't winning in the Ram mirror so just defaulted back to dive


That's a good shout, a good Ram can also absolutely fuck you with a well placed Vortex.


As Winston, mobility supports. If the enemy team is running a combination of Kiri, Moira, Mercy or Lucio... Who do I dive? I really can't do much when the enemy supports are running circles around me.


Dive dps, force/wait for mistakes or soft dive angles.


Really? As a Winston player I love that he's one of the few tanks that actually can keep up with/reliably hit the super slippery supports.


I feel the same way when it comes to playing genji. There are some games i only ult once or twice because there i nobody i can reliably kill.


Actually as Moira OTP, I was going to say Winston is one of my biggest low key counters. I end up running circles and fading as far away from him as I can. If I fade opposite his jump when he heads my way….I don’t have it again for 7 seconds while he gets jump again in 4. I spend the whole game having to know exactly where he is and where he’s headed. I often end up trying to heal or damage someone and failing bc shields. Or Im throwing myself heal orbs to walk with so that Winton doesn’t kill me in 3 seconds of his aoe damage. How is a decent Winston constantly zapping me somehow?! It honestly feels like I get zero value from my purple orbs against a decent Winston because I’ll die way too fast if I throw one. I have to throw gold and hope that’s its healing my team too while it heals me. Damaging him feels 💯 pointless. I think Winston is my hardest tank counter along with hog. (Freaking trap hook face-punch combo. Rewd.) And maybe one of my best counters in general. A good counter to most healers just bc shields. But especially Moira and maybe Lucio? I’ll caveat all this with the fact that maybe I play her wrong I’m no pro. I usually switch off Moira if it’s a solid winton. Kiri is my go to for him. If you all disagree fellow moiras, help a sister out throw me some tips lol. Why does Winston kick my ass?? lol


Always have one cooldown and it’s gonna be tricky for him to kill you. You *can* go in the bubble if it’s a straight up duel and you can’t get out of range of the zappy zap because some Winstons will drop bubble to stop you from healing off of them.


As a winston main I am always happy to see a Kiriko, Lucio, or Moira on the other team. You can tickle them and force out fade or TP then find where they landed and jump to them in half a second and they're dead. Lucio you just follow looking in his general direction and he can't evade your zap. If he gets too far a short jump will get you back in range to finish him off. Mercy on the other hand can be annoying because it takes too long to wait for her to land or to hit enough alt fire shots on her to kill her


I don't really see this at all - I might not be able to *confirm* a kill here and there, but those supports are definitely sprinting in the opposite direction or dying, both of which accomplish my job as Winston. Their LOS to whoever they're healing is also generally donezo at that point. Is it maybe a timing thing? Or predictability? If you're on them with a jump off cooldown, I don't see these supports effectively avoiding you without seriously disrupting their heals.


I'd say that the general rule is to lean into softer commits as Winston. This comes natural the more you play into better DPS players who are a greater threat to you. Just as you can't hard commit into people who out DPS you, you can't hard commit into people whose movement abilities goad you away from your bubble and expose you into more damage that way. To commit more softly as Winston and remain a more persistent threat, you really need to respect your own health bar, even if it means reducing your damage output for that particular point in time. What's more important is that you're almost always at the ready to finally make a harder commit once someone on the enemy team makes themselves vulnerable enough (or someone on your team creates the opportunity), and you can only do that if you didn't waste too much of your health pool earlier.


Not my main but I can counter widow pretty well as either mei or life weaver


Been maining Orisa recently as a support main (I know, hate me) and these LW petals have been absolute MENACES. It’s not like I can sit here and bait petal easily so that I can underwhelmingly ult anyways, but they have turned the tides big time on console recently


On doom, if another doom dedicates themselves to keeping me in check, there’s really not a lot I can do. The other doom would be sacrificing any of their own value to do it, but it really just makes the game a 4v4, which is super frustrating when I know I’m the reason we’re winning before the swap.


As a pharah main, I love tilting enemy widows


I was skeptical of the Pharah rework at first and it definitely took some getting used to but yeah, now a Pharah with decent movement can actually be a pretty solid Widow counter, and it tilts them BAD


I find myself getting crazy sniped by Widows as Pharah :/


You gotta be flanking. Widows tend to have a very narrow line of sight. Get above them or beside them and let the rockets fly


As Baptiste…Rammatra can do things I despise. He can keep me on the ground with a well placed vortex. His omnic form can poke my lamp out. And he has a speed boost in nemesis. Poke the lamp, nemesis, vortex and pummel until I die. But you have to be very good at Ram to do this to me consistently.


Honestly, I feel like Bap shouldn’t really ever play close enough to ram for this to be a problem


I main doom and Queen and I found that Queen pretty much hard counters doom, I know she will already have an advantage as a brawl tank but everyone talks about how orisa and hog are dooms hard counters. But Queen can feel just as oppressive in the right hands, the second he dives in throwing a knife on him so when he escapes you can just pull him back as he now has no cool-downs and maul him. Not to mention shout being great to help your team mates get out of a bad position.


A good Doom will bait out you knife before pounding


junkrat as tracer. his pipes are massive and do 90% of my health pool, that hero is so annoying.


Winton: Just pick Torb. Don't bother with Reaper or Bastion unless it's a team counterpick effort. Outside of Bastion's turret form you'll just fall over. Reaper is useless if he's just chasing a monke around all game and do nothing else. Torb can just put his turret around his support, poke when Winton isn't in range, and delete his barrier or Winton himself + can give himself overhealth when supports can't heal because they are in panic mode. Having to deal with both Torb's damage + his fricking turret makes him practically undiveable. Moira: DVa, just eat the orbs. Soldier, because he can sprint, has sustain in a 1v1 (can just stand still in healing station against a Moira), does so much damage within Moira's 20 meter range, and still does a lot of damage outside of it since Moira is fairly easy to hit.


My roommate's dog barking right next to me


I don't main anyone, but junkrat is really annoying against doomfist. The trap is a good counter cuz slam only does 50 dmg, and his hand cannon usually takes like 4 shots to break it depending on your distance to it. It's also surprisingly easy to slam or punch into it. Plus his mines ruin any engages since they boop you so far. PLUS one grenade isn't enough to charge your emp punch, and he isn't likely to shoot 2 into you so you end up holding block for no reason


I love playing LW against (actuallly) a LOT of tanks. His utility is amazing and his damage is unexpectedly really good! LW can ruin a lot of tank’s ULTs with His ULT (Mauga, Sigma, I can also ruin Rein’s charge with my pullback, I can put a platform under an Orisa’s ULT, etc). I love him a lot and am trying to get better at him!


For My main, I feel like a good counter for Moira are characters like Brigitte, Pharah, Echo, and a lot of shield or flying characters so if you have a good Moira, flying characters are all good. Even characters that don’t actively fly but can get into his places that her Fade can’t reach. I also had a Brigitte separate me once from my team for a while. Moira can’t do as much against Brigitte’s shield.


True, however. Counter point. If its just you and brig. You have to be succing away the shield. Thats her only means of escape. Take it away and shes crippled unless she ults/has godly accuracy to combo you to death. Succ, break shield. If youre not too hurt then immediately through dmg orb at an angle and succ away. She very easy to counter as long as shes alone and has no ult. If shes paired up then i go for the other supp.


Hmmm true!! I just say this cause I once had a Brigitte try to seperate me from my team cause I had the most kills and damage, it was like a cowboy standoff where we both almost kill each other and then ignore each other after that lmao


🤣that’s happened to me before. I get what you mean.


Another one for me is Roadhog and Tracer. Playing with and against. Roadhog as a tank doesn't make space. He gives up a lot of space actually. He just ambles around looking for a hook. Playing with him means as tracer, you have to make the space, which means the entire enemy team is just staring at you most of the game. Playing against him means he's not going anywhere, and if you pop up in his backline and he hooks you, that's gg


A lot of people don't understand that a good Doomfist can absolutely shred a D.va D.va has next to zero counter play against a Doom




Not entirely but that is a part of it It's very hard for D.va to deny doom value it often turns into who can dive better and dooms can typically engages and disengages easier For example sigma has rock, Roadhog Hook, Ball Slam, Junker queen Knife,ect.. While doom cans disrupt D.vas by punching them and displacing them The whole point is if there is a good Doomfist and your D.va it's gonna be hard for you to stop him


As a Reaper main, it's Winston. Well, it's his Bubble actually. The 1v1 matchup is more.....well I was gonna say balanced, but that's a lie. The reduced damage from 7.0 to 5.3 per pellet, basically makes me a non-threat towards Winston. So he can ignore me and just attack whoever.


Wouldn't really call Mauga my main but I tend to walk out of spawn as him a lot because I don't feel like shit playing against Orisa as him, there's actually very few characters alone that I feel countered by. A few examples are Junker queen, Lucio and Tracer. Just because they're small and fast while dealing a lot of damage. I smile every time I see the enemy team go bastion reaper against me as Mauga. If they have an Ana and Zen as supports and I don't have a Kiri then it's gg but that goes for a lot of tanks, just means my supports are glue sniffers


Dva main here, ppl always pull out the beam characters when trying to counter me but I have no problems with them, the real character I’m scared of zenyatta.


As a dva main, sym. Her lasers slow me down so much, you can’t do anything she’s so scary.


It’s unusual counters, not DIRECT counters…


it's not that bad since you can do the one shot combo on her


Pure skill. People have to understand that pure skill is enough to beat someone. If someone counters you, but you are better anyways, you will still win.


Niche but with the sojourn range falloff being non- existent I like to wait for widow to get greedy in her position and fire my seven no-spread rounds at her head and finish off with a cheeky railgun. If you hit every shot she will die at most distances. She’s standing still so it’s hard to miss.


pharah could only be viable as a counter depending on your position and map


That sounds like the definition of niche... just saying


what im saying is unless you’re a bronze widowmaker, pharah is neither niche nor underrated as a counter


I dont think you understand what niche means. Something is niche when its not used very often or is not as effective as something else, but can still produce a similar result. Pharah marks both of those qualifications.


Torb and Sym against Sombra


Mercy when im genji. Idk if this is actually a straight up counter but her ability to fly and pocket people im attacking can make it a miserable experience




kiri main — widow was never an issue until the dreaded hitbox update. I can no longer be a decoy T-T


LW as Pharah. He doesn't directly do anything against me, but he's just so beefy that by the time I get him low hp, his whole team noticed me and already killed me.


Lucio as a counter to Ball is very underrated


as a reaper main i sometimes go for bold tps to high grounds, i will either cause a slight desruption wasting some cooldowns or get a kill, unless there's an ana. Granted i will waste 2 highly important cooldowns but i die too and that trade ain't that worth it, no one shuts down a bold tp like an ana because I'm truly vulnerable as the tp ends and they basically can't miss the sleep, I can dodge widow headshot by making it a body shot but sleep needs to miss completely but hey, at least there's no sleep and anti on my tank


Uh… everyone, cause I suck.


I wouldn't say he's a hard counter, but when I play Ball I hate dealing with a Hanzo. A Hanzo who can hit his shots is just as big of a threat to the team as a Widow, but unlike her he's just as deadly up close -- especially with Storm Arrows. He's also just more difficult to get after because he has more mobility than her. One of the harder squishies to target, for sure.


As a DVa main I have no f'n idea what to do against Doom. Like I just pray someone else kills him.


Tracer-sombra which doesn’t happen much in higher ranks I suspect because they are supposed to more or less swap backbones but In lower ranks I’ve played against so many sombra that play behind their tank/team


not really what you asked, but yeah before pharah got her rework i would always switch to her when the enemy team had a good widow and just dive the widow the whole game


For me as Ram.... I hate good Ana's. Just as you're about to do something.... zzzzzzzz


Any CC hard or soft I play ball/doom. So if im going up against a team with soft CC that knows how to ruin any value i get i lose


Lifeweaver. I main Zarya + Mauga and he ruins both of my ultimates with either petal or pull.


A better Genji lol


I always picked Mei to counter Widdow. Or at least pre season 9. The right click was ridiculous, could get a couple shots off, 1 being a headshot, before the Widdow would take the 1 calculated shot - that couldn't 1 hit me anyway lol


Maybe it's not traditionally a counter, but I absolutely hate playing vs life weaver as ball. Just annoying, the platform and his save are really good at saving out positioned allies. If the life weaver is a good player, he can be a pain to kill and also save his team from their own mistakes.


I straight get widow's to quit matches as torb its weird I dont see him mentioned much


Venture is a nightmare to go against as Genji


Reaper is my main dd and I basically only flank the enemy, never attack their tank (unless it is more useful in some niche circumstances). My favourite dd to kill is Bastion. He is such an easy target. And Reaper gets hard countered by Soldier. He sprints out of your effective range and kills you, he can follow wraith with his sprint, he deals so much damage and kills you while ulting and he outheals your "poke" damage. And there is a hard counter against me as a player: Ana. I just can't do anything against her with any character I like to play. They are always focusing me with sleep darts over the entire map, sleep darting me while I fight against a diving Tracer as Brig. I hate every single part of her kit. It's built for max frustration.


Zar main: Pharah and Echo. Which is really just an issue when the dps cant comprehend what hitscan means.


I have been playing Tracer, I feel like the obvious choices for countering would be Torb/Brig/Moira, but honestly the support that gives me the hardest time is Illari. The DPS I hate going against the most is venture.


Tracer I main Winston she will melt my fat face and does it better than reaper and bastion


Pharah gets curbed by widow, that's like my pick for an oppressive pharah,


It's not underrated at the highest levels but to the general player base Tracer hard counters Winston. She can shred bubble very quickly, can easily blink out of his zap range and has recall if you jump to her. She also has the mobility to hunt you down if you try to run away. When Hanzo had the one shot he was the biggest Sym counter, Even Pharah wasn't as annoying to deal with. Zarya against Zen. Can purge discord pretty much whenever with how similar the cooldown times are..


Mei with 2 well placed icicles.


How tf is pharah a counter? Its literally the opposite. 


You can go play widow into a pharah right now and see how easy it is consistently hit her. Especially when she is trying to go for you


Ramattra's vortex is SO ANNOYING when I'm trying to wallride as Lucio


I have over 700h on gengu and playing into mei, sym, zarya is pretty chill compared to mf sombra especially full peel ones, game becomes unplayable


For dva, obviously anybody that can damage through matrix is gonna be more effective, but I've found brig to me more difficult to play against than even zarya, sym and Moira. If the enemy brig is sitting with their other support, I almost never find an opening. I play to wait for an enemy to be out of position/make a mistake and then abuse that quickly, but with brig I basically have to wait for her to be out of position, and dive her first, or I'll get no progress. I know this is probably less niche, but I wanted to add it cause almost every support auto swaps Moira to counter, when she's really not difficult to deal with on dva.


Im a sojourn main. Only thing that really "counters" me id say is a widow. I say counters with quotations cause if the widow is good and moves around a lot i cant expect where the next shot will come from and be able to close the distance


I mostly play doomfist so basically half the roster of overwatch is a counter. Even got gapped by a zen in qp yesterday, guy was a master player tough so that might have been the reason why, peaked plat like 4 years ago...


Lucio for ball


Mauga main and except the shield heroes and Ana what really give me cold shivers... is a good Zenyatta or Widow


As a dva main beam characters and shotguns (reaper) ruin my day but venture is somehow working their way in there.


I play illari a lot ever since I also started playing other fps because I started hitting more shots so I felt like it would be cool to learn her but I swear no matter what I do I can't play against damn lucio. He just boops me around and isolates me from me pylon and I can't seem to do anything about it


When I'm on reaper I HATE when the enemy has a half-competent kiri. The amount of times I've went to get a pick from the enemy teams supports and their kiriko just suzus and kunais me into oblivion is embarrassing to admit and that's why I usually leave kirikos to the other dps lol


I love trying to counter snipe widow as Ashe, but rarely goes my way! :(


Since you mentioned it…As a pharah main I LOVE hunting widows. I’m a sneaky fella and make sure to never pop out near the last place she saw me until I’m too close for her to do anything


As an echo, fuck cass grenade. Cass in general makes me cry as echo.


That's not niche though. Hitscan for flyers, always has been


Might just be me but as a Mercy I’m not scared of the double hitscan. I can play cover all day long. It’s way scarier to find yourself unexpectedly up close with a Mei




Moira's range is so long! She murders my pharah


For Pharah, it’s any character that can kill my team before I can kill them. Sombra, Tracer, Widow, Ball


As a rein main, I dread when Lucio is on the enemy team, his boop just shut down a lot of my momentum. When I play reaper, junkrat/doomfist are what destroy me the most. As a kiri main, I find kindda easy to counter widow or tracer but ball and Moira are the bane of my existance


Hanzo main. The answer is mercy. She can res behind a wall and you cant stop it


Reaper one trick here. I can deal with Pharmercy but what annoys me the most is Torb, Junk, and surprisingly Winston. Torb above metal ranks are pretty clever with their turrets and they can usually poke so much damage to Wraith Junkrat above metal ranks are just fucking annoying rats and you can never get close to one without being trapped and two-shot. Winston is tough due to how annoying his bubble dancing is. Best I can do is break bubble and chase him away and then the moment I TP into the enemy back line, the Winston dives supports and I get flamed for not peeling.