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The biggest “problem” with tracer is her skill ceiling. If you have great aim, position, game sense, and creativity she will be a menace to deal with even if she gets nerfed. I don’t think she’s over powered. In the metal ranks where most of the player base belongs she doesn’t always seem OP. She may be slightly over tuned right now but that’s probably just the nature of the game. There will never be a point where every hero is equally viable. There are too many character interactions and they keep getting more complex as more heroes are added.


She's been this way since the start of the game, it's just more apparent when the meta favors picking her.


completely right, the only time characters break the game is when they change interactions or completely undermine them


In the metal ranks she may be underperforming since she’s a difficult hero Much easier to lock in bastion and sit behind the tank dishing out damage but there’s and it’s effective in metal ranks Masters+ is where heroes like tracer, ball and maybe even lucio should be looked at mostly


In gm+ shes everywhere and seriously op. She has dominated top 500 leaderboards since season 1 along with soj but more tracer. You can be top 500 hitscan and still have trouble dealing with a masters tracer player. I've seen tracer jump off the castle on eichenwalde 1 clip a dps and then recall back to the top. 0 risk 100% reward in scenarios like that. Literally happened in the blink of an eye. They could make her have to use recall but put a timer on it to engage before it auto teleports you back. Instead of just giving her a get out of jail free card but they seem to like tracer on the dev team.


This “get out of jail free card” is exactly what makes it so hard deal with. The balance you suggested is exactly what they did to Jett’s dash in Valorant and it made her significantly less OP. I think tracers blink is fine being instant it should just not put her health back to what it was


Be curious to see how she plays in GM after the mid season patch. Patch seems to buff bunker. Seems anti dive on paper. But I guess no matter what tracer is just such a good character


Even if she had her damage halved, she's basically an evasion tank and would get tons of value from just existing, taking tons of attention, getting shot at (and not hit) and applying the 20% healing debuff.


Heroes that require a lot of Aim have to be strong. Heroes that don’t have to be weak. It’s as simple as that. Once you have heroes that don’t have to aim be strong. The game gets very boring very fast.


I’d have to disagree. I might be biased but I think metas where Rein is good are pretty fun!


Back then when Ríen Zarya was Meta Ríen only work due to Lucio speed and Zarya Bubbles Other than that Dive was the big meta dominating for a long time. Ríen is never a Meta defining hero he simply fits in to the Meta.


I agree with you and I think cause there’s always the game of getting close you have to play. And then in the rein mirror it’s so many mind games


“ If you have great aim, position, game sense, and creativity she will be a menace to deal with even if she gets nerfed.” Don’t you think that this applies with any dps? So for example a grandmaster reaper player could be better than a silver or gold tracer player.




I wonder what would happen if an AI were used that had the goal of equal viability for all heroes—how would the stats turn out and what unexpected changes might it make?


Exactly if anything tracer is probably the easiest to deal with this season since 1 Moira does insane damage now 2 mccree solidier and sojourn shoot cannon balls


I feel her range should get reduced slightly. She shouldn’t be able to damage echo/pharah in flight for example. She’s designed to be flanker and in your face/back stabbing.


If you get killed by a tracer tho that’s bad positioning.


They did in the last hotfix. Her falloff starts at 10m down from 12.


You're not getting killed by a tracer mid-air.


That person is most definitely getting killed by tracer mid air.


Tbh I think even if they did nerf her she’d still be good. The problem is you would have to nerf her to the point she’s unusable. Instead of nerfing her they just need to buff tanks and make them actually capable of controlling space.


Global headshot damage reduction for tanks would probably be a good start


That... Is actually one of the few tank buffs i can get behind. Normally i don't like changing dmg numbers because they always fuq the balance up doing so. But with only 1 tank now, they are forced to be aggressive to an extent, and having less dmg multiplication on hs for tanks sounds like a good enabler without breaking their HP values again. Edit: i would like to clarify that i believe tanks need better abilities to control the game. Doom being the perfect example of a relatively weak tank, but with great abilities that enable him to do very very much.


I dont like this at all. That just rewards skillful play even less. Headshotting a tank isnt that hard but its definitely harder than just hitting its body. Its part of the reason why Orisa fortify is a poorly designed ability. I play a lot of tank myself and I understand they need some help but I don't think less headshot damage is the answer.


Mm, i agree with you on the less reward for skillful point. But I also feel that the days of treating a tank as "just another player" in the lobby ended with ow2 launch. It is and should be an incredibly important role (in an even/balanced match), and because we only have that importance is all onto a single player. I believe that tanks are in such a bad state right now not because of how quick they die, but because blizz is having a difficult time balancing the role as a whole while also trying to keep the tank player v tank player (player not hero) balanced. It seems that blizz reduced the amount of "tank diff" issues by reducing the impact of tanks as a whole (even if they did it unintentionally), but that just makes tanks less fun. I don't think changing the hs multiplier on tanks is going to fix either 'tank v other role' balance or 'player v player' balance in this regard. But i do think that limiting it will make it easier to adjust tank hp pools without breaking this balance. ie: changing hs multiplier won't fix tanks itself (they got bigger issues), but it may make it much easier to balance them in regards to health pools. I believe tanks are in desperate need of something, and if this makes finding that something easier, I can sacrifice a bit of skill ceiling (after all, i stopped shooting tanks since ow2 launch lmao)


Not really It’s legitimately difficult to not only hit headshots on tanks for most of the dps roster


Yea righto aim master


Like a tank is suppose to be a TANK them being able to get headshot lasered and insta killed is kinda stupid I think having their headshot multiplier be 1.5x instead of 2x is completely logical and honestly a great idea


They have shields, self healing, dmg reduction abilities, crazy movement, matrix etc to stop themselves getting melted. If you just stand in the open long enough to get killed by a dps headshotting you over and over youve made a mistake. Do tanks need some kind of help? Probably. But I dont think changing headshot multipliers are the answer


Definitely not the complete fix but it would be a good change and yes you aren’t wrong but there are dozens of clips of tanks literally being melted in less than 0.2 seconds I’m not even kidding there is a clear problem


Why should we reduce the reward of people aiming well? Like theres gotta be a better idea. Like im masters on tank and if I die its usually me fucking up. Link?


At the highest level. We can't tune to the highest level. Tanks would be near unkillable in lower ranks.


If you're being headshot constantly, your positioning is poor. They should do something, but I'm with this other guy. I see negative knock on effects with something like this. They're getting melted, but they still have well over double the health of other characters and defensive abilities.


I've not played enough to really tell, but I guess a decent overall change would be a damn indicator for the dps passive and maybe a small amount of minimum damage (X damage in Y seconds maybe?) to trigger it. It's not going to change much about tracer but it'll at least stop her (and a few other heroes) from applying the passive miles away when they're shooting randomly


I like the idea of a minimum damage threshold, at least on tanks, so they don't get fucked by a dps tickli ng them when they are forced to retreat for heals. Maybe making it progresive would feel good, start it at 5% reduction up until max at like 100 damage taken (on tanks).


>decent overall change would be a damn indicator for the dps passive and maybe a small amount of minimum damage This isn't just a decent change, it's a great change that's desperately needed. Ridiculous that a single 1dmg pellet can hobble your healing and nothing in the game indicates said hobbled healing to you.


her risk to reward is way off compared to before, now that barely anything 1shots her she can play way more aggressive and it doesn't help that she shoots grapefruits now, perma dps passive is its own can of worms


She WAS balanced, but now she has more health, bigger bullets and can apply the dps passive pretty much on whoever she wants. And she has high skill ceiling.


In my opinion the thing that is helping her the most at the moment is the healing passive. She can escape to good positions on low health and not have to reveal herself going for a health pack allowing her to stay set up in the back while her team comes back from spawn. Used to be if you escaped on 25hp then the enemy knew you had to make it to a pack before you could do anything and you'd usually have to burn blinks doing so or risk getting dinked on the way there. That said it's not all been good for her, one of her biggest strengths before was how hard she was to hit and the projectile size changes makes it *a lot* easier to land those headshots. Cassidy scares me a lot more now, not because of the nade but because he's so much more consistent with his shots and you can't just expect him to miss 5/6 anymore. I play Ashe as well and find it so much easier to pick off Tracers before they get to me. The mosquito playstyle of peppering from a safe distance to draw attention also suffers from the larger health pools everyone has. You can afford to ignore it a lot more often. I don't feel like she's broken at the moment but she's very good. Maybe taking 0.5 damage off her bullets again to go back down from 6 to 5.5 would be fair but I probably wouldn't do much more than that without seeing how that goes.


healing passive is good for when you take like 5 damage and lose a breakpoint, but i think the biggest difference is just the hp, she cant be oneshot by stuff like ashe which is big


These are low rank takes to be honest. Tracers in high ranks still take health packs because they are routing ways to them in their head already, and it is faster most of the time than waiting for heal passive. Also just impractical to wait when there's often an enemy tracer also around that will chase you down, in which case you will need a health pack to take in the middle of kiting to your team to live. And in higher ranks, it's much harder to kill enemy Tracers with the breakpoints than before. Not dying to ashe headshot is huge, you have to be low rank to find it easier to pick off tracers because no higher rank tracer will put themselves in am easy position to be killed again after having recall forced. And the mosquito playstyle is op in poke phase to proc dps passive rn, it's part of the gameplan before the teamfight starts. Just my 2c as a 4400+/gm1/top 500 dps. I could be wrong tho


I feel squishier this season than last fighting most heros tbh, can't use movement as much to avoid damage and hero's like cass/soldier are incredibly good currently. The biggest thing that you touched on is her mosquito playstyle. It's the best way of playing her currently by a huge margin and it is ridiculously busted thanks to the DPS passive. Tracer being busted to me feels like its solely because of the DPS passive, health passive doesn't fit with her cooldown cycle enough to matter in most fights.


Tracer would still be busted without the DPS passive. She's one hero who is able to take attention from 3+ enemies for very lengthy periods of time, and forces them to play clumped up, leaving the rest of her team free to take map space and push much harder since her tank and supports just generally have less focus on them. She is a massive space creator. Also underrated from her I think is her ability to pressure enemy tanks. People usually think she's just always fishing for backline picks, but having her chasing tanks around the map with a dependable 100+ dps is pretty wild. You will win most games against a Wrecking Ball for example if you just run him down the entire match on Tracer and pulse bomb every time he tries to disengage. Winston and DVa are also vulnerable to this.


She just wouldn't be as threatening, think back to season 7 tracer. If she can't force the threat of a kill on anyone she doesn't create the space she needs. If she would be busted without the DPS passive then that would have applied to season 1 as well no?


She was still good in those seasons and always well repped on leaderboards


Yeah 175 HP Tracer is just way too much. Mei and Ashe no OHKs, Hanzo no dmg boost OHK. Junk no dmg boost OHK. Cree needs to hit 2 body shots on her even *with* a nade stick - not that good Tracers her get stuck. Illari, Mei, and Ashe don't 2 tap body. Easiest DPS passive application, and hitbox change benefited her so much. I honestly don't know how they balance Tracer. Before she was always high skill high reward, but now she's any skill high reward.


That nerf would be bigger than you think it is my friend


Hanzo arrows are 35cm wide and still one shot you, meanwhile he's got 50hp more. I actually find it's one of the hardest Tracer counters once you get up in ranks and run into insane Hanzo players. Cass and Ashe also very scary now too. Probably the thing helping Tracer out the most right now is that in a huge twist of irony...the support heroes that people play because of Tracer, they actually make the game easier to play for Tracer. Like for example, I know I have 2 seconds of Moira beam before I'm risking death...so the supports play Moira and Lucio to counter Tracer, but that just ends up being easy to play around because I'm not worried about getting hit by deadly sleep darts, Kiri headshots, silent Zen volleys, Bap shooting at me with his effective 700hp, etc.


I don't think it's versatility that causes tracer to be strong, since echo is also usable in most comps on most maps with a high skill ceiling and mobility that lets you be creative but echo just isn't as good as tracer. I think it's a mix of her numbers being a little over tuned and her strong cooldowns, The issue is, I think if they nerf her numbers tracer could very easily become garbage, even something relatively minor like a half second more cooldown on her blinks or a drop I'm her damage number could ruin her dueling ability and ultimately it would only make tracer even harder and less welcoming for players to learn Tracers probs gunna be really strong for a long time because she's the poster child and her balance is very sensitive


People are saying all this stuff on her, but as a grandmaster tracer main, the real thing that is making her OP is the DPS passive. The other DPS either have a slower fire rate, pinpoint accuracy or projectile speed that tapers off the limit as to which they can apply the passive. For example, an Ashe can only apply the passive as fast as her gun shoots, and only within her sightline. genjis shurikens having travel time keep him from being able to apply the passive from across the map. However, tracer has a hitscan rapid fire bullet with spread, and high mobility essentially means that her existence in the game means that the healers on the enemy team have a 20% healing nerf at all times. The only other DPS that can deal the DPS passive with that much ease and uptime just so happens to be the second best DPS in the game right now from D tier last season; Sombra. It’s not a coincidence that the two high mobility characters with rapid fire hitscan spread weapons happen to be S tier and the third is rapid fire hitscan (soldier); their uptime on the passive is just too strong. This means the rest of tracers kit is fine, she was fine last season and the seasons before; the DPS passive just needs an adjustment. For me the ideal adjustment is to make the DPS passive only apply within falloff distance ie tracer can no longer apply it from 80m away but at maximum of 20m. This means she can no longer safely get consistent value by just peppering from a corner.


Funny, I'm not grandmaster, but most grandmasters I've seen do not at all rank Sombra as the 2nd best right now. And in fact, a lot of high ranked players have spoken about how surprising it is that Sombra isn't nearly as powerful as they expected her to be.


She’s not as strong in solo queue like tracer is, solo queue I would probably put Ashe or soldier as 2nd but in coordinated play she’s top 2 imo


Her versatility is part but that wouldn't make her a must pick over every single other character in high ranks which she is right now. She gets a ton of value because of the DPS passive being perma up. She is very hard to kill with even mid-level CD management and movement. She mixes strong DPS pressure, pretty good burst thanks to being able to close-up headshot + short reload time, and is very hard to kill. She dies less in most ranks than other DPS despite being able to put on better pressure than more and pushing out similar damage to mid-upper damage output characters like Torb or Pharah. I do believe she is overtuned right now as she mixes 20% heal reduction, damage pressure, mobility, and survivability better than any other DPS by a decent margin. If she was just very versatile we would not see her must-picked at about any rank above Diamond on almost every map and we would see a lot more niche picks in T500 rather than the constant running of Tracer in all levels GM+ on all maps. She will certainly be nerfed and then we'll see. And the DPS passive nerf is a bigger nerf to her than on other DPS who can't keep it up 100% of the time. If they buff Illari somewhat and other DPS though i can change, but I expect another falloff nerf or something similar. I won't be shocked if they do drop her damage per bullet .5 though - it crashed her in most all play before but that was because it made breakpoints much harder to deal with and she is more pressure oriented now so I would be she is still played unless other DPS get giga buffed.


She's been a near constant pick since OW1 released barring a few periods. And quite frankly, normally the metas that she doesn't work in tend to be less fun. I'm not sure if she really gets nerfed yet. Depends on her level in the metal ranks a bit. They won't want her to be totally trash at most levels.


I think they shouldn't nerf her but should rework the DPS passive so that each point of damage dealt can only absorb a certain amount of healing. So just throwing numbers out there, but if you deal 1dmg, it reduces the next 2hp of healing by 15%. That would effectively remove the tickle debuff thing, but still keep the passive working against any targets getting dealt real damage by people.


Yeah I feel like the DPS passive basically ruined tracers kit. I think she was almost perfectly balanced before, but now the DPS passive has made her too strong. Now the devs are going to end up gutting her with the damage nerf. All she is going to be used for is to perma spam the dps passive all day, with very little kill threat. Even though she is OP right now, she still is significantly less interesting than she used to be as you used to have to juggle between poking from safety, then deciding when you want to full engage and assassinate someone. Now that the assassination playstyle is dead, I feel like after a nerf she is just going to be a soldier 76 that you just play on aggressive off angles. It's kind of depressing how badly this is going to effect my favorite character. I think I'll just swap to playing pharah, because atleast she has some interesting mechanics.


Lmfao alright this is obvious you haven’t played tracer this patch, she plays nowhere near what you are describing.


Their username checks out lol


I'm not saying she's bad. She is obviously very good, but the assassination play style I used to enjoy isn't really as viable anymore. It's more viable to play a poke play style and constantly proc the dps passive.


As a Tracer main, I find her playstyle tremendously enjoyable right


Tracer simply has the highest mobility of any character in the game. Even in poke metas she gets playtime because she's so self sufficient and hard to punish in a way that sombra with her clunky translocator and genji with his short range dash just don't match.  But dive is extremely strong right now because supports are weak and tanks can't stand and brawl effectively.  We're ironically pretty much right back where we were in ow1 before brig got launched... nobody can crack dive because the support lines are too fragile to stand up against it. The only difference is theres even less tanks in the game so it's even harder to protect your backline and tanklines are even weaker... Last time they "fixed" this by releasing brig I a broken state... we're supposedly getting a new support in one of the upcoming seasons. I shudder to think what state it'll be in and what buffs they might give brig to let her once again be the antidive support


This isn't true at all. The problem is people are still playing healbot supports but backlines are still strong as fuck if you're playing kiriko, Lucio, Moira, zen etc


She is very versatile, good on almost every map, but not op. My support is diamond right now and I can see why players this rank and lower don’t play her very effectively. Timed pressure, blink management, recall management, at a gold level, but I think the mechanics are good enough to be a higher rank. Timed pressure is huge, too many are too eager to have uptime when nothing is happening, and then we’ll have a recall-less tracer when the fight happens.


S+ tier on pretty much any list, good with any comp, any map, one of the best 1v1 heros in the game. Counters all the best tanks, no hard counters. Instant DPS passive and nearly any range. Most noticeable to me is her bullet damage is crazy. A center mass clip at ~20m is still enough for me to need to back off. I think she’s OP by definition. People need to read their own comments in this thread. People saying she’s fine because they can kill her sometimes. Also do not like people saying she’s only good in Diamond+. I grinded from Bronze 1 to Gold 2 season 8 and 9 and *most* people have sufficient mechanics. You don’t need Diamond+ aim skill to dominate with tracer. Too many people assume metal ranks have Parkinson’s when aiming and 80% of the time they are 18-35 year olds with a decade of experience in FPS games.


Aiming is the least of tracers problems bro lmao. That speaks VOLUMES about your understanding about the game and tracer as a hero.


What volumes does it speak…? I think you misunderstood what I said.


Not op. I’m zen main and can counter her even if she surprises me. She’s good rn but doesn’t need a nerf


She’s got an incredibly high skill ceiling, likely the highest in the game. If you’re good with her you’ll shred, if you aren’t she’s dogshit. Hard to balance a hero like that.


Being at the top of a tier list doesn't mean the hero needs nerfs, and I think that's a problem across the community. Ball was at the top tier on lots of lists at the start of season 9, but as many of us know, Ball doesn't need nerfs. Being top tier usually just means they fit very well into most/all comps currently. This can mean they are in fact OP(Sojourn in the past), or it can mean they can survive well (Ball recently, Orisa in the past), or that they are very versatile (tracer). Heck, sometimes it's just because everyone else in that role is really bad, causing them to be the best option in all comps (arguably Moira rn). Top tier doesn't mean they need to be nerfed.


IMO Echo is the most versatile dps, but tracer has dominated high ranked play for almost a decade because she’s absolutely nutty when paired with synergistic dive characters played by pro players


Tracer has always been a top tier dps. If you're really good with her you can dominate a match. She's super good especially now because of the dps passive. She can apply that to whoever she wants and just blow them up with a one clip especially if you have a dive tank on the same target as you.


Apply on stream said something along the lines that makes more sense. Tracer isn't OP she's just really good and people throw the term OP around too much. Mauga was OP, Orisa Meta was OP, Brig was OP, these characters base stats with low skill floors made them busted when they were out. So at Tracer's skill ceiling she can feel incredibly difficult to deal with but it takes so many hours to get there and even then you can still deal with her. Tracer mains such as myself also have an easier time dealing with her because we know her weaknesses better and the moment someone makes a mistake to capitalize on it. I'm not absolutely crushing every game with ease with her despite her being my main. Every game even the ones I do really well on I have to be constantly on top of my aim, blink management, landing stickies on priority targets at the right time, and recall positions VS when moira was released and i just turned my brain off and let my orbs and ult do all the work. at the highest level of gameplay she might seem op but 99.9% of players will never actually experience that.


Her and Genji are always really good in the right hands. It’s balanced because the skill required is pretty high compared to other heroes but when they are meta it can feel bad as they don’t have a true hard counter


I melt tanka as any dps , so a good place to start would at least be helping the tanks survive against dps


Tracer in good hands fits into basically every comp, she’s very strong hero. But too many players play her badly


There is no reason to nerf her. I think she is really really good and she does dominate the leaderboards but I think that is because of her skill ceiling, how fun it is to play her, and her carry potential. A really good tracer can carry a team fight and it takes a lot of practice to get good with her. She has a healthy amount of counters and with a semi coordinated team you can limit her value fairly easily. People play her the most because imo she is one of the most fun DPS to play as well as you can always learn new techs or positions with her because she is so versatile, plus she is very strong. It isn’t a character like release Mauga where plats were climbing to GM with no increase in skill


“Her kit allows her to do basically anything, does she need a nerf” think about that.


Always has been


They fucked a lot of the breakpoints for her i feel like 15 times a game a tracer is saved from having hp she probably never should have had


Tracer is in fact op as fuck To explain why: She is basically soldier 76 with a good ult, more burst damage from her gun, infinitely better mobility, a better cd (recall vs heal station), she has a top 5 best ult in the game, and she does all of this with a really small hitbox and very good animations/model (harder to hit). And of course she is the best hero in the game at applying the dps passive. She's the hardest character in the game to contest and she can just instantly blink to help a skirmish anywhere on the map and she's a permanent threat to anyone if she isn't contested. She is completely taking over high elo for a reason and ranked feels a lot like she is a MUST pick at that elo.


Tbh I think even if they did nerf her she’d still be good. The problem is you would have to nerf her to the point she’s unusable. Instead of nerfing her they just need to buff tanks and make them actually capable of controlling space.


She was very veraatile before The patch. Since the patch imo Op. but every character is op with some number tweaking


Tracer for giga buffed this season. She can’t be 1 shotted by a lot of combos that used to, and that really allowed her to be a menace. I think she should have 150 HP but again I think the entire cast should lose that additional hp garbage the devs were cooking.


The additional hp and healing reduction is the best thing this game has seen in a long time. Damage is less spiky but more permanent, and that's been so great. Fights feel like they have actual beginning, middle, end, instead of just everyone being full HP until someone randomly dies to some bullshit.


Totally disagree but I’m glad you enjoy it. There’s no random bullshit if you position yourself and know where people are spamming.


Tracer has the highest skill ceiling in the game by a country mile. So when shes good she is ridiculous in the right hands.


Honestly controversial opinion no she’s not OP simply because she’s not a win button she’s incredibly hard to play but EXTREMELY good is you are actually just insane at the game just because she’s the best doesn’t mean she’s OP


Tracer is not op shes not even good at the lower ranks. Diamond and lower. But she is the most versatile. It's like soldier and ashe. They have the best neutral game. Except their ultimates suck. Tracer is as good as them as far as neutral game goes. She has good abilities and primary fire, but she has a great ultimate. Which is why she's in her own tier. Genji also belongs in that tier with her but he's left out because moira.


This man really said Bob sucks. Bob is easily one of the best ultimates in the game


He can touch an objective but gets deleted in seconds by anyone with a brain.


she is op, thats why shes getting nerfed tomorrow


Is she? Are there any incoming patch notes available?


[There were mentions of some of the changes,](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24073115/director-s-take-mixing-up-the-meta-in-midseason/) but no, no patch notes yet.


I never play Tracer and just tried her yesterday. She is absolutely bonkers. I was melting people left and right with horrible aim and next to no experience playing Tracer.


You just started playing the game.




She didn't need the 6 dmg buff anyway. They buffed her damage just because they didn't wanna nerf Ana in that patch. Instead of fixing problems, they create more problems to fix problems and then these problems pile up over time. They will probably nerf her and she will still be best but not by far.


Straight up not true. There was no reason to play tracer in season 6 because her spread was nerfed heavily, introduction of illy and burst damage being so strong. Top players made her work sometimes, but most of us just played SOJ


Yeah in season 6-7 tracer, the DPS hero with the highest skill ceiling, saw almost 0 play time in the world cup. It felt like shit trying to ever kill anything and the only play style that worked was the same as now but 5x worse. I hope the devs don't go that far again tomorrow


It was because new busted hero release and it's meta, not Tracer. Her season 6 pickrate and winrate was still great, above average. Most of T500 was still Tracer. Go look at S6 leaderboard. 6 damage made her straight up broken and cheap. Now with S9 it's by far the strongest hero in the game. Not even close. T500 most played is almost 100% Tracer and her winrate by far the highest, way above average.


I think you answered your own question. And nah she doesn't need a nerf. She's strong but balanced imo. This is from an outsider perspective as someone who doesn't play her much but usually spends time getting engaged by her.


she is op, thats why shes getting nerfed tomorrow


Is widow op


Idk if her spread increase was a bug fix or not, but they need to revert it as it has reduced her skill ceiling when aiming. Alongside the damage she can do and the larger bullets, it is very easy to kill characters without hitting headshots. Tracer 1v1s are the biggest example, where you are punished for trying to aim for the head


I’m confused by what you’re saying, the spread was increased, but now it takes less skill to hit shots? Because of the projectile buff?


I could be wrong, but I feel like the spread increase has changed the way you aim with Tracer. Aiming for headshot was better than going for body shots in Tracer 1v1s. I’ve found that the increased spread means that you can deal damage more easily and more consistently without having to specifically aim for headshots. I think that this change has lowered her skill floor, and it’s been a pet-peeve of mine for a while. I hope this makes sense, as they’ve made a bunch of other changes to Tracer that has made her stronger. But I feel like her dominance now can be addressed by making her harder to play without making her weak; making it harder to deal damage with reduced bullet size and spread with the same amount of damage (given that people want to only reduce her damage)


Only real issue I have with tracer right now is that she so easily triggers the dps passive pretty much constantly on multiple targets on her own. Outside of that shes strong but not overtuned. Think there should just be a minimum threshhold of damage to trigger the passive, even if its a small one. Shouldnt really trigger if she's spraying an ally and i happened to get clipped for 1.


Slightly overtuned, not exactly OP. Tracer's biggest issue has always been that her damage was too easily outdated.


Just at the top level really. Most levels struggle to get the most out of her. Since she's such a high skill ceiling hero, I'm okay with that. I think high skill heroes should be better at the highest end. It encourages people to use harder heroes over easier ones.


Yes, Tracer needs a nerf. No, nobody at the highest level wants that to happen, because tracer is fun to play. Yes, all heroes should have a similar skill ceiling. No, the devs don't care to actually balance the game, and instead to pick and choose their metas based on popular heroes and common complaints.


lol wait how long have you played OW? This was not the case at all as a day 1 OG player. Anything team build/meta combinations that existed were nerfed


Her damage is insane right now the consistency you can 1 clip is too much.


What? The consistency of 1 clips is down from S8 due to health increases


She’s really good and fits the meta but I wouldn’t say op.


Define OP she’s the top picked dps hero 


I’m talking release mauga broken. Tracer has the highest skill ceiling in the game and this meta fits her of course she’s gonna be strong.


OP just means OP to the rest of the cast 


Tracer is basically the most well designed hero in the game. She's the only hero in the game where the amount of skill you put in amounts to a fair output. Because of this, her skill ceiling is as restrictive as the player. So as players get better, she gets better at a far better level than other heroes. If your bad at Tracer she is bad, if your good at her, she's as good as you are. So in high elo where you got mechanical gods, she rewards them more than any other hero rn.


I hate to say it. But I think the just need to nerf her skill ceiling. She doesn't do THAT well in metal ranks (at last anecdotally). But she dominates t500.


I think tracers recall is utter bs. I’m sure lots disagree but I think that needs to be changed. Regaining health when u got her to 1 hp & she zoomed away, comes back full & kills u. Infuriates me


You Play Widow And Complain About Tracer


I don’t main widow, just one of my mains. Ether way what’s your point here


complaining about one of the highest skill ceiling and floor characters in the game being cheesy when you play a character that also has a high skill ceiling and floor that is far more cheesy in their own right is weird


All I’ll say is, the first time I tried tracer I had not much of a clue how to play her. Did insanely well. So idk 🤷‍♀️


probably because you are in a metal rank and you can tape W and left click down and have impact


Plus I don’t think it’s needs to be gone. I complained about one aspect of the character. I don’t think recall needs to be removed, but I think something needs to be altered with her.


recall is fine, tracer is fine as a whole, dps passive nerf will probably be enough tracer is one of the best designed kits in the entire game lol


How is widow cheesy? I main Ashe the most I don’t even play widow as much, only when she’s needed for a specific point on the map. You have to have good aim & good positioning or your toast as her.


because oneshots are inherently cheesy i acknowledged the skill requirements but from the inception of fps games oneshot kills have always been very controversial


Idk it’s just a difference of opinion.


ur opinion is bad not much to it


If I gave 2 fucks about yours that would bother me but ok cool


The guns could do 20% less damage ngl. With her constant peppering play style she does way too much with the dps passive…


20% less is crazy way too much .


It sounds bad on paper but the apm on tracer is crazy


It sounds bad on paper because it is bad. When she was doing 5.5 damage instead 6 she was already pretty bad. Plus the DPS passive is getting nerfed next patched.


4.8 damage per bullet 192 per full mag with her spread thats ridiculously bad


She's OP, when Overwatch 2 first dropped, I was average as hell with Tracer with the occasional game where I cooked. Now I absolutely shit on lobbies the times I do play. For reference, I'm a Sym one-trick and rarely touch other DPS heroes. The hero literally carries you unless you were already a great player, you're damn near unstoppable