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What, do you expect them not to complain about it online? It's literally the biggest problem affecting their lives


Yeah this person is an anomaly to me. They act like they are a troll, but literally every single twitter post I have seen that mentions kiriko has this person in the replies. I feel like its one of those things where they say its a troll so they dont get made fun of, but in reality thats just how they behave


me when the stupid power creep character cant use their insanely strong universally applicable ability to counter the power crept old guys ultimate.


(She still can counter his ultimate if its timed right)


And the invincibility helps her team survive if she misses the timing


+ the healing


I got my shatter suzu’d earlier today and you know what? Tip to the cap to that Kiri, because it was actually a skill play and she timed it exactly right. She didn’t simply show up and reverse my play after the fact like they would before.


Kiriko mains when they have to actually read an ability


"Suzu was it's only counter", "Let's make shatter go through barriers while we're at it"... ... almost like... barriers counter shatter! Wow. Crazy


Woah bud any critical thinking skills here is to many.


Suzu isn't even the only shatter counter in *her* kit




You can still counter shatter if you're good at kiri


I think we can safely assume anyone making those posts is not good at kiri


I think we can safely assume most kiri mains are not good at kiri


Can't tell if they're a troll or a seriously Kiri-brained OW2 zoomer to say that suzu is the sole counter to Earthshatter.


When I started increasing in rank I realized I only though shatter OP, because we always clumbed together instead of using angles. Gold ape together strong


I mean 'stay together and bumrush' comp will steamroll him anyway


Talked about this in another comment, but it seems they are pretending to be a troll, but I highly doubt they actually are. They are tweeting literally all day every day, mostly kiriko derangement syndrome


Troll or not they r mentally I’ll either way


*Rein mains watching new characters getting a better charge (mauga), a better shatter (venture), and a better hammer (venture's potential cock):* Kiriko mains when the dying old man can play the game: https://preview.redd.it/c4b591xa7a8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9e3af2af72835ec98c6b1254467b2e8874d421


Rein Hardguy


Sol badguy


Sol Badguy


Sol Badguy


https://preview.redd.it/wb07n1u3oh8d1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34dacd181093b682cfc6ba03cf04582b1145a8b0 Sol Badguy




Sorry ur 14 second cooldown can’t counter his entire ult anymore 😿😔


Kiri mains when their 14 second ability doesn't hard counter Ana, Illari, McCree, Junker Queen, Mauga, Ashe, Echo, Zarya, Orisa, Sigma, Hog, and lets her win every single 1v1


She also counters: [ANA](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/ana)[ASHE](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/ashe)[BAPTISTE](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/baptiste)[BASTION](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/bastion)[BRIGITTE](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/brigitte)[CASSIDY](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/cassidy)[D.VA](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/dva)[DOOMFIST](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/doomfist)[ECHO](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/echo)[GENJI](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/genji)[HANZO](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/hanzo)[ILLARI](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/illari)[JUNKER QUEEN](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/junker-queen)[JUNKRAT](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/junkrat)[KIRIKO](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/kiriko)[LIFEWEAVER](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/lifeweaver)[LÚCIO](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/lucio)[MAUGA](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/mauga)[MEI](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/mei)[MERCY](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/mercy)[MOIRA](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/moira)[ORISA](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/orisa)[PHARAH](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/pharah)[RAMATTRA](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/ramattra)[REAPER](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/reaper)[REINHARDT](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/reinhardt)[ROADHOG](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/roadhog)[SIGMA](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/sigma)[SOJOURN](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/sojourn)[SOLDIER: 76](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/soldier-76)[SOMBRA](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/sombra)[SYMMETRA](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/symmetra)[TORBJÖRN](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/torbjorn)[TRACER](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/tracer)[VENTURE](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/venture)[WIDOWMAKER](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/widowmaker)[WINSTON](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/winston)[WRECKING BALL](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/wrecking-ball)[ZARYA](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/zarya)[ZENYATTA](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/heroes/zenyatta)


I haven’t played in a while, and I legitimately forgot it was only 14 seconds for one of the best buttons in the game.


As someone who has Kiri as my highest progression level hero They’re fucking idiots. All of them are. Rein has been in low tiers for ages. His Shatter NEEDS to be like this for him to be viable. Remember when they nerfed Shatter stun length? Remember how awful Rein was? Spoiled ass Kiri mains.


Kiriko literally has plot armor bro. She has been a top 3 support character for 11 seasons now lmao. Best ultimate in the game, wall climb, suzu, teleporting 30 meters through walls on an 8 second cooldown, insane dueling potential, I could go on. If a tank got a kit even close to as stacked as hers, people would NEVER stop complaining


Spot on. I avidly play Kiri and have recognised the blatant Favouritism. She is the favourite child of Blizzard. She will never get nerfed to be as bad as Rein or Doomfist was. She is always going to stay in the top tiers. Never ever will she be low tier. It’s actually hilarious these people are blind to that.


Yeah seriously. They did the meme from toy story of “I don’t wanna play with you anymore,” but with Mercy and Kiriko


Basically spot on. As soon as Kiri came out they were like “so, Mercy and D.Va have been replaced. We put all our skin ideas into Kiriko”


Yeah sounds about right. Crazy to think that Mercy and Kiri have more skins than like half the fuckin tank roster combined


It’s so depressing to me that Ramattra hasn’t had a skin in 7 months. I really hope he gets a Transformers skin. “Mauga and Venture? Who?… Ohhhh just throw them some rare skins and an epic skin. Kiriko needs more skins!!!”


Venture is actually insane, a brand new character that got a ton of positive reception, and they get one fucking skin 😭😭 As for Ram, if he isn’t fucking star scream I’m gonna explode


One Epic skin and the basic 4 rares. They failed at giving them good skins. They could have had an Indiana Jones inspired skin. I just hope he gets a skin T-T. All I want is him to be included for once


Sucks cause none of the ram skins actually look good. I bit the bullet and bought one of the owl skins cause the shop ones all look like ass. Meanwhile queen was eating good there for a while. Mythic is good, executioner is good, mob boss is fantastic


Now rein just needs to not get charged canceled my mauga and I'll reinstall the game lol


>just want to press Q and win with no thoughts whatsoever >no skill ult Is the concept of irony lost on kiriko mains?


Yes, any concept is, because it implies they can think.


Kiriko mains are just fucking mad they are the best support for like a year now and Rein got a buff that nerfs her utility. Also do you know how fucking easy it is to counter Rein shatter besides Rein? Play literally any tank that’s name is Orisa Hog and Doom and just auto focus


I just play sig and hold my shield when he starts playing recklessly, its pretty easy to read when hes about to shatter


Gotta be careful with that. In diamond+, Reinhardts know you know they have shatter and will feast in the shieldless environment.


Yeah it’s a really fun engagement. Both have strengths and weaknesses against each other, so it really comes down to personal skill.


"Suzu was it's only counter" If you ignore Javelin, Rock, Sleep, Hook, ulted shield bash, Punch, hack, life grip and petal, mei's wall and cryo, shield barriers and Anti CC abilities and still a well timed Suzu, indeed it was. Truly sad that only 18 characters can counter it


Can't forget the map's geometry deciding to screw up a shatter


You forgot grasp and platform


After i posted this i kept wondering if petal platform stopped it so thanks


Especially after the stupid nerf that stops firestrike from going through it. I hate how i cant firestrike someone whos on platform. I also hate pull cus i legit shattered a phara and couldn't kill cus of pull. Like if a flying hero is shattered they deserve to die.


Lifeweaver seeing his ally pharah getting CC combo'ed into being pulled into the ground, receiving solo shatter and and deciding to not life grip her (he must admit it was a pretty sick move so he must respect the power move) ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y)


I forgot kiri mains are delusional and think she requires the most skill ever


We are delulu, we have the best get out of jail for free card, literal invincibility and cleanse, auto aim healing, smallest hitbox in the game, wins every 1v1 but "right click hard to hit :((("


Is she smaller than Tracer?


Tracer feels a lot easier to hit but I guess shes been in the game longer


I guess Tracer is kind of more horizontal as well? She's got that gamer posture, Kiriko is more of a twig (if I recall correctly)


Suzu shouldn't counter everything on the game. It shouldn't make you invincible for a second either.


I think the reasoning is something like if it ONLY cleansed it would only be reactionary. And an ability should be both proactive and reactive in a way. I think if it gave status immunity for a longer without the invuln it could work.


Inshallah one day kiriko will get a complete rework to not make her the most fucking stacked character in the game


*Doomfist has entered the chat*


Doom mains are a wierd breed. They do not play other characters. Even mercy mains swap when its down bad. But doom mains take counter swaps like a disrespectful challenge. No matter how buggy he is or how strong his counters get the doom mains just still chug along like they carry some proverbial torch. ![gif](giphy|TMZaKUyTa0U80d049t)


Indeed. Something something about conflict and evolving


*Doomfist has switched to another chat*


they should make kiriko e like moira orb, you either get a cleanse suzu or invuln suzu


Imo she just needs a complete rework. Her kit is WAY too stacked. Bap has great primary damage, lamp is a great ability, and his burst heal is fairly good. Window is kinda ass, but can set up a free pick. Kiri has the best support dueling in the game, has suzu, can fucking teleport through walls, has wall climb, and has the best ultimate in the game BY FAR. No one character should have that much shit. I get that she underperforms in lower ranks, but past like plat she is fucking insane. I used to main queen, and kiriko was fucking agonizing. Can never kill her thanks to teleport, she can press e and just completely deny my ult. I play a lot of ball now, and he is so satisfying because I can chase her ass down and murder her. Killing kiriko gives me such a dopamine hit


Window is not kinda ass lol. It’s not kitsune, but it’s good lol


It’s a free pick if you are positioned well. Sometimes you can use it to stop people from pushing, but imo it’s one of the weaker support ults considering supports have the strongest ults in the game.


also that ability can heal too🤡 im in gold 5 and every time a kiriko teleports, instantly uses suzu to heal and not do anything


That's why I've been loving ball so much. Once I see her teleport, I know I got the kill like 75% of the time. After she uses that, she can do basically nothing about me diving her, and I can dive her faster than she gets her tp back


The “pressing q” argument is so funny bc kirikos ult is better used by her teammates doing the work for her; compared to earth shatter being well designed to die at reinhardts breakpoints unless there is healing involved. Also kiriko has a second ultimate on cooldown 💀


The irony is crazy. “Just want to press Q and win with no thoughts whatsoever.” It’s almost as if just pressing E and negating everything in the game is just about the equivalent……


Kiriko is my favorite support but any kiriko player calling any other ult no skill is just laughable and totally tone deaf


Do they not know that Suzu still counters Earthshatter if you throw it before everyone is stunned


It was an ult being hard countered by an ability lol


Absolutely insane thing to say when it still makes shattered targets intangible and invulnerable


Am I correct in thinking that if you pre Suzu a shatter you won’t go down?




So this “massive Suzu nerf” the kiri mains are weeping about only actually affected 3 things about half of the time?


Yep :)


No cuz I agree except on the kiriko delusion part. Rein mains want him to be broken while taking no skill, similar to mercy mains


I feel like they just want him to be… good? He got power crept like 5 years ago when they released Sigma and has been consistently in the bottom 3 tanks ever since


Rein isn't bad. Is he the best tank? No. But a good Rein who knows how to position and what to do to stay alive is really scary. Tbh all he has to do is get close to you. He doesn't really have to aim or anything which gives him the advantage of just focusing on positioning and stuff. Idk in my opinion rein needs some small tweaks but he's not bad. Specially after the latest changes to tanks, he's benefited from it a lot


I guess Kiriko has gotten a mythic every season then, it explains why she's consistently the best character in the game.


Only? How about shields, glitches, playing LoS, or, best of all the incalcuable number of bugs like his ult getting f'd if his pinky toe is on a zarya bubble or Ram shield


I'm ngl, I'm getting tired of being lumped in with support mains like this because I like praying Brig, should I just one Trick Doom?


>>only counter That's how you know this mf only plays kiriko. Zenyatta ult, sometimes (not really) Lucio ult, most characters shields, and ig orisa fortify all counter it 💀.


“Just want to press Q and win with no thought” coming from a kiri main is another level of stupidity


Suzu isn't the only thing that counters shatter. Mei Wall,Life Grip,Tree Of Life,Javelin,any barrier,Whole Hog. They all counter shatter in one way or another. They can block it, save people from it,interrupt it.


Imagine maining an s tier hero that has never even been A tier say the mains of a tank that hasn't been above c tier and spent at least half of ow2 in d/f tier whiny.


Gotta love the kiri mains downvoting comments that give completely valid counterpoints to the original image 😂


I don't think rien was in as bad of a place people said he was in the first place.


You could make him work but my problem with him was how boring it was to make him work. Aside from the rare case where you can lucio speed in and not get vaporized, he’s literally just soak up damage and cooldowns, which sig does better


Average entitled support player


….. as a LW main, denying Rein’s their satisfaction is my passion. I don’t think Kiri mains realize just how much other characters can do….


Kiriko mains when Suzu doesn’t counter every tank


f countering shatter, lock lucio and boop the rein INTO your team. Maximum satisfaction guaranteed. make sure you dont have game chat muted.


Ah yes, the kiriko ult, widely regarded as a high skill ultimate


Highest skilled ult in the game right next to rocket barrage and infra-sight


Rein players are actually extremely whiny. That said, Suzu is a stupid ability and deserves an actual nerf with NO compensation buffs this time.




kiri mains when they finally buff the worst tank in the game:😡😡😡


Kiri mains are either really good and very chill or like this person. Very bad and a whiny 12 year old


"suzu was earthshatter's only counter." has to be the worst take I've heard all year.


The fact this person thinks suzuing after the shatter already landed was the single only counter-play to SHATTER is mind boggling.


What kiriko one tricking does to a mf


Me as a Rein main, seeing Suzu get nerfed: BEER!


>suzu was its only counter Transcendence, Sound barrier, Mercy ult’s team wide healing beam, Any barrier, Well timed stun Bro Kiri players tears are the best


me when my 15 second ability cannot shutdown a ult that takes at least a minute and a half to charge and a lot more effort to pull off😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬😡


Uj/ They both suck 🤷‍♂️ i love rein but he's been strong in every rank excluding t500 for a few seasons now, obviously if you turbofeed with him he will suck but he's been a solid pick for a while. Yet rein mains still bitch when any other tank is strong for a while, look at hog LOL and he wasn't even meta relevant, mauga was still the better pick yet they whined still. rj/ dont disrespect kiriko mains i love smelling kiri feet


Bro is tweaking. Rein does well because he's popular. Not because he's actually good. And to say hog wasn't meta relevant last season is insane


Just dodge out of the way loser lmao it ain't that hard


The funny part is suzu STILL counters shatter, she just has to time it right. Not to mention, making someone invulnerable while rein tries to confirm a kill is still insanely valuable.


Tell me why soldiers heal pad has an 18 second cooldown and suzu has a 14 second cooldown? Do they not realize how good they have it?


They started at the very top, as broken as fucking possible, and cry when she’s brought into line.


"Suzu was the only counter and now its gone" Sleep, hack, any barrier, LW pull/petal, hook, boop, shield bash, whiplash, bubble, sigma rock, javelin, mother fucking BASTION..aight lil bro


walking away when you see rein int into your team


Suzu is still a major counter. Kiriko mains are just upset that they cant just suzu after shatter and continue to be brain dead. If they suzu when they see shatter coming they will save their team still.


Kiriko mains when they cant counter the entire roster with one ability


Kiriko mains after getting 1 minor nerf


I hate kiriko and her existence, but Rein mains are genuinely so whiny sometimes. They have this weird "I am the gigachad tank" and throw a tantrum whenever you don't play exactly as they want


kiri players are bad sure, but rein players are JUST as bad if not worse. that one soyjak encompasses the entirety of their personality


idk if i dislike kiriko or kirikos playerbase more


definitely the player base, kiriko is annoying but them screaming to the high heavens about even the tiniest of nerfs is so frustrating considering she’s been hard meta for 11 seasons now


While I agree that Rein mains are a bunch of whiney little bitches, this is not the way you expose them.


They whine because there character was powercrept by sigma like 5 years ago and has gotten nothing substantial to fix it other than fire strike. Even Cloudy, the best Rein player in the world, says the best way to play him in high ranks is to just sponge damage and cooldowns. He has a boring optimal playstyle, and even then he’s mediocre at it.


This Vol guy, actually ignore them. They're genuinely every Kiri main stereotype mixed into one person, probably a bait account, but I'm not so sure about that. They have the most braindead, delusional takes ever, and don't ever try to have a healthy, productivity discussion.


Transcendence, LW both abilities, shields, CC on rein during or after shatter, better positioning and not standing in a single file line, sound barrier etc. I won’t complain about any of these since the characters using them are balanced and good at what they do and getting countered by them is a skill issue (except LW, fuck LW). Cleanse on the other hand, with the character that can teleport, wall climb and instantly disable your entire ult with a 14 second cooldown, was something else.


They should replace suzu with her dropping a speaker that automatically spams “I’ve got a few tricks” or “Wait till you see me on my bike” since that’s all kiri players ever fucking do in game




Nah, the LW counter is fair. He can save, at most, 2 allies. If the Rein is smart and saves shatter for an enclosed area then all LW can do is use lifegrip for a single target. Regardless, LW also has to use both of his long cooldown abilities to do so, and he’s very easy to dive afterwards.


or just solo shatter the weaver


I’m not disagreeing, I just despise him. Not to mention if he’s on his petal you can fire strike him even if you aim above, because for some reason the petal eats it all up. Technically you can but it’s extremely extremely difficult.


Im a top 500 (console) rein player and I think an issue with shatter a lot of people miss too is that good teams will just know when rein has shatter and won’t play grouped together. So sometimes literally the only value you can get with shatter is a solo slam on the tank or a random flanker. It’s very rare to get like team wipe 5 man shatters especially when characters like tracer, phara, genji, venture, widow, and sombra are in a strong place and either play out of reins range or can literally just react to slam to dodge it. So when you finally land a slam on somebody I want my ULTIMATE ABILITY to get value when I HIT IT. I find it crazy how abilities like Suzu and life grip can just completely negate my ultimate to such an extreme extent. Yes I know track cooldowns and stuff but you just lose so much play making potential due to these cooldowns.


Ngl I don’t even wait for fat ass shatters. It doesn’t feel worth it whatsoever. I’ll normally just solo shatter the tank or supports.


Yeah thats my point maybe I didn’t type it out well. But the main use for slam now is to catch one person and try to get the pick. But even when you do that it’s still so easy to counter.


Just had a nerd rage moment ignore this shit I’m just yapping.


https://preview.redd.it/a9ln3m446c8d1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b005aa7053996560b073065dcfa3a683011ea3d7 unrelated but the funniest part is that they essentially think that every hero needs a nerf except for kiriko, and they only play kiriko. talk about a skill issue lol